单词 | lawn |
释义 | lawn [英 [l?:n] 美 [l?n] ] lawn的意思、解释 复数形式:lawns; lawn 基本解释 名词草地,草坪; 上等细麻布 lawn 相关例句 名词 1. The shirt is made of lawn. 这件衬衫是细麻布做的。 2. 2. The lawn needs mowing. 草坪需要修剪。 lawn 情景对话 促销 lawn A:I am going to be home a little bit late tonight. You’ll have to have supper on your own. 今晚我要晚一点回家,你就自己吃晚饭吧。 B:Why is that? 为什么啊? A:There’s a big sale at Macy’s today. Everything is either buy one, get one free, or half price. 今天麦希商店大促销,所有的东西不是买一送一就是半价。 B:You’re not going to spend all of our money, are you? 你不会把我们所有的钱都花了吧? A:Of course not. The offer is too good to pass up, isn’t it? 当然不会了。只是如此好机会不应该错过。 B:I guess so. Would you mind picking up some shirts for me if you see some? 我想也是,如果你看到衬衣,帮我买几件好吗? A:Sure, which color would you like? 好,你喜欢什么颜色。 lawn B:A green and a light blue one. 一件绿色和一件浅蓝色的。 A:Ok. Would you like long sleeve or short sleeve shirts? 好。你喜欢长袖还是短袖。 B:Long sleeves, please. 长袖的吧。 lawn的解释 A:Do you need anything else? 你还需要别的吗? B:Check out the appliances section. We could really need another washing machine. 去看看家电区,我们可能再买一台洗衣机。 lawn的近义词 A:Ok, I will. Hopefully that will be half off instead of buy one get one free. 好,我会去看的。希望那儿东西是半价而不是买一送一。 lawn的解释 B:Just have a look. 去看一下吧。 A:Anything else? 还要别的吗? B:Actually, we could use a new lawn mower. And maybe a grill for the backyard. 实际上,我们可能要一台新的割草机。还有后院得配一个烤架。 A:Do you just want to come along? It might be easier if we both went. 你想要和我一起去吗?要是俩个人去可能会容易些。 B:Yeah, you’re right. Let’s go! 你说的对,我们一起去吧! A:Do you have any money? 你有钱吗? B:No, but I have plenty of credit cards. 没有,但是我有足够的信用卡。 A:Maybe I should hang on to those. I know what happens when you get around tools and machines! 或许我应该带着。当你在逛工具和机器区的时候,我知道会出现什么情况! lawn 网络解释 1. 草坪:但星期天常吃;3.饭后去教堂,遇见很多人,之后去公园;4.全天在公园里. 划船,树下吃野餐,饭后孩子们放风筝,杰克逊夫妇钓鱼;5.下午,孩子们在草坪(lawn)上玩,夫妇散步,玩得痛快. The Jacksons get up... 2. 草地:(2) 种子生产人与草地(lawn)、草皮(turf)、牧草种子、紫目蓿(alfalfa)或三叶草(clover)种子的受保护品种所有人之间如签有生产该受保护品种之种子的契约时,若是这生产人符合下列条件,即应视为已由所有人授权准许销售该种子和使用该品种: 3. lawn 3. 菌苔:首先把不同类型的噬菌体混合起来和细菌一起涂布在固体培养基上,细菌的浓度要达到可以长成菌苔(lawn)的水平,噬菌体的浓度要很稀. 每个噬菌体感染一个细菌,经过裂解周期,宿主细胞破裂后,释放出的子噬菌体又去感染周围的细菌, 4. lawn的解释 4. 草坪;草地:8.laundromat 自助洗衣店 | 9.lawn 草坪;草地 | 10.loan shark 放高利贷者 5. lawn:local area wireless networks; 也叫做局域无线网 6. lawn的翻译 6. lawn:local area wireless network; 局域无线网 lawn 双语例句 1. Rental charge of the lawn is HK$1, 500 per hour, minimum one hour. 会用途,则必须另外租用,草地每小时收费HK$1,500,最少租用1 小时。 2. Could do with a paint touchup; the lawn is practically a jungle and the flower beds are full of weeds. Spoils the whole street. 得重新油漆一下,看你这草坪,简直成了野树林子,花坛里到处是杂草,把整条街的风景都糟蹋了。 3. The broad arching growth makes it possible to grow Crown Princess Margareta as a free-standing rose set into a lawn. 广大拱增长使得有可能成长为一个独立的皇太子妃玛加丽上升设置成草坪。 4. I remained skeptical until I saw the Vita-mix`s secret –a 37, 000-rpm, nearly two-horsepower lawn mower-quality engine that can blast pulp, fiber, and even seeds into semithereens. 原本我对此还有些怀疑,直到我见识到Vita-mix的秘密武器-每分钟37,000转加上2匹马力-能迅速将果肉、纤维、甚至是籽,击碎到非常棉细的状态。 5. Every night I had to water Mr Richardson's lawn. 我每天晚上必须给理查森先生的草坪浇水。 6. lawn是什么意思 6. He is standing on the front lawn, idly tossing a jack-knife into the air and trying to make it stick in the, ground. 他正站在前院的草地上,悠闲地向空中甩着一把折刀,想要把它插在地上。 7. Next time your love performs some disliked home chore like cleaning the bathroom, mowing the lawn, or taking out the garbage, show your appreciation by tucking a candy kiss in a strategic location. 下一次你的爱执行一些家庭琐事喜欢不喜欢打扫卫生间,修剪草坪,或采取了垃圾,显示您的赞赏吃糖果吻的战略位置。 8. His father was peacocking about on the lawn. 他的父亲趾高气扬地在草地上来回走。3。 9. District rich in plants dotting the landscape is made of different quarter-phase乔灌, flowers, tall trees, green space segregation of different functions, the center green space, green groups, before the green house, is made up of flower lawn, to maximize people`s health to meet the demand for green, spring, summer, autumn garden outside, tree-lined walls, water gurgling, beautiful. 区丰富的植物景观点是不同的季相乔灌,花草,高大的树木,绿色空间分隔不同的功能,中心绿地,环保团体,在绿色的房子,是由花卉草坪,最大限度地人民的健康,以满足需求的绿色,春,夏,秋园外,绿树成荫的城墙,水潺潺,美丽的。 10. They are like colorful flowers dotting the green lawn. 他们就像多彩的花朵点缀着绿色的草坪。 11. It's the only plainly illuminated area in sight and sits on one corner of the lawn. 它是唯一明显的照明面积的迹象,坐在一个角落的草地。 12. lawn 12. Lichen grows on the surface of lawn, can cause grass to be choky and then to die. 青苔覆盖在地面上,容易使草坪植株窒息死亡。 13. lawn 13. Buried somewhere in deep grass there is a rusting lawn mower which I have promised to repair one day. 深草丛中的某个地方有一台正在生锈的割草机,那就是我曾答应某日要修理的割草机。 14. Buried somewhere in deep grass there is a rust in g lawn mower which I have promised to repair one day. 深草丛中的某个地方有一台正在生锈的割草机。那就是我曾答应某日要修理的割草机。 15. Buried somewhere in deep grass there is a rusting lawn- mower which I have promised to repair one day. 我曾答应总有一天要去修理的那台割草机正埋没在深草丛中,逐渐锈蚀。 16. 16. Buried somewhere in deep grass there is a rusting lawn-mower which I have promised to repair one day. 如果您发现侵犯您的权益,请与我们联系:QQ-362192,本站将立即删除! 17. Golf court is near outside, the green lawn with matutinal rain and dew will make you feel cozy. 高尔夫球场近在眼前,青青的绿草带着清晨的雨露,令人心旷神怡。 18. Units have sprinkler vehicles, bulldozers 3 Units, 2 Units spraying vehicles, high-altitude operation truck, one crane of the Units, Units 1 loader, lawn machine 47 Units, Brush Cutter 8 Units, other sizes of vehicles more than 20 vehicles. 有洒水车辆3台、推土机3台、喷药车2台、高空作业车、吊车各1台、装载机1台、草坪机47台、割灌机8台、其他大小车辆20余辆。 19. On October 26, back in Washington, Capricia Marshall, Kelly Craighead, and the rest of Hillary`s staff put together a big fiftieth birthday celebration for her under a tent on the South Lawn. 10月26日,回到华盛顿,在白宫南草坪上的一个帐篷下,卡普里西娅·马歇尔、凯莉·克雷格黑德以及为希拉里工作的其他人员一起为她举行了一个大型的50岁生日庆典。 20. If you want an area for your picnic table or lawn chairs that lets you sit outd... 如果你想要一个面积为贵野餐桌子和草坪椅子让你坐下outd。。。 lawn 词典解释 1. 草坪;草地 A lawn is an area of grass that is kept cut short and is usually part of someone's garden or backyard, or part of a park. e.g. They were sitting on the lawn under a large beech tree. 他们坐在一棵高大的山毛榉树下的草坪上。 lawn 单语例句 1. Bush poses with visitors on the South Lawn of the White House April 20, 2008 upon his return to Washington from Camp David. 2. A picture of them running on the lawn beside the chapel hangs on their living room wall. 3. GUANGZHOU - A chow chow couple walks by, the brown groom glowing with pride as he crosses the lawn. 4. If you walk further to the side lawn, you'll come upon phalanxes of miniature sculptures. 5. Hundreds are expected at Forest Lawn on Friday to commemorate Jackson's death. 6. Mundane offerings are to include yellow cotton curtains, pots and pans and metal lawn chairs. 7. The earlier blast hurled two cars onto the front lawn of the official's house, and police fired shots to disperse distraught bystanders who scuffled with them. 8. A total of 500 young people will parade around the lawn in Victoria Park, dressing in dramatic costumes and mobilizing giant puppets and rod puppets. 9. Telescopes will be set out on the lawn for the public and astronomers will give free lectures on the eclipse's various stages. 10. Let's just hope no youngster returns home and flings the family feline across the lawn to see if she can fly like Kitty Galore. lawn 英英释义 noun 1. a field of cultivated and mowed grass |
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