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单词 booty
    booty [英 [?bu:ti] 美 [?buti] ]
    booty 基本解释
    名词战利品; 赃物; 获得之物; 臀部
    booty 相关例句
    1. The bandits divided up the booty.
    booty 网络解释
    1. 赃物:bootstrap 自引导 | booty 赃物 | booze 豪饮
    2. 战利品, 获得之物:boottree || 靴楦鞋楦 | booty || 战利品, 获得之物 | booze up || 纵酒狂欢
    3. 战利品,从他人处夺得的物资或财产:Yo-ho-ho 完全无意义的词汇,有趣的口头语. | Booty 战利品,从他人处夺得的物资或财产. | Cat ONine Tails 一种处罚的刑具,将九条打结的绳子绑在一个把手上,用以鞭打敌人的后背.
    booty 双语例句
    1. But there was certainly rich booty to be had. The furniture was superb. Rosewood and Buhl-work pieces, Severs vases and blue china porcelain, Dresden figurines, satins, velvet and lace, everything in fact.
    2. Choose from Story Mode or Scavenger Mode to amass a fortune in booty!
    3. The thoughts of this booty put out all the thoughts of the first, and the reflections I had made more quickly off.
    4. Once appropriately attired, head down to Booty Bay to join in the fun.
    5. There, look for Dread Captain Demeza and her crew, who have taken over the roof of the Booty Bay bank and auction house.
    6. The Complete Guide to Cooking daily tasks, WOW World of Warcraft World of Warcraft players Booty Bay is the exchange site.
    7. Go back to Thunder Bluff, go back to Orgrimarr, go back to Booty Bay, go back to Swamp of Sorrows, go back to Hillsbrad, go back to the slums and ghettos of our northrend, knowing that somehow this situation can and will be changed.
    让我们回到雷霆崖去,回到奥格瑞玛去,回到booty bay去,回到悲伤沼泽去,回到希尔斯布莱德去,回到我们沙塔斯的的贫民区和诺森德的荒原去,要心中有数,这种状况是能够也必将改变的。
    8. Booty Bay is now flagged as outdoors.
    9. booty
    9. In the MMO, when you redeem this item from Landro Longshot in Booty Bay, he'll provide you with a stack of consumable biscuits.
    10. You think I'm just a booty call.
    11. Well, that's what I call booty.
    噢 那就是我说的战利品了
    12. She's totally running to a booty call with your brother.
    13. It means you're a total booty call.
    14. So you can have a booty call?
    15. booty的反义词
    15. I like to see people fall in love infatuatedly, create career passionately, to enjoy live fully, but, never froget the key matter. you still belong to youself, we are all a universe, we all should have a self-satisfied spirit world, this is safe place where have your most valuable things which nothing can destroy it. soul is a strange account note where no payment, only have income never, all pain and happy of life will been writen into its page as your most meaningful experience. in fact, the pain is a income also. we as if have to self, one self go to strive, to pursue dream, maybe he will success, or he will fail, .and another one welcome the self who strived for dream with warmly smile, and show him the booty, even the failare still have.!
    16. With no means of storing any quantities of food, there could be no private property or class divisions, nor was there any booty to produce a motive for war.
    17. And the result of their virtue has been that Italy has been overrun by Charles, taken as booty by Louis, violated by Ferdinand, and insulted by the Swiss.
    他 们表现出了卓越的才能,其结果是意大利被查理所颠覆,遭到路易的劫掠,费尔南多的侵犯以及瑞士人的凌辱。
    18. They bear the hero and his booty back to Heorot, where another celebration takes place.
    19. This moment Chris Lee to South Korea's largest seafood market Lu Liang-chun, will certainly be for everyone to try the famous live small octopus, Lu Liang-chun, a bit like a seafood market in Taiwan Bisha Fishing Port, you can dazzling array of aquatic Tanqian Select a number of seafood, in general, prices are similar, very little room for bargain, bought after the business will help you do the initial processing of live slaughter, and then you to take your booty to the second floor of the restaurant, select a sit down, restaurant service fee is 2, 000 won per person, and if you want seafood cooked dishes, they have additional fees, charges pretty fair and reasonable prices, where three to five good friends point of a king crab, accompanied by South Korea's real Liqueur is really the most invigorating thing in life.
    这会儿克里斯李到了韩国最大的水产市场鹭粱津,肯定要为大家尝试一下著名的活体小章鱼,鹭粱津水产市场有点像台湾的碧沙渔港,你可以在琳琅满目的水产摊前选一些海产,一般来说价格都大同小异,杀价的空间不大,买好后商家会帮你做初步的处理,活体宰杀,然后你再带着你的战利品到二楼的餐厅,选一家坐下,餐厅的服务费是每人2000韩元,如果是要将海鲜熟食料理,则要另外收费,收费价格还算公道及合理,在这里三、五好友点一只帝王蟹,配上韩国真露酒真是人生最畅快的一件事。本新闻共2页,当前在第1页 1 2
    20. Three years later the Ottoman cavalry helped Cantacuzenus dislodge Serbian Dushan from Salonika; but the Turks did not stay in Europe, returning to Asia Minor with their booty.
    booty 词典解释
    1. 赃物;(尤指)战利品
    Booty is a collection of valuable things stolen from a place, especially by soldiers after a battle.
    e.g. Troops destroyed the capital and confiscated many works of art as war booty.
    2. 屁股
    Someone's booty is their bottom.
    booty 单语例句
    1. And in an unchecked system they grab as much booty as the abuse of their post could offer until they crumble on exposure.
    2. But most officials followed different tacit rules by calculating how they can maximize their booty by abuse of power.
    3. They have laid bare the tricks or tacit rules that are popular in officialdom and employed by some corrupt ones to extract booty whenever possible.
    4. They penetrated Han Chinese lands, gathered booty and returned home as quickly as possible.
    5. The reality TV star previously revealed she wanted to release her own range of denim garments because " a girl's booty needs to look good ".
    6. It is unimaginable how such a department is provided for with taxpayers'money just to extract booty from the people.
    7. Trixie sometimes holds what she calls " booty shaking classes " there, teaching new dancers how to isolate and wiggle key muscle groups.
    8. Anyone in his shoes would undoubtedly feel bad at not being able to return home simply because of the booty illegally obtained.
    9. But when police caught the robber, they found no booty except for one cell phone the robber had been using.
    10. A deadline may be set for them to hand in their booty and thus they can be exempt from criminal charges.
    booty 英英释义
    1. goods or money obtained illegally
    Synonym: lootpillageplunderprizeswagdirty money




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