单词 | likeness |
释义 | likeness [英 [?la?kn?s] 美 [?la?kn?s] ] likeness的意思、解释 复数形式:likenesses; likeness 基本解释 名词相象,相似; 外表; 照片,肖像 likeness 相关例句 名词 1. Betty painted a likeness of Jack. 贝蒂给杰克画了一张画像。 2. I see no likeness whatever between him and his brother. 我看不出他和他兄弟有任何相似之处。 3. The painting is a good likeness of you. 这幅画像很像你。 likeness 网络解释 1. 类似:likely 或许;可能 | likeness 类似 | likewise 同样地 2. 相似性;相象:likeness coefficient 相似性系数 | likeness 相似性;相象 | LIL 测-注-测 3. 相象:liken 比作 | likeness 相象 | likesome 讨人喜欢的 likeness 双语例句 1. And he who seizes the rainbow to lay it on a cloth in the likeness of man 那捕捉彩虹,将其传神地画在布帛上的人,比织履的人强多了。 2. And he who seizes the rainbow to lay it on a cloth in the likeness of man, is more than he who makes the sandals for our feet. 那捉住虹霓,传神地画在布帛上的人,是比织履的人强多了。 3. He hit off a perfect likeness when he drew his friend's face. 他画他朋友的脸,画得维妙维肖。 4. Many childrens songs try to explain bad nature, express their likeness on animals and plants, focus on society, and protect children in some magical way. 许多儿歌通过某些巫术手段对恶劣的自然现象进行禳解、对动植物加以褒贬、对社会表示关注并对儿童加以呵护。 5. That`s his likeness on the steering wheel. 这是他在方向盘上的肖像。 6. The spirit moving him he would much have liked to follow Jack Tar's good example and leave the likeness there for a very few minutes to speak for itself on the plea he so that the other could drink in the beauty for himself, her stage presence being, frankly, a treat in itself which the camera could not at all do justice to. 251他在兴头儿上,颇想学学水手的好榜样,借口要……把照片稍微撂上几分钟,听任它发挥魅力,那么对方就可以独自陶醉于对美人儿的欣赏中了。 7. Even with that deviation, the probation officer could see enough of a likeness to recall a name promptly. 即使与偏差,感化主任可以看到足够的相似性召回的名字迅速。 8. Dopeland is an Bmerican rock band, originally formed in 2001 by singer Baron Marsh (who also plays the guitar, mellotron, organ, and piano) with hellos friend, bassist and backup singer James Likeness, in the city of Lakeland, Florida. 颠着末稳重的考虑会商咱们作出了一个极为困难的决议,是时候该向DOPELBND作别而咱们各自走向人的生活的另外一条门路了咱们对恁地恒久以来一直可以创编本身喜欢的音乐以及做本身喜欢的工作而深表感激,在这九年中咱们去了很多原本做梦都没想过的世界另外一真个国家,咱们曾与很多良好巨大的乐队一路同台表演而成为摰友,咱们有幸创编了四张令人骄傲的专辑,最重要的是,有恁地多朋友喜爱与体贴咱们的音乐,咱们很是感激你们让DOPELBND的音乐步入你们的人的生活,谢谢你们在这段路程中的支持鼓动勉励,你们也转变了咱们的平生 9. In 365 the Macedonians assembled at Lampsacus under the presidency of Eleusius, and condemned the Councils of Ariminum and Antioch (360), asserting again the likeness in substance. 在365马其顿集结在兰普萨库斯的主持下eleusius ,并谴责议会的ariminum和安提( 360 ),断言再次相似的实质。 10. He is a Marquis Great in Power, showing himself in the likeness of an Archer clad in Green, and carrying a Bow and Quiver. 他是一位强大的侯爵,以身穿绿色铠甲的射手现身,并带着弓和箭袋。 11. The only coinage bore a likeness of Leto's cowled face: the God Emperor. 仅有的造币图案和莱托被罩住的脸有些相像:神皇。 12. likeness 12. With Jay-Z and Madonna, the Jackson deal doesn't give Sony income from merchandise sales or fees for licensing his name and likeness. 近几年与歌手Jay-Z和麦当娜签订的百万美元的大协议不同,杰克逊的协议不包括特许商品的销售以及对他名字等的特许使用费。 13. likeness在线翻译 13. Ink to black and white flowers for two very tone color, refined elegance, and its conception of natural images, and traditional Chinese ink paintings of great spirit likeness: the performance of form, the hook inkornamentcracked, dry and wet strength, density actual situation, such as flying and white splashed color techniques, as well as a small concept, and thousands of milesNarrow version of natureway of composition and perspective, the techniques of ink color to black and white color for the two most tone, refined elegance, and its conception of natural images, and traditional Chinese ink paintings of great spirit likeness: the form in the manifestations, ink the hook点染chapped, dry and wet strength, density actual situation, flying white color techniques, such as Bosnia-Herzegovina, as well as a small concept, and thousands of milesNarrow version of natureside of the composition and perspective, with the ink and do not seek and. 水墨花以黑白两个极色为基调,素雅脱俗,其天然画面的意境,与中国传统水墨画极为神似:在表现形式上,水墨画的勾皴点染、浓淡干湿、虚实疏密、飞白泼黑等墨色技法以及以小观大、尺幅千里的构图和透视方式上,水墨色技法以黑白两个极色为基调,素雅脱俗,其天然画面的意境,与中国传统水墨画极为神似:在表现形式上,水墨画的勾皴点染、浓淡干湿、虚实疏密、飞白波黑等墨色技法以及以小观大、尺幅千里的构图和透视方,都与水墨画不谋而和。 14. His mannerisms bear a strong likeness to those of his father. 他的举止极像他父亲。2。画像,肖像 15. 15. And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 上帝对男人女人一视同仁,一样的为他们祝福,一样要他们生儿育女,布满大地,一样委命他们管理海里的鱼、空中的鸟,以及地上的走兽。 16. 16. More likeness than unlikeness among children of that age. 那个年龄的孩子们间的相似远多于差异。 17. They behold him lifted up, they gaze on the glory which rays from the wounds of his holy passion; and as they gaze they advance, and are changed into his likeness, and his name shines out through them, for he dwells in them. 他们看见祂被高举,他们看见祂得荣耀;他们看见一点,前进一点,最后他们竟变成了祂的肖像,从他们身上世人看见祂,因为祂住在他们里面。 18. 18. They behold Him lifted up, they gaze on the glory which rays from the wounds of His holy passion; and as they gaze they advance, and are changed into His likeness, and His name shines out through them, for He dwells in them. 他们看见祂被高举,祂得荣耀。他们看见一点,前进一点,最后他们竟变成了祂的模样。从他们身上世人看见了祂,因为祂住在他们里面。 19. That`s a good likeness of him. 那是他的一张很好的肖像。 20. But the reflection of their likeness is not the same as that of man. 但是,反映了它们的相似性是不一样的人。 likeness 词典解释 1. 相像;相似 If two things or people have a likeness to each other, they are similar to each other. likeness的近义词 e.g. These myths have a startling likeness to one another... 这些神话彼此间有惊人的相似性。 e.g. There might be a likeness between their features, but their eyes were totally dissimilar. 他们的相貌也许有些相似,但眼睛却完全不同。 2. 肖像;画像;照片;塑像 A likeness of someone is a picture or sculpture of them. e.g. The museum displays wax likenesses of every US president. 这家博物馆陈列着历任美国总统的蜡像。 3. (照片与本人的)相似 If you say that a picture of someone is a good likeness, you mean that it looks just like them. e.g. She says the artist's impression is an excellent likeness of her abductor. 她说这张模拟画像像极了绑架她的人。 likeness 单语例句 1. The reflecting pool of the canvas has been disturbed, and a third mirrored likeness looks outward from inside the pool. 2. Some residents were angered because they feared the giant Kim Basinger likeness seated on the " D " would draw crowds to their neighborhood. 3. Kylie's likeness will get a daily spray of her own fragrance Darling. 4. The presence of the Nazi dictator's likeness in the new museum led to criticism in German media before the branch's opening in July. 5. Jessica Alba is suing a weight loss company for over $ 1million in damages for allegedly using her likeness to promote their product. 6. He did not foresee his workshop would be crowded with visitors eager to have him render their likeness. 7. According to a National Geographic report many Chinese men today have a likeness to those original Qin warriors because they are genetically related. 8. " Likeness is not the final goal in the art of paper cutting, " he said. 9. Principal sculptor Victoria Grant says the color of Cooper's hair was the hardest part of matching his likeness. 10. She took up a handful of earth, mixed it with water and molded a figure in her likeness. likeness 英英释义 noun 1. picture consisting of a graphic image of a person or thing Synonym: semblance 2. similarity in appearance or character or nature between persons or things e.g. man created God in his own likeness Synonym: alikenesssimilitude |
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