单词 | seemly |
释义 | seemly [英 [?si:mli] 美 [?simli] ] seemly的意思、解释 seemly 基本解释 seemly 形容词得体的,适宜的,合乎礼仪的 seemly 反义词 形容词unseemly seemly 网络解释 1. seemly的翻译 1. 适当的:seemliness 适当 | seemly 适当的 | seen 看见 2. 适宜的:seamy堕落的 | seemly适宜的a | sensation感觉 3. seemly的意思 3. 合适的:27.扮演:enact, portray, act out | 28.合适的:eligible, seemly, becoming, decent, proper | 29.太少的:exiguous, a hint of 4. seemly在线翻译 4. 适当的, 合适的, 恰当的 (形):seemliness 适当; 文雅; 合乎礼节 (名) | seemly 适当的, 合适的, 恰当的 (形) | seep 渗出, 漏, 渗流 (动) seemly 双语例句 1. It seemly that i had nothing to do for the over and over leaving apart. 其实呢,只有100+,不过店员告诉我,深圳那边的门店确实开价在500+的。 2. 2. So saying, she sent for the vase that held the water which the day before she had distilled, and emptied it into the cup where lay the heart bathed in her tears; then, nowise afraid, she set her mouth to the cup, and drained it dry, and so with the cup in her hand she got her upon her bed, and having there disposed her person in guise as seemly as she might, laid her dead lover's heart upon her own, and silently awaited death. 说完,她叫人取出那昨日备下的盛毒液的瓶子来,只见她拿起瓶子就往金杯里倒去,把毒液全倾往在那颗给泪水洗刷过的心脏上;于是她毫无畏惧地举起金杯,送到嘴边,把毒汁一饮而尽。饮罢,她手里依然拿着金杯,登上绣塌,睡得十分端正安详,把情人的心脏按在自己的心上,一言不发,静待死神的降临。 3. seemly的近义词 3. I remember that you seemly leave in NewYork. 我记得你曾经住在纽约。 4. 4. I would accept your seemly help and ideas. 我有很多创意哦,如果大家一起来和我协作的话,我的创意就会更精彩地展示出来。 5. I`m very lousy on taking pictures, I need captions, and seemly as if it`s not least enough, lengthy descriptions as this, to help me keep a record of my own mood, so that I can, when I look back at the picture, relive the moment that locks the man, the scene, the passerby`s, and myself as well. 我其实是个水平很差的拍摄者,拍了照片,还需要用个标题,写了标题不够,还需要在写好些描述,才能或多或少的记录一下我当时的心境,让我能在以后看照片的时候,回到那拍摄时,锁住了他,风景,路人,和我的一个瞬间。 6. Headache ended immediately. Feeling his head, Monkey King found there seemly was a golden thread whichroot into his head. 伸手去头上摸摸,似一条金线儿模样,紧紧的勒在上面,取不下,揪不断,已此生了根了。 7. He applied azure, magenta and orange yellow to depict such beautiful and dazzling paintings with seemly uncoordinated brushstrokes. 他点蘸着紫色、中黄、粉红和天蓝,不经意地随处涂抹,勾划出如此绚美的图画,令人目眩。 8. The advantage of riding a scooter is that tourists can visit all of the main cultural and tourism attractions along Ping Road 202. Little Liouciou is famed for its seemly endless views regardless of what time you starting your journey. 骑著摩托车追风逐日,顺著屏202县道的环岛公路沿路欣赏各个景点,不论从黄昏时段出发观夕阳,或是一早从民宿起身,都是别有一番风情。 9. It would not be seemly for you to be seen with someone beneath your social station. 不要让人看见你和一个社会地位低于你的人在一起。 10. It is very seemly and happy for me to be a teacher. 我当老师不是挺好嘛。 11. However, the existing literature has seemly neglected introducing and evaluating the efforts of overseas scholars. 但是,现有的文献似乎忽视了对海外学者在当代中国民族主义问题上所取得的成果进行介绍和评论。 12. However, he does not give in to the seemly unchangeable destiny and takes a chance to jump into the MBA program, which he believes will ultimately change his life. 然而,他没有给到合适的不可改变的命运,并有机会跳进MBA课程,他认为将最终改变他的生活。 13. seemly在线翻译 13. Seemly and forbearing...yet strong enough to resist aggression; was longanimous in the face of suffering. 得体的并且忍耐的……尽管足够强大去反击;在苦难面前是忍耐的。 14. The betterment of the world can be accomplished through pure and goodly deeds, through commendable and seemly conduct...... 通过纯洁和良好的行为,以及值得赞颂和适当的品行,才能够达到世界的改进。 15. Proper; appropriate 得体的, 体面的; 合适的 Lady Bracknell did not think it was seemly for Ernest to lack a proper family: no baby abandoned on a doorstep could grow up to marry her daughter. 布拉克内尔夫人认为欧内斯特不是出自体面家庭这一点有失体统:没有哪个被遗弃在门阶上的婴孩长大可与她女儿结婚。 16. 16. In Taiwan, while public consensus seemly to be easily reached on the expectations and fears of cloned people, the aspiration of genetic engineering and Human Genome Project, and the out-of-context ways of learning policy strategies from abroad in an attempt to address the problems of our National Health Insurance, isn't the idea of technological development embedded in a particular way of social imagination? 摘要在台湾,对复制人的期待与忧惧、对基因工程遗传解码的欣悦、及对模仿国外制度解决健保财务问题等,相当容易获得高度共识的情境而言,科技发展本身又何尝不是蕴涵著某种社会想像呢? 17. The results reveal that:(1) There are significant differences between male and female fish from the same area.(2) The sample from the Northern Sunda Shelf is significantly different from any other area mentioned above, the samples from the southern area of the East China Sea are seemly not significantly different from those of the Taiwan Strait, and the samples from the northern area of the South China Sea and the Gulf of Tonkin are possibly the same one. 由外部形态形质比较结果得知:(1)同海域雌、雄间外部形态形质有显著差异;(2)东海南部及台湾海峡产金线红姑鱼之族羣构造,由外部形态形质之异同情形,可判定同属台湾海峡羣,南海北部及东京湾者,可判定为南海北部羣,以及北巽他陆棚者,得判定自成一羣。 18. Go back at once to thy place with thy companion letters, L and CH; for there must be a King, and for the world to be without one would not be seemly.' 快与你的字母同伴 L 和 CH 回到你原来的地方;对于那个地方来说,必定是一位国王;对于世界来说,没有一位会是会配得上的。` 19. I Detail is the best footnote for the whole. Small activity that is seemly unimportant usually requires special wisdom to make every ordinary link more vivid. This is a conception for PR activities that we must consider by standing in the customer`s shoes so as to obtain an outstanding result of the activity. 以小观大,常常在一个看似不起眼的小活动中,却需要一些特别的智慧,让每一处看似平淡的环节,变得生动起来,这也是公关活动的一个境界,这需要我们站在客户的角度上去思考问题,这样活动的效果才能突出。 20. The results show that emulsifier with better emulsifying effect for materials is HLB equal to 8, and 38.1 percent SE and 61.9 percent Monostearin is the seemly emulsifier. 从中得出:HLB=8时的乳化剂对浆料具有较好的乳化效果;38.1%蔗糖脂肪酸酯( HLB=15)与61.9%单硬脂酸甘油酯的混合物是常用雪糕配方浆料的较适宜乳化剂。 seemly 词典解释 1. 得体的;适当的;合乎礼仪的 Seemly behaviour or dress is appropriate in the particular circumstances. e.g. Self-assertion was not thought seemly in a woman. 人们认为女性不应该过于自信。 seemly 单语例句seemly的解释 1. Clinton believes in the ancient Roman poet Terence's declaration that " in every endeavor, the seemly course for wise men is to try persuasion first ". seemly的翻译seemly 英英释义 adj 1. according with custom or propriety e.g. her becoming modesty comely behavior it is not comme il faut for a gentleman to be constantly asking for money a decent burial seemly behavior Synonym: becomingcomelycomme il fautdecentdecorous |
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