单词 | show off |
释义 | show off [英 [??u ?f] 美 [?o ?f] ] show off的意思、解释 过去式:showed off; 过去分词:shown off; 现在分词:showing off; show off 基本解释 使突出; 炫耀,卖弄 show off 相关例句 ph. 1. She likes to show off her nice figure by wearing tight dresses. 她总穿紧身衣来炫耀她的好身材。 2. Those boys always show off their sports skills to the girls. 那些男孩们老向女孩卖弄他们的运动技巧。 3. He is always showing off. 他老爱炫耀卖弄。 show off 网络解释 1. show off是什么意思 1. 炫耀:他皮夹里最主要集中使用两张信用卡,一张是荷兰银行的华航卡,另一张是世界卡. 华航卡用来累积哩程数换机票,世界卡则是方便停车,年费2万元,每天在嘟嘟房停车场最多可免费停三个小时,是他常常拿出来炫燿(show off)的工具. 2. 夸耀:扁遭收押 国际媒体大篇幅报导前总统陈水扁11日上午应讯、被检方声押,法官开声押庭、陈水扁喊被打、台大验伤、重返法院,法官谕令收押、送土城看守所的21小时漫长曲折过程,美、欧、日本媒体全程报导,许多报导配上陈水扁双手上铐高高举起夸耀 (show off)的照片,并且说明其 3. 3. 卖弄:*万人迷(Object of Desire):在掠鹰指挥范围内的友方非人物水手模型获得无惧、卖弄(Show Off)以及使剑大师(Swordmaster)能力;但同时失去结党(Gang)能力. 4. 展示:英国人比较保守,中国人比较进取(aggressive)和喜欢展示(show off). 有时候中国公司有资金,但要买英国品牌时,出售品牌的公司会关注中国公司怎样去经营它,中国公司是否能负起对公司员工和客户的责任. 如果令到英国公司感到, show off 双语例句 1. B:You're way off base!let me show you the facts. 你说的根本不对,让我告诉你事实的真相吧! 2. And with your ruler Venus moving to the highest point in your chart, you`ll have a chance to present yourself in a very level-headed way. This means you can show your professional skills off to those around you. 你的守护星金星运行到了你的星盘最高点,你将有一个非常冷静而稳健地表现自己的机会,那意味着你能向你周围的人秀出你的专业技能。 3. They finished off the show with one of their most famous songs. 他们用自己的一首最著名的歌曲作演出的压台戏。 4. show off的翻译 4. Host Steve Martin kicked off the show with at least one new joke twinkling the wartime awards, I'm glad they cut back on all the glitz! 主持人史蒂夫·马丁用至少一个新笑话拉开了典礼的帷幕,使这届战时举办的颁奖典礼增色不少:我很高兴他们取消了所有浮华的东西! 5. 5. Host Steve Martin kicked off the show with at least one new joke twinkling the wartime awards, I'm glad they cut back on all the''. 主持人史蒂夫·马丁用至少一个新笑话拉开了典礼的帷幕,使这届战时举办的颁奖典礼增色不少:我很高兴他们取消了所有浮华的东西! 6. Directors Chenhanpei Shanghai real estate market, the new site listed in July There are three main reasons for the reduction, primarily traditional main rooms, off-season arrival, continuous high temperature may prevent property buyers to a certain extent the enthusiasm, so some property developers will be listed date postponed; Secondly, in July, the authorities increased the total pre-sale permit threshold, the previous conditions are not complete due to human factors in the circumstances of the situation for pre-sale permits no longer exist, in the short term there has been a marked decline in the number of listed property; Third, from early July, the city premises Resources Board specified notice period should be completed in three days before the official opening, the previous irregularities in the notice asking from the ranks of the new site notice, it would have been on an upward trend this year the preheat sale in June decreased, from May 39 to 20 at the following, and therefore to a certain extent, resulting from the figures show that the decrease in the number of new sites. 上海市房地产交易市场董事陈汉培表示,7月份新盘上市减少主要有三方面原因,首先是传统意义上房市淡季的到来,连续的高温可能一定程度上妨碍购房者的热情,于是一些开发商将楼盘的上市日期延后;其次,7月份开始,有关部门提高了楼盘预售证的门槛,以前由于人为因素在条件不齐全的情况下提前办理预售证的情况不复存在,在短期内使上市楼盘数量出现明显下降;第三,从7月初开始,市房地资源局明确规定了楼盘预告时间应在正式开盘前3天,把以前不规范的预告楼盘剔除在新盘预告行列之外,据悉,本来今年一直呈上升态势的预热楼盘,在6月份骤减,由5月份的39个一下子降到20个以下,因此一定程度上也造成从数字上显示新盘数量有所减少的情况。 7. T: Those are important questions because they show very cleraly what has been going on, but let's not get off on that issue quite yet. 这些问题很重要,因为这显示发生了什么,但我们先不要开始这个问题。 8. Just because I let you execute a few eye-catching garnishes that gratify your need to show off doesn't mean that I can't do them just as well myself. 就因为我让你展示了一下你夺目的装饰技巧,满足了你炫耀的欲望,这可并不代表我自己做不到哦。 9. Same social cultural environment may pass between customers for goods overstep practical luxuriousness and extravagantness consuming show off own strength. 同一社会文化环境下,消费者之间可以通过对物品的超出实用的奢侈性和铺张性消费炫耀自己的实力。 10. It first hit the prevailing current of thought when a model, Christy Turlington, showed off her belly piercing during a fashion show held in London. 它首先击中了当时的思潮时,模型,克里斯蒂特灵顿,展示了她的肚子在时装刺耳的节目在伦敦举行。 11. But what I like about him was that he never put on the dog to show off his money. 我很喜欢这个朋友,因为他从来也不眩耀自己多么有钱。 12. When visitors came over, they would hang up their bacon to show off. 客人来访时,他们会挂起熏咸肉炫耀一番。 13. Visitors came over, they would hang up their bacon to show off. 客人来访时,他们会挂起熏咸肉炫耀一番。 14. Understand people of fashion can show off extravagant and wasteful to regard ultimate goal as with famous brand never really, will not row first-class number of marked price and trend and style on the clothes hanger label. 真正懂得时尚的人从来不会将炫耀奢靡与名牌当作终极目标,更不会将衣架标签上的价码与潮流和风格划上等号。 15. Shanghai, Chongqing, Fatou and Xian joined with their collaborator, Denmark, to show off a series of urban innovations at the Venice architecture Biennale last year. 在去年威尼斯建筑双年展上,上海、重庆、垡头、重庆和他们的丹麦合作者展示了一系列的城市创新。 16. As you may know, former Guns N Roses drummer Steven Adler has had drug problems for a liong time and is supposed to be on a spin off of VH1`s Celebrity rehab called `Sober Living` after spending time on the previosly mentioned show Celebrity Rehab With Dr. 正如您所知,前枪炮玫瑰鼓手史蒂芬阿德勒毒品问题已对龙时间和应该是在分拆VH1的名人戒毒所谓'的Sober生活'后,花时间对previosly提到展,他在那里接受排毒和治疗。 17. Unexpectedly choose procedure is very simple: Gather of? of show off eunuch is all apply for personnel to come to a company big assembly room, assign a topic, set inside formulary time 不料选拔过程很简单:第一轮,集合所有应聘人员来公司大会议室,指定一个题目,在规定时间内设 18. 18. This volume tries to show from the different positions the aesthetics and historical changes of structure for off sacrifice through pictures, words and coins, and to let you get some knowledge of Chinese architectural culture, pond over the changes of Chinese society periodically, which is the original intention of this volume. 本册试图将坛祀建筑美学特色和历史变迁背景,通过图片、文字、各历史时期使用过的货币,多方位的展示在您的眼前,使您对中国建筑文化有一定了解,对中国社会的变迁有一个阶段性的回味,这就是我们编辑的初衷。 19. 19. But he's done everything else to show that last summer was about blowing off steam, not a team. 但是他在尽他的努力去展示去年夏天只是泄怒无关球队。 20. As soon as she had finished parochial school, a brighr young girl named Lena shook the dust of New Ireland off her shoes and made her way to New York where, before long, she became a successful performer in show business. 忏悔年轻的阳光女孩列娜结束了教区学校的学业,抖掉鞋子上新爱尔兰的泥土,来到了纽约。不久就在商业演出秀中成为一个成功的演员。 show off 词典解释 1. 炫耀;卖弄;表现自己 If you say that someone is showing off, you are criticizing them for trying to impress people by showing in a very obvious way what they can do or what they own. e.g. All right, there's no need to show off... 好了,没必要炫耀。 e.g. He had been showing off for her at the poker table. 牌桌上他一直在她面前表现自己。 2. 卖弄,炫耀,显摆(某物) If you show off something that you have, you show it to a lot of people or make it obvious that you have it, because you are proud of it. e.g. Naomi was showing off her engagement ring... 娜奥米正在炫耀她的订婚戒指。 e.g. Body builders shave their chests to show off their muscles... 健美运动员剃去胸毛以展示肌肉。 3. 衬托;使夺目;使显得更漂亮(或迷人) If something shows something off, it emphasizes its good features so that it looks especially attractive. show off e.g. She had made Helen a dress which showed off her tiny waist. 她给海伦做了件很显她纤细腰身的连衣裙。 4. see also: show-off show off 单语例句 1. Many people buy cars to show off their wealth and social status. 2. Rich people in and outside China buy luxury products to show off their wealth and status. 3. More research is needed to show whether caffeine can ward off depression. 4. The more the rich show off their wealth and the luxury products they can afford, the more frustrated the poor will become. 5. Casablanca Home is showing off its latest bed linen collection, with a fancy show at Beijing Today Art Museum. 6. The week's catwalk shows offered an ample opportunity for designers from both home and abroad to show off their autumn and winter collections. 7. There is also a stage so the catwalk queen and her guests can show off their vocal skills in style. 8. The stage show of its first installment kicked off in Shanghai this summer, before which two films of the trilogy had been aired on CCTV. 9. The shows that the networks killed off or suspended also show the change from male leads to women. 10. It's a big night for young artists to show off their skills at Beijing Peking Opera Theater's The Charm of Spring talent contest. show off 英英释义 verb 1. display proudly act ostentatiously or pretentiously e.g. he showed off his new sports car Synonym: flauntflashostentateswank |
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