单词 | lima |
释义 | lima lima的意思、解释 lima 基本解释 狐贝属,利马,莱马; lima的解释 lima 网络解释 1. 1. 莱马:它吸引了阿巴拉契亚产油区众多的寻油者前往勘探,不久便在那里发现了莱马(Lima)大油田. 俄亥俄从此成为美国另一个主要产油州. 1887年,美国头号石油生产公司--俄亥俄石油公司正式挂牌营业. 莱马油田1886年的产量大约只有100万桶, 2. 利马 利馬:利马(LIMA)库兹科(CUZCO)库兹科(CUZCO)胡利亚卡-普诺(PUNO)早上乘车前往秘鲁沿海南部,大约450公里纳斯卡县,沿途可观赏沙漠风光和太平洋风光,自费乘美式小飞机观赏世界之谜,(NAZCA)纳斯卡大地画. 然后乘车返回利马.利马(LIMA)-伊基多斯(IQUITOS)伊基多斯(IQUITOS)-利马(LIMA) 3. lima 3. 秘魯 利馬:也有从秘鲁利马(Lima)直飞基多与瓜亚基尔的班机. 也有由秘鲁利马(Lima)与智利圣地牙哥(Santiago)直飞基多与瓜亚基尔的班机. 由哥伦比亚波哥大(Bogota)有飞机直飞基多. 由美国亚特兰大(Atlanta)直飞基多与瓜亚基尔. 4. lima:left internal mammary artery; 其中左乳内动脉 lima 双语例句 1. Liu SH%Norris DM%Lyne P Volatiles from the foliage of soybean, Glycine max, and lima bean, Phaseolus lunatus: their behavioral effects on the insects Trichoplusia ni and Epilachna varivestis 10.1021/jf00086a050 Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 1989, null 杜永均%严福顺植物挥发性次生物质在植食性昆虫,寄主植物和昆虫天敌关系中的作用机理昆虫学报,1994,(2)杜永均%严福顺%韩心丽%张广学大豆蚜嗅觉在选择寄生植物中的作用昆虫学报,1994,4 2. lima什么意思 2. Lima says the new, faster device will also make it possible to scan patients with arrhythmia, or irregular heartbeats. The 256-CT can acquire a full image in the time it takes for just one beat, whereas the 64-CT takes longer, as much as six or eight heartbeats. Lima说,新型快速的装置也将使对心律不齐或不规则心律患者扫描成为可能。256-CT只一次心跳间隔时间中完成全部成像,而64-CT需要更长时间-----6或8次心跳间隔时间。 3. Vegetarian Greek food relies upon feta cheese (often taken from goat or sheep milk), hummos (garbanzo beans, lemon and garlic blended into a spread), white or lima beans (cooked with tomato sauce and served cold), baba ghanouj (eggplant, garlic, lemon and olive oil blended as a dip), and pita bread. 希腊素食依赖于羊乳酪、芝麻酱鹰嘴豆蓉(鹰嘴豆、柠檬和大蒜,混制成涂抹食品)、白豆或菜豆、茄泥芝麻糊(茄子、大蒜、柠檬和橄榄油混合成一种蘸料)、皮塔饼而产生。 4. lima 4. Santa and his myriad minions have many sporting guises to check who's been naughty or nice, includinga taekwondo student in Suining, China, shopping racers in Lima, a jet skier on the Rhine River in Duesseldorf, and reindeer in the Santa Speedo Race in Boston. 圣诞白叟和他的部下有良多年夜都体育伪装检查谁是被狡猾仍是不错的,包罗:在遂宁,中国在利马,在杜塞尔多夫莱茵河上的喷气滑雪,赛车手和驯鹿购物跆拳道门生圣Speedo泳衣角逐在波士顿。 5. Skyworth electronic. Wei Lima Electric for users such as the long-term support And praise. 创维电子。威利玛电器等用户的长期支持和赞誉。 6. It was also at four in the afternoon that she had dared to knock, years before, at the door of Ruy da Cámara`s riding school in Lima. 多年以前,也是在下午的四点,她鼓起勇气敲响了 Ruy da Cámara 位于利马的骑术学校的门。 7. Methods Between March 2006 and February 2008, 72 consecutive patients who had undergone OPCABG with LIMA bypass grafts were included in this study. 36 patients with sequential LIMA grafting were enrolled into group A and the other nonsequential patients into group B. 2006年3月至2008年2月接受非体外循环下左乳内动脉冠状动脉旁路移植的患者72例,其中利用左乳内动脉序贯吻合者36例;左乳内动脉仅与左前降支做端侧吻合者36例。 8. Five saints were canonized during this period; St. John of Gorkum (d. 1572), martyr; St. Pius V (d. 1572), the last pope canonized; St. Louis Bertrand (d. 1581), missionary in the New World; St. Catherine de'Ricci (d. 1589), of the second order, and St. Rose of Lima (d. 1617), tertiary, the first American saint. 五圣人被册封,在此期间;圣约翰的gorkum (四第1572 ),烈士,圣比约五(四第1572年),最后,教宗册封;圣路易斯贝特朗(四1581 ),传教士在新的世界;圣凯瑟琳德'利玛窦(四1589 ),二阶,和圣玫瑰利马(四第1617 ),大专,美国第一家圣。 9. As a senior lawyer who practiced law for about 20 years, Mr. HU dealt with hundreds of litigation and no-litigation cases in construction and real estate that happened in HeBei province and the nearby areas, for example, about 200 landlords of the shops sued Shijiazhuang FuQiao Real Estate Development Co.; Ltd for the shop trade dispute, Qianhuangdao SanYi Materials Center sued Qinhuangdao Custom for construction contract dispute, HeBei No.4 Construction and Engineering Company sued Beijing LiMa Cement Co.; Ltd for engineering dispute and so on. And, he also took part in the restructuring of HeBei Construction and Engineering Group Co.; Ltd and the rebuilding of Shijiazhuang village located in the city. 胡继军律师作为一位资深律师,从事律师工作近20年,曾承办河北省及周边地区涉及建筑、房地产领域的诉讼及非诉讼案件数百起,如:近200多名商铺购户诉石家庄福乔房地产开发有限公司商铺买卖纠纷案,秦皇岛三益物资中心诉秦皇岛海关建筑工程合同纠纷案,河北省第四建筑工程公司诉北京立马水泥有限公司工程纠纷案等,参与河北建工集团有限公司整体改制及石家庄市城中村改造等项目。 10. To 1533, the dominant announcement which India added finished, has built new Spanish city Lima. 到1533年,印加的统治宣告结束,建立了新的西班牙城市利马。 11. lima的翻译 11. Thunderbird Hotel Pardo is located in Miraflores, minutes from Lima`s financial district. 住客评语反映的是 Booking.com的客人在酒店住宿后对该酒店的个人意见和看法。 12. So we wins GLANT、LVYUAN、AIMA、BEIJINGXINRI、YADI、AUCMA、SUPAQ、BANGDE、FUSHIDA、LVNENG、DALUGE、SUZHOUHEPING、HENNANSENDI、INCALCU、PHILLIPS、BIAOPAI、SAMLLANTELOPE、SAIDEMA、LIMA、ELITE, etc. more than 100 factory parents to expect to stabilize of kit. 捷安特、绿源、爱玛、北京新日、雅迪、澳柯玛、速派奇、邦德、富士达、绿能、大陆鸽、苏州和平、河南森地、英克莱、菲利普、彪牌、小羚羊、广州赛德玛、上海立马、依莱达等100多个厂家长期稳定配套。 13. The I nternational P otato setter Center in Lima, Perus, says potatoes could offer better food security for at least twenty Asian countries. 秘鲁利马的国际土豆中心说土豆可以提供至少20个亚洲国家更好的食物保证。 14. 14. LIMA, Peru - Perus military is close to a deal to buy tanks from China, the defense minister said Tuesday. 利马,秘鲁-秘鲁军方已接近达成协议,购买中国坦克,国防部长星期二说 15. lima的反义词 15. The Double Colour Bavarois is the most special dessert in Lima Coffee Shop. It is made of yogurt and mixed with different kinds of fruits. It mixed with strawberry and mango (See the picture is on the right). It tastes like mush budding. Don`t forget to take it a try. 其中最具特色的小点心是双色巴华路士,是以优格制程的再加上颜色的混合使之产生不同的口味,右图是以草莓与芒果合成拼购成两种颜色,口感绵密细致,真是餐后的最佳甜点。 16. lima在线翻译 16. In 2007, he was replaced by his wife Cristina Mauricio Lima/EPA 2007年,他的妻子克里斯蒂娜取代了他成为阿根廷总统。 17. One of a number of mummies found in a cliff-face sarcophagus is put on display in the Museum of the Nation before an exhibition in Lima. 这是在秘鲁岩层石棺中发现的一批木乃伊。它被陈列在秘鲁首都利马的国家博物馆里准备展出。 18. The European soccer association Disciplinary board person in charge Peter - Lima thanks the expression, they already noted in the past 4 years, the approximately 40 competitions have the suspicious plate mouth or concentrate, 15 occurs in the recent 2 years. 欧足联纪律委员会负责人彼得-利马谢表示,他们已经注意到在过去4年里,约40场比赛存在可疑的盘口或投注,其中15场发生在最近2年。 19. The resources are running out. There are people that still need help. In summary the most affected are Pisco, Caete, and Ica in that order. Brothers and sisters from Lima are arriving to help us. Thank you for your prayers, God has protected us. Many people do not understand how this could come from God. His plan is too great for our minds. 总整而言,Pisco,Caete,and Ica三地依序受害最深,来自利马的教友们,已抵达本地来提供协助,感谢你们的祈祷,上帝保祐,许多人不明白这灾难何如从上帝而来祂的打算实在太庞大令凡人无法了解。 20. Fans of Peru`s Alianza Lima soccer team cheer during a Copa Libertadores soccer match against Juan Aurich. 在南美解放者杯足球赛对阵胡安奥里希,秘鲁利马联盟球迷为球队助威。 lima 单语例句 1. A Foreign Ministry statement in Lima said Peru rejected Castro's " offensive " comments and was downgrading its diplomatic representation to a business attach. 2. Tokyo refused Lima's requests to extradite him and he was granted Japanese nationality. 3. Tokyo never flinched in the face of the serious accusations as Lima's extradition requests were met with lengthy lists of questions by Japanese authorities. 4. The family moved back to Peru in 1946 and he later went to military school before studying literature and law in Lima and Madrid. 5. Lima's remarks reflect the fatalistic attitude pervading nearly every conversation about controlling crime in Rio. 6. De Lima said the government had no plans for such a formal apology at this stage. 7. The mayor of Lima is the girl's godfather and the city is covering the costs of her treatment. 8. China and Peru held an investment forum in Lima Tuesday to shore up bilateral trade and investment. 9. Warning regional unity could be threatened by Peru's " unfriendly actions, " an indignant Chavez said he was recalling his ambassador to Lima. 10. A moderate leftist looked Sunday night to be headed by a narrow margin to becoming Lima's first elected female mayor. lima 英英释义 noun 1. capital and largest city and economic center of Peru located in western Peru was capital of the Spanish empire in the New World until the 19th century Synonym: capital of Peru |
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