单词 | sidestep |
释义 | sidestep [英 [?sa?dstep] 美 [?sa?d?st?p] ] sidestep的意思、解释 过去式:sidestepped; 过去分词:sidestepped; 现在分词:sidestepping; 复数形式:sidesteps; sidestep 基本解释 不及物动词回避; 向侧方跨步 及物动词让开…的路; 躲避,绕开 名词台阶; [体]避开与强手对阵; 侧跨步; 横跳躲闪 sidestep 网络解释 1. 1. 避开:某些人想通过引用圣经来避开(sidestep)这种复杂性, 但即便是全世界最受人尊敬的神学家也会同意说圣经没有一则清楚和毫不含糊(unambiguous)的关于堕胎的信息(message). 2. 2. 侧步:158.出拳步:knock step | 159.侧步:sidestep | 160.往后移步:step back; bicycle; back pedal 3. 3. 台阶:sidesplitting 令人捧腹大笑的 | sidestep 台阶 | sidestroke 侧泳 4. 避免打击:shun避开v | sidestep避免打击 | skirt回避 sidestep 双语例句 1. I know that is a tiny window of time, but we have to sidestep Mercury retrograde. 我知道这只是一段短短的时间,我们要避开水星逆行。 2. No image can come forth is not for the science behind it and no amount of creative genius or what can sidestep a need for proper process and steps taken on techniques and technical mean. 那这样会说DaDa不是艺术吗﹐不可以这样。即使有人喜欢Rococo拿相机照男女挑情的出游图﹐他也不能说这图没内容﹐这样太没大观了。 3. A hierarchical roughness was fabricated on H62 brass surface by chemical etching with a FeCl3-HCl-H2O solution. The roughness consisted of terrace-like sidestep and etch pit with average pore diameter varied from 6.2 to 8.3μm. 采用三氯化铁和盐酸溶液刻蚀H62黄铜表面,得到了一层由梯田状台阶结构及平均孔径为6.2-8.3μm的蚀坑组成的阶层结构。 4. sidestep是什么意思 4. Mercury will be retrograde this month, but if you are careful to sidestep the downsides of this planet out of phase, you can still make a lot of progress. 今月水星逆行,但如果你能小心避開這顆星帶來的裁員削減,還是能有不小的進展喲。 5. 5. When you come to Jesus Christ, one thing is inevitable and unavoidable and you cannot sidestep it. 当你归向主耶稣基督,有一件事情是无法避免的,16。 6. sidestep的意思 6. This flawed connectivity empowered Congress to sidestep the issue of withdrawing American forces from Iraq, and enabled it to continue rubber-stamping funding for a war which long ago lost any connection, perceived or otherwise, to the general security of the American people. 这个有缺陷的连接授权国会回避的问题,撤回美国军队从伊拉克撤出,并使得它能够继续橡皮图章经费的战争早已失去了任何联系,自觉或以其他方式,向一般的安全是美国人民。 7. Thomas J Johnson, et al.(1999).Doing the traditional media sidestep:Comparing the effects of the Internet. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly. 罗文辉等(2003),媒介依赖与媒介使用对选举新闻可信度的影响:五种媒介的比较,新闻学研究,第74期,页19-44。 8. Theoretical physicist Ken Olum of Tufts University in Medford, Mass., who did not participate in this study, was skeptical concerning how this new model claimed to sidestep prior theoretical objections to time travel. 并没参加此项研究的马萨诸塞州Tufts 大学理论物理学家Ken Olum对这套新模型中如何地宣称回避了先前对时间旅行提出的反对理论表示了怀疑。 9. sidestep的近义词 9. You will be able to sidestep problems, but you'll need to stay alert to do so. 你会能够避过问题,但你需要继续保持警惕。 10. Let's put it this way: I won't sidestep this whole thing. 这样说吧:我并不是在回避这整件事。 11. 11. Even though there are dangers, I do think you can sidestep them if you are careful. 即使有危险,我认为如果你很小心,你就可以避开他们。 12. sidestep的意思 12. Sidestep: To step out of the way of. 避开一个困难的问题。 13. 13. I don't think there's any way in the world you can sidestep all hell. 我想人生在世是不能躲过所有灾难的。 14. Will she be honest and say something significant or sidestep the question with a rather pat and unrevealing answer. 她是否会诚实并回答你某件重大事宜,还是用一个十分敷衍且模糊的答案规避这个问题。 15. 15. Those who live or work with you long ago learned how to sidestep your stubborn streak. 经过长期与人相处和合作的狮狮们学会了如果去控制自己固执的毛病。 16. Performing sidestep cutting maneuver would produce the displacement of the body`s center of gravity、the angular displacement of lower limb joints、the peak of ground reaction force、impulse and the peak of net joint moment and force of lower limb joints in braking phase getting more according to the increase of cutting angles. 以上结果经讨论后所得结论:执行侧向跨步切入角度介於0度至90度之间,随著切入角度越大,下肢段各关节的角位移、地面反作用力峰值与冲量、以及制动期下肢段各关节的最大受力与力矩,皆呈现越大的趋势。 17. 17. Hence, the study suggested that perform the sidestep cutting maneuver should decrease the cutting angle and increase the knee flexion angle of braking foot in braking phase to decrease the loads of lower extremity joints. 本研究建议执行侧向跨步切入动作过程中,以切入角度越小越好,再加上制动脚在制动期间应增加膝关节弯曲角度,始能降低下肢段各关节的负荷。 18. sidestep在线翻译 18. To sidestep the standards snarl-up at the IEEE, the idea will be put to the world's telecoms body, the ITU, in June. 为了避免在电子及电气工程师协会再度为此发生争吵,这项提议将在六月份交由世界电信业机构ITU进行讨论。 19. The Obama team was able to sidestep these kinds of troublesome rules on Change. gov, in part because, as a quasi-governmental site, it's not subject to executive-branch restrictions. 奥巴马团队之所以能够在Change.gov回避这些麻烦的规则,一部分原因是,作为一个准政府网站,它不受行政分支机构的限制。 20. For all the detail in their economic plans, Mr Obama and Mr McCain largely sidestep some of the most vexing economic problems. 虽然他们的经济计划中有不少具体措施,麦凯恩和奥巴马都尽量回避一些令人烦恼的经济问题。 sidestep 词典解释 1. 回避,规避(问题等) If you sidestep a problem, you avoid discussing it or dealing with it. e.g. Rarely, if ever, does he sidestep a question... 他极少逃避问题。 e.g. He was trying to sidestep responsibility. 他正试图回避责任。 2. 横跨一步躲过;侧移一步闪开 If you sidestep, you step sideways in order to avoid something or someone that is coming towards you or going to hit you. e.g. As I sidestepped, the bottle hit me on the left hip... 我侧一步要躲闪的时候,瓶子打中了我的左髋部。 e.g. He made a grab for her but she sidestepped him. 他想要抓住她,但她侧步闪开了。 sidestep 单语例句sidestep 1. Executives cash in by resigning from their companies in order to sidestep the exercise period. 2. These businesses evade credit caps on one hand and virtually sidestep the interest rate control on the other. 3. I managed to develop a running technique that is agile and ready to hurdle, sidestep or duck at a moment's notice. 4. And even where there are sensible regulations in place, many ships sidestep them by sailing under " flags of convenience ". 5. Bush has on occasion issued recess appointments to sidestep Senate opposition to his nominees. 6. The tuna's precarious status has driven up prices and prompted fishermen to sidestep stringent quotas to fish illegally. 7. She thinks going to the US to give birth is a good way to sidestep Chinese law. 8. The Foxconn move into Brazil would help tech companies sidestep hefty imports tariffs on products they sell in the country. 9. Giuliani has tried to sidestep those differences and offered strong praise for President Bush at the 2004 GOP convention in New York. 10. Further strategic relationships with IP servers enable the company to sidestep the potentially thorny issue of payments online. sidestep 英英释义 noun 1. a step to one side (as in boxing or dancing) verb 1. avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues) e.g. He dodged the issue she skirted the problem They tend to evade their responsibilities he evaded the questions skillfully Synonym: hedgefudgeevadeput offcircumventparryeludeskirtdodgeduck |
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