单词 | labored |
释义 | labored [英 ['le?b?d] 美 [?leb?d] ] labored的意思、解释 现在分词:laboring; labored 基本解释 形容词吃力的,谨慎的 动词努力争取(for)( labor的过去式和过去分词 ); 苦干; 详细分析; (指引擎)缓慢而困难地运转 labored 网络解释 1. 吃力的:laboratory 实验室 | labored 吃力的 | laborer 劳动者 2. labored的解释 2. 动作、呼吸等 困难的,痛苦的;缓慢的:1623 labile adj.易变的,不稳定的 | 1624 labored 2 困难的,痛苦的;缓慢的 | 1625 labyrinth n. 迷宫,难解的事物,迷路 3. 吃力的/缓慢的/不自然的/矫揉造作的:laboratory /实验室/研究所/研究室/制药场/制作所/火药工厂/ | labored /吃力的/缓慢的/不自然的/矫揉造作的/ | laborer /劳动者/工人/ labored 双语例句 1. Jehovah has sworn by His right hand And by His strong arm: Surely I will never again give your grain As food for your enemies, And surely the children of the foreigner will not drink your new wine For which you have labored 62:8 耶和华指着自己的右手和大能的膀臂起誓,说,我必不再将你的五谷给你的仇敌作食物,外邦人也必不再喝你劳碌得来的新酒 2. Just think, no air-conditioning in the summer time, the focus of hardship and dry summer heat to love, inconvenience bored after two HanJinJin together, to stick to take meat meat, tear is tearing labored under the dynamic bone is very bad. 试想,在没有空调的时光,夏日的劳累和夏夜的焦燥烦热不便给爱,两个人贴到一起汗浸体热,肉挨肉贴得绷紧撕都撕不开,劳神动骨的很不好受。 3. 3. The pastors not only preached the gospel, but they visited the sick, catechized the children, admonished the erring, and labored to settle disputes and promote harmony and brotherly love. 作牧人的非但宣传福音,而且也拜访病人,教育儿童,劝戒有过失的,并在弟兄之间调解纠纷,增进友爱。 4. I am afraid on your account that perhaps I have labored for you in vain. 我真为你们担心,怕我白白地为你们辛苦了。 5. The new machine will make workers release from all the labored work that they have to do in the past. 这种新机器将使工人从过去所不得不从事的一切繁重的劳动中解脱出来。 6. O I fear for you, that perhaps I have labored over you in vain. o 我为你们害怕、惟恐我在你们身上是枉费了工夫。 7. But the present situation of English learning is that many people have labored on it but only to find it is a waste of time and energy. 然而,学生们英语学习的进展却不尽人意,许多人花了大力气学英语,最后却发现它既费时,又费力。 8. Nekros knew what that labored breathing meant. He had arrived just in time. 耐克鲁斯明白这意味着什么,他来得正是时候。 9. 9. Looked on all the works that my hands had wrought, and on the labor that I had labored to do: and, behold, all was 得的分。后来我察看我手所经营的一切事,和我劳碌所成的功。 10. labored 10. Farms. Davis Strauss, executive director of the Association of Farmworker Opportunity Programs, noted that for decades, children, some as young as eight years old, have labored in the fields using sharp tools and toiling amongst dangerous pesticides. 据美国农场工人就业培训计划主席戴维斯·斯特劳斯称,数十年以来一直有年龄低于8岁的儿童从事此类工作,而且他们在工作过程中使用的是锋利的劳动工具和危险性极高的农药。 11. Created from a merger of 28 sickly credit unions in 1995, it had labored under the unions'dud legacy real estate loans. 这家银行是在1995年由28家问题多多的信用合作社合并后成立的,因这些信用合作社遗留下来的房地产贷款坏帐而背上了沉重的包袱。 12. Greet Persis, the beloved sister, one who has labored much in the Lord. 问可亲爱在主里多受劳苦的彼息氏安。 13. Darth Vader's grim black attire was a life-support system, his labored mechanical breathing the sound of a walking iron lung. 达斯·维德的令人生畏的黑色服装是一套维生系统,他那不自然的机械呼吸声是从步行式铁肺发出。 14. 14. Many waves are there agitated by the wind, keeping nature fresh, the spray blowing in your face, reeds and rushes waving; ducks by the hundred, all uneasy in the surf, in the raw wind, just ready to rise, and now going off with a clatter and a whistling like riggers straight for Labrador, flying against the stiff gale with reefed wings, or else circling round first, with all their paddles briskly moving, just over the surf, to reconnoitre you before they leave these parts; gulls wheeling overhead, muskrats swimming for dear life, wet and cold, with no fire to warm them by that you know of; their labored homes rising here and there like haystacks; and countless mice and moles and winged titmice along the sunny windy shore; cranberries tossed on the waves and heaving up on the beach, their little red skiffs beating about among the alders; -- such healthy natural tumult as proves the last day is not yet at hand. 那儿风大,空气清新,激流拍岸,水花四溅直朝你脸上扑来,芦苇草和灯心草迎风翻舞。成群的鸭子在巨浪狂风中不安地游向岸边,正要上岸时,随着一阵嘎嘎的叫声,纷纷散去,直奔往Labrador,有的瑟缩着翅膀逆风飞行,有的先是浮在浪头打转,快速地扑打着双蹼,打量了一眼船上的人才离去;海鸥在空中盘旋,麝鼠也奋力游着,浑身湿冷,它们可不能和人一样用火取暖,到处是它们象草堆一样垄起的房子。晴朗多风的岸边,有数不清的老鼠,鼹鼠和山雀;酸果蔓在波浪中招摇,红色的小艇摇晃穿梭在桤木丛中-----这种生机勃勃的景象说明世界末日远未来临。 15. labored 15. Inside the thick walls of Theramore, the people have labored hard to recreate a piece of Lordaeron. 在Theramore坚固的城墙里面,人们辛勤劳动为了重新建造一个洛丹伦。 16. During the whole time Rip and his companion had labored on in silence; for though the former marvelled greatly what could be the object of carrying a keg of liquor up this wild mountain, yet there was something strange and incomprehensible about the unknown, that inspired awe and checked familiarity. 在整个时间瑞普和他的同伴在沉默了吃力,因为虽然前惊奇地这可能是携带了这个野生山一小桶酒的对象,但有一些奇怪的,对未知的理解,激发了敬畏熟悉和检查。 17. labored的翻译 17. In recent weeks, top kimchi makers have labored to keep up with demand as the kimchi-SARS theory has spread. 在最近几周内,顶端的泡菜生产商们的工人,以满足市场的需求作为泡菜非典理论已经蔓延。 18. After two terms during which I labored in the minority, Democrats had gained control of the state senate, and I had subsequently passed a slew of bills, from reforms of the Illinois death penalty system to an expansion of the state`s health program for kids. 辛辛苦苦地在民主党占少数的州议院任职两届后,现在我党终于控制了州议院,因而我得以批准通过了大量的法案,包括伊利诺斯州死刑制度改革,州里对儿童健康计划的推广等。 19. The fiery Guillaume Farel, who had labored long for the reform of that city, had other plans. 纪尧姆的火法惹勒,谁辛苦了长期的改革这个城市,还有其他的计划。 20. Labored wingbeats lift scarlet ibises from the llanos, the vast grasslands of Venezuela's interior. 觅食中的红鹮扑棱一声从委内瑞拉广阔的草原llanos飞起来。 labored 单语例句 1. He came on with about 20 minutes remaining but labored against the doughty Al Sadd defense and failed to register a decent shot on goal. 2. Jackson has labored for years to control his public image and protect his privacy. 3. The visitors were disciplined and organized and grew in confidence the longer Real labored. 4. It is not just Italy's defence that has labored with the midfield failing to show any invention and the attack blunted. 5. " We kind of labored through that game there, " Mariners manager Eric Wedge said. 6. He labored hard together with local farmers to build the dam and refused to withdraw to safety as the dam burst. 7. While animals were taken care of, governments and firms across the country offered breaks or bonuses for those who labored outdoors. 8. Since ancient times, our ancestors have lived and labored on this land generation after generation. 9. Many of them labored underground for more than 14 hours from Sunday to Monday. 10. Family supporters said Schiavo's breathing became increasingly labored during the day. labored 英英释义 adj 1. requiring or showing effort e.g. heavy breathing the subject made for labored reading Synonym: heavylaboured 2. lacking natural ease e.g. a labored style of debating Synonym: labouredstrained |
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