单词 | loosen |
释义 | loosen [英 [?lu:sn] 美 [?lus?n] ] loosen的意思、解释 过去式:loosened; 过去分词:loosened; 现在分词:loosening; loosen 基本解释 及物动词解开或使松; 放宽,放松; 使(肠)通畅 不及物动词变松或变得更松 loosen 同义词 动词looseuntierelaxundo loosen 反义词 loosen在线翻译 及物动词tightentie loosen 相关词组 loosen 1. loosen up : 信口开河, 慷慨解囊, 松弛下来, 活动肌肉, 做准备动作; loosen 相关例句 及物动词 1. loosen什么意思 1. My belt is too tight; I must loosen it. 我的腰带太紧,我必须放松它。 2. loosen 2. Loosen the screw. 旋松螺丝。 3. By degrees her tongue was loosened. 她的话渐渐地多起来。 1. The runners are loosening up before the race. 赛跑运动员们在做赛前准备动作。 不及物动词 1. 1. The government's control over the newspapers has loosened in recent years. 近几年来政府对报纸的控制变松了。 loosen 网络解释 1. loosen的翻译 1. 松开:loopback 回路 | loosen 松开 | loseless compression 无损耗压缩法 2. 2. 放松:loosen a screw 把螺钉放松 | loosen 放松 | looseness 松动 3. 解开:loosely 宽松地 | loosen 解开 | looseness 松 4. 4. 松开、松动:loose 松的、不牢固的 | loosen 松开、松动 | loss 损失、减少 loosen 双语例句 1. At this time, loosen the connection screw of standard section with spanner, hang the shaft of hand crane on the upper angle bar, sway the shaft of hand crane upward, separate this standard section from the next section, and lay it in the suspension coop, dismantle the other standard section for the same method, and turn the shaft to another direction, draw the lifting wire rope tightly, the operation staff leave the suspension coop, open the lock stopping instrument, fall the suspension coop to next position and lock the brake instrument, the operation staff return to the top of suspension coop, continually dismantle note: forbid the staff leave on the top of suspension coop or in the coop when the suspension coop is running 8.1折除时,首先将吊笼用停层装置停靠在待拆除的标准节的下两节上,操作人员上到吊笼顶,卷扬机松绳,用小吊杆将顶梁略向上提起,拔出顶梁横销,使顶梁值得徐徐降下,降到拆除节下一节中间框架角处,并重新穿上横销,这时用板手将标准节连接螺栓松开,将手摇起重机小吊杆钩挂在待拆节上框架用钢土,到吊笼内,用同样的方法拆下另一节标准节,然后将吊杆转向不影响升降机运行的方向,收紧起升钢丝绳,操作人员离开吊笼,打开锁止机构,使吊笼下降到下一个拆除位置,并将锁止机构锁死,人员重返笼顶,进行下一拆除循环注意:在吊笼运行时绝不允许有人员留在吊笼顶部或吊笼内 2. When dismantle the machine, firstly, stop the suspension coop on the lower 2 sections of the standard sections, the operation staff go on the suspension coop top, the hoisting machine loosen rope, lift the pillar with small shaft, pull out the horizontal pin of pillar, let the pillar fall slowly to thedismantled section's middle angle bar, insert the horizontal pin again. At this time, loosen the connection screw of standard section with spanner, hang the shaft of hand crane on the upper angle bar, sway the shaft of hand crane upward, separate this standard section from the next section, and lay itin the suspension coop, dismantle the other standard section for the same method, and turn the shaft to another direction, draw the lifting wire rope tightly, the operation staff leave the suspension coop, open the lock stopping instrument, fall the suspension coop to next position and lock the brakeinstrument, the operation staff return to the top of suspension coop, continually dismantle note: forbid the staff leave on the top of suspension coop or in the coop when the suspension coop is running 8.1折除时,首先将吊笼用停层装置停靠在待拆除的标准节的下两节上,操作人员上到吊笼顶,卷扬机松绳,用小吊杆将顶梁略向上提起,拔出顶梁横销,使顶梁值得徐徐降下,降到拆除节下一节中间框架角处,并重新穿上横销,这时用板手将标准节连接螺栓松开,将手摇起重机小吊杆钩挂在待拆节上框架用钢土,到吊笼内,用同样的方法拆下另一节标准节,然后将吊杆转向不影响升降机运行的方向,收紧起升钢丝绳,操作人员离开吊笼,打开锁止机构,使吊笼下降到下一个拆除位置,并将锁止机构锁死,人员重返笼顶,进行下一拆除循环(注意:在吊笼运行时绝不允许有人员留在吊笼顶部或吊笼内 3. This is because the organizational structure of scallop muscle dried by oven was more loosen and easy to rankle. 这是由于热风干燥的扇贝柱结构疏松在水中更容易溃散所造成的。 4. Instead, Chen asked nations to loosen the restriction on the import of products. 他反而请求其他国家放松对于进口商品的限制。 5. But if wanting to loosen state of mind to face only, can surmount oneself actually. 但是只要放松心态来面对的话,实际上就可以超越自己。 6. loosen在线翻译 6. From Hong Kong Consumer's Committee a test looks as a result, the vitreous face table of the market put on sale that is checked is near 3 into example insecure, the desktop suffers force to be able to loosen from table leg overset. 从香港消委会一项测试结果看,被测试的市面发售的玻璃面餐桌近3成样本不安全,桌面受力会松离台脚而翻倒。 7. Loosen the turret handle, and the turret 5.2.3 松开刀台手柄,GC50 型滚槽机的刀台便可 8. Post-drying to be adhesive, loosen the external force Snip screen frame outside around the screen, and then use the single-sided adhesive tape affixed onto a screen and screen frame adhesive, so as to protect the screen and screen frame, you can also prevent business card printing and membership card when solvent or water dissolved on adhesive so as to ensure an effective screen. 待粘合胶潮湿后,放松内部弛不松辛,剪断网框外外边际的丝网,然后用单背不潮胶纸带贴在丝网与网框粘接的部位,这样可起到爱护丝网与网框的功用,还可以在避免制卡和会员卡制作时溶剂或火差粘合胶的凝固,以包管丝网印版的灵验搁置。 9. Adjust A to B; change A to BRemove the throat plate, loosen hook screw 6 and adjust the hook. 调整旋梭时,请卸下针板,拧松旋梭固定螺丝6,然后进行调整。 10. 10. Therefore, we focused on the cause, dialectical seek governance; use of animals, insects and sentient flesh and blood of the goods, after a reasonable compatibility, first-pass fill adjustment, through nourish kidney essence, Pinggan Yang, Tom Lee Du channel, promoting blood circulation scattered silt; the same time, with plaster externally bonded directly to lesions, Ruanjian Sanjie, loosen adhesions, and clear the meridians; this re-righteous, evil addition, joint sliding profits, hang stubborn lingering numb unhealed? 所以我们针对病因、辨证求治;采用动物、昆虫及血肉有情之品,经过合理配伍,首创,通过滋养肾精、平肝阳、通利督脉、活血散淤;同时配合膏药外贴直达病灶,软坚散结、松解粘连、疏通经络;这样正气复、邪气除,关节滑利、何患顽痹缠绵不愈? 11. Gyrator pressure through the two semi-circular ring mounted on the transfer case on the ring nut can loosen pressure drilling within 360 ° angle in any adjustment. 回转器通过两只半圆压圈装于分动箱上,松动压圈螺母可对钻孔倾角在360°范围内任意调整。 12. Proper torque ensures that one is getting maximum safe usage from a capscrew or bolt and that the equipment will not loosen up and fall apart in the field. 为了使在现场工作的设备不会松动和分开,需要施加适当的扭矩。 13. Time can wrinkle your skin, loosen your teeth, but that feature doesn't mean you are old. 时间可以皱你的皮肤,放松你的牙齿,但功能并不意味着你是老人。 14. loosen 14. By now in the hopper sand how many changed to the draft control, when the advance must examine that in fights sand how many to decide, the advance backlash must be flexible, when the sand bed landslide mechanical work strenuous or does not draw wants the hauling rope to loosen, causes the ship to draw back backward, up to until digs moves. 这时料斗内沙子的多少改用牵引控制,前进时要查看斗内沙子的多少而定,前进后退要灵活,如遇沙层塌方机械工作吃力或拉不动时要牵引绳松开,使船向后退,直至挖动为止。 15. 3Multi-function protection appliance: can avoid roof fall, dash against bottom, overload, block, loosen of the wire rope, etc.. 1.1.3多功能保护器:有效避免的冒顶,撞底,超载,卡阻,钢丝绳松乱等现象。 16. People of Orphalese, you can muffle the drum, and you can loosen the strings of the lyre, but who shall command the skylark not to sing? 阿法利斯的民众呵,你们纵能闷住鼓音,松了琴弦,但有谁能禁止云雀不高唱 17. Duty officer, the stevedores want to borrow a monkey wrench, because the turnbuckle is locked tightly, and they want to try to loosen it again. 值班副,工人们想借人扳手,有个锁扣锁的太紧了,他们想借此再试一下。 18. loosen的意思 18. Lin Xiaoning, who was once a good student of good marks, for a loosen of mind, also let drug walk into his mind, enter his life. Xiao Xiaoxiao, who is also a docile boy, but once pay no attention and then... 林小宁,本是一各成绩优秀的好学生,可是再一次放松之下,也让毒品走进了他的心灵,进入了他的生活,肖晓晓也是一个懂事的乖孩子,可是一次不经意就。。。 19. They want to loosen their ties with America. 他们想要消弱同美国的关系·。 20. loosen的近义词 20. He is banking on a groundswell of support to loosen ZANU-PF's grip in the rural areas. 他正在指望对他的支持能出现一次地震,从而减弱政府对农村地区的控制。 loosen 词典解释 1. 放宽,放松(限制、法律等) If someone loosens restrictions or laws, for example, they make them less strict or severe. e.g. Many business groups have been pressing the Federal Reserve to loosen interest rates... 不少企业集团一直在向联邦储备委员会施压,要求其放松利率管制。 e.g. Drilling regulations, too, have been loosened to speed the development of the fields. 钻探条例亦已放宽,以加速油田的开发。 loosening Domestic conditions did not justify a loosening of monetary policy. 国内的情况并不足以成为放松货币政策的正当理由。 2. (使)(关系)弱化(或疏远) If someone or something loosens the ties between people or groups of people, or if the ties loosen, they become weaker. e.g. The Federal Republic must loosen its ties with the United States... 联邦共和国必须疏远其与美国的关系。 e.g. The deputy leader is cautious about loosening the links with the unions... 该政党的二把手对疏远与工会之间关系一事态度谨慎。 3. 解开;松开;变松 If you loosen your clothing or something that is tied or fastened or if it loosens, you undo it slightly so that it is less tight or less firmly held in place. e.g. He reached up to loosen the scarf around his neck... 他伸手松了松脖子上的围巾。 e.g. Loosen the bolt so the bars can be turned... 松一松插销,好转动门闩。 4. 使松弛 If you loosen something that is stretched across something else, you make it less stretched or tight. loosen的意思 e.g. Insert a small knife into the top of the chicken breast to loosen the skin. 在鸡胸上方插进一把小刀,以使鸡皮不要绷得太紧。 5. 松(手) If you loosen your grip on something, or if your grip loosens, you hold it less tightly. e.g. Harry loosened his grip momentarily and Anna wriggled free... 哈里的手稍一放松,安娜便挣脱出来。 e.g. When his grip loosened she eased herself away. 他紧抓她的手松了一下,她便抽身而出。 6. 放宽,放松(控制) If a government or organization loosens its grip on a group of people or an activity, or if its grip loosens, it begins to have less control over it. e.g. There is no sign that the Party will loosen its tight grip on the country... 没有迹象显示该党会放松对国家的严密控制。 e.g. The Soviet Union's grip on Eastern Europe loosened. 苏联对东欧的控制已经放松。 7. 使打开话匣;使嘴不严 If you say that something has loosened someone's tongue, you mean that it has made them talk about something, often when they should have remained silent. e.g. The wine had loosened his tongue. 酒一下肚,他便打开了话匣。 相关词组:loosen up loosen 单语例句 1. Some analysts interpreted the market plunge as a kind of move by investors to force the policymakers in Beijing to loosen the monetary reins. 2. The US also demanded Latin American countries open the goods and capital market, loosen foreign exchange controls and practice a free market economy. 3. Some on Capitol Hill want Bush to ask Japan to loosen limits on shipments of beef to Japan. 4. Considering the records of failure of past policies, the government should remain firm and not loosen its current policies. 5. He said the consumer price index may continue falling in July, which would spur the central government to further loosen policies. 6. And some steps might be taken to loosen hidebound labor laws, like allowing contract labor. 7. Sun also said China will continue to loosen restrictions on capital control and facilitate overseas investment by the end of 2015. 8. " It is a signal that the government will gradually loosen its control, " said Shan. 9. China needs to loosen controls on outbound investment and gradually make the yuan fully convertible, the chief currency regulator said in remarks published yesterday. 10. Economists said the central bank is unlikely to loosen its monetary stance anytime soon, as the country still faces an uphill battle to cool rising consumer inflation. loosenloosen 英英释义 verb 1. become loose or looser or less tight e.g. The noose loosened the rope relaxed Synonym: relaxloose 2. make loose or looser e.g. loosen the tension on a rope Synonym: loose 3. make less dense e.g. loosen the soil 4. cause to become loose e.g. undo the shoelace untie the knot loosen the necktie Synonym: untieundo 5. disentangle and raise the fibers of e.g. tease wool Synonym: teasetease apart 6. become less severe or strict e.g. The rules relaxed after the new director arrived Synonym: relax 7. make less severe or strict e.g. The government relaxed the curfew after most of the rebels were caught Synonym: relax |
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