单词 | settle in |
释义 | settle in [英 [?setl in] 美 [?s?tl ?n] ] settle in的意思、解释 settle in 基本解释 安顿下来,适应于新家; 在…中放稳,坐定[躺倒]; (使)开始在…居住; 盘踞 settle in的意思 settle in 相关例句 ph. 1. I haven't yet settled in in my new job. 我还未适应我的新工作。 settle in 情景对话 Shopping in the Dime Store-(在低价商店购物) A:Do you carry black ink? 你们有黑墨水卖吗? B:The ink should be next to the paper clips and thumb tacks in the stationary section, sir. 墨水应该在文具部的回形针和图钉旁边,先生。 settle in A:Ive looked, but I didnt see any black ink. 我看过了,但没找到黑墨水。 B:Then Im afraid theres none in stock. 那我想是缺货了。 A:Well, Ill settle for blue-black. Ill also take a dozen airmail envelopes. 嗯,那要蓝黑的也可以。我还要一打航空信封。 B:They come in packages of ten or twenty. 信封分成十只一扎或二十只一扎出售。 A:Give me a package of twenty, then. And where do I find shoelaces? 那就给我二十只一扎的。还有我去哪儿可以找到鞋带。 settle in的反义词 B:On counter three. 在第三号柜台。 settle in在线翻译 A:Thank you. I never can find my way around this store. 谢谢,我在这家商店里总是搞不清商品的部位。 B:I know. It took me three weeks, and I work here. 我知道。我在这儿工作,花了三个星期才熟悉。 settle in 网络解释 1. (使)习惯(环境等):26. settle for勉强同意,接受 | 27. settle in(使)习惯(环境等) | 28. settle on定居(短暂停留) 2. 迁入:settle for 满足于 | settle in 迁入 | start out: 出发,动身, 3. 安顿,安家:tutor 督导,指导,导师 | settle in 安顿,安家 | feel quite at home 感觉像在家里 4. 使习惯与(新工作,环境等):settle for 接受(不很合意的事,无被动) | settle in 使习惯与(新工作,环境等) | 6.throw vt. 扔,投,向空中喷射 settle in 双语例句 1. China has taken another step towards internationalising its currency and reducing reliance on the US dollar with the announcement of new rules to allow select companies to invoice and settle trade transactions in renminbi. 中国政府昨日公布新规定,允许指定企业在跨境贸易中以人民币开票和结算,这标志着中国政府在推进人民币国际化和减少对美元依赖方面又迈出了一步。 2. Nikolay began to settle down in his old world of home. 无论他想起来这是多么烦难和奇怪:在他还没有从司令部打听到他是否被提升为骑兵大尉,或者在近来举行的大演习中他是否获得安娜勋章的时候,他居然回家去了,无论他觉得这是多么奇怪:在他还没有把三匹黑鬃黄褐色的烈马卖给讨价还价的戈卢霍夫斯基伯爵的时候(罗斯托夫打赌时说要拿到两千卢布才把这三匹烈马卖出去),他居然回家去了;无论他感到这是多么不可理解:为了使那些替波兰小姐博尔若佐夫斯卡娅举办舞会的枪骑兵为难,骠骑兵们也要为波兰小姐普沙杰茨卡娅举办一次舞会,而他竟要回家去,就不能参加这次舞会了,——他晓得他要从这个晴朗的美好的世界到那个荒谬绝伦的杂乱无章的地方去。 3. This paper has a detailed introduction of the intrusion detection technology firstly, and then it indicates the characters and drawbacks of the current intrusion detection system. Furthermore, analyzing systematically the former study, it puts forward a new kind of dynamic intrusion detection model based on the artificial immunity mechanism. And this model can settle down some problems in the current intrusion detection system. 本文首先对入侵检测技术进行了较为详细的介绍,指出了当前入侵检测系统的特点及其缺陷,进而在系统分析了前人研究的基础之上提出了一种基于人工免疫的动态入侵检测模型,解决了当前传统基于人工免疫的入侵检测系统中存在的一些问题。 4. In this process, facing the general trend, the writers must seek for it to settle down and get on with life the basis. 在这过程中,面对易代这一大趋势,文人们要在此间寻找其安身立命之依据。 5. Having traced my roots and followed in the footsteps of these early settlers, I feel a sense of gratitude to my ancestors who faced extreme difficulties and severe hardship to settle in a new land. 追根溯源,沿着这些早期移民的足迹,一种感激之情油然而生。我的祖先们面对艰难困苦,克服重重困难才在这片土地上定居下来。 6. Having traced my roots followed in the footsteps of these early settlers, I feel a sense of gratitude to my ancestors who faced extreme difficulties severe hardship to settle in a new land. 追根溯源,沿着这些早期移民的足迹,一种感激之情油然而生。我的祖先们面对艰难困苦,克服重重困难才在这片土地上定居下来。 7. settle in的意思 7. Perhaps he knew that Archippus had a tendency to settle down in comfort and to take things easy. 也许他知道亚基布容易流于安逸和处事轻忽。 8. An Internet professional expresses, the concept of Zhang guest net is very good, but it is very difficult to if rely on function of a charge to an account to want to let fire of Zhang guest net only, rise, the website of this kind of type needs to search breach, to the market pattern of fixed position, trade has detailed program, undertake aggrandizement on the technology at the same time, solve the problem with website stable operation, only such, settle or live in a strange place of rich of true positive-appearing image of ability of Zhang guest net is same, become the community on the net that the netizen cannot not ramble. 一位互联网专业人员表示,账客网的概念很好,但假如只靠一个记账功能就想让账客网火起来很难,这种类型的网站需要寻找突破口,对市场定位、商业模式进行具体规划,同时在技术上进行强化,解决网站运营稳定的问题,只有这样,账客网才能真正像博客一样,成为网民不可不逛的网上社区。 9. Attained immortality beliefs make it a clear direction in life, to find its own place to settle down. 成仙得道的信仰使人们明确了人生的努力方向,找到了自己的安身立命之处。 10. The average epoxy value and the average viscosity of such diluent were 0.502×10-2eq/g and 3.2 mPa. s(25 ℃) respectively. It was an ideal diluent and could be used instead of active diluent such as butyl epihydrin etc. and non-active diluent such as dibutyl phthalate etc. in epoxy resin industry. The preparation of the epoxy diluent by fusel oil could not only settle the problem of environmental pollution caused by fusel oil drainage, but also produce economic and social benefits. 结果表明,杂醇油制备的环氧树脂活性稀释剂环氧值平均为0.502×10-2eq/g,环氧值适中;粘度平均值为3.2 mPa.s(25 ℃),粘度较小,为比较理想的环氧树脂活性稀释剂;该环氧树脂活性稀释剂可望代替环氧丙烷丁基醚等活性稀释剂和邻苯二甲酸二丁酯等非活性稀释剂应用于环氧树脂工业;可解决酿酒企业和酒精厂下脚料杂醇油排放带来的环境污染问题。 11. From the level found in an area of 2-20 square meters of size ranging from 14 irregular circular pits, co-exist with half-underground-style architectural monuments and the stoves pits, heated kang, kang grill marks on the three facing the wall, initially identified as the ancient people settle down architectural monuments. 从该层发现有面积2-20平方米大小不等的14个不规则圆形灰坑,并存有半地穴式建筑遗迹及灶坑、火炕,炕三面壁上有烧烤痕迹,初步认定是古代人定居生活的建筑遗迹。 12. Meanwhile, the invention performs selective variation according to degree of confidence of the association rules in the process of obtaining the optimal solution of the genetic algorithm, which can accelerate the convergence rate of the genetic algorithm in order to improve the speed to compute the optimal meter proposal by a meter designing system in the practical operation, and to settle the issue about long waiting time for user when designing the meter proposal in batch. 本发明同时在对遗传算法最优解的求取过程中,按照关联规则的置信度进行有选择的变异,能够加快算法的收敛速度,从提高在实际运用中仪表设计系统计算最优仪表方案的速度,解决批量设计仪表方案时的用户长时间等待的问题。 13. According to requirement of Zhengzhou Municipal Government, it is planned to conduct thorough reconstruction of urban villages of the whole city in 5 to 8 years, involving 34 urban villages of Zhongyuan District with a total land area of 11116.1 mu, out of which 3706 mu shall be sued to settle residents, 7410.1 mu shall be developed and used for the second time. 根据郑州市政府工作要求,将利用5到8年时间,对全市城中村进行彻底改造。中原区城中村改造共涉及34个城中村,现有土地总面积11116.1亩,居民安置需用地3706亩,改造后还有7410.1亩土地可进行二次开发利用。 14. School authorities may play an important role in helping students to settle in. 校方在帮助学生适应新生活方面起着很大的作用。 15. This would forever settle many minds that were now in uncertainty. 这就会使许多人心中的闷葫芦打破了。 16. Your guards are like locusts, your officials like swarms of locusts that settle in the walls on a cold day--but when the sun appears they fly away, and no one knows where. 你的首领,多如蝗虫,你的军长,仿佛成群的蚂蚱,天凉的时候,齐落在篱笆上,日头一出便都飞去,人不知道落在何处。 17. Settle in on Sunday. Your own little world's a nice place to be. 周日休息。你自己的小世界是一处休息场所。 18. NTTS not only support students from Taiwan to settle down in Nottingham before classes begin, but also gives them as much help as possible after their arrival and let them feel free and not afraid of the environment. 本会提供服务包括行前与学生们的沟通,同学们抵达Nottingham以后,也可以透过本会的协助,熟悉、认识环境。 19. Illusion ―― settle Cheng water, the swan with white one in it on Ai Wan refined cruise with sing. 幻觉――清澄的水,一只洁白的天鹅在其上哀婉而高雅的游弋和歌唱。 20. At first, in chapters, we analyze the environments which affect the internal financial institution. Then, according to the certain factors, we begin to illustrate the financial governance among shareholders, corporate managers, and directors. We study the power distribution and the management authority among the three levels, discuss how to coordinate the three levels and elucidate a game theory model to settle down the financial objective of the firm. 该部分以企业内部财务制度的影响因素分析入手,根据这些即定的因素,进而转入对微观层面的财务分层治理结构的分析,并试着通过对出资者财务、经营者财务以及经理层财务的财权配置、财务战略上的管理权限安排,以及各层次间相互勾稽与协调运作的剖析,建立一个协调各利益相关者的财务基本目标的博弈模型,最终总结出企业基于财务分层治理的内部财务制度设计的一般思路。 settle in 词典解释 1. 习惯(新居);适应(新工作、新学校等) If you settle in, you become used to living in a new place, doing a new job, or going to a new school. settle in是什么意思 e.g. I enjoyed King Edward's School enormously once I'd settled in. 适应了爱德华国王学校的生活后,我就深深地爱上了这里。 settle in 单语例句settle in 1. When China and Japan signed the Treaty of Peace and Friendship in 1978, they resolved to settle all their disputes by peaceful means. 2. He said the roll call was meaningless, a " bump in the road " required to settle a procedural problem. 3. Whether the cancellation of the meeting was politically motivated or due to Platini needing more time to settle in to his new role remained unclear. 4. We don't come back from the carol concert and settle down to anything involving Dudley Moore in an elf costume. 5. He planned to rent a single room and allow his wife and child settle down in Dalian after the Lunar New Year. 6. As real estate prices in the capital climb through the roof, foreign immigration services are trying to get Beijingers to invest and settle down overseas. 7. He believes humans should settle in space, predicting a lunar settlement within 20 years and a Martian colony in 40. 8. We youngsters had believed that hard work and frugal living could see us settle comfortably in big cities. 9. A comprehensive commercial center will settle in Shijiazhuang Yuhua District, covering about 53 hectares in size. 10. We will improve this action and try to encourage more enterprises to settle in here, to ensure a continual flow of both capital and enterprises. |
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