单词 | legion |
释义 | legion [英 [?li:d??n] 美 [?lid??n] ] legion的意思、解释 复数形式:legions; legion 基本解释 legion什么意思 名词大批部队; 众多,大量; 古罗马军团 形容词众多的; 大量的 legion 相关例句 形容词 1. legion在线翻译 1. His good works were legion. 他的好作品数不胜数。 2. legion 2. Her honors were legion. 她获得的荣誉甚多。 名词 1. legion的翻译 1. Each legion contained between 3000 and 6000 soldiers. 每个古罗马军团有三千至六千名步兵。 2. 2. Books on this subject are legion. 关于这个题目的书籍多得不计其数。 legion 网络解释 1. 基督再临:(Legion)深影字幕组原创翻译[RMVB]由索尼公司出品的(Legion)预定于2010年1月22日上映. 上帝似乎对当今的人类很不满意,派出一支天使军团来到人间,再一次让圣经中的天启降临人间. 此时,一个偏远地方的路边餐馆, 2. 古罗马军团:Strategy First曾在2002年发布过即时策略游戏(Legion),玩家要体验的是罗马帝国的那一段充满传奇色彩的历史,作为指挥官进行军队的建设和指挥作战. 3. ***再临:无差别攻击人类的天使军团与保护身怀人类救世主的女性的大天使米加勒正面冲突的(Legion)媒体综评37分(Yahoo方面为C-,烂番茄网站新鲜度22%:9票支持∶32票反对),果然是没胆量设置媒体场的影片应得的评价. legion 双语例句 1. legion 1. Text=Sargeras gathered his vast Burning Legion and made his way towards the unsuspecting world of Azeroth. 萨格拉斯聚集了他庞大的燃烧军团,信步挥师前往艾泽拉斯。 2. J! - r: C. r# n, u u * The combined forces of Shattrath have launched an attack on the Isle of Quel`Danas, to confront Kael`thas and the Legion at the Sunwell and surrounding areas. P; R O; Q*{*撒塔斯的联合力量已经发动了一场针对Quel`Danas的攻击,以在太阳井和周围区域得以面对凯尔萨斯和军团的势力。 3. Ninth Legion into testudo formation -- wait for it -- march! 罗马第九军团组成龟甲阵方队——注意——进军! 4. Without their commander, the Burning Legion forces remaining on Azeroth crumbled under the combined might of the Horde, human, and night elf armies. 不管如何,玛维·影歌还是对追捕她的牢犯伊利丹一事上契而不舍,对这事她甚至死也不惜。 5. legion在线翻译 5. Tang Dynasty's economic, political, and measures to continue the implementation of the early Tang Equal-field system, where 18 years of age, 60 years of age were victims of the ordinary man, Wing Yip Tin 20 acres Kubunden 80 acres; officials according to rank and ribbons, according to Legion officials, other people may be affected by the number of categories ranging fields. 唐前期的经济、政治、措施唐前期继续推行均田制,凡18岁以上,60岁以下的普通男子各受永业田20亩,口分田80亩;官员按品级、勋官按勋级,其他百姓按类别可受多少不等的田地。 6. By order of the Legion Commander of the Imperial Watch, Hieronymus Lex is relieved of his duties as a Watch Captain of the Imperial Watch. 按照帝国守卫军团司令的命令,海罗尼玛斯·莱克斯已经从帝国守卫队长的职位上离职了。 7. He was a Commander of the Legion of Honour. 因此,他们设想,这是一种新的基本粒子,它的质量同质子相近,但不带电荷,所以,具有高度的穿透力。 8. Four thousand men disappeared, and the Eagle, symbol of the Legion's honour, was lost. Years later thee is a story that the Eagle has been seen again. So Marcus Aquila, whose father disappeared with the Ninth, travels north, to find the Eagle and bring it back, and to learn how his father died. 但多年之后却有人在北方看到这支老鹰权杖的下落,当年第九军团的儿子马可斯决定远赴北方去调查他父亲当年失踪的真相,但是北方到处都是痛恨罗马人的蛮族,他能顺利达成目的吗? 9. How dare the outside world, runs the refrain of a legion of Chinese bloggers, lecture China about uncivilised behaviour? 外界怎么敢对数量巨大的中国博客军团一再的说三道四,给中国上一节有关不文明行为的课呢? 10. legion的翻译 10. Therefore they were prepared to cooperate with Germany with all their hearts and stood ready to participate in the war, not only negatively by the commission of acts of sabotage and the instigation of revolutions, but also positively by the formation of an Arab Legion. 因此他们打算全心全意地与德国方面进行合作,随时准备参战。其形式不限于破袭活动和革命宣传等相对消极的任务,他们还要积极组建一支阿拉伯军团。 11. The hand of Night Haunter was still evident in the acts of his Legion, but it is obvious from field recordings of the time that the battle orders of the Primarch had changed. Where they were originally cold and calculating, the Night Lords now struck against overwhelming odds, their tactics eventually betraying a self-destructive desperation. 暗夜领主的目标从表面看来依旧没有改变,但很明显的从战场纪录看来基因原体的战役方向被改变了,他们所有本来有利的计划全都向相反的方向去进行了,他们的战略不再象一只破袭部队,而更像一只自杀军团。 12. The sexy sister duo Aya and Saki use their swords and their hotness to defend their city against a legion of killer zombies. 性感姐妹二人早绫和使用他们的剑和他们的炎热捍卫自己的城市对僵尸军团杀手。 13. His awards include being the officier de l'Ordre de la Legion d'Honneur, chevalier de l'Ordre national du M~rite, oommandeur des Arts et des Lettres, and the member of the Institut de France Acad~mie des Beaux Arts 雅克·泰迪曾获得法国国家骑士荣誉勋章、骑士级国家勋章、法国文学艺术勋章、法兰西学会成员等荣誉奖项。 14. legion的意思 14. One of th dree demons in the service of Satanachia, rcommander of the first legion of Hell. 其中三个妖魔在服务satanachia ,指挥官的第一个军团的地狱。 15. legion的意思 15. When the Entente countries intervened in the Soviet-Russian revolution, Czech legion was used by the Entente countries, and acted as a daring vanguard in the interference with Siberian revolution. 在协约国干涉苏维埃俄国革命中,捷克军团被协约国利用,充当协约国干涉西伯利亚革命的急先锋。 16. The naaru explained that there were other forces in the cosmos that would stand against the Burning Legion. 总有一天,naaru会把这所有力量集合成一支不可战胜的光明之军。(哦!好热血!明日之寰球,必是赤旗之世界! 17. In the year of the four emperors 69, the legion, and the rest of the Danubian army, aligned first with Otho, then with Vespasian. 在69年的四帝内乱当中,该军团与其他多瑙前线的部队,一开始支持Otho,最后倒向韦斯巴芗一边。 18. The character in the middle of the picture is the Lich King`s mightiest Death Knight and also the legion commander. 位于画面中央的是尸巫王手下最强大的死亡骑士也是军团指挥。 19. Each legion had six tribunes attached to it. Five were equestrian military officers, the legionary tribunate being the second of the three positions that they normally held before going on to higher positions in the Imperial career for equestrians. 每个军团有六个军团将校,其中五人是骑士等级的,在帝国时代的骑士等级晋升途径上,军团将校是升任高级职位以前一个骑士必须担任的三个职位里面的第二个。 20. About the Author/作者介绍: Born in 1944 and educated at Wellington College, Martin Windrow is an Associate of the Royal Historical Society and a member of the Foreign Legion Association of Great Britain. He has worked in publishing since the mid-1960s as a commissioning editor and author. 本书作者 Martin Windrow,出生于1944年,毕业于知名学府威灵顿学院,同时还是英国皇家历史学会会员,以及大英帝国外籍兵团协会成员;自上世纪六十年代起,长期在报刊界担任责任编辑并出版书籍。 legion 词典解释 1. 军团;兵团 A legion is a large group of soldiers who form one section of an army. e.g. ...the Sudan-based troops of the Libyan Islamic Legion... 利比亚伊斯兰军团驻扎在苏丹的部队 e.g. The last of the Roman legions left Britain in AD 410. 罗马军团最后一支部队于公元410年离开英国。 2. 众多;大批;大量 A legion of people or things is a great number of them. e.g. His delightful sense of humour won him a legion of friends. 他的幽默风趣为他赢得了众多的朋友。 e.g. ...a legion of stories about noisy neighbours. 有关吵闹的邻居的众多故事 3. 比比皆是的;不胜枚举的;多如牛毛的 If you say that things of a particular kind are legion, you mean that there are a great number of them. e.g. Ellie's problems are legion... 埃莉的问题多如牛毛。 e.g. The number of women who become pregnant after adopting children is legion. 领养小孩后怀孕的妇女比比皆是。 legion 单语例句legion的反义词 1. Dating tours - excursions that offer a chance for romance - are growing in popularity among China's legion of unmarried and overworked office employees. 2. The Tiger phenomenon has created a new legion of golfers, seduced by Woods's almost effortless mastery of this most difficult game. 3. The National Order of the Legion of Honor was founded by Napoleon Bonaparte and recognizes eminent service to the Republic of France. 4. But she argues that behind the problem is a legion of alcoholics and a larger number of people who are developing alcohol dependence. 5. The " In the Mood for Love " director was named a knight of the Legion of Honor at the Cannes Film Festival. 6. Chinese national team members Zhang Weiwei and Wang Xinying spearhead the local legion, which features 32 golfers who have clinched crowns in various amateur tournaments. 7. Ideally, there should be institutes or a legion of firebrands who challenge the status quo. 8. The American socialite has employed a team to deal with her legion of incarcerated admirers who make sure their love tokens are all returned. 9. An officer of the French Legion of Honor is a higher rank. 10. Private planes join other premium objects of desire tapping into demand from China's growing legion of millionaires. legion的意思legion 英英释义 noun 1. a vast multitude Synonym: hordehost 2. archaic terms for army Synonym: host 3. a large military unit e.g. the French Foreign Legion 4. association of ex-servicemen e.g. the American Legion |
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