单词 | boy |
释义 | boy [英 [b??] 美 [b??] ] boy的意思、解释 复数形式:boys; boy 基本解释 名词儿子; 男孩,少年; 小伙子,家伙; 服务员 boy 相关例句 int. 1. Boy! Isn't it hot! 哇,好热啊! 2. Boy ! Isn't it hot! 好家伙!真热得要命! 名词 1. John is a small-town boy. 约翰这人来自小城镇。 2. boy的解释 2. He's a local boy. 他是本地人。 3. boy 3. That's fine by me, my boy. 我看这样办行,老弟。 boy 情景对话 生活对话 B:Youre kind of down these days. 你最近看起来心情不好。 boy的近义词 A:Im OK. 我还好。 B:Sure? Boy problems? 真的吗?是跟男生有关的事吗? boy的近义词 A:No, Im fine. 不,我很好。 boy什么意思 B:Are you busy on the 30th? 你三十号那天有事吗? A:No. 没事。 B:Well then, lets go to an outdoor symphony concert. My treat! 那么,我们去一个户外的交响乐演奏会。我请客! 工作 A:What do you do? 你是做什么的? B:I work in sales for money, but my real passion is writing. 我靠做销售谋生,但我真正的爱好是写作。 boy什么意思 A:What do you write? 你都写些什么。 B:I am writing a book based on my childhood. It’s about a friendship between a boy and his grandfather.. 我正在根据我的童年生活写一本书,是关于一个男孩和他祖父之间的友谊的。 A:That sounds interesting. How about your sales job? Do you enjoy it? 听起来有点意思。你的销售工作怎么样?你喜欢吗? B:Not really, but it pays the bills. What about you? Where do you work? 不喜欢,但我得靠它吃饭。你呢?你在哪里工作。 A:I work for a large advertising agency. 我在一家大型广告代理公司工作。 B:What do you do exactly? 具体做什么工作呢。 A:I work in the finance department. 我在金融部工作。 boy B:Have you been there long? 你在那里工作了很长时间吗? A:This is just my first year. I’m hoping to get a promotion next year. 这只是我第一年在那里工作。我希望明年能够升职。 B:Good luck with that. 祝你好运。 A:Thanks! Keep me posted about your book! 谢谢! 随时告诉我你书的进展。 家庭 A:Tell me about your family, Simon. Are you from a big family? 西蒙,给我们讲讲你们家的事。你来自一个大家庭吗? B:No, my immediate family is quite small. There are only five of us. My parents, my younger brother and my younger sister. But my parents both come from large families. 不,我们自己的直系家庭相当小,只有五口人,(包括)我的父母,弟弟和妹妹。但是我父母都来自大家庭。 A:How many people are in your extended family? 你的大家庭中有多少人呢? boy B:There are too many to count. I suppose, well over 100 people. 太多了,数不过来。我想有一百多人吧。 A:Do you get to see your family often? 你常和家里人见过面吗? B:I see my immediate family every weekend, and I see my extended family about once or twice a year.We usually see each other for Christmas, Easter, and other big celebrations, like weddings. 我每个周末都和直系小家庭成员见面。我一年中能见到其他大家庭的成员一或俩次。我们经常在圣诞节,复活节和其他大的庆祝活动,如婚礼上见面。 A:Have you ever been to a family reunion? 你参加过家庭聚会吗。 B:Actually, I have been to one, but it wasn’t mine! It was one of my friends’. He didn’t want to be theonly boy there, so I went with him to keep him company. This was a long time ago, of course. 我倒是去过一次。但不是我自己家的聚会,是我的一个朋友家的聚会。他不想成为聚会上的唯一男孩,所以我去陪他。当然了,这也是很久以前的事了。 A:Are many of your relative divorced? 你的亲属中有很多人离婚吗? B:Let me think. I believe it’s just my one uncle. He’s always been a rebel. My grandmother was very religious, so most of my relatives were too scared to get divorced! 让我想一下。我想只有我的一个叔叔离了婚。他一直是个叛逆者。我奶奶是个很虔诚的教徒,所以我的大多数亲属都不敢离婚! A:Do you have any relatives who are single mothers? 你的亲属中有单身母亲吗? B:I have just one-her father is the one who got divorced. Their family is sort of the black sheep of our extended family. 我只有一个亲属是单身母亲。她的父亲也离了婚。他们家是我们大家庭中的另类。 boy 网络解释 1. 孩子:逃出围城约十年,终于可以彻底走出人生的低谷...现在和孩子(BOY)定居在新加坡. 生活稳定了希望感情也可以有个着落,开朗而不失稳重,大龄而仍然青春,真诚善良喜欢浪漫的我内心深处依然渴望着感情的春天,期待着有缘的你一起经营幸福的未来,享受属于你我的分分秒秒... boy 双语例句 1. boy 1. I`m a sunny boy, and I like sports very much. 我是一个阳光明媚的男孩,我非常喜欢体育运动。 2. I believe I owe that boy a great big sloppy kiss when I see him. 见到他之后,我非得狠狠地亲他一大口! 3. This is a boy. And that's a girl. 这是男孩,那是女孩。 4. This is a hard boy to deal with. 这是一个难对付的男孩。 5. boy在线翻译 5. A: This book is for a little boy. 这本书是给一个小男孩的。 6. This boy is a very good player. 这孩子是个好球员。 7. boy的反义词 7. This problem is too much for a boy like him. 这一问题对于一个像他这样的孩子太难了。 8. boy的反义词 8. This is me, a very confident boy. 这就是我,一个自信的小男孩。 9. I want to be a little boy. 我要当一个小男孩。 10. But you are a bad boy yardie... 我又不是巫师但你是个坏种 11. The little boy grew up and became a man, still wondering why women cry. 小男孩樘成了一?男人,但仍就不懂女人?甚?哭泣。 12. There is what a clever boy here. 这儿有一个多么聪明的男孩! 13. boy的近义词 13. If i were a boy, i think i could understand. 如果我是个男孩,我想我会明白 14. 14. If I were a boy again, I would school 假如我又回到了童年,我 15. If I were a boy. 如果我是个男孩。 16. 16. If I were a boy, I think I could understand, How it feels to love a girl. 假如我是男孩,我想我会明白,去爱一个女孩的感觉是怎样的。 17. In fact, the boy knew that brake is out of order. 事实上,男孩知道刹车失灵了。 18. boy什么意思 18. I remember once talking to a boy from the village, who envied us for living in such a fine manor house. 我记得有一次和一个镇上的男孩说话,他嫉妒我们住在那样一个漂亮的庄园里。 19. Li is already a legend in Chinese cinema at the tender age of 39, and boy does she know it. 俐已经在她39岁时成为中国影界的一个传奇。天哪,不知道她自己是否已经意识到这些。 20. The lazy little boy gave his face perfunctory washing. 那个懒惰的小男孩马疏忽虎地洗了把脸。 boy 词典解释 1. 男孩;男童 A boy is a child who will grow up to be a man. boy在线翻译 e.g. I knew him when he was a little boy... 他还是个小男孩的时候我就认识他了。 e.g. He was still just a boy. 他还只是个孩子。 2. 男青年,小伙子(尤用于指青年男女恋爱关系时) You can refer to a young man as a boy, especially when talking about relationships between boys and girls. e.g. ...the age when girls get interested in boys. 姑娘开始对小伙子感兴趣的年龄 3. 儿子 Someone's boy is their son. e.g. Eric was my cousin Edward's boy... 埃里克是我表兄爱德华的儿子。 e.g. I have two boys. 我有两个儿子。 4. 家伙,伙计(尤用于亲切谈论某人时) You can refer to a man as a boy, especially when you are talking about him in an affectionate way. e.g. ...the local boy who made President... 当上总统的本地小伙子 e.g. 'Come on boys', he shouted to the sailors. “加把劲儿,伙计们”,他向船员们喊道。 5. 家伙,伙计(用于吆喝马或狗时) You can use boy when giving instructions to a horse or dog. e.g. Down, boy, down! 趴下,小家伙,趴下! 6. see also: backroom boy;blue-eyed boy;bully-boy;head boy;messenger boy;office boy;old boy;stable boy;Teddy boy 7. 警察 The police are sometimes referred to as the boys in blue . boy的解释 8. 好家伙(表示激动、羡慕等情感) Some people say 'boy' or 'oh boy' in order to express feelings of excitement or admiration. e.g. Oh Boy! Just think what I could tell him. 哇,好家伙!想想看我会告诉他什么。 9. 男人总归是男人(用以表示男人的典型行为不会改变) If you say boys will be boys, for example when a group of men are behaving noisily or aggressively, you are suggesting in a light-hearted way that this is typical male behaviour and will never change. 10. 男子汉中的一员 If a man is described as one of the boys, he is accepted by a group of male friends who do things that are thought of as typically masculine. e.g. He wants to be accepted as one of the boys. 他想被人看作一个男子汉。 boy 单语例句 1. Martinez remembers being enamored by the story of the butterfly lovers in a book of Chinese mythological tales as a boy. 2. The boy's father discovered that the card had been used after the old woman's death when he tried to buy more credit on the card. 3. A police spokesman said the horse picked the boy up by the neck with its teeth and threw him into the air several meters. 4. I have been bombarded by criticism about my choice of a Chinese school for my English boy. 5. The police rushed to the boy's house, learning the truth and telling the boy that he should finish his homework by himself. 6. I really doubt his parents say the boy formed the habit by himself. 7. The boy went to a hobby class by himself for the first time on Tuesday. 8. Local media reported that the boy was able to identify himself by name. 9. Local media reported the boy was able to identify himself by name, but it was unclear whether the father had been identified. 10. Yao told China Daily that the boy's body was removed from the hospital this Wednesday and " should have been cremated " by now. boy什么意思boy 英英释义 noun 1. (ethnic slur) offensive and disparaging term for Black man e.g. get out of my way, boy 2. a friendly informal reference to a grown man e.g. he likes to play golf with the boys 3. a youthful male person e.g. the baby was a boy she made the boy brush his teeth every night most soldiers are only boys in uniform Synonym: male child 4. a male human offspring e.g. their son became a famous judge his boy is taller than he is Synonym: son |
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