单词 | link |
释义 | link [英 [l??k] 美 [l??k] ] link的意思、解释 过去式:linked; 过去分词:linked; 现在分词:linking; 复数形式:links; link 基本解释 名词环,节; [计算机]链接; 关联,关系 及物动词连结; 挽住,勾住 不及物动词用环连接; 联系在一起 link 相关词组 1. link up : 连接, 会合; link的翻译 link 相关例句 及物动词 1. The new bridge will link the island to the mainland. 新的桥梁将把该岛与大陆连接在一起。 2. link 2. The children linked hands to make a circle. 孩子们挽起手来围成一个圈。 不及物动词 1. link 1. The new company linked with several older ones in self-protection. 那家新公司与几家较老的公司联合以保护自己。 名词 1. The special envoy's visit established a link between the two countries. 特使的出访在两国间建立了联系。 2. That is the only weak link in his reasoning. 那是他推理中唯一的薄弱环节。 link 情景对话 E-mail account-(电子邮件帐户) A:How do I set up an email account? 我怎样可以建立一个电子邮件账户? B:Oh, that’s easy. Go to yahoo.com. Now, click on the link with the picture of an envelope. 哦,那很容易。上雅虎网站。现在,点击这个图片为信封的链接。 A:Which link? 哪一个链接? B:That one, the one that says, “Mail.” 那个,叫做“邮件”。 link A:Oh, no. What did I do? It’s asking me for a password. 哦,不,我做了什么?它要我输入密码。 B:Don’t worry. See where it says, “New User”? 别急。看是是否问是新用户? A:Yes. 是的。 B:Click on that. 点击这个。 A:Oh, I see. 哦,我知道了。 B:Yeah, just fill out this fomp3 and choose a password. The computer will do the rest. 是的,填了这张表,选择一个密码。其他的就交给电脑来做。 link 网络解释 1. 联结:工作嵌入包括三个核心部分:联结(link)指个体与他人、社区及其他活动的正式或非正式的联结;匹配(fit)指个体所在的组织和社区与其生活空间的相似性;牺牲(sacrifice)指个体离开组织或社区将面临的牺牲或损失,包括物质上和心理上的损失. 2. 友情链接:友情链接(LINK)/互惠链接(LINK)友情链接(LINK)的对象:怎样才能找到那些和你网站内容相似并且公认质量较好的网站呢?究竟什么样的页面对搜索引擎来说是有分量的?--再没有比搜索引擎更能知道这个答案的了. link 双语例句 1. link的意思 1. This is my absolute superiority of the plant, fast service security, integrity and customer is a link 这是我厂的绝对优势,同时快速的售后服务保障,是和客户诚信的纽带 2. link的解释 2. Communication war is an important aspect of information war. It is important to destroy enemy抯 communication networks and to interfere enemy抯 data link. 通信电子战是信息战的一个重要方面,破坏敌方的通信网,干扰敌方的数据通信链路,具有重要的战略意义。 3. link的反义词 3. INSPECTION CERTIFICATE ISSUED BY THE REPRESENTATIVE OF FLESHHEAD Link Ltd. CORPORATION WHOSE SINGATURE MUST BE COMPLIANCE WITH THE ONE IN THE FILE OF THE ISSUING BANK. 检验证书的FLESHHEAD通有限公司卫生组织代表发表SINGATURE公司必须是在与开证银行档案个遵守。 4. link 4. The copolymer with increasing CF3CH2CH2(CH3)SiO link content showed increasing viscosity but different oil resistant properities When introducing trifluoro propyl methyl siloxane cyclotriphosphazene into the chain of ethenyl-ended polysiloxanes, with adjustment of CF3CH2CH2(CH3)SiO, it was possible to prepare silicone rubber with different oil resistant properties, thus reduced the cost of the fluorosilicone elastomer, and met the demands under the different environment. 以此共聚物为生胶制备热硫化氟硅橡胶,硫化胶的耐油性能随共聚物中CF3CH2CH2(CH3)SiO链节含量的增加而逐步提高,但对不同油呈现差异。在乙烯基封端聚有机硅氧烷分子链中引入CF3CH2CH2(CH3)SiO链段,通过CF3CH2CH2(CH3)SiO链节含量的调节,可以制备满足不同耐油性能的硅橡胶,既能降低氟硅橡胶的成本,又能达到不同环境下耐油的使用的要求。 5. The completely new systems theory from kybernetics, information theory and system science has revealed in different aspects the law of link in things and the law of movement in objective world. 控制论、信息论、系统论等崭新的系统理论从不同侧面揭示了客观物质世界的本质联系和运动规律,为现代科学技术的发展提供了新思路、新方法。 6. If be to make network promotion before you, rely on group of hair to rely on a station group will link, so ask you to look for a true SEO or oneself person learns to fall, do not regard the person that we get SEO as idiocy, if you received fund, SEO is not equal to group of hair, cannot give family place the thing of need again, still withdraw fund to the family, although likely now network company is very hard, it is not easy to make money, always than be being worn by person jab backbone is scolded be close friends 假如你们以前是做网络推广,靠群发靠站群来链接的,那么请你们找个真正的SEO或者自己的人学下,不要把我们搞SEO的人都看成白痴,SEO不等于群发假如你们收了钱,又不能给人家所需要的东西,还是把钱退给人家吧,尽管现在可能网络公司很艰难,赚钱不轻易,总比被人戳着脊梁骨骂要好 7. And some PR are tall, as it happens has sth used to one's own advantage, can go selling a link, how much Qian Yiyue, do not have a thing to be being stolen happy, only poor did not give Google pay intribute. 而有的PR高的呢,正好有资本,可以去卖链接,多少钱一月,没事偷着乐,只差没给google进贡了。 8. link什么意思 8. You are home decorations, gifts or relatives and friends, let us link the products on your relatives and friends at the same time also convey the imprint of the era with nostalgia complex and profound significance. 你是家居装饰,还是馈赠亲友,让我们的产品在您联结亲情、友情的同时也传递着带有时代印记的怀旧情结而意味深长。 9. Adoption studies provide more evidence of a genetic link to ADHD: biological relatives of children with ADHD have a higher chance of having ADHD than adoptive relatives of children with ADHD. 一些证据显示,出生于体重不到1500公克(3.3磅)的孩子,或是出生时难产的孩子比较可能发生过动症。 10. Wuhan have relatives here, far from home in Wuhan City (Caidian, home is in rural areas), if accounts do not know how to do link it convenient for relatives? 武汉这边有亲戚,家在武汉远城区,不知道户口如果办挂靠亲戚怎么方便办理? 11. 11. How to use new thoughts, new technologies and new methods to improve the purchasing and SCM of APPC, how to root them deeply into the SCM and every link of company`s operation so as to realize the value adding, which have become the key points for the whole SC to survive and develop. 如何利用新思想、新技术、新方法来改善农产品加工企业采购和供应商管理,并使其深入到供应链管理和企业生产经营过程中的各个环节,在市场内外衔接过程中实现价值增值,已成为整条供应链在竞争中求得生存和发展的关键。 12. If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. 如果这是您的第一次参观,是肯定检查常见问题解答由点击链接上面。 13. 13. The introduction of modern printing technology is a key link of development in modern Chinese publication. 近代活字印刷技术的引入是中国近代出版发展中的一个关键环节。 14. The Quality and Magic Number options help ensure a reliable, loop-free data link. Quality 与 Magic Number选项可以用来协助确保该资料连结是一条可靠的与无回圈的。 15. Notebook of Control Unit We can use notebook for data logger. It can link with control unit by network up to 100M/s transmitting rate. *3,记录单元组成数据记录单元采用笔记本电脑,通过网卡和网线与控制单元连接,数据传输速度最大可达100M /s。 16. link 16. Every religion teaches the universal link among all human beings – the brotherhood of men under the fatherhood of God. 每一种宗教都教导普遍之间的联系所有的人-的兄弟情谊的男子在父亲的上帝。 17. link的近义词 17. I`m astonished by this, the Internet can dig out people with the strangest ideas from the most remote corners of the world, link them together, reach so horrible an agreement with such calm, it surely shows great powers of the Internet. 这件事令我非常惊叹,互联网能把藏在全世界最偏僻角落的有着最古怪想法的人都挖掘出来,联系在一起,平静地达成如此可怕的协议,足见互联网的巨大能量。 18. 18. When a bank has millions of customers, it only takes a fraction of one percent to oblige for the fraud to succeed (according to Websense, around four percent of polled individuals have fallen for a phish at least once, and clicked a link to a fraudulent Web site while at work). 当一个银行有上百万的客户,迫使欺骗成功的只占1%的小部分(按照Websense,大约4%被民意测验的个体已经中了phishing至少一次,在工作时点击了到欺骗性网页的链接。 19. Its objective is to improve mechanism performance by varying the speed trajectories of the input link actively. 变输入转速机构的设计目标是藉由主动地改变输入构件的转速轨迹来改善机构的性能。 20. Visit our forum on the link in the menu map, you can find out how you can help the project. 通过访问菜单中的地图联系我们的论坛,你可以找到如何才能帮助项目。 link 词典解释 1. 联系;关系;关联 If there is a link between two things or situations, there is a relationship between them, for example because one thing causes or affects the other. e.g. ...the link between smoking and lung cancer. 吸烟与胃癌之间的关联 2. 使联系在一起;使相关联 If someone or something links two things or situations, there is a relationship between them, for example because one thing causes or affects the other. e.g. The UN Security Council has linked any lifting of sanctions to compliance with the ceasefire terms... 联合国安全理事会将取消制裁与遵守停火协议挂钩。 e.g. The study further strengthens the evidence linking smoking with early death... 这项研究进一步证实了吸烟与早逝之间的联系。 3. 连接物;连接线 A link between two things or places is a physical connection between them. e.g. ...the high-speed rail link between London and the Channel Tunnel... 伦敦与海峡隧道间的高速铁路连接线 e.g. The new road schemes include a link between Chelmsford and the M25... 新的道路规划中包括了一条切姆斯福德与M25号高速公路的连接线。 4. 连接;接合 If two places or objects are linked or something links them, there is a physical connection between them. e.g. ...the Rama Road, which links the capital, Managua, with the Caribbean coast... 连接首都马那瓜和加勒比海岸的拉马路 e.g. The campus is linked by regular bus services to Coventry. 校园与考文垂之间由班车连接起来。 5. (友好的或商业上的)联系,关系 A link between two people, organizations, or places is a friendly or business connection between them. e.g. Kiev hopes to cement close links with Bonn... 基辅希望能加强与波恩的密切关系。 e.g. In 1984 the long link between AC Cars and the Hurlock family was severed... 1984年,AC汽车公司与赫洛克家族长久以来的关系破裂了。 6. 联系物;纽带 A link to another person or organization is something that allows you to communicate with them or have contact with them. e.g. She was my only link with the past... 她是我与过去的唯一纽带。 e.g. The Red Cross was created to provide a link between soldiers in battle and their families at home... 红十字会是作为前线士兵和后方家人的一种联系方式而创立起来的。 7. 声称…(与…)有关系(或关联) If you link one person or thing to another, you claim that there is a relationship or connection between them. link在线翻译 e.g. Criminologist Dr Ann Jones has linked the crime to social circumstances... 犯罪学家安·琼斯博士认为这起罪案与社会环境有关。 e.g. They've linked her with various men, including magnate Donald Trump. 他们把她与不同的男人扯上关系,包括大亨唐纳德·特朗普。 8. (超文本)链接 In computing, a link is a connection between different documents, or between different parts of the same document, using hypertext. 9. (链的)环,节,圈 A link is one of the rings in a chain. 10. 串联;挽住;勾住 If you link one thing with another, you join them by putting one thing through the other. e.g. She linked her arm through his... 她挽住他的手臂。 e.g. He linked the fingers of his hands together on his stomach. 他双手十指交叉放在腹部。 11. see also: link-up 相关词组:link up link 单语例句 1. The researchers found no link between tea or cola consumption and fetal death, suggesting that caffeine may not be the exposure of interest. 2. And they said the research may finally put to rest conflicting reports about the link between caffeine consumption and miscarriage. 3. It allows potential buyers to call up sellers by clicking a link in a Web page. 4. Once that bit of the system is laid out and operational, it will be up to Cambodia to link it up with the wider transnational network. 5. But the amount of capital allowed to flow through such a channel would inevitably determine its effectiveness as a link. 6. The rail link between the nation's capital and financial hub Shanghai is expected to cost about 220 billion yuan. 7. A switch in traffic from roads to the new rail link will result in significant cuts in fuel consumption and emissions of harmful carbon dioxide. 8. The authors hope policymakers will look at the strong link between how rich people are and how much carbon dioxide they emit. 9. There also is a proven link between excessive use of edible oil and obesity and cardinal diseases. 10. The series of IPCC reports made a big dent in the credibility of lingering skepticism about the link between human activity and global warming. link什么意思link 英英释义 noun 1. a fastener that serves to join or connect e.g. the walls are held together with metal links placed in the wet mortar during construction Synonym: linkuptietie-in 2. an interconnecting circuit between two or more locations for the purpose of transmitting and receiving data Synonym: data link 3. a two-way radio communication system (usually microwave) part of a more extensive telecommunication network Synonym: radio link 4. a channel for communication between groups e.g. he provided a liaison with the guerrillas Synonym: liaisoncontactinter-group communication 5. (computing) an instruction that connects one part of a program or an element on a list to another program or list 6. a unit of length equal to 1/100 of a chain 7. the means of connection between things linked in series Synonym: nexus 8. a connecting shape Synonym: connectionconnexion 9. the state of being connected e.g. the connection between church and state is inescapable Synonym: connectionconnectedness verb 1. make a logical or causal connection e.g. I cannot connect these two pieces of evidence in my mind colligate these facts I cannot relate these events at all Synonym: associatetie inrelatecolligatelink upconnect 2. connect, fasten, or put together two or more pieces e.g. Can you connect the two loudspeakers? Tie the ropes together Link arms Synonym: connecttielink up 3. link with or as with a yoke e.g. yoke the oxen together Synonym: yoke 4. be or become joined or united or linked e.g. The two streets connect to become a highway Our paths joined The travelers linked up again at the airport Synonym: connectlink upjoinunite |
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