单词 | lassitude |
释义 | lassitude [英 [?l?s?tju:d] 美 [?l?s?tu:d] ] lassitude的意思、解释 lassitude 基本解释 名词无精打采; 不努力,懒怠 lassitude 网络解释 1. 疲惫:早期的精神症状有疲惫(lassitude)、忧虑(apprehesion)、压抑、丧失记忆、自闭症、精神错乱、歇斯底里症(hysteria)、躁狂症. 一般还会发生粉刺、秃头、口臭(halitosis)、高血压、脚抽筋(leg cramp)、偏头痛(migraine headaches)、血液循环不好、紧迫、蛀牙等. 2. lassitude 2. 疲乏:Lashley jumping stand 拉士利跳台 | lassitude 疲乏 | latah 谵妄症 3. 疲乏无力:lark百灵鸟n | lassitude 疲乏无力,n | lethal致命的 lassitude 双语例句 1. The human body can store only about 6 week's worth of vitamin C, and when it runs out seamen experience lassitude, rotted gums, hemorrhaging. Some 18th century ships lost half their crew to scurvy. 人体只能储存6个星期所需的维生素 C ,当缺乏维生素 C 时,海员会感到疲乏,牙龈腐烂、出血。18世纪的船队常有半数船员死于坏血病。 2. lassitude 2. And at night, dripping with perspiration, overwhelmed with lassitude, their green caps drawn over their eyes, to remount, two by two, the ladder staircase of the galleys beneath the sergeant's whip 到了晚上,流着汗,疲惫不堪,绿帽子遮在眼睛上,两个两个地在警察的鞭子下,由软梯爬上战船的牢房里去! 3. Result: the frequencies of main symptoms and secondary symptoms: yellow and greasy fur: 100%; epigastric distress, distress or pain in the chest85.7%; anorexia76.2%; bitterness and slimy in the mouth47.6%; lassitude71.4%; loose bowels or muscus stools54.8%; dry mouth without desire for drinking or tend to hot drinking23.8%. 结果提示:脾胃湿热证各主次证出现的频率依此为:舌苔黄腻100%,胃脘痞满或胸闷或胀痛85.7%,食欲不振76.2%,口苦而粘47.6%,身困乏力71.4%,大便溏或有粘液54.8%,口渴少饮或喜热饮23.8%。 4. Suitability】 The premature senility, splashes, wrinkles and menstrual disorder caused by nutritional anemia, fat body caused by post partum, striae gravidarum and discomforts during menopause; fatigued complexion, increasing wrinkles, acnes and splashes, irregular menstruation, lassitude, hectic fever, sweatiness, insomnia, nightmare, fidget, irascibility, endocrine dyscrasia, headache and swirl, lassitude in loin and legs, cold and heat fear, dry vagina, absence of sexual desire, and hair loss and break. 营养性贫血导致的女性容易早衰、色斑皱纹、月经紊乱,产后身材变形,妊娠纹及女性更年期各种不良症状。脸色晦暗皱纹增多色斑痤疮月经不调疲乏无力潮热虚汗失眠多梦烦躁易怒内分泌失调头晕头痛腰酸腿软畏冷畏热阴道干涩性欲冷淡脱发断发 5. Kutuzov was still at the same spot; his bulky frame drooped in the saddle with the lassitude of old age, and he was yawning wearily with closed eyes. 库图佐夫还站在原地不动,现出衰迈的老态,将他那肥胖的身躯俯在马鞍上,合上眼睛,沉重地打着哈欠。 6. 6. Because he had a bad mood, and then decreased resistance to colds, and lassitude Your phone number. 因为这些他们心情不好了,于是抵抗力下降感冒了,精神不振开车撞人了。 7. Lassitude and malaise may occur with secondary anemia from chronic blood loss. 但在两次发作之间,病人情况通常很好,也无明显的临床症状。 8. lassitude 8. With all my lassitude I have strength enough to see it out. 尽管我那么困倦,我有足够看到结果的力气。 9. lassitude 9. Objective To explore the correlation between selfesteem and learning lassitude of university students. 目的 探讨大学生自尊与学习倦怠的相关性。 10. It was lassitude's apology to energy. 这是无精打采的人面对精力充沛的人找的托辞。 11. lassitude的反义词 11. Abstract] Objective To get the information about the job lassitude status of community health nurses. 目的 了解社区护士的职业倦怠现状。 12. 12. Lassitude can eat these nine kinds of food. 精神不振可多吃这9种食物。 13. The girl made no answer, but she dropped on one of the seat with an air of lassitude. 女孩子没有理睬他,只是疲倦地倒在一张椅子上。 14. Symptoms of anaemia include general fatigue and lassitude. 贫血症状包括全身疲劳和困乏。 15. Clinical manifestations including nausea, anorexia, lassitude, fatigue, fever, pruritus and so on. 临床表现有恶心、食欲不振、乏力、发热、皮肤瘙痒等。 16. Today, with recovery far from secure, the mood has shifted to one of recrimination (on currency misalignments) and lassitude (on financial regulation and other unfinished business). 如今,复苏远未站稳脚跟,各方的情绪却已转向指责(有关汇率失调)和倦怠(有关金融监管和其它未尽事宜)。 17. 17. Influence of low-intensity aerobic exercise intervention on patients with carcinomatous lassitude 低强度有氧运动干预对癌因性疲乏的影响 18. The results showed that most common adverse events were bone pain (17.9%, 10/56), agrypnia (8.9%, 5/56) and lassitude (4.5%, 3/56) during rhGCSF mobilization, but all donors were suffeved less than grade 2 according to the WHO criteria, and did not need to stop the mobilization and not neeed to give speeial treantment. 结果显示:在rhGCSF动员过程中出现1级毒副作用:腰背酸痛17.9%(10/56)、焦虑失眠8.9%(5/56)、疲乏4.5%(3/56)等,无需特殊处理,无需终止动员。 19. lassitude在线翻译 19. After treatment, improvement in symptoms such as chest pain, chest distension, short breath, palpitation, fever, spontaneous sweating, insomnia, lassitude, aversion to cold and cold limbs was compared between group A and group B by scoring method. 以计分法比较两组治疗后胸痛、胸闷、气短、心悸、发热、自汗、不寐、疲倦乏力、畏寒肢冷等症状的改善情况,以及治疗前后两组炎症性指标的变化情况。 20. Palpitation, lustreless, complexion, dizziness, blurring of vision, shortness of breath, lassitude, pale tongue with tooth prints, thready, weak or intermittent pulse. 心悸不宁,面色无华,头晕目眩,气短乏力,舌质淡,有齿痕,脉细数或结代。 lassitude 词典解释 1. 无力;困乏;倦怠 Lassitude is a state of tiredness, laziness, or lack of interest. e.g. Symptoms of anaemia include general fatigue and lassitude. 贫血症状包括全身疲劳和困乏。 e.g. ...periods of lassitude and inactivity. 阶段性的乏力懒怠 lassitude 英英释义 noun 1. weakness characterized by a lack of vitality or energy Synonym: inanitionlethargyslackness 2. a feeling of lack of interest or energy Synonym: languorlistlessness 3. a state of comatose torpor (as found in sleeping sickness) Synonym: lethargysluggishness |
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