单词 | sit in on |
释义 | sit in on [英 [sit in ?n] 美 [sit ?n ɑn] ] sit in on的意思、解释 sit in on 基本解释 动词出席 sit in on 网络解释 1. 1. 列席(会议),旁听:shut out 把...排斥在外 | sit in on 列席(会议),旁听 | sit up 不睡,熬皮;坐直 2. sit in on什么意思 2. 列席;旁听:sit for 参加 | sit in on 列席;旁听 | ever so 非常,极其 3. 出席:sit heavy on 负担过重 | sit in on 出席 | sit in 参加 4. 旁听:sit down 坐下来 | sit in on 旁听 | sit up 坐起来,夜间不睡 sit in on 双语例句 1. Kitchen for the background, linked to the roof, the elderly eyes, palm leaf fan hands to see there is a towel, sit on the wooden chair, but also the use of the old brick walls and under the old span will be home, sitting in the courtyard at the moment to rest against the performance of non-o 用厨房作背景,屋顶挂鈎,老人的眼神,手中的葵扇,看有毛巾,坐于木橙上,更利用了旧的砖墙将老又下田农作返家,坐於天井休息的那一刻表现无违o 2. The most special is on the left-Chen Shan-bit also opened a Doumen, would have to sit and Chen Zi-shan position to open the door just evil committed eight doors, eight brains door is not Kyrgyzstan, but houses in the right side of Shanghai sa bit on the more open a Doumen, this eight-sha-chen Hill Gate with Hill's son and sitting right申子synthetic Shanghai Hill three-chen Bureau, the original brains of eight-bit into Hopewell Bureau for use in feng shui practices, we call for ventilation, so the way of non-understand feng shui may cloth. 而最特别的是在左边辰山位上也开了一斗门,本来坐子山而辰方位开门正好犯了八煞门,八煞门是不吉的,但这间房子又在右边申山位上再多开一个斗门,这样辰山的八煞门便与坐山之子和右边申山三合成申子辰局,把原来之八煞位化为合局为用,在风水手法上我们称之为通气,这样的手法非懂得风水之人可布的。 3. At the foot of the snowy mountains, our Russian-style villas are surrounded by a jujube orchard behind, bamboos beside and redleaf cherry plums in front of their windows. Once you enter the villas made of deals that are 20cm in diameter, you smell faint scent from the deals. You sit in the soft couches with your intimates or loved ones; sip coffee or black tea; chat while smiling; talk about your life; or sit on a step made of deals and read a book. At such a moment, you want nothing but the very moment. 充满俄罗斯风情的别墅悠然的卧在雪山脚下,幸福的被屋后的枣园,旁边的竹林,窗前的紫叶李簇拥着,走进直径20厘米的圆松木围起的温暖中,闻着淡淡的松木清香,或好友,或挚爱,拥坐在柔软的沙发中,或咖啡红茶,或轻言浅笑,或畅聊人生,或捧一本童话书坐在楼梯上阅读,那时,你什么都不要,就想活在当下。 4. And if you're listening to this, you should know that I'm alone in the cockpit of Flight 2039 with a whole crowd of those little child-sized bottles of mostly dead vodka and gin lined up on the place you sit at against the front windows, the instrument panel. 你要是正听我说,你该知道我正独自待在2039次航班的座舱里,边上是一大堆装着变了味的伏特加和杜松子酒的儿童装瓶子,在你所坐的面对座舱前窗和仪表盘的地方排成一行。 5. They sit cross-legged on the bed, passing a cigarette between them, its tip glowing orange in the dimly lit room. 他们坐在床上,两人的腿交缠着,一个递给另一个一根香烟,在这个暗淡朦胧的房间里,香烟点火那头闪动着橘红色的光。 6. sit in on的意思 6. Examples of such contradictionary move appeared many times: Sit on the table tailor-fashion and taught Bok commandingly, an indication of pride as well as an implication of sickness; Glancing back in the ruins enjoyably but staggeringly after sending back his favorite pupil, a description of contradiction between his physical and mental capability. 除此之外,如果你肯关掉音箱戴上耳机聆听罗大侠的对白,就可以发现他在叶天的表演上与其他二人的另一处不同--声音底气明显加重(罗大侠是我所知演员中声音与气质搭配最和谐之一--这个是在对比一些失败个案后得出的结论。 7. The entire palace room executes octagonal stone column 16, in the palace 4 golden column relief grasps the oak to hold the whip the bearing broad warrior, lively You Long, the natural dance phoenix, floating wants the fresh flying apsaras, the huge perfectly round p'anlung sc gd and so on, these relief hard and soft fusion attracts attention.12 eave columns besides 4 for the solid colored, other 8 also decorated with reliefs, the picture has the lotus, the chrysanthemum, the volume grass, the flying apsaras, to sit Buddha, the lotus flower metaplasia, the phoenix play peony, the peacock to put on the flower as well as the group crane noisy lotus and so on. 整个殿房施八角石柱16根,殿内的4根金柱浮雕握柞执鞭气度恢宏的武士,活泼的游龙,潇洒的舞凤,飘然欲生的飞天,庞大浑圆的盘龙等,这些浮雕刚柔融合惹人注目。12根檐柱除4根为素面外,其余8根也饰有浮雕,画面有莲、菊、卷草、飞天、坐佛、莲花化生、凤戏牡丹、孔雀穿花以及群鹤闹莲等。 8. Based on the construction difficulities, authors introduced the structure design of using the Bailey frame to set up the steel structure truss system to install the formwork platform in high altitude, and the platform is integrally hoisted to sit by computer cluster synchronous control. 介绍使用贝雷架搭设成钢结构桁架体系组成高空支模平台的构造设计,并应用电脑集群同步控制技术,将支模平台整体提升吊装就位。 9. But in that period you can easily get some coca if you just sit on the square of the gate of heavenly peace doing nothing. Li Ao said there were some other delicious food from HK, USA. 但那一段时间只要你什么事都不干,坐到我爱北京天安门前面的广场上,就很容易喝到这种奢侈的东西,还有美国、香港产的什么什么食品,李敖说过,我忘了。 10. Sit down on the yard of the disease in general is not easy to rule. 月子里坐下的病一般是不容易治的。 11. sit in on的翻译 11. A: How do they have time to sit in a coffee shop on a Monday afternoon? 为什么他们在周一的下午有时间坐咖啡厅? 12. Promise by Jessica Sills As you sit in silence, If a close friend hurts you, Wondering why And you don't understand I'll be your shoulder to cry on Remember I'm here, Until your tears run dry. I'll lend a helping hand. When you've been hurt, Burdens are lighter And can't believe what they've done when carried by two, If you need someone to talk to And I just want you to know I'll be the one. 承诺 Jessica Sills 当你陷入沉默不明所以我的肩膀给你哭泣直到没有泪滴当你受到伤害你无法相信他们做了什么如果你需要倾听我会静静听如若朋友让你伤怀你很无奈记住我的存在我会伸出我的手负担你我共有即使困难加倍你别忘记我陪你同累 I'm here for you。 13. The girl of skirt of garment of a suit pink, sit on the floor, look at the book in the hand quietly, optional rock is worn on the foot a pair of embroider are worn the cotton slipper of virescent decorative pattern. 一身粉色衣裙的女孩,坐在地板上,安静地看着手里的书,脚上随意晃动着一双绣着淡绿色花纹的棉拖鞋。 14. 14. I have to sit in the jump seat so that I can tell the pilot if I have any thoughts on his flying. 我得坐在折叠椅席上,以便告诉飞行员飞行途中我的任何想法。 15. sit in on什么意思 15. We'd do sit ups in the water with out feet on the pool edge, we'd tred water. 我们想要做仰卧在水中进行的水池边脚,我们就tred水的窗口。 16. sit in on 16. The memory returns to 15 year agos along with the thoughts and feelings, that small jade elephant is usually one happy return to a house. on walking into yard, see her family, so many neighbors rounded to point out to order at that ago of. cut through crowd to walk into in home, just discovered the father sit low on the head, mother was sheding tears simultaneously, an aunt at continuously say and scold. just started her understanding, heard pure that aunt slowly be say what. originally this aunt was father positive son eight through of wife, the father went to the country support village and then didn't go home any further, the very not easy pry arrived this, have never thought he but at this Anne house, there is wife. 记忆随着思绪回到15年前,那天小玉象往常一样高兴回到家。一走进院子,看到她家门前那么多邻居围在那指指点点的。穿过人群走进家中,才发现父亲坐在凳上低着头,妈妈在一边流泪,一个阿姨在不停的又说又骂。刚开始她听不懂,慢慢地听清那个阿姨在说什么了。原来这个阿姨是爸爸正儿八经的老婆,父亲下乡支援农村就再也没有回过家,好不容易打听到这,没想到他却在这安了家,有了老婆。 17. Citygate clothing are: Bally, Benetton, CK, Esprit, IT, Lanvin, Levi`s, Moiselle, Nautica and so on, there are cosmetic accessories Bodyshop, FolloFollie, Lance, LeSaunda, as well as children`s wear, the better Good and electrical FortressGuangwan almost close to 4:30, the table of Tsim Sha Tsui MTR is scheduled to go to the hotel - Ramada Kowloon CHECKIN, from the Tsim Sha Tsui Tung Chung over the last 2 lines, the Internet, many people said that Lai King-for-Tsuen Wan Line, is distant, it should be sitting in the end change Tsuen Wan Line Hong Kong Station to sit back, point the way to 3-4 province, subway out to the hotel is a little way to go, but probably not far from the A2 exports 5 Minutes. 城服装是:巴利,贝纳通,长江,思哲,资讯科技,朗万,李维,Moiselle ,诺蒂卡等,有美容配件车身,FolloFollie ,兰斯,LeSaunda ,以及童装,更好地好和电器城 Guangwan几乎接近4:30 ,该表的尖沙咀地铁预定到酒店-华美达九龙签,从尖沙咀东涌在过去的2条线,互联网,许多人他说,荔景换荃湾线,是遥远的,应该坐在结束变化荃湾线香港站高枕无忧,指向道路3-4省,地铁站到酒店是一个小方法去,但可能不远处的A2出口5分钟。 18. There, in a very secluded and shaded spot, under a spreading white pine, there was yet a clean, firm sward to sit on. 在那里的一个僻隐而荫翳的地方,一棵巨大的白松下面有片清洁而坚实的草地,可以坐坐。 19. sit in on的反义词 19. What enchants thee into such folly as to remain in a pit when thou mayst sit on a throne? 是什麽吸引你走进如此愚笨的光景,使你陷在坑中而不坐在宝座上呢? 20. Arrived LAYON, We firstly went into the supermarket, such as Lotus, Big C, and so on. Even though the outside was very hot, you could enjoy the cool air and took a rest now. After bought something for eating, such as food, water, beer, cola, then took a bus go to the beach. It spent your 20 Baht(about 4 RMB), you could find a good beach to enjoy the sunlight and the wind from sea. Laid or sit down on the sands. The sands are white, the water is blue. The cloud flowed in the deep blue sky, took a deep breathe, the feeling was so fine. continiuing 到达LAYON后,我们首先去超市,好像一个莲花,尽管外面非常热,但在这里休息的同时并且享受这里的凉气,之后买一些吃的东西,食品、水、啤酒、可乐,再乘公交车去海滩,要花20泰币(折4元人民币),你可以找一个好一点的海滩享受太阳浴和海的气息,你可以躺或坐在沙上,白色的沙,蓝色的水,云在深蓝色的天空飘舞,做个深呼吸,感觉特别的爽。 sit in on 词典解释 1. 旁听(课程);列席(会议) If you sit in on a lesson, meeting, or discussion, you are present while it is taking place but do not take part in it. e.g. Will they permit you to sit in on a few classes?... 他们会同意你旁听几节课吗? e.g. People can sit in on meetings, even if it's not really in their subject area. 即使不在其研究专题范围之内,人们也可以列席会议。 sit in on 单语例句 1. It is an early summer day in an old neighborhood southwest of Shanghai, and shrubs are blossoming around benches on which people sit and chat. 2. Those not content to sit slouched at home on Christmas Day can join the Beijing Hikers in their sixth annual Great Wall hike and BBQ. 3. The inexpensive and portable coffee maker is used in place of electronic ones, customized to sit on a single cup while the coffee drips down. 4. In ancient China, adulterous women were made to sit on the saddle and ride through town. 5. Ten judges sit on a panel, with only seven having their marks count in a random selection. 6. The Supreme People's Court of China on Wednesday issued a notice, requiring that local courts sit in open session when hearing appeals in death penalty cases. 7. Those who want to get dirty could sit through a short class on how to use tools before they dig in a specific area. 8. The patients sit on folding chairs along the sidewalk in Hollywood, as students unload supplies and medical records from a truck. 9. Yet Asia should not sit on the sidelines, grumble about past mistreatment and feel somewhat gleeful about the turn in circumstances. 10. I sit in silence as the drivers go on about their wives and parents. |
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