单词 | signature |
释义 | signature [英 [?s?gn?t??(r)] 美 [?s?ɡn?t??] ] signature的意思、解释 复数形式:signatures; signature 基本解释 名词签名; 署名; 识别标志,鲜明特征; [医]药的用法说明 signature 情景对话 在邮局 A:Next, please! Hello, may I help you, sir? 下一位,您好!先生,能为您做什么吗? B:Yes, I want to send a registered airmail letter to France. 是的,我想往法国寄一封航空挂号信。 A:O.K. That comes to four dollars twenty cents. 好的,总共要4 美元20 分。 signature B:Here is five dollars. 给您5 美元。 signature什么意思 A:Here is your change. Please wait for your receipt of the registered mail. 这是您的零钱,请等一下您的挂号收据。 signature什么意思 B:I also want to pick up my package. This is the notice. 我还想取包裹,这是通知单。 signature的意思 A:Let me see…Hmm…Just a minute. Here it is. We need your signature on this note. 让我看一看……嗯……等一会儿,给您,我们需要您在这张票据上签名。 B:Oh, one more thing. Where can I mail this letter? 哦,还有一件事,我在哪儿投这封信? A:Drop it in the mail box marked “Out of town” at that corner. 把它扔进那个角落里标有“外埠”的邮箱。 B:Thank you very much. 非常感谢。 signature在线翻译 A:You’re welcome. 很愿意为您服务。 signature 网络解释 1. 签署:您无法重新定义static方法,一个方法要被重新定义,它必须是非static的,如果您在子类别中定义一个有同样签署(signature)的static成员,那不是重新定义,那是定义一个属于该子类别的static成员. 2. signature 2. 标记式:max method 的标记式(signature)说明了 GJ 的两个有趣性质 -- generic methods 和 bounds. 下面是 max 的标记全貌Test class 示范了两个实际呼叫动作. 在第一个呼叫动作中,编译器自动推导出 max method 标记式中的型别叁数 A 必须被具现化为 Byte, signature 双语例句 1. After that, it seems to change the signature ever so slightly. 我有可能会购买Sonett,因为它有更突出的中频。 2. Signature dishes include: Golden fried prawn cake, Spicy chicken salad, Wok fried crab with onion in yellow curry sauce, Steamed fish with fresh lime juice and chilli. 招牌菜式:特色炸虾饼配甜酱、辣味碎鸡肉沙拉、泰式洋葱咖喱炒蟹、酸辣青柠汁蒸鲜鱼、泰式炒河粉、香芒糯米饭。 3. The Land Electronic Defence System combines active signature management, soft-kill and hard-kill mechanisms to provide full spectrum active protection to armoured vehicles. 这次合同是关于347辆升级版T-90M,其中大部分是由HVF按许可证组装的。T-90M的最后一轮用户测试已于去年完成,为连续量产扫清了道路。 4. It`s painted with a whimsical garden scene, which Dixon said is part of her signature art. 葫芦上绘制了一个异想天开的花园景色,Dixon说这是她的艺术风格的一部分。 5. signature是什么意思 5. In order to reduce the overhead, a new signature function is presented for the detection of control flow errors in this paper. This signature function is defined in Galois field. 为了降低开销,提出了一种新的用于控制流错误检测的信号函数,该信号函数定义于伽罗瓦域中。 6. It`s our signature and our voice. 这是我们的符号和声音。 7. signature的近义词 7. He is known for his stage presence, muscular riffing style and often-imitated signature growl. 并且以其台风、强劲的演奏风格和常被效仿的标志性狂吼而著称。 8. It could foresee that the digital signature techniques will be widely applied in the future. 可以预见,数字签名技术在未来会有更广阔的应用。 9. 9. Let`s call it a digital signature. 我们称之为数字签名。 10. It is a type of digital signature with signer ambiguity. 环签名是一种签名人模糊的电子签名。 11. 11. It is the combination of digital signature and XML, not just apply digital signature to XML document. XML数字签名是由W3C和IETF共同构建的数字签名体系,是数字签名技术和XML组合而成的产物,而不仅仅是将数字签名技术应用于XML文件。 12. With the rapid development of the office automation, the requirement of the digital signature becomes more and more higher, it is not only embodied in security degree of the digital signature, it also puts forward requirement to the variety of the signature format. 随着办公自动化近年的飞速发展,对于数字签名的要求越来越高,这不仅体现在数字签名的安全程度上,同时也对签名形式的多样性提出了要求。 13. Among the various public key cryptosystem, RSA algorithm is the best choice in both theory and application, and it is often used in digital signature and identification system. RSA算法被公认为是目前理论和实际应用中最为成熟和完善的一种公钥密码体制,可以用来进行数字签名和身份验证。 14. Because PKG can compute the private key of any user in system, it can forge a blind signature or a proxy signature of any one. 因为PKG可以计算系统内任何用户的私钥,当然可以伪造任何用户的盲签名和代理签名。 15. As existing ID-based signature scheme needs to trust Private Key Generator unconditionally, PKG can compute the private key of any user and forge a signature of any one in scheme. 由于现有的基于身份的签密方案中,所有用户的私钥都由无条件信任私钥中心产生,因此不诚实的PKG就可以伪造任意用户的签名。 16. The new scheme can solve the problem: the anonymous communication is not blind to Private Key Generator and the PKG can forge the nodes signature using the pairingbased signature scheme in the anonymous communication. 提出一个应用于自组网匿名通信的基于双线性映射和伪身份的签名方案解决上述问题。 17. 17. The new scheme can solve the problem: the anonymous communication is not blind to Private Key Generator and the PKG can forge the nodes'signature using the pairing-based signature scheme in the anonymous communication. 提出一个应用于自组网匿名通信的基于双线性映射和伪身份的签名方案解决上述问题。 18. This Agreement shall also apply to any identical or substantially similar taxes which are imposed after the date of signature of this Agreement in addition to, or in place of, the existing taxes. 三、本协定也适用于本协定签订之日后征收的属于增加或者代替现行税种的相同或者实质相似的税收。 19. The Agreement shall also apply to any identical or substantially similar taxes which are imposed after the date of signature of the Agreement in addition to, or in place of, the existing taxes. 四、本协定也适用于本协定签订之日后征收的属于增加或者代替现行税种的相同或者实质相似的税收。 20. signature 20. This Agreement shall apply also to any identical or substantially similar taxes which are imposed after the date of signature of this Agreement in addition to, or in place of, the existing taxes. 四、本协定也适用于本协定签订之日后增加或者代替现行税种的相同或者实质相似的税收。 signature 词典解释 1. 签名;署名;签字 Your signature is your name, written in your own characteristic way, often at the end of a document to indicate that you wrote the document or that you agree with what it says. e.g. I was writing my signature at the bottom of the page. 我正往那页纸的底部签名。 e.g. ...a petition containing 170 signatures. 有 170 人签名的请愿书 2. 为(某人)所特有的;体现个体特征的 A signature item is typical of or associated with a particular person. e.g. Rabbit stew is one of chef Giancarlo Moeri's signature dishes... 炖野兔是厨师詹卡洛·莫里的招牌菜之一。 e.g. The dress reflects our signature style of understated elegance with a strong feeling of individuality. 这条裙子体现了我们所追求的低调优雅又有强烈个性感的独特风格。 3. 在…上签字;签署 If you put your signature to a document, you sign it as a way of officially showing that you agree with what is written. e.g. The two sides met to put their signatures to a formal agreement. 双方聚首签署一份正式协议。 signature 单语例句 1. These signature evenings normally attract about 140 - 180 expatriate and English speaking Chinese that wish to advance their careers by knowing the right people. 2. It will take more than his signature on a piece of paper to repair the damage done by the past week. 3. This signature includes strong activation in a brain area called the anterior cingulate cortex. 4. Don't miss the chef's signature dishes, such as Sichuan smoked duck with fragrant tea leaves and camphor wood. 5. The canned product in no way prepared me for the fact that noodles appear in cultures worldwide as some of their signature dishes. 6. Only the cape styles were reminiscent of yesteryear, but Simons has favoured the cloak in his signature collections for some time. 7. Wang as the leading actor has hit headlines of almost all major newspapers, and his signature smile is seen on one magazine's cover after another. 8. But she has since become a national celebrity with the catchy love song " Satellite, " her infectious enthusiasm and her signature short black dresses. 9. The restaurant is known for its signature dish, a catfish from Sichuan province's Jinsha River boiled in an herb broth. 10. Char's signature six kinds of sea salt and vegetable sides were placed in a lazy Susan for sharing. signature 英英释义 noun 1. a distinguishing style e.g. this room needs a woman's touch Synonym: touch 2. a sheet with several pages printed on it it folds to page size and is bound with other signatures to form a book 3. your name written in your own handwriting 4. the sharps or flats that follow the clef and indicate the key Synonym: key signature 5. a melody used to identify a performer or a dance band or radio/tv program Synonym: signature tunetheme song |
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