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单词 kg
    kg 基本解释
    kg 网络解释
    1. 千克:物理学中用七个基本单位:米(m) 千克(Kg) 秒(s) 安培(A) 开尔文(K) 坎德拉(cd) 摩尔(mol) 这七个单位可以组成物理学中所有的单位. 例如瓦(W)可以这样划:1W=1J/s=1N.m/s 而1N=Kg.m/s2 因此1W=1Kg.m2/s3 1升=千分之一m3 那么你照着这个方法试试看 他们两者根本不是同一个纲量.
    2. 晶闸管:统称可控硅(SILICONCONTROLLEDRECTIFIER),主要有普通晶闸管(KP)、快速晶闸管(KK)、高频晶闸管(KG)、双向可控硅、门极可关断晶闸管(GTO--GATETURNOFFTHYRISTOR)和光控晶闸管(...IGBT的驱动方式与可控硅有着明显的不同,
    3. 重量:品牌 金荣 滤料类型 果壳 充填比重 0.8(g/cm3) 吸附率 *(%) 抗压力 *(kgf) 重量 *(kg) 适用范围 适用于油田、冶炼、环保化工等行业含油污水处理
    4. kg的意思
    4. kg:konjac gum; 以魔芋胶
    5. kg:kilogram; 千克
    6. kg:k g; g·kg
    7. kg
    7. kg:kilogram gross; 千克毛重
    kg 双语例句
    1. Kg-1.d-1 for 70 days. At the same time, the model rats treated with drugs were orally given 20.5mg. kg-1.d-1, 41.0 mg. kg-1.d-1 RS extract and 144.0 mg. kg-1.d-1 ibuprofen suspension respectively.
    玄参低剂量组和高剂量组分别每天灌服玄参提取物20.5 mg·kg-1·d-1和41.0 mg·kg-1.d-1,布洛芬组每天灌服布洛芬混悬液144 mg·kg-1·d-1,正常组和模型组每天灌服等量蒸馏水。
    2. Each of them guzzles 25kg of the stuff per year, second only to the Greeks.
    3. Kg of mercury is poured into a glass U-tube with inner diameter of 1.2 cm.
    一内径为1.2 cm 的U型玻璃管里装有9 kg的水银。
    4. kg的意思
    4. METHODS: Forty-five ASAⅠ-Ⅱ patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy were randomly divided into three groups: In group P anesthesia was induced and maintained with propofol given by TCI; In group L1 and group L2 anesthesia was induced and maintained with propofol and lidocaine infusion, loading dose of 1 and 2 mg/kg, respectively, then adding 1 and 2 mg·kg-1·h-1 for maintenance inspect.
    5. Target blood drug concentration of group B was set as 0.5μg/ml, patients ingroup C was given loading dose by intravenous infusion in the range of 0.5 or1.0mg/kg (Anesthesia not regain consciousness without the patients agitation dose of0.5mg/kg, Other patients a dose of 10mg/kg.).The induction time of both groups was1 minute. Ramsay Scale was recorded every 1 hour.
    B组起始目标血药浓度0.5μg/ml,C组首先静脉推注负荷剂量0.5或1.0mg/kg(全麻未醒无躁动者用0.5 mg/kg,余用1.0mg/kg),诱导时间均为1分钟,两组均每小时进行Ramsay评分,B组以0.5~2.0μg/ml为目标血药浓度维持目标镇静深度(Ramsay镇静评分2~5分);C组以0.5~2mg/kg/h的输注速度维持同样的目标镇静深度。
    6. Fifteen macaques of 7-10 years old were divided randomly into 3 groups comprised of 5 macaques and intravenously injected streptozotocin by 100, 125 and 150 mg/kg single dose respectively.
    7. Bend spindle bearing: top models 3519/600 (600 mm × 800mm × 205mm thick) Lower Model 351922 (460 mm × 620mm × 174mm thick) Note: The top rated bearing 3519/600 dynamic load 2772 KN, rated static load 5832 KN; weight of 256 kg.
    弯管主轴轴承:上部型号3519/600(600mm×800mm×205mm厚)下部型号351922(460mm×620mm×174mm厚)注:上部轴承 3519/600额定动载荷2772KN,额定静载荷5832KN;重量256kg。
    8. kg
    8. Each passenger is allowed to take only one carry-on baggage. The volume of the article should not be more than 20cm×30cm×40cm, with a total weight not exceeding 5 kg.
    每位旅客带入客舱的行李物品(包括自理行李及随身携带物品)只限一件,体积不超过20cm×30cm×40cm ,重量不超过5公斤。
    9. kg是什么意思
    9. Four 20kg six-month old goats with permanent remen cannula were used to study the effect of three kinds of urease inhibitors acetohydroxamic acid, hydroquinone, yucca extract on nitrogen metabolism, nutrient degradability in rumen and nutrient digestibility.
    10. Moreover, ELISA protocol has been established with the two kind of antibodies.1 Preparation and identification of anti-hBLyS polyclonal antibodyJapanese big ear white male rabbits (2~3 kg) were injected with soluble hBLyS emulsified with Freund's adjuvant every two weeks. The rabbits were bleed from the ear artery on the 11~th day since the third time immunization, and the titer of antisera was tested by indirect ELISA. Antisera titer reach to 1:5 × 10~5. Rabbits were killed, and blood was collected. Antisera was prepared and purifid with saturated ammonoium sulfate.
    11. Largest NaGISA Among the many new species discovered by Census participants during 2006, the 4 kg rock lobster that a Census explorer found off Madagascar may be the largest.
    NaGISA 在2006年调查所发现的许多新物种中,一位调查者在马达加斯加岛发现的这个4公斤重的大螯虾可能是最大的。
    12. Dollars (and Enfocus PitStop Professional company market to 800 kg) of Crackerjack even without the need for illustrators in the case business card printing and membership card production tool for you.
    购价不到500美元(与Enfocus公司的PitStop Professional分当不到800美元)的Crackerjack即使在不需给分色片的环境下也是制卡和会员卡制作不入产否常无用的东西。
    13. kg的翻译
    13. Results: 1.That core temperatures of rats increased apparently after LPS injection, and the highest of which reached to 2.5℃above normal indicated that the rat febris model was successfully constructed.
    结果:1。LPS 100μg·kg-1 ,ip后,大鼠体温升高,最高超过正常2.5℃,并在LPS作用后0.5h、3h、6h左右各出现一个发热峰,与文献报道一致,说明建模成功。
    14. It also showed that the HC50 and phagocytic index K of S180-beanng mice could be notably increased by YCP 9, 3 mg/kg.
    15. In August 2004, a total of 5, 037, 412 kg of vegetables 22, 065 grant to conduct testing, in which 18, 222 qualified batches, the batches of 3843 failed, the passing rate of 82.6 percent, the detection of qualified operators to operate with testing certification listing Transactions, real-time detection of the failure to issue notice of test results, ordered to withdraw from the market, may not be sold, the change of use, not to eat at the same time, the first time will be up to standard products in the public bar to the public.
    16. S:O$t Kg o_0621 Cannot open the phone book file.
    17. Partial correlation analysis between ears per hectare, grains per ear and 1000-grain weight and yield indicated that each factor related to the yield showed significantly positive relationships to yie...
    3啤酒大麦新品种苏啤4号在盐城地区的播种期为10月24-30日,在施氮量为纯氮210 kg/hm2、基本苗为240万/hm2左右的栽培条件下能获得高产。
    18. The result showed that high-dose II-RMeOH (1.0 g/ kg) could significantly lower the contents of hydroxylproline, collagen, and TGF-β1 in lung tissue.
    由此可知,高剂量(1.0 g/kg)的菘蓝甲醇粗抽物能够有效降低肺脏经过bleomycin的氧化伤害,更进ㄧ步降低纤维母细胞分泌的胶原蛋白含量,减低肺部纤维化的程度。
    19. The result showed that high-dose II-RMeOH (1.0 g/ kg) could significantly lower the contents of hydroxylproline, collagen, and TGF-β1 in lung tissue. Therefore, high-dose II-RMeOH (1.0 g/ kg) could reduce the bleomycin-induced lung inflammation.
    20. kg的解释
    20. Shipments with weight over 50 kg will be treated as high value, and will need a formal bill of entry
    kg 词典解释
    1. =) kilogram or kilograms.
    kg is an abbreviation for (缩略
    kg 单语例句
    1. He claims to give out 120 kg of free treats every day during the busy season.
    2. It's proving popular with locals, who buy 5 kg at a time of the freshly milled product.
    3. However, a salesman at an unspecified shop disagreed by pointing out the weight of 380 kg.
    4. China customs recently detected two packages sent to the country from overseas, each containing about 4 kg of cannabis.
    5. Its aluminum body makes the car weigh 150 kg lighter than its counterparts, which results in more fuel economy and higher performance.
    6. A new variety with higher nutrition value is selling for 10 yuan per kg, much higher than the going rate of 5 yuan for ordinary carp.
    7. Most catch at least 1 kg of fish daily but can haul in up to 25 kg.
    8. He estimated conservatively that Chinese caterpillar fungus in the area reached over 300 kg, and one third was found by local farmers and herders.
    9. But 20 kg of coal would be required to keep one square meter of indoor space warm for a month through a central heating system.
    10. The largest contraption can cook 48 kg of meat using just a small bag of charcoal.
    kg的近义词kg 英英释义
    1. one thousand grams
    the basic unit of mass adopted under the Systeme International d'Unites
    e.g. a kilogram is approximately 2.2 pounds
    Synonym: kilogramkilo




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