单词 | like lightning |
释义 | like lightning [英 [laik ?laitni?] 美 [la?k ?la?tn??] ] like lightning的意思、解释 like lightning 基本解释 闪电般地; like lightning 网络解释 1. like lightning的意思 1. 闪电般地:Like knows like 英雄识英雄 | like lightning 闪电般地 | like mad 疯狂地 2. like lightning的翻译 2. 如電:如夢 like a dream. | 如電 like lightning. | 如夢 like a dream. 3. like lightning 3. 稍丛即世:172.no matter无论怎样 | 173.like lightning稍丛即世 | 174.in one ear and out the other左耳进右耳出 like lightning 双语例句 1. But more beautiful to me thy sword with its curve of lightning like the outspread wings of the divine bird of Vishnu, perfectly poised in the angry red light of the sunset. 但是 dddTt 依我看来你的宝剑是更美的,那弯弯的闪光像毗湿奴的神鸟展开的翅翼,完美地平悬在落日怒发的红光 2. This is a single beam of lightning that locks onto monsters, like a beam weapon in an FPS. 电刑,这是一束打到敌人身上的雷电,好像FPS游戏里的光束武器。 3. like lightning的意思 3. When he finished his work for the day, Tom was off home like greased lightning. 做完一天的活后,汤姆下班飞快地跑回家。 4. Together with its larger derivative the P-63 Kingcobra, it was the only single engine American fighter with tricycle undercarriage, though two engine fighters like the P-38 Lightning, P-61 Black Widow and F7F Tigercat also had this configuration. 连同其较大的衍生的P - 63***王蛇,它是唯一的单引擎战斗机与美国三轮车起落架,但两个引擎战斗机一样的P - 38闪电,个P - 61黑寡妇和F7F Tigercat也有此配置。 5. Well, Old Nick gave one great shake, and was gone like lightning, leaving harness and cart. 老尼克剧烈地抖动了一下,留下缰绳和车,闪电一样消失了。 6. I held the key high and dropped it, watching his hand flash like lightning to catch it soundlessly. 我高举起钥匙,松开手让它落下来,看着他的手闪电般地掠过,无声地抓住它。 7. When you're hungry you can peel a boiled potato like lightning. 当你饿极时,能闪电般的剥煮熟的带皮马铃薯。 8. Spell-Like Abilities:1/day——call lightning, control weather, control winds, dominate animal, greater magic fang, protection from elements, quench, resist elements, Caster level 9th; save DC10+spell level. 类法术能力:1/天——招雷术,操控天气,操控风相,支配动物,高等魔牙,防护元素伤害,灭火术,抵抗元素伤害,施法者等级9;豁免检定DC10+法术等级 9. But I was told my brother died on October 28th noon, this news like a lightning bolt, my sadness dissolved in tears at that moment. I went to Beijing by train immediately, to join my eighth brother's bereavement ceremony. 不料10月28日中午,突然接到侄媳的电话说,八哥刚才已离亲人而去,这个噩耗,犹如晴天霹雳让我震惊,我痛哭不已,当晚乘火车奔赴北京,第二天见到细姐,只有相抱大哭,过了好久,才想起应该向细姐多说些劝慰的话语。 10. O the joy of my spirit--it is uncaged--it darts like lightning! 啊,我的精神多么欢乐呀!——它是无拘无束的——它如同闪雷般飞 11. It's like lightning, like a surge of electricity, and then it's gone. 就像闪电,巨浪和电流一样,一出来马上就不见了 12. Like Tyr, Thor was a son of Woden, and he was the god of thunder and lightning. 如同蒂尔,托尔是沃登的儿子,它是司雷鸣和电闪之神。 13. Xu Huabei's glance flashed across her like lightning, and she turned away in confusion. 徐华北的目光像闪电一样射了过来,她慌忙避开了。 14. Although you bring me joy, I have no joy in this contract tonight. It is too rash, too unadvised, too sudden; too like the lightning, which ceases to be before we can say it lightens. 我虽然喜欢你,却不喜欢今天晚上海网站建设的密约;它太仓卒、太轻率、太出人意外了,正像一闪电光,等不及人家开一声口,已经消隐了下去。 15. I hate that thing. It's like a bolt of lightning. 嗯,我也不要那张脸就像扭曲的闪电一样 16. like lightning的近义词 16. Most lightning occurs within cumulonimbus clouds like these, but it can also be released from wide, layered formations called stratiform clouds. 大多数雷击都发生在积雨云云层像这些,但是它也可以释放出广泛的,分层次的构成所谓的层状的云。 17. like lightning什么意思 17. He runs like a streak of lightning. 他跑起来快如飞。 18. Doug has things in mind so she naturally ignores the environment. As she notices an offensive smell and raises her head in fear, a red shadow`s already been her side. Before she can give a response, Po has held her in his arm and sent out a lightning-like slash. A fiery, three feet long lizard is cut half and drops on the ground with a splutter. Two parts of its body are still moving. 豆豆心里有事,不免疏忽周围情况,等她闻到一股腥味,怵然抬头,一条红影已逼到身旁,她还来不及反应,童博已伸手把她护在怀,神龙剑迅如闪电般挥出,啪哒一声,一只全身火红,长达三尺的大蜥蜴被斩成两半掉在地上,两截身体还兀自扭动著 19. 19. And I can tell you exactly which shower tile I was looking at in my parent''s bathroom on a trip home when it hit me like a lightning bolt. 至今我还能确切地告诉你,在一次回家时,在父母的浴室中,我正凝视着哪一片檐瓦,一个念头象闪电一样击中了我。 20. And I can tell you exactly which shower tile I was looking at in my parent's bathroom on a trip home when it hit me like a lightning bolt. This is mylife. I can do what I want. I have control. 至今我还能确切地告诉你,在一次回家时,在父母的浴室中,我正凝视着哪一片檐瓦,一个念头像闪电一样击中了我。 like lightning 单语例句like lightning的解释 1. Bits of video and pictures pop up daily by the dozens on the web, spread like lightning and fizzle out in hours. 2. Other elements like rays of sunlight at dawn and shafts of lightning were also adopted. like lightning |
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