单词 | self-improvement |
释义 | self-improvement [英 [self ?m'pru:vm?nt] 美 [self ?m'pru:vm?nt] ] self-improvement的意思、解释 self-improvement 基本解释 名词自强; 自我改善,自我修养 self-improvement 网络解释 1. 励志:7 古籍 Ancient Works | 8 励志 Self-Improvement | 9 艺术类 Arts 2. 自我修养:self-imposed 自愿接受的 | self-improvement 自我修养 | self-incrimination 自陷法网 3. 完善自我:113、追求卓越 strive for excellence | 114、完善自我 self-improvement | 115、高分低能的人 people with high marks and poor ability 4. 励志 勵志:古籍 古籍 Ancient Works | 励志 勵志 Self-Improvement | 艺术类 藝術類 Arts self-improvement 双语例句 1. Instead of arranging my books into traditional categories -- fiction and nonfiction, novels and short stories, self-improvement and pleasure -- I divide my bedside reading into books that put you to sleep and those that keep you up. 我没有按照传统的分类方法把书分为小说类和非小说类,长篇类和短篇类,修身养性类和娱乐消遣类,而是把床头读物分为催人入眠类和驱散睡意类。 2. Emulational copy workers once kids'ability, with a certain degree of artistic accomplishment, not only can you gain from the artistic wealth of spirits, self-improvement, you can use to copy the design and operation, so as to enhance the efficiency of simulation copies of art. 仿假复制工息者一旦有了赏玩能辛,有了必定的艺术涵养,不仅可以从艺术息品洋获得丰裕的不倦吃苦、挑升自我,还可以诳骗到仿假复制的安排和操息洋去,从而挑升仿假复制品的艺术效果。 3. 3. To meet the needs of users will continue to self-improvement. 为满足用户的需要将不断自我完善。 4. self-improvement在线翻译 4. We will continue to self-improvement, to high-tech, high-quality products available to users. 我们将不断地自我完善,以高新技术,高质量的产品提供给用户。 5. Customer satisfaction and customer self-improvement of the competitiveness of the guiding principles of our work. 客户满意度和客户自身竞争力的提高是我们工作的指导原则。 6. During this time, much painting was produced by the literati, gentlemen scholars who painted for their own enjoyment and self-improvement. 在此期间,很多画是由文人,学者们谁画为自己的享受和自我改善。 7. I am an avid reader and my interest is in self-improvement as well as wealth creation. 我是个爱读书的人,尤其喜欢读一些励志和创富方面的书。 8. self-improvement什么意思 8. We know that deep-rooted in order to Shigeru, the plot may be thin thick hair, we have committed to self-improvement at the same time, more willing to join hands with you to quality service, first-class quality, reasonable price, the common cast of you and me brilliant. 我们深知,根深才能叶茂、厚积方可薄发,我们在致力于自我完善的同时,更愿与您联手,以优质的服务、一流的质量、合理的价格,共同铸造您和我的辉煌。 9. self-improvement是什么意思 9. From Comrade Mao Zedong wrote off FORMATION calendar, the first country to the village electrification of the village of Lau group, and then to the hard work of the new typical Luojhuang, Shen Chong Quan, Jiujianpeng, Linyi reflects the hard-working people, the spirit of self-improvement. 从毛泽东同志批示过的历家寨,到全国第一个电气化村刘团村,再到艰苦奋斗的新典型罗庄、沈泉庄、九间棚,体现了临沂人民吃苦耐劳、自强不息的精神风貌。 10. 10. This article has proposed the self-improvement method, clarifies the principles of implementing this method and emphasizes the signficance of self-improvement method in ideological and political work for college stud... 文章提出了自我教育的方法,阐明了运用自我教育法的基本原则,强调了自我教育在高校学生思想政治工作中的重要作用。 11. 11. Reformer is the essence of the socialist system of self-improvement and development of economic and social development of a powerful driving force. 改革者的实质是社会主义制度的自我完善和发展,是经济和社会发展强大动力。 12. This tells us that, in the face of challenges, in the face of life, to have the perseverance there must be an indomitable spirit, this self-improvement. 这告诉我们,面对挑战,面对人生,要有滴水穿石的恒心,要有不屈不挠的奋斗精神,这就自强。 13. 13. It can be concluded that ANN-ES is capable of adaptability and self-improvement. 所以,ANN-ES具有相当强的适应能力和自我更新能力。 14. self-improvement 14. Self-confidence, self-improvement, self-reliance of the Chinese people will be in the field of higher and more room. 自信、自强、自立的中国人还将在更高领域、更广阔的空间。 15. 15. Of course, in the pursuit of the dream journey, we will encounter many difficulties, it is difficult Grindstone, and the fight Fun for all the difficulties, and difficulties in the fight, you will become despite difficulties, undaunted by repeated setbacks; become a strong and courageous, have become the pursuit of ideals, and become self-improvement, self-reliance, self -, Knowing, self-confidence, self-government. 当然,在追求梦想的征途中,我们会遇到很多困难,困难是磨刀石,与困难斗其乐无穷,在与困难斗争的过程中,你们会变得知难而进,百折不挠;变得坚强而勇敢,变得有理想有追求,变得自强,自立,自理,自知,自信,自治。 16. The system includes post-service education, work-focused training, correspondence training for self-improvement and assignment of four parts. 这个体系包括岗位在职教育、脱产集中培训、函授自我提高和外派进修四部分。 17. Self-improvement, not only refers to often throughout the fight and good, but also refers to the plight of the struggle and adversity. 自强不息,不仅是指在常境和顺境中的奋斗,更是指在困境和逆境中的奋斗。 18. This is a negation and profanity of human nature and not conducive to the formation of freedom personality and self-improvement. 这是对人的本质的否定和亵渎,不利于人的自由个性的形成和自我完善的发展。 19. SeriousSoft. com is designed to be a beneficial weblog, a place for informative speech where anyone can collect, share and explore wide range of information and experiences concerning self-improvement in its different aspects, while having the ability to respond, discuss and interact with introduced topics and articles. SeriousSoft.com的设计是一项有利的博客,一个地方的内容丰富的讲话,任何人都可以收集,交流和探索多元化的信息和经验的自我完善,在不同的方面,而有能力应对,讨论和交流介绍主题和文章。 20. self-improvement 20. The spirit of arduous struggle refers to the one of daring to overcome the hardships, the tenacious struggle to strive constantly for self-improvement reflected in the process of achieving the established objectives and realizing the ideal. It contains the positive enterprising life manner, the tenacious quality, the daring to challenge and readiness to make one's dedication. 艰苦奋斗精神是指为实现既定的目标和理想而在自己的行为中表现出的勇于克服艰难困苦、顽强奋斗、百折不挠、自强不,息、贫残不移、富贵不淫的精神,包含着积极进取的生活态度、坚韧不拔的意志品质、勇于挑战的行为方式和甘于奉献的人生境界。 self-improvement 英英释义 self-improvement的解释 noun 1. the act of improving yourself Synonym: self-reformation |
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