单词 | magnetism |
释义 | magnetism [英 [?m?gn?t?z?m] 美 [?m?ɡn??t?z?m] ] magnetism的意思、解释 magnetism 基本解释 名词磁学; 吸引力; 磁性,磁力; 催眠术 magnetism 相关例句 名词 1. He is a man of great personal magnetism. 他是一位富有个性魅力的男子。 2. If a magnet loses its magnetism it will no longer attract things. 磁石如果失去磁力,就不能再吸东西了。 magnetism 网络解释 1. 1. 磁性:矿物晶体的磁性(Magnetism)主要是由组成矿物的元素的电子构型和磁性结构所决定的,主要分为五种. 宝玉石的热学性质(Thermal property)主要是指其矿物晶体因受热(如加热或加温等)所呈现出来的种种特性,如导热性、热电性、热膨胀性、熔点、可燃性等. 2. 磁学:因此,结合磁学(magnetism)与电子学(electronics)两大领域的自旋电子学以及自旋电子元件的应用,将是未来研究发展的主流之一. 目前,相当热门的半导体自旋电子学领域中,很重要的议题就是磁电子学(magneto-electronics), 3. 磁力,磁性:magnetic water therapy apparatus 磁处理水治疗器 | magnetism 磁力,磁性 | magnetism apparatus 磁疗机 magnetism 双语例句 1. The algorithm for transmutation allows all foreign energy flow that is angular or box shaped and not round in nature to be transmuted into a new magnetism that is spherical. 超越的算式让所有外来的多角或方盒形状的和本质上不是圆形的能量流程被超越进入新的球形磁学。 2. With the increase of MFD, much claviform cobalt ferrite nanoparticles was obtained, and the crystallization of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles became better, also the magnetic properties such as remanence magnetism, saturation magnetism and squareness ratio were increased remarkably. 试验结果表明:无磁场及磁感应强度小于2T时,纳米钴铁氧体颗粒为球形形貌;当磁感应强度大于等于4T时,有棒状纳米钴铁氧体形成;随着磁感应强度的增大,棒状纳米颗粒数量增加,纳米钴铁氧体的晶化程度提高,磁性能(Mr、Ms、Mr/Ms)也有大幅度的提高,10T时制备的纳米钴铁氧体颗粒的剩余磁化强度比无磁场下制备的钴铁氧体颗粒的剩余磁化强度增加了近15倍,饱和磁化强度提高1.44倍。 3. Our meridian and collateral therapy apparatus products are based on the traditional Chinese medicine theory and together with microcomputer CPU chip, which will lead human body` meridian and collateral system and conduct drug`s effectual component into focus by ionization. User can select different therapies, such as magnetism therapy, sole therapy, water therapy, electric therapy and so on, which possess 68 different impulse frequencies. There are functions of assimilating acupuncture, tuina, drug conducting in this apparatus in apparatus, which can treat sick tissues comprehensive and implement the effect of diminishing inflammation, easing pain, relaxing tendon and activating blood circulation, supporting Zhengqi and exorcizing, recovering energy, enhancing immunity, and eventually curing disease temporary and permanent. 公司开发设计的经络通治疗仪系列产品,应用我国传统中医学理论,采用微电脑CPU芯片为核心,自动输导人体经络系统,将中药有效成分,通过电离作用导入病灶,选择各种疗法,如磁疗、足疗、水疗、电疗,并有68种脉冲频率等多种疗法,同时起到模拟针灸、推拿、药物渗透等作用,对人体病变组织多管齐下、综合治疗,迅速达到消炎、镇痛、舒筋活血、抚正祛邪、恢复肌体功能、增强人体免疫力,达到标本兼治的目的。 4. 4. If this radiation is sufficiently strong the person is called magnetic; he is said to be filled with personal magnetism. 我们知道,每一种想法都是通过大脑接收的,大脑是显意识的器官;它听命於我们的推理能力。 5. When the basement rock also posses magnetism, joint inversion of gravity and magnetic data can be used to reveal the burial depth of sedimentary basins, which is one of the most important structure information, so nonuniqueness of inversion can be reduced. 当基底岩石同时也具有磁性,可通过重磁联合反演来揭示沉积盆地基底埋深这一重要的构造信息,尽量减少重、磁异常反演的多解性。 6. magnetism的意思 6. Magnetism design is not involved in this paper. 本文不涉及变换器的磁路设计。 7. Erange of application: Electron, electric apparatus, packaging, toy, the intersection of gift and handicraft, build up body magnetism accuse of car, electrical machinery, little electrical machinery, computer, instrument, instrument, motorcycle, camera, Mobile, each field of clock and watch, stereo, electrical home appliances, office automation, magnetotherapy and daily life. 应用范围::电子,电器,包装,玩具,礼品工艺品,健身磁控车,电机、微电机、计算机、仪器、仪表、摩托车、照相机、手机,钟表、音响、家电、办公自动化、磁疗以及日常生活的各个领域。 8. magnetism什么意思 8. Chitosan-celite complex carriers with high magnetism were made using co-precipitation of chitosan with nanometer Fe〓O〓 and celite. 本文还采用壳聚糖同磁性纳米四氧化三铁和硅藻土共沉淀的简单方法,制备得到较强磁性的复合载体。 9. Main including flashy series, fluorescent series, ordinary series, in order to suit different places, there are steel、magnetism、pin、sucker pan in the basement. 主要有闪粉系列、荧光系列、普通系列;为适合不同地方放置,基座有钢丝、磁性、别针、吸盘式;包装分透明塑料装、纸盒+胶片透盖。 10. 10. This is the first experimental observation of the modification of the magnetism in thin-film ferromagnets by an electric field. 这是第一次观测到电场调控金属薄膜磁性的实验工作。 11. magnetism的解释 11. But now the storge density of magnetism increases by 100% every year, by contrast, its development rate behind the EMS memory study thnology of CPU. 而现在磁存储密度每年增长100%,其发展速度相对落后于CPU的内存访问技术。 12. By torsional vibration analysis, it can be seen that the maximum stress in the rotor body will occur at shaft shoulder when the electro-magnetism oscillation getting its first peak point. 本文通过机电耦合电磁暂态扭振分析指出由于应力集中效应,转子最大应力出现在轴端的第一阶轴肩处,当发生机端故障时会在第一个电磁震荡周期达到最大值。 13. For Mn5 cluster, the most stable structure is trigonal bipyramid with spin magnetism of 3 μ, and Mn6 cluster has the most stable structure of ferromagnetic octahedron with spin magnetic moment of 16μ. Mn6的最稳定构型为铁磁性的畸变八面体(磁矩为16,C(下标 4v))。各种异构体虽然多重度不同,但每个原子的自旋极化度均在3以上。 14. According to modifying effect of magnetic field to resin, through modification of FRP pultrusion process and equipments, this dissertation developed FRP rebar magnetism curing pultrusion process, studied the effect of fabrication magnetic field intensity on mechanical performances of fabricated GFRP rebar, and confined the optimal intensity of curing magnetic field. Through durability contrast test of GFRP rebars fabricated with optimal curing magnetism intensity and without magnetic field in 80℃water, according to water-absorbing capacity and interlaminate shear strength, the effect of magnetism curing on the durability performance of GFRP rebar was studied. 根据磁场对树脂的改性作用,对FRP拉挤成型工艺设备进行改进,研究开发了FRP筋磁场固化拉挤工艺;研究了成型磁场强度对成型后GFRP筋力学性能的影响,确定了最佳磁场强度;对最佳磁场强度成型和无磁场成型GFRP筋进行80℃水中的耐久性对比试验,以吸水率和层间剪切强度为指标,研究了磁场固化工艺对GFRP筋耐久性的影响。 15. Plays the actor which younger brother Luo Yi actorWu Xiubo and plays Brother Lin Yuanyue open the rock pile inparticular, two people are both longextremely outstandingly talented, are tall and straight, moreoverspeaks also all the very rich magnetism, extremely has the man flavor, specially plays Brother Lin Yuanyue the actor open the rock pile. 尤其是饰演弟弟罗伊的演员吴秀波和饰演哥哥林援越的演员张磊,两人都长得十分英俊、挺拔,而且说话也都很富有磁性,极具男人味道,特别是饰演哥哥林援越的演员张磊。 16. Plays the actor which youngerbrother Luo Yi actorWu Xiubo and plays Brother Lin Yuanyue open therock pile inparticular, two peopleare both longextremely outstandingly talented, are tall andstraight, moreoverspeaks also all the very rich magnetism, extremely has the man flavor, specially plays Brother Lin Yuanyuethe actor open the rock pile. 尤其是饰演弟弟罗伊的演员吴秀波和饰演哥哥林援越的演员张磊,两人都长得十分英俊、挺拔,而且说话也都很富有磁性,极具男人味道,特别是饰演哥哥林援越的演员张磊。 17. And joins the magnetism therapy, the moxibustion and the far infrared reasonably cures, better display organism`s balanced and the mediation, enhancement organism`s disease-resistant ability, achieves passes through the circuit sparsely, the blood circulation removing extravasted blood curative effect, has realized the perfect union which truly the thermotherapy, the magnetism therapy, the moxibustion, the far infrared cure multiple-effect unite. 并合理加入磁疗、灸疗和远红外疗,更好的发挥机体本身的平衡和调解作用,增强机体的抗病能力,达到疏经通路,活血化瘀疗效,真正实现了热疗、磁疗、灸疗、远红外疗多效合一的完美结合。 18. Its effect and the magnetism therapy are same, may treat hypertension, the headache, the nervous headache, two dusks are colored, vision blurring and neurasthenia. 其效果与磁疗相同,可治疗高血压、头疼、神经性头疼,两眼昏花,视力模糊和神经衰弱。 19. Statement: The most important scientific development of the renaissance period was the discovery of magnetism. 这样的句子同样给考生们带来了阅读中的障碍,其实这也是雅思阅读的另外一个考查点:句子结构错综复杂,长句屡屡皆是。 20. 20. All of these characters shows your magnetism which makes people attracted without noticing. 却更能彰显出你那高贵非凡的气度,让人在不经意间就被你吸引。 magnetism 词典解释 1. 魅力;吸引力 Someone or something that has magnetism has unusual, powerful, and exciting qualities which attract people to them. e.g. There was no doubting the animal magnetism of the man... 毫无疑问,这个男人身上透着一种野性魅力。 e.g. Later, she would describe his magnetism as irresistible. 她过后说起时会形容他的魅力难以抵挡。 2. 磁性;磁力 Magnetism is the natural power of some objects and substances, especially iron, to attract other objects towards them. magnetism的翻译 magnetism 单语例句 1. Many people believed the problem to be a telecommunications breakdown, but experts attributed it to be disturbance of " abnormal terrestrial magnetism waves ". 2. Of course, countries do not need to be passive about magnetism. 3. The magnetism originates with their tight, poppy musical hooks and vocals as well as Wu's songwriting. 4. But the burial chambers'current shapes have endowed them with marketing magnetism. 5. Soft power is a resource for a state, the key ingredient of which is " magnetism ". 6. A country can enhance its points of magnetism and features of attraction. 7. As a result, it has drawn up new policies to regain its magnetism. 8. Magnetism is the best word to describe Tan's allure, both on and off stage. 9. He has the same devilish charisma, aura of mystery and indefinable magnetism that make women swoon and men envious. magnetism 英英释义 noun 1. the branch of science that studies magnetism Synonym: magnetics 2. attraction for iron associated with electric currents as well as magnets characterized by fields of force Synonym: magnetic attractionmagnetic force |
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