单词 | setter |
释义 | setter [英 [?set?(r)] 美 [?s?t?] ] setter的意思、解释 复数形式:setters; setter 基本解释 名词安放者,安装员; 作曲者; 排字者; 塞特种猎狗 setter的近义词 setter 网络解释 1. 二传:S表示二传(SETTER)的位置,一般二传的左侧是前传球,二传的右侧是后传球. 15、14表示4号位的高点强攻,相应的55、54是2号位的高点强攻. 23、43是两翼的半高球. 31是3号位前快,41是2号位的近体背快. 还应有些其他的分解图来标示队员的跑动进攻路线和球的空间位置, 2. setter的近义词 2. 设值函数:如果 class 中的某个值域,应该在对象初创时被设值,然后就不再改变,就应该去掉此值域的所有设值函数(setter) setter 双语例句 1. 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There are five positions according to the different responsibilities of our country men and women volleyball team players in the match. They are the first spikier the assistant spikier the setter the assistant setter and the libero. 排球运动比赛场上运动员的分工越来越细化,目前根据我国国家男女排运动员,在比赛场上具体分工的不同,可以分为主攻、副攻、二传、接应二传和自由人5种位置。 3. In every match, the spikier is the most spike, the assistant spikier is the most blocker, the setter is the most setter and the libero is the most offensive. And they have clearly differences in the same skills.2. There are three body moving modes in the match: using skills moving and jumping. The players in different position have different moving modes in the match. 平均一场比赛,主攻扣球次数最多,副攻拦网次数最多,二传传球次数最多,自由人防守次数最多,并同其他位置运动员在相应技术应用上有非常显著性差别。2比赛中运动员的身体活动形式主要体现在三个方面:技术应用、移动和起跳,不同位置运动员在比赛中的身体活动形式不同。 4. In this case the setter who is in the right back or middle back position is usually the primary setter. 还有一种是六三配备的变体,在场上同时有三名二传手。 5. This cycle makes traditional media no longer the agenda-setter. 如此循环,议程设置的掌握者,不再是传统媒体的专利。 6. Therefore depending on the advantage of gaining news, government and elites are admitted the final agenda-setter and issue-framer. 尤其是在外交政策领域,一种特殊舆论现象的背后,往往隐藏着怀有某种利益意愿的幕后操纵媒体的精英个体或集团。 7. The next generation of Tellus hydraulic oils builds on the strengths of the previous Tellus formulation that was a standard setter in its own right.? 一直以来,壳牌得力士液压油就被推崇为业界的标准设立者。 8. setter 8. The next generation of Tellus hydraulic oils builds on the strength s of the previous Tellus formulation that was a standard setter in its own right.? 一直以来,壳牌得力士液压油就被推崇为业界的标准设立者。 9. Image-setter the development of more and more reasonable, more advanced, more accurate, and faster scanning speed. 照排机的发展越来越合理,越来越先进,越来越精确,扫描速度越来越快。 10. 10. Image styling mix with make up and hair styling skills, Patrick apply his detail drawing and innovated creativity, has established a renowned reputation in body painting. He was also invited by many mega performances to take part in painting design, such as Mont Blanc 100th Anniversary Celebration and a play hosted by I Love You Boyz called ilub tv for their poster and CD cover, the latter has even become the trend setter of body painting. 形象设计混合化妆发型技巧,Patrick运用其仔细的笔触及丰富的创造力,在人体彩绘闯出名堂,备受赞赏,并被多个大型表演邀请作彩绘设计,当中包括Mont Blanc 100周年庆祝晚会及由I Love You Boyz主演的舞台剧《欢乐粒宵》之海报及大碟封套,后者更一度掀起人体彩绘於本地的热潮。 11. Connie Vanacore is AKC Delegate from the Irish Setter Club of America and chair of the Delegates Canine Health Committee. 作者Connie Vanacore 是美国爱尔兰赛特犬俱乐部的AKC 代表和犬类健康协会的代表主席原文 12. The mould setter must be instructed in setting this type of mould to ensure that the ejector stroke as set by the ejector rods is not greater than that permitted by the length bolt. 模具的调试者应该知道,这种类型的模具安装应该确保由顶出杆确定的顶出行程应该小于长螺栓允许的长度。 13. With her incredible bone structure and platinum blonde hair supermodel Agyness Deyn is a trend setter. 艾格尼丝凭着她超级的骨干身材和浅银灰色的头发成为了潮流的制造者。 14. setter什么意思 14. Connection between attacker and setter is very important especially for combination. 进攻手和二传的互动很重要的,尤其是打战术的时候。 15. Tchoukanova belongs with Junior national team and she is reserved setter so far in National team. Tchoukanova是青年队的,不过她也是国家队的保留培养的二传。 16. What setter has to do for them is only passing high ball, then they can spike it brilliantly. 二传只要给她们传高球,她们就能很漂亮的进行攻击。 17. But since Misty isn't an option, we need another setter to step forward. 我们需要一个新二传,队伍才能前进。 18. Setter--We need a real leader with a full repertoire of sets and strengths. 二传—我们需要一个真正的有头脑和力量,传球技术也好的领导者。 19. Multi-lingual, international, jet setter seeks anybody who can keep up with me. 精通多国语言的国际空中飞人``寻找能跟上我步伐的人 20. setter的解释 20. Chen said he fielded a line-up consisted of three veteran and three young players in Olympic gold medallists setter Feng Kun, opposite Zhou Suhong and blocker Liu Yanan, and young players Wang Yimei, Chu Jinling and Xu Yunli. 陈还列出了一套三老带三新的阵容:奥运金牌获得者二传冯昆*接应周苏红*拦网刘亚男带年轻队员王一梅*楚金铃和徐云丽。 setter 词典解释 1. 赛特种猎犬(一种长毛猎狗,经训练后可以发现猎物位置) A setter is a long-haired dog that can be trained to show hunters where birds and animals are. setter 单语例句 1. Its pivotal setter Feng Kun is still out of action with a knee injury. 2. Zhou used to be the team's maestro player as side attack and assistant setter while Feng was the setter. 3. Safina beat Zheng in last year's French Open and the Beijing Olympics and another three setter earlier this year on the clay courts in Rome. 4. China was the world record setter in 1994 in the event and also won gold at the Barcelona World Championships four years ago. 5. Setter - the player who sets the ball for the attacker, usually on the second of the team's three permitted shots. 6. As the blogger behind the popular nightlife scene setter Beijing Boyce, he has become a fixture in the capital's food and wine scene. setter 英英释义 noun 1. a long-haired dog formerly trained to crouch on finding game but now to point 2. one who sets written material into type Synonym: compositortypesettertypographer |
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