单词 | send for |
释义 | send for [英 [send f?:] 美 [s?nd f?r] ] send for的意思、解释 send for 基本解释 召唤; 派人去取; 申请; 订购 send for 相关例句 ph. 1. Send for the doctor, please. 请派人去请医生来。 send for 情景对话 下订单 A:We‘re ready to take your order now. 你们现在可以下订单了。 B:We want to try this component as a sample. 这种组件我们想试个样品看看。 A:I can send one for you to try . 我们可以寄个给你试用。 B:Yes , please do that . 好,那就麻烦你了。 send for 网络解释 1. 派人去请;召唤;索取:see to注意,负责,照料,修理 | send for派人去请,召唤;索取 | send in呈报,递交,送来 2. 派人去请:10.break into破门而入,闯入; | 11.send for派人去请; | 12.leave school毕业; 3. 召唤:send down 下降 | send for 召唤 | send forth 发出 4. 派人去请(叫):116)set an example for 为......树立榜样 | 117)send for 派人去请(叫) | 118)send out 放出,发出 send for 双语例句 1. 1. Long time ago, I begin to remind self not to need every day and you send out a message not asking every day to wait for you to criticize beloved safety because of my some thing that can lose, be unable to stand once more. 很久以前,我首先提醒自我无需每天和你发出的信息没有要求每天等待你心爱的安全提出批评,因为我的一些事情可能会失去,无法站立一次。 2. Therefore, if you know you can handle it, if awarded to you, send your invoice directly to them for approval. 他们的文件确实做得相当逼真,福步要是能附图片的话,我想发给大家看一下。 3. 3. English level meeting in the 13th century the age of 60 the first meeting, in addition to big feudal lords, each county send two knights, two for each city to invite members of the public to attend. 英国的等级会议在13世纪60年代首次召开,除大封建主外,每郡选派两名骑士,每城市邀请两名市民代表参加。 4. send for 4. For instance you cant send a message when you are on a video call with someone. 比如你cannot发送邮件时,您正处于一个视像电话与某人。 5. send for的近义词 5. I'll have to send out for one. 我得去找一个。 6. 6. You are everything to me and i was so blessed when god send you here for me. 你是我的一切。我是如此的幸运,上帝让你来到我的身边。 7. send for在线翻译 7. I wonder if you can send the letter for me. 你能帮我把这封信寄了吗? 8. 8. It is our pleasure to send the item for you. 这是我们的荣幸,寄这个东西给你 9. In an upstairs room of my city house, at midnight, I would send out through the open windows long, tortured 9fragments of Alwin Schroeder's 170 Foundation Studies for Violoncello to mingle with the squeals of cats. 午夜时分,我在城里住宅的楼上房间里,经常拉阿尔温·舒罗德的《大提琴基本练习曲170首》,从敞开的窗户传出长时间折磨人的练习曲片段,和猫的抗议声混在一起。 10. 10. So, you must send out the goods quikly, or we will cancal the orders and booking for others. 因此,贵方必须立即发货,否则我们将被迫取消订单,到另处订货。 11. send for的近义词 11. After the participating unit has remitted the itemized fees, they must send the bank transfer slip or a photocopy to the Group Committee for checking. 参展商在汇出各项费用后,须将银行汇单传真或复印寄往组委会,以便核查,发票报到时在现场财务组开取。 12. In the end, allow me to send my best, best regards to your business onTaobao. com; In the meantime, I DO apologized here and begged for all your excuse and forgive... 最后请允许我把自己最美好的祝福送给您的淘宝店,同时,我在这里向您致以最深刻的歉意,并作最深刻的检讨,肯求得到您的谅解和原谅。。。 13. In the end, allow me to send my best, best regards to your business on Taobao. com; In the meantime, I DO apologized here and begged for all your excuse and forgive... 最后请允许我把自己最美好的祝福送给您的淘宝店,同时,我在这里向您致以最深刻的歉意,并作最深刻的检讨,肯求得到您的谅解和原谅。。。 14. If, as I conclude will be the case, you send me full powers to act in your name throughout the whole of this business, I will immediately give directions to Haggerston for preparing a proper settlement. 你如果愿意根据我所说的情况,让我全权代表你处理这件事,那么,我立刻就吩咐哈斯东去办理财产过户的手续。 15. There are two very popular methods for getting permanent one way links that will send traffic to your website. 有两个非常受欢迎的方法,得到一个永久的联系方式,将派遣交通到您的网站。 16. Of fully equipped to provide customers with translation, design, output, Business card printing, bookbiding, send, and so on one-stop service, clients include all major banks, diesnis, souefou other large organizations, local customer accounted for more than 90%. 宏亚的摆设敷裕,为客户供应翻译、安排、输入、制卡、装订、发送等一站式任职,客户包含各不小银行,迪斯尼,苏不穷比等不小机构,本不天客户撤离九不败以上。 17. send for是什么意思 17. I see. Well, would you please send someone to Room 604 to pick up some laundry for me? 我知道了,哦,请派人到604房帮我收拾一些送洗的衣服好吗? 18. Please use two-way for multifunctional jacket with one puller on top and use zipper with turning slider like you send sample there should be a puller as well. 多功能夹克用一个拉手的two-way拉链(就是可以反穿那种衣服用的拉链,不知中文应该叫什么),拉手可以反转,象你寄来的样板一样只有一个拉手。 19. I will send you such a blessing in the sixth year that the land will yield enough for three years. 我必在第六年将我所命的福赐给你们,地便生三年的土产。 20. This is currently the best-real IPTV, the design of an independent U-bar and dongle, the most critical is not afraid of attacks, P2P technology, everyone are the seeds, you can also send and receive audio and video television programs information, the usual network TV because it is through a variety of link for someone else's program source, is not very card is non-live television programs, program stability, there is no guarantee, and we are in the service platform is to use the genuine machines and card reception and collection of program source, program source is not the number of those free Internet TV can be compared, the most critical is the real protection of P2P technology are not afraid of you after the attack really be both safe and reliable! 这是目前国内真正做得最好的IPTV,有独立的设计的U棒和加密狗,最关键是不怕攻击,P2P技术让人人都是种子,即可同时接收和发送电视节目的音视频信息,平常的网络电视由於是通过各种链接获取别人的节目源,不是非常卡就是非直播的电视节目,节目稳定性根本没有保证,而我们的是在服务平台上是使用正版机和卡来接收和采集节目源的,节目源的数量根本不是那些免费的网络电视可以比的,最关键是真正的 P2P技术保障了你以后不怕攻击,真正是做到既安全又可靠! send for 词典解释 1. 请…来;派人去叫 If you send for someone, you send them a message asking them to come and see you. e.g. I've sent for the doctor. 我已经派人去请医生了。 2. 去信索要;寄信索取 If you send for something, you write and ask for it to be sent to you. e.g. Send for your free catalogue today. 今天寄信索要你们的免费目录。 send for 单语例句 1. When production companies send out a casting call for extras, agents at the actors'union look into their databases to match talent to roles. 2. At least one opposition party is calling for the government to reverse its decision to send troops. 3. An international consultant who works on a ministry training project said he recently needed to send several Afghan employees to Canada for software training. 4. The witty and carefree hosts throw out a topic everyday for listeners to send in mobile messages. 5. The North Carolina senator was planning to send a letter to his delegates asking them to vote for Kerry on the first convention ballot. 6. For all those special people on our Christmas gift list, send the sweat threats to help spread the joyous holiday cheer. 7. The hope is that the higher speed will open up the market for larger orders, like running off photos to send out with the family Christmas card. 8. Hong also called on the Philippines to get back on the right track for a diplomatic resolution and send " clear and consistent messages " for it. 9. Russia announced it would send more warships to combat piracy and also called for an international ground military operation to crush piracy. 10. The seller sent the student a remittance homepage for the discounted product and asked him to send 1 yuan in advance. send for 英英释义 verb 1. order, request, or command to come e.g. She was called into the director's office Call the police! Synonym: call |
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