单词 | shrimp |
释义 | shrimp [英 [?r?mp] 美 [?r?mp] ] shrimp的意思、解释 复数形式:shrimps; shrimp; shrimp 基本解释 名词虾,小虾; 矮小的人 动词捕虾 shrimp 相关例句 名词 1. He was a shrimp of a boy, about six years old. 他是个六岁左右的小家伙。 shrimp 网络解释 1. 小虾:1.2 美国FDA食品添加剂安全办公室公布的公认安全食品(GRAS)品种1.2.6 小虾(shrimp)壳聚糖(GRNno.73) 用于一般食品,作为改善食品加工的多种技术效果. 3.2 葡萄皮及籽的提取物葡萄皮提取物即葡萄皮红,主要成份有锦葵素芍药素、翠雀素、花青素配糖体等. 2. shrimp 2. 虾类:在这样一个大的国际环境下,孟政府出台了一系列有利于虾类(shrimp)养殖的优惠政策,再加上国际市场对虾产品需求不断增长的契机,孟加拉虾养殖业快速扩张,商业化的河虾养殖开始取代过去传统的自给自足的生产模式. shrimp 双语例句 1. This delicious sauce is made from the finest ingredients such as dried scallop, dried shrimp, ham and red chill pepper, etc. 主要是用瑶柱,虾米,辣椒和金华火腿等来泡制。 2. A particular and simple dip is made from chillies, garlic, dried shrimps, lime juice, fish sauce, sugar and shrimp paste. 一个特殊而简单的下降是由辣椒,大蒜,虾米,莱姆汁,鱼露,糖和虾酱。 3. The higher commercial oceanic animals in mangrove regions are classified into five types: fish, shrimp, crab, shellfish and sipunculan. 红树林区经济价值较高的海洋动物主要有鱼、虾、蟹、贝和星虫5大类。 4. WG of the shrimp fed diet 3 were higher than diet 1, but there was not significantly different. 投喂饲料3的斑节对虾增重率与对照组相比,虽然统计学上不存在显著差异,但有较大幅度的提高。 5. The shrimp cocktail arrived in a huge glass goblet dripping with cocktail sauce and overflowing with fresh pink shrimp and slices of lime, onion, avocado, and a leafy green herb called cilantro that Northern Mexican food is known for. 鲜虾鸡尾酒是用很大的一个玻璃盆端上来的,里面是陪衬着柠檬和洋葱的新鲜的粉红色的大虾,还有同样新鲜的酱料和一种叫cilantro的墨西哥特有的绿叶子磨成的粉。 6. 6. The great French leader Napoleon is shorter than everybody around him, so you'd have to call him a little shrimp; But as a shrimp, he certainly made the rest of Europe trumble. shrimp这个字首先是用来指那些个子矮小的人。后来人们才把虾称为 shrimp 。但是,现在人们还是经常叫个子矮小的人 shrimp 。 7. shrimp 7. As we known Singapore is the good food heaven, but I believe that Singapore only has internationalization food choices, the entire evening banquet food except my favorite food shrimp and mushroom broccoli, other cuisines were tastiness, my Chinese stomach starts to miss Wuhan's essence duck neck, Hunan chops the pepper fish head, the shredded pork with garlic sauce. 都说新加坡是美食天堂,但个人认为新加坡只是有更国际化、多样化的食物选择,整个晚宴的食物除了自己喜爱的虾和磨姑西兰花,其余的菜式除了清淡还是清淡,而中国宴会菜式不管酸甜苦辣还是油腻清淡,不摆满一整桌决不罢休。 8. It is reported that in Quanzhou City, all of Joisting shrimp net operation are banned in summer. 据悉,今年泉州禁止所有桁杆虾拖作业渔船在伏季休渔期间从事生产。 9. 9. Optional Food: rice, indica rice, corn, wheat, soybeans, peas and other grain legumes; chives, parsley, garlic, radish, lily and other vegetables; mutton, dog meat, beef, chicken and eel, carp, silver carp, octopus, shrimp and other meat; oranges, coconut, pineapple, litchi, longan and other fruits. 可选的食物:大米,水稻,玉米,小麦,大豆,豌豆和其它豆类,韭菜,芹菜,大蒜,百合等蔬菜萝卜,羊肉,狗肉,牛肉,鸡肉,鳗鱼,鲤鱼,鲢鱼,章鱼,虾和其他肉类,柑橘,椰子,菠萝,荔枝,龙眼等水果。 10. shrimp 10. Raphidophyte Heterosigma akashiwo Taylor was a fish-killing HAB species. In this paper, we studied its toxicity using brine shrimp Artemia salina Leach and explored the toxicity source. 基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目,49906007号,20177023号,39950001号,40076030号;国家重点基础研究项目资助,2001CB409700号;中国科学院知识创新工程KZCX2-206和院长基金项目;山东省科技攻关项目资助,012110115号 11. shrimp的意思 11. Also popular are sardines (especially when grilled as sardinhas assadas), octopus, squid, cuttlefish, crabs, shrimp and prawns, lobster, spiny lobster, and many other crustaceans such as barnacles and goose barnacles, hake, horse mackerel, lamprey, sea bass, scabbard and a great variety of other fish and shellfish and molluscs, such as clams, mussels, oysters, periwinkles, and scallops. 也很受欢迎的沙丁鱼(尤其是当烤作为sardinhas assadas ),章鱼,鱿鱼,墨鱼,蟹,虾和对虾,龙虾,龙虾,和许多其他甲壳类动物,如偏执狂和鹅偏执狂,鳕鱼,竹荚鱼,鳗,鲈鱼,剑鞘和多种其他鱼类和贝壳类和软体动物,如蛤,贻贝,牡蛎,periwinkles ,和扇贝。 12. Alsopopular are sardines (especially when grilled as sardinhas assadas), octopus, squid, cuttlefish, crabs, shrimp and prawns, lobster, spinylobster, and many other crustaceans such as barnacles and goosebarnacles, hake, horse mackerel, lamprey, sea bass, scabbard and a great variety of other fish and shellfishand molluscs, such as clams, mussels, oysters, periwinkles, andscallops. 也很受欢迎的沙丁鱼(尤其是当烤作为sardinhas assadas ),章鱼,鱿鱼,墨鱼,蟹,虾和对虾,龙虾,龙虾,和许多其他甲壳类动物,如偏执狂和鹅偏执狂,鳕鱼,竹荚鱼,鳗,鲈鱼,剑鞘和多种其他鱼类和贝壳类和软体动物,如蛤,贻贝,牡蛎,periwinkles ,和扇贝。 13. And noodles in荤菜choose fish, meat, white at the end of cutting pork, chicken, duck breast meat, shrimp, feeding wire, liver at the end of, etc., the former three荤菜can eat several times a week, 河虾more heat, should not be regularly consumed. 菜粥和面条中的荤菜可选择鱼类、肉糜、白切猪肉末、鸡、鸭胸脯肉、虾、膳丝、肝末等,前三种荤菜每周可以多吃几次,河虾较热,不宜经常食用。 14. In this article, we purified a natural lectin FC-L from the plasma of F. chinensis by affinity chromatography. The serological and chemical characteristics, carbohydrate-binding specificity and bacterial-binding properties of this novel lectin were also studied. we cloned a prophenoloxidasegene and a hemocyanin gene from Fenneropenaeus chinensis. The characterization, tissue localization, expression after challenged by different pathogens and their relations were also analyzed. A natural lectin from the plasma of the shrimp F. chinensis was purified by singlestep affinity chromatography using fetuin-coupled agarose. 本研究利用亲和层析从中国明对虾血清中纯化了一种凝集素FC-L,并对FC-L的理化性质、多糖结合和细菌结合特性进行了研究;从中国明对虾血细胞中克隆了一种酚氧化酶原(prophenoloxidase,proPO)基因FCproPO,从肝胰腺中克隆了一种血蓝蛋白基因FCHC,分析了它们的分子结构特征,预测了其可能的作用,并对它们的组织分布、应答不同病原感染的表达变化模式以及相互关系等进行了研究。 15. SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating for the west end of Tiding ophiolite yields a 128±2 Ma age for gabbros. 对日喀则西侧吉定蛇绿岩辉长岩中锆石的SHRIMP U-Pb定年确定其形成于128±2Ma。 16. In low salinity water, the addition of salt to the diet resulted in a significant improvement in the SGR, FCR, survival rate and activity of alkaline phosphatase for L. vanamei. In low salinity water, the addition of salt to the diet resulted in an increase in protein and decrease in moisture and lipid of shrimp body. Moreover, in low salinity water, the addition of salt to the diet resulted in an increase in total free amino acids of shrimp body and significant improvement in flavor characters, especially for the addition of 2.0% salt group. 结果表明,在盐度为1.5时,饲料中添加盐的各组饲料其特殊增长率比对照组均有显著提高(P.05);饲料中添加盐组的饲料系数均比对照组低(P.05),饲料中盐的添加量为2.0%时,饲料系数达到最低(P.05);饲料中添加盐有助于提高对虾的成活率(P.05);随着饲料中盐添加量的增加,对虾体蛋白质含量有增加的趋势,而虾体脂肪含量和水分有下降的趋势;随着饲料中盐添加量的增加,凡纳滨对虾肌肉游离氨基酸中必需氨基酸、非必需氨基酸及游离氨基酸总量有增加趋势,甘氨酸、丙氨酸和谷氨酸等呈鲜味氨基酸都大幅度增加;对虾的色泽、嗅觉、味觉及组织等多项指标的感官评价显示,饲料中添加盐2.0%组的综合感官指标优于对照组及其他实验组;饲料中添加盐可显著提高凡纳滨对虾肝胰脏碱性磷酸酶活性,而且随着饲料中盐的添加量的增加,其酶的活性显著上升(P.05)。 17. 17. Ambient salinity and dietary protein level only had significant interaction on the body ash content, while no significant interaction effects were observed in other parameters. Tubules of shrimp fed with CP30 and CP40 had the normal structure, though CP40 increased the number of R cells. Tubules of shrimps fed with CP20 had relatively fewer R cells and arranged incompactly. And the basal membranes of partial tubules were in disrepair. While tubules of shrimps fed with CP50 compactly arranged with much ambiguous materials in B cells. 饲料蛋白质含量明显影响了凡纳滨对虾肝胰腺的组织结构,投喂CP30和CP40饵料的对虾肝小体基膜完整,投喂CP40对虾的肝小体中还出现了大量的存储细胞;而投喂CP20饵料的对虾肝小体分布松散,R细胞数量较小,并且部分肝小体基膜破损;而投喂CP50饵料的对虾的肝小体排列紧密,且B细胞内出现大量内容物质。 18. Don't you remember we once ate potted shrimp s with a paper knife? 你还记得我们有一次曾用一把裁纸刀吃罐装的小虾吗? 19. I DO NOT dose liquid iodine as the shrimp will get all they need from a proper diet. 所以我也不会因为剂量的液体碘虾将得到所有他们需要从一个适当的饮食。 20. The strong smell of Latin American coffee and shrimp empanadas -- a sort of South American pasty -- lured me from a route that would have done me no good at all. 拉美咖啡的浓香以及虾肉馅饼――一种南美馅饼――的香味把我从一条将对我毫无好处的道路上诱开了。 shrimp 词典解释 1. 虾;小虾 Shrimps are small shellfish with long tails and many legs. e.g. Add the shrimp and cook for 30 seconds... 放入小虾,煮 30 秒。 e.g. I'm going to have shrimps for my tea. 傍晚的便餐我要吃点虾。 shrimp 单语例句 1. Shrimp turns red and vegetables smell nice in a few minutes by stirring them with a pot of high temperature stones. 2. You prepare Yi ethnic minority torch shrimp yourself by holding marinated shrimps wrapped in foil paper over fire on plates paved with salt. 3. Another dish worth trying is shrimp cake, made with tender mashed shrimp meat sandwiched around a crunchy lotus root. 4. We were lucky enough at noon to taste the famous carp, saury and shrimp fished from the wetland lakes and rivers. 5. Sea cucumber, shrimp and water chestnut are used to add flavour to the soup. 6. A mouthful of what looks to be a duck chop has a crisp, golden sesame topping and tender mashed shrimp in the middle. 7. The giant shrimp in citrus jar is visually exciting but do savor the lemongrass and orange fragrance just when the lid is opened. 8. Most Chinese hold it's poisonous to eat crab and persimmon in one sitting, while many in Western countries say the same of citrus and shrimp. 9. His favorite meals were fried shrimp and Japanese miso soup with clams, the statement said. 10. Deputy executive chef Richard Hilton will tell you the secrets to a fabulous shrimp cocktail, and teach you how to prepare a classic roast beef with Yorkshire pudding. shrimp 英英释义 noun 1. small slender-bodied chiefly marine decapod crustaceans with a long tail and single pair of pincers many species are edible 2. any of various edible decapod crustaceans Synonym: prawn 3. disparaging terms for small people Synonym: runtpeeweehalf-pint verb 1. fish for shrimp |
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