单词 | send |
释义 | send [英 [send] 美 [s?nd] ] send的意思、解释 过去式:sent; 过去分词:sent; 现在分词:sending; send 基本解释 send在线翻译 及物动词送; 派遣; 使作出(某种反应); 使进入(某状态) 及物/不及物动词用无线电波发送,发出信息 不及物动词派遣,发出,派人 形容词[仅用作定语]用于发送的 send 同义词 send 动词postforwardmaildispatchshiptransmit send 反义词 及物动词receiveget send 相关词组 1. send up : 发出; 2. send down : 使下降, 把...向下发送; 3. send away for : 函购某物; send send 相关例句 及物动词 1. send的反义词 1. He sent his son to return the books to the library. 他派他儿子把书还给图书馆。 2. The news almost sent her mad. 这消息几乎使她发疯了。 3. Send her victorious. 天佑我王胜利。 4. send的近义词 4. The trees send forth many branches. 树长出很多枝。 send 情景对话 参观 B:I‘d like to see your showroom. 我想参观你们的展示中心, A:Do you know where it is? 你知道地方吗? B:No, I don‘t. 不知道 A:I‘ll have the office send you a map. 我会叫公司里的人送张地图给你。 下订单 A:We‘re ready to take your order now. 你们现在可以下订单了。 B:We want to try this component as a sample. 这种组件我们想试个样品看看。 A:I can send one for you to try . 我们可以寄个给你试用。 B:Yes , please do that . 好,那就麻烦你了。 找工作 B:Hi, I’m calling about your ad in the paper for the position of (manager/ electrical engineer/ waiter). 我打电话来询问你们在报纸上登的关于招聘(经理/电子工程师/服务员)的广告。 send在线翻译 A:Please send us your resume, “Attention: Betty Sue.” 请发送你的简历给我们,注明:贝蒂·苏。 send 网络解释 1. 派遣:例如,通过如下键入,可以派遣(send)任意的文件描述符经过管道,通知是interrupt,通常在终端上键入中断字符(ASCII DEL)的时候发出. 如果通知例程被设置为 {} 则忽略通知. 在删除它的处理器(handler)定义的时候信号恢复它们的缺省行为. 2. send的反义词 2. 傳送: 这种观点在新上市的美国商业畅销书(send)中有所体现,该书作者大卫?希普利(david shipley)和威尔?施瓦尔贝(will schwalbe)在书中劈头就问:我们为什么在电子邮件中表现得这么糟糕?他们声称,我们的邮件往往含糊不清、毫无意义, send 双语例句 1. Long time ago, I begin to remind self not to need every day and you send out a message not asking every day to wait for you to criticize beloved safety because of my some thing that can lose, be unable to stand once more. 很久以前,我首先提醒自我无需每天和你发出的信息没有要求每天等待你心爱的安全提出批评,因为我的一些事情可能会失去,无法站立一次。 2. Please send me your account or a detailed account. 请把你的帐目或明细帐目交给我。 3. Send private, anonymous feedback to coworkers, classmates, and friends. 发送私人,匿名反馈给同事,同学和朋友。 4. At the end of each day, every department will send you a daily update. 每一天结束的时候。各个部门都会给你一个日常事务更新。 5. Therefore, if you know you can handle it, if awarded to you, send your invoice directly to them for approval. 他们的文件确实做得相当逼真,福步要是能附图片的话,我想发给大家看一下。 6. APPC is an IBM protocol analogous to the OSI model's session layer: it sets up the necessary conditions that enable application programs to send data to each other through the network. APPC是一种IBM协议,类似于OSI模式的会话层:APPC建立必要的条件,使得应用程序能够通过网络将数据发送给对方。 7. So, just send the kids on a fast jog and they will ace all of their tests? 尽管如此,让孩子们进行快走锻炼,他们的各科成绩都一定会表现优异吗? 8. English level meeting in the 13th century the age of 60 the first meeting, in addition to big feudal lords, each county send two knights, two for each city to invite members of the public to attend. 英国的等级会议在13世纪60年代首次召开,除大封建主外,每郡选派两名骑士,每城市邀请两名市民代表参加。 9. Spring Release Swing Outs and Styling Variations - Learn to change the dynamics of your swing out with an earlier send out and some cool kicks and swivels to boot. 弹式Swingout及舞范-学习如何通过早一点放手来改变swingout的势头,再加上一些玩儿的踢动作以及摇屁股。 10. send 10. Can you send someone here because we have a problem with the pipe/stove/washer? 您是不是能派个人来,因为我们的水管/炉子/洗衣机坏了。 11. 11. In cases where interim accounts are sent to the Engineer, the Contractor shall send a final account within 28 days of the end of the effects resulting from the event. 在向工程师发出临时详细报告情况下,承包商应在索赔事件所产生的影响结束后28天内发出一份最终详细报告。 12. In case where interim accounts are sent to the Engineer, the Contractor shall send a final account within 28 days of the end of the effects resulting from the event. 天内送交同样内容的最后索赔报告。 13. When the batteries in Primus headlamps A and AR have been consumed 90%(under 3 volt), flashing red LEDs from the headlamp send out a warning. 电量指示灯当Primus头灯电池电量已经消耗了90%(电压低于3伏)时,其红色LED就会闪烁发出警示。 14. 14. If your company want to cooperate with ours, please give us your specific requirement so we can send you our sample, dectory and details. 如贵公司有意与我司建立该商品的业务往来,请提出具体要求,以便寄上样品、目录以及详细说明。 15. 15. Catch a butterfly to send you, wish you a happy wings, pocket hint of breeze to s 捉一只蝴蝶送您,愿您拥有快乐的翅膀,兜一丝清风送您,愿您心情舒畅,发个短信给您,愿天天神采飞扬! 16. 16. To burst out with joy = very happy It's a great pleasure to send you our sincere congratulations on your new appointment. 我很高兴为您的新职表达至诚的祝贺。 17. Holding the hand of dying people feel his pulse is a bit, a bit weak eyes not jiongjiongweishen deeper in the throat, also can send sound, hand and temperature, I feel his pulse beats concealed. 握着弥留之际的人的手,感受着他的脉搏一点点微弱,一点点低沉,目光不再炯炯有神,喉咙中也只能发出模糊的声音,手还有温度,我感受着他的脉搏若隐若现地跳动。 18. send在线翻译 18. I send my miss to the scattering stars and wish you a sweet dream under 我想将对你的思念寄予散落的星子,但愿那点点的星光能照进你的窗前,伴你好梦。 19. Miserable interjection, have already had the Mao cow stands, anxious and fretfuluneasily move hoof of son, send out trampling of jar voice jar spirit the voice of laxsnow ground ring. 压抑不住的凄惨的叫声,已经有牦牛站立起来,焦躁不安地挪动着蹄子,发出瓮声瓮气的踩踏着松 20. Other steps send me hurrying back undermeath the ground. 其他人的脚步声会让我迅速躲到地下,而你的脚步声则会像音乐一样,把我召唤出洞穴。 send 词典解释 1. 寄;发送;送出 When you send someone something, you arrange for it to be taken and delivered to them, for example by post. e.g. Myra Cunningham sent me a note thanking me for dinner... 迈拉·坎宁安给我寄了张便笺感谢我招待的晚餐。 e.g. I sent a copy to the minister for transport... 我给交通部长发送了一份副本。 2. 派遣;打发;叫…去… If you send someone somewhere, you tell them to go there. e.g. Inspector Banbury came up to see her, but she sent him away... 班伯里巡官过来看她,却被她打发走了。 e.g. He had been sent here to keep an eye on Benedict. 他被派到这儿监视贝内迪克特。 3. 把…送进(学校或监狱);安排…去 If you send someone to an institution such as a school or a prison, you arrange for them to stay there for a period of time. e.g. It's his parents' choice to send him to a boarding school, rather than a convenient day school... 把他送到寄宿学校而非一家就近的走读学校是他父母的决定。 e.g. You're saying they are sending too many people to prison? 你是说他们把太多人关进了监狱? 4. (通过无线电波或电流)发射,发送,传送(信号) To send a signal means to cause it to go to a place by means of radio waves or electricity. send的意思 e.g. The transmitters will send a signal automatically to a local base station... 发射台会自动将信号发射到地方基站。 e.g. ...in 1989, after a 12-year journey to Neptune, the space probe Voyager sent back pictures of Triton, its moon. 太空探测器“旅行者”号在历经 12 年的飞行后于 1989 年飞临海王星,发回了其卫星海卫一的照片。 5. 使(向某方向)移动 If something sends things or people in a particular direction, it causes them to move in that direction. e.g. The explosion sent shrapnel flying through the sides of cars on the crowded highway... 爆炸后飞溅出的炸弹碎片洞穿了拥堵在公路上的车辆车身。 e.g. He let David go with a thrust of his wrist that sent the lad reeling... 他手腕猛一用力推开戴维,让这小伙子打了个踉跄。 6. 使进入(某种状态) To send someone or something into a particular state means to cause them to go into or be in that state. e.g. My attempt to fix it sent Lawrence into fits of laughter. 我试着修理它,却让劳伦斯乐得前仰后合。 e.g. ...before civil war and famine sent the country plunging into anarchy... 在内战和饥荒让这个国家陷入一片混乱之前 7. to send someone to Coventry -> see Coventry to send someone packing -> see pack 相关词组:send away forsend downsend forsend insend offsend off forsend onsend outsend out forsend up send 单语例句 1. He insisted Lu send the products by air as they were needed urgently, promising payment soon after. 2. The only option was to use the telegraph machine and send the telegram by myself. 3. She said she will send her love by telephone to her boyfriend in Beijing. 4. Zhou promised that the speed of the cable car would be lowered on Thursday and he would send more assistants to help passengers. 5. A few hits can turn a bad year into a good one, while a few misses can send a solid year into the dumps. 6. When production companies send out a casting call for extras, agents at the actors'union look into their databases to match talent to roles. 7. Those who wish to donate can take clothes to the store's donation centers, send clothes by mail or call volunteers to come pick up donated items. 8. The station didn't send officers to the scene, but called the county traffic police department about the traffic accident. 9. At least one opposition party is calling for the government to reverse its decision to send troops. 10. Correa appealed to Uribe to respect their border and never again act unilaterally to send troops into his territory to attack a rebel camp. send 英英释义 verb 1. broadcast over the airwaves, as in radio or television e.g. We cannot air this X-rated song Synonym: airbroadcastbeamtransmit 2. cause to be directed or transmitted to another place e.g. send me your latest results I'll mail you the paper when it's written Synonym: mailpost 3. transfer e.g. The spy sent the classified information off to Russia Synonym: get offsend off 4. assign to a station Synonym: stationpostplace 5. to cause or order to be taken, directed, or transmitted to another place e.g. He had sent the dispatches downtown to the proper people and had slept Synonym: send out 6. transport commercially Synonym: transportship 7. cause to go somewhere e.g. The explosion sent the car flying in the air She sent her children to camp He directed all his energies into his dissertation Synonym: direct 8. cause to be admitted of persons to an institution e.g. After the second episode, she had to be committed he was committed to prison Synonym: commitinstitutionalizeinstitutionalisecharge |
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