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单词 laceration
    laceration [英 [?l?s?'re??n] 美 [?l?s??re??n] ]
    laceration 基本解释
    名词撕裂; 割破; 裂痕; 苦恼
    laceration 网络解释
    1. 撕裂:脑撕裂(laceration)乃由头部重度钝器伤造成,除脑皮质外病灶还累及深部脑组织. 弥漫性轴突损伤(diffuse axonal injury)患者在颅脑损伤后即出现深昏迷和植物状态. 肉眼观脑无明显病变. 镜下,轴突广泛肿胀,以大脑白质、胼胝体和脑干上部最为显著.
    2. (裂伤):西医观点认为产后出血(PPH)的主因,大多为子宫收缩不良(uterus atony)所造成,其它尚有胎盘残留(residue placenta)(胞衣不下),生殖器道裂伤(laceration)等,甚至血液病问题,一定要先查明原因做好处置,一定确定无产后出血,才移出病房,
    3. 挫裂创:现用现配为佳.它既可用于一般组织学固定,又为组织化学常用固定剂,特别是用于糖原及脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)及核糖核酸(RNA)的固定.表皮剥脱(abrasion), 皮内出血(intracutanous hemorrhage),挫裂创(laceration),肝破裂(1iver rupture),
    4. 撕裂伤:但时间并不是关键性因素.他们等待就诊的时间没有限制性.这类病人通常患有慢性疾病或轻微不适, 无严重剧烈疼痛或急性功能丧失等主诉.例如: 皮疹、慢性头痛、低热、高血压、慢性关节炎、腰痛、扭伤、感冒等.划破伤/撕裂伤(Laceration)适于划破伤病人,
    laceration 双语例句
    1. Obvious laceration and bleeding were seen in the lung tissue surrounding the wound tract. Chest radiology demonstrated increased bronchovaslular shadows. Breathing frequency and lung water content elevated notably early after injury. As time prolonged, PaO2 and SaO2 progressively decreased, PO2 and lung water content increased progressively.
    结果 胸部爆炸伤后,100%家兔发生肺冲击伤,60.0%为极重度/重度伤,56.7%出现肺脏碎片伤,周围肺组织可见明显撕裂、出血,胸部X线表现为两肺纹理增粗、模糊,伤后早期即出现呼吸频率明显增加,PaO2、PO2、SaO2均明显下降,肺含水量增加。
    2. laceration的近义词
    2. After exposed the upper Sylvii sulcus moter cortex of brain of the cloning goats bysurgical intervention, 50 gram of steel ball was used to produce a free fallingaccelerate strike on the brain from 100cm height respectively and established thebrain contusion and laceration goat models that had high survival rate and could be detected clearly.
    3. The most frequent mechanism was commissural MR, or MR that originated at the site of successful commissurotomy, which occurred in 27 of 47 patients (57%), whereas noncommissural MR occurred in 20 (43%) patients, 12 (26%) with subalular damage resulting in chordae rupture and flail motion and 8 (17%) with leaflet laceration.
    4. laceration
    4. Results CT showed kidney enlargement in 39 cases, marginal irregularity in 56, subcapsular hematoma in 47, intrarenal hematoma in 36, perinephric hemorrhage in 36, laceration or tear in 48, shattered kidney in
    5. Results: In 90 cases of delayed cerebral contusion and laceration, the chief CT signs show high and low mixed in sliced shadow, the less show high density in point and striat shadow. The early CT signs were as followed: 1, subarachnoid hemorrhage in 45.5%, cranial fracture in 41.1%, encephaledema in 25.5%, epiduial hematoma in 20%.5, subdural hematoma in 12.2%.
    6. A seaman has a small, gaping laceration of the arm that is not bleeding excessively.
    7. Conclusin:There are too many correlate factors that result in the DTIH, thereinto contusion and laceration of brain or contusion and laceration of brain is on the offside of haematoma; a great deal of haematoma in the brain; fracture of skull, especially the fracture of sinus or medium artery of span meningeal are the high risk factors.
    8. Results CT intumescence of kidney in 13 cases, perinephros hemorrhage in 14 cases, laceration or tear of kidney in 21 cases, avulsion...
    9. Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of achilles tendon laceration by MR images.
    目的 研究人体跟腱病变的磁共振成像的临床实用价值。
    10. Results Nephroscopic channel was successfully established by one puncture in 13 patients with hydronephrosis and 17 patients without hydronephrosis. For the remaining 15 patients without hydronephrosis, nephroscopic channel was established by repeated puncture. All the patients had no serious complications such as pleural injury, abdominal visceral injury, pyelic laceration and renal penetrating injury.
    结果 13例鹿角形肾结石伴积水患者均1次穿刺成功,32例无积水型肾结石患者中17例1次穿刺成功,15例多次穿刺后成功建立理想的取石通道。45例患者均无胸膜损伤、腹腔脏器损伤、肾盂撕裂及肾脏穿通伤等严重并发症发生。
    11. laceration的反义词
    11. METHODS:A clinical retrospective study was conducted on 15 patients who were admitted to our hospital from 2004 through 2005 due to traumatic cataract with corneal or scleral laceration caused by open-globe trauma. Cataract extraction with primary repair of the open-globe wound and secondary IOL implantation was performed in all patients.
    12. Objective To investigate how Foley catheter and oxytocin midwifery affect stage of labour and cervical laceration.
    目的 探讨 Foley导尿管和催产素在阴道分娩中的作用。
    13. Objective To investigate the effect of radio knife in cutting and plasticing for the therapy of old cervical laceration accompanied with chronic cervicitis.
    目的 探讨电刀电切整形术在治疗宫颈陈旧性裂伤伴慢性宫颈炎中的疗效。
    14. laceration的近义词
    14. Methods 352 cases with chronic cervicitis and old cervical laceration were treated by radio knife.
    目的 探讨电刀电切整形术在治疗宫颈陈旧性裂伤伴慢性宫颈炎中的疗效方法采用电刀电切宫颈陈旧性裂伤伴宫颈炎性增生组织。
    15. laceration
    15. Delayed cerebral contusion and laceration mostly occurred in the frontal, tempral and parietal lobe in 93.3%. Less show brain stem, corpus callosum, cerebral, occipital lobe and basal nuclei area.
    16. RESULTS:6 of 148 cases were found testis tumor of seminoma; 2 testis cyst; 5 testis inflammation; 5 testis traumaincluding 3 laceration of testis, 2 testis hematoma; 4 testis torsion; 25 epididymal masses (including 19 epididymal cyst, 5 epididymal inflammatory nodules and 1 epididymal tuberculosis; 44 cases were hydrocele of tunica vaginalis(including 31 hydrocele of testis tunica vaginalis, 13 funicular hydrocele 26 cases were cryptorchidism; 31 cases were varicocele.
    17. Results CT showed kidney enlargement in 39 cases, marginal irregularity in 56, subcapsular hematoma in 47, intra renal hematoma in 36, perinephric hemorrhage in 36, laceration or tear in 48, shattered kidney in 8, disruption or occlusion of the main renal artery in 1.The coincidence rate of CT grading with surgical results was 100%.
    18. The quantity of CD3+ cells in the EdNSC, AdNSC of cloning goattransplantation group and control group had no statistics difference(P>0.05) at acute and chronic period. Overall, in our study, We got the conclusions as follow: 1, The EdNSC, AdNSCof cloning goat and the AdNSC of the non-cloning goat were successful obtained; EdNSC growed faster than AdNSC in the same cell culture method. 2, The braincontusion and laceration model of cloning goats were successful established by freefalling of 50 gram of steel ball accelerate strike on the goat brain from 100cm height.3, EdNSC and AdNSC transplantation both had obvious therapeutic effect on braincontusion and laceration of cloning goats; The therapeutic effect of EdNSCtransplantation was better. 4, Allograft of stem cells has acute and chronicimmunological rejection and autografting of stem cells has no acute and chronicimmunological rejection.
    在相同的条件下,EdNSC体外培养速度比成AdNSC快。2对羊脑上薛氏沟周围运动皮层区使用50g×100 cm力度作自由落体加速撞击,可产生观察指标明确且存活率高的羊脑挫裂伤模型,有望广泛用于神经干细胞移植及药物等治疗的实验研究。3胚胎神经干细胞及成体神经干细胞移植治疗脑挫裂伤后均有较明显的治疗效果;二者相比较而言胚胎神经干细胞稍好于成体神经干细胞。4中枢神经系统异体神经干细胞移植存在着明显的免疫排斥反应,而自体神经干细胞移植基本无免疫排斥反应
    19. laceration
    19. Objective To investigate the repair effect of canalicular laceration.
    20. At such a rate, the suffocation incidence of the newborn was about 606%, and the incidence of complication and sequelae of the puerperaants was about 5.58%.Conclusion: The perineotomy parturitono may have remarkable significance in the second course of parturition in avoiding perineum laceration, alleviating the pressure of the pelvic tissues on fetus` head, shortening the second course of parturition, as well as in decreasing the suffocation incidence of the newborn.
    laceration 词典解释
    1. 割伤;划伤;撕裂伤
    Lacerations are deep cuts on your skin.
    e.g. He had lacerations on his back and thighs.
    laceration 单语例句laceration
    1. " She received a laceration to her leg and quite deep, " superintendent Mike Murphy told state radio.
    laceration的反义词laceration 英英释义
    1. the act of lacerating
    2. a torn ragged wound




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