单词 | shame |
释义 | shame [英 [?e?m] 美 [?em] ] shame的意思、解释 过去式:shamed; 过去分词:shamed; 现在分词:shaming; 复数形式:shames; shame 基本解释 shame是什么意思 名词羞愧; 羞辱; 可耻的人; 羞愧感 及物动词使蒙羞; 玷辱; 使感到羞愧; 使相形见绌 shame 同义词 shame的近义词 名词disgraceignominy shame 反义词 shame是什么意思 名词honor shame的翻译 shame 相关例句 及物动词 1. shame的翻译 1. She was shamed and frightened. 她既羞愧又惊慌。 名词 1. When his teacher told his parents about his behavior, he felt great shame. 当老师告诉他父母他的行为时,他感到非常羞愧。 2. shame什么意思 2. It is a shame to be so wasteful. 这样浪费太可惜了。 3. She felt great shame at having failed the exam. 她考试不及格,感到极其羞愧。 shame 网络解释 1. 1. 惭愧:记得一次参加癌症药物的会议,一位抗癌药物研究的大师说,我们这个领域每年耗费了多少亿的资金,研究了这么多年,但是没有再取得象发现紫杉醇(Paclitaxel)那样的突破,惭愧(shame)呀. shame 双语例句 1. The Rome official, the Israeli and theChinese who had spoken earlier all lowered their heads in shame, and did notdare to respond. 先前说话的罗马官长、以色列人和中国人都面露惭色地低下头不敢作声。 2. The Rome official, the Israeli and the Chinesewho had spoken earlier all lowered their heads in shame, and did notdare to respond. 先前说话的罗马官长、以色列人和中国人都面露惭色地低下头不敢作声。 3. The Rome official, the Israeli and the Chinese who had spoken earlier all lowered their heads in shame, and did not dare to respond. 先前说话的罗马官长、以色列人和中国人都面露惭色地低下头不敢作声。 4. shame 4. I think that the entire country felt shame about what had happened. 我认为整个国家对所发生的感到惭愧。 5. For this cause be a prophet about the land of Israel, and say to the mountains and to the hills, to the streams and to the valleys, This is what the Lord has said: Truly, in my bitter feeling and in my wrath I have said these things, because you have undergone the shame of the nations 故此你要指着以色列地来传神言,对山和冈陵、对溪河跟平谷说∶主永恒主这么说∶看哪,我怀着妒愤和烈怒来说话,因为你们担受了外国人的羞辱 6. 6. Think about myself, I can not help but shame, there is a ray of my heart can not erase the stigma. 想想自己,我不禁无地自容,心头有一丝无法抹去的耻辱。 7. shame的意思 7. China sees a fake city not as a sign of shame, but of hiding its shame. 中国认为一座虚假的城市不是羞耻的标志,而是遮羞。 8. But God has an answer to our shame. He has garments that cover our nakedness. 然而神已赐下遮羞的方法,祂为我们预备了衣物来遮盖我们赤祼的身体。 9. But it was shame for a girl to show her true feeling. 但是对一个女孩子来说,表达她的真情实感是一件害羞的事。 10. shame 10. Rou Jia for the first time to see you, give me a tender and beautiful, beautiful feeling, like a peach, like so tender, pure, a small smile made people intoxicated, you will not always be strong to meet the difficulties, only when wind, frost, snow and rain, closed shame to spend months, omitted his own shadow. 柔佳第一次见到你,就给我一种娇艳,美丽的感觉,像桃花一样,如此的柔美,纯洁,一个小小的微笑就令人如痴如醉,你并不会永远坚强的迎接困难,只会在风霜雪雨之时,闭花羞月,隐去了自己的身影。 11. Child of my shame, be still the child of my shame! 不要再提那可怕的事情,我耻辱的孩子,继续做我耻辱的孩子吧! 12. Wendy was a child of shame whose father left her mother before she was born. 温迪是个私生女,她父亲在她出生年前就遗弃了她母亲。 13. shame 13. Defensiveness, on the other hand, is the bastard child of shame. 而防御是羞愧导致。 14. Together (she is a poor waif, a child of shame, yours and mine and of all for a bare shilling and her luckpenny), together they hear the heavy tread of the watch as two raincaped shadows pass the new royal university. 彼与伊在一道(可怜,伊无家可归,系私生女,只付一先令与一便士吉利钱,便属于汝,属于吾,属于众人),当两名夜警头戴雨帽之阴影路过新修建的皇家大学时,彼等一道倾听其沉重脚步声。 15. No! All is over for me, she said, with shame and self-humiliation. 不远大!我的一切都完了。她怀着羞怯和妄自菲薄的心情说。 16. shame什么意思 16. I tried to shame her into voting in the election, but she has no sense of public duty. 我试图迫使她在选举中投票,可是她却没有公共责任感。 17. It's a shame, as I think we played a fine game and came close to doubling our advantage at least twice. 我感到非常遗憾,因为我认为我们踢了一场伟大的比赛,我们有两次绝佳的机会,差一点将领先优势翻倍。 18. 18. As we all know 2008 is Olympic year, and then there will be so many international people rush into Beijing, have you thought about you should catch this chance to show the custom and culture of China to them, also have you thought about your pronunciation may makes you fell shame to talk with them? 我们都知道今年是奥运年,或许我们都曾想过想利用这次千载难逢的机会向全世界展示我们中国的文化与风俗,但是可能语言却成了我们交流的阻碍,但是我们又不想让这个机会从我们身边溜走,我们该怎么做呢? 19. In the main, however, there is a sour grapes feel to this work, which is a shame, because Carroll is a talented writer. 在主,然而,有一种酸葡萄的感觉,这方面的工作,这是一个耻辱,因为卡罗尔是一位天才的作家。 20. Whether is it better, I ask, to be a slave in a fool's paradise at Marseilles- fevered with delusive bliss one hour- suffocating with the bitterest tears of remorse and shame the next- or to be a village-schoolmistress, free and honest, in a breezy mountain nook in the healthy heart of England? 我问,在马赛愚人的天堂做一个奴隶--一会儿开心得浑身发烧,头脑发昏--一会儿因为羞愧和悔恨而痛苦流涕,是这样好呢,还是--在健康的英国中部一个山风吹拂的角落,做一个无忧无虑老老实实的乡村女教师好呢? shame 词典解释 1. 羞耻;羞愧;惭愧 Shame is an uncomfortable feeling that you get when you have done something wrong or embarrassing, or when someone close to you has. e.g. She felt a deep sense of shame... 她深感羞愧。 e.g. They feel shame and guilt as though it is their fault... 他们觉得羞愧和内疚,就好像这是他们的错。 2. 丢脸;耻辱 If someone brings shame on you, they make other people lose their respect for you. e.g. I don't want to bring shame on the family name... 我不想玷污家族的名声。 e.g. He committed suicide rather than face the shame of being linked to the scandal. 他选择了自杀,不愿面对牵扯进这桩丑闻所带来的耻辱。 3. 使羞愧;使惭愧;使难为情 If something shames you, it causes you to feel shame. shame什么意思 e.g. Her son's affair had humiliated and shamed her. 儿子的事让她感到难堪和羞愧。 4. 使蒙受耻辱;使丢脸 If you shame someone close to you, you make people lose their respect for that person, by behaving in an unacceptable way. e.g. I wouldn't shame my father by trying that. 我不会做那种事让我父亲丢脸。 5. 使…感到羞愧(而不得不做…) If you shame someone into doing something, you force them to do it by making them feel ashamed not to. e.g. He would not let neighbours shame him into silence... 邻居们试图想让他自感羞愧而从此闭口,他是不会乖乖就范的。 e.g. Museums have now been shamed out of selling the treasures from their collections. 博物馆现在已经深感羞愧,不再变卖他们收藏的珍宝了。 6. 令人惋惜的事;让人遗憾的事 If you say that something is a shame, you are expressing your regret about it and indicating that you wish it had happened differently. e.g. It's a crying shame that police have to put up with these mindless attacks... 警察得忍受这些无谓的攻击,真是太不像话了。 e.g. They did not have enough money to adopt a child. It was such a shame. 他们没有足够的钱去收养一个孩子,真让人惋惜。 7. 真丢脸;真不害臊 You can use shame in expressions such as shame on you and shame on him to indicate that someone ought to feel shame for something they have said or done. e.g. He tried to deny it. Shame on him! 他还想抵赖,真不害臊! 8. 使自惭形秽;使相形见绌;使自愧不如 If someone puts you to shame, they make you feel ashamed because they do something much better than you do. shame什么意思 e.g. His playing really put me to shame. 他的表演真让我自惭形秽。 shame 单语例句 1. But now she has spoken candidly of the shame which almost ended her glittering career. 2. He will find his place at the table, it's just a shame that Santa can't process visas. 3. Progressives should hang their heads in shame at the minimal amount of activism taking place against the banks and the escalating numbers of foreclosures. 4. The encounter dramatically capped three days of comments the pope has made expressing shame about the scandal that has rocked the US Church. 5. A senior citizen was so upset with his new apartment he turned to the media to shame developers into doing something about dodgy workmanship. 6. And it's a shame that so many people jumped forward from among a crowd to claim something that was not theirs. 7. It's a shame because there's a lot in this great city I want to show off. 8. He never experienced colonial life and cannot understand the pain and shame of living under the oppression of a foreign race. 9. When she held up her head and stood firm for her rights, did a sense of guilt and shame creep over her conscience? 10. And all shame on the food fools that decided it was a good thing to put in anything consumable. shame 英英释义 shame的近义词 noun 1. an unfortunate development e.g. it's a pity he couldn't do it Synonym: pity 2. a painful emotion resulting from an awareness of inadequacy or guilt 3. a state of dishonor e.g. one mistake brought shame to all his family suffered the ignominy of being sent to prison Synonym: disgraceignominy verb 1. surpass or beat by a wide margin 2. cause to be ashamed 3. compel through a sense of shame e.g. She shamed him into making amends 4. bring shame or dishonor upon e.g. he dishonored his family by committing a serious crime Synonym: dishonordisgracedishonourattaint |
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