单词 | magnify |
释义 | magnify [英 [?m?gn?fa?] 美 [?m?ɡn??fa?] ] magnify的意思、解释 过去式:magnified; 过去分词:magnified; 现在分词:magnifying; magnify 基本解释 及物动词放大; 夸大; 赞美; 夸奖 不及物动词放大; 有放大能力 magnify 同义词 动词stretchenhanceenlargeintensifyextendincreasebroadenexaggerateamplifyexpandinflate magnify 反义词 及物动词diminishreduceminify magnify magnify 相关例句 及物动词 1. Tony wanted to magnify that picture. 汤尼要把那张照片放大。 2. Ned likes to magnify his achievements. 内德喜欢夸大自己所取得的成绩。 3. This microscope magnifies an object 100000 times. 这个显微镜把物体放大10万倍。 不及物动词 1. Telescopes and microscopes magnify. 望远镜和显微镜能放大。 magnify 网络解释 1. 放大镜实用程序:mspaint---画图板 | magnify---放大镜实用程序 | mmc-----打开控制台 2. 放大镜:Windows防火墙 firewall.cpl | Windows放大镜 magnify | Windows管理体系结构 wmimgmt.msc magnify 双语例句 1. My ideal is to invent a pair of miraculous chopsticks when I grow up, one of the chopsticks is thin, the other is thick. The small one can minify everything in the world, on the contrary, the thick one can magnify everything. if one day, there is burglar sneaking into my house, I will minify the burglar as small as a fish, and put him into the aquarium by the thin chopstick. 我的理想是长大后发明一双神奇的筷子,一只筷子小,一只筷子粗,小的那一只可以把全世界的东西缩小;大的那一只可以把全世界的东西扩大,如果有一天,家里有小偷,看见了小偷我就会拿小筷子,把小偷变小再把小偷放进鱼池里,教训小偷。 2. A telescopic sight, eg on a rifle, to magnify the target 望远瞄准器(如装于步枪上放大目标者)。 3. magnify 3. The spider looks for a place first, observe a few days again, was no problem certainly, begin spin next, form one magnify network slowly again, waiting for prey to swallow the bait. 蜘蛛先找地方,再观察几天,确定没问题了,然后开始吐丝,再慢慢结成一张大网,就等着猎物上钩了。 4. And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and magnify thy name, and thou shalt be blessed. 我要使你成为一个大民族,我必祝福你,使你成名,成为一个福源。 5. In this measuring system design, we use 8051 MCU as main control part that can harmonize other parts, such as LCD display, pulse generating and pulse counting; pulse stream generator design is a key and hard technology in this system design. We use CPLD as pulse distributor so that motor movement can drive piston pout pulse stream, and the above design had been tested has good performance. The difficulty of the electronic system design lies in the laser is very faint for being photodetected, known as 10-6~10-9W. After lots of test, we bring forward a new design of the photoelectricity system, it has the advantages of both reduce the noise and magnify the signal. Among this, ellipse type filter can reduce the beyond band noise very well. At last, through the performance test and results analysis, primary experimental results indicates that the project useing the method of non-contact IOP measurement based on laser interference to measure IOP should be feasible, and are turning into mature. 本眼压测量系统以8051单片机为主控制系统,主要用来控制其他部分协调工作,如液晶显示、脉冲发生、脉冲计数;脉冲气流发生器是这个眼压测量系统设计中的一个难点和重点,我们通过CPLD实现脉冲分配,然后驱动步进电机产生运动,从而推进活塞产生脉冲气流,性能稳定可靠;电信息处理电路的设计难点在于因为入射到光电检测器的光信号非常微弱,只有10-6~10-9W量级,我们通过大量实验设计出一种新的光电检测电路结构,不但降低了噪声而且对光电转换后有用的电信号进行了适当的放大;电信息处理系统中有源带通滤波器部分对光电检测系统中带外噪声可以很好滤除,有源带通滤波器采用椭圆函数型滤波器对系统性能有很大的改善作用;最后对整体系统进行了性能测试和结果分析,实验结果表明:用激光干涉式非接触眼压测量系统测量眼压这一方案是可行的,而且正在逐渐走向成熟。 6. magnify的解释 6. If do away with a few specious traditions, make space of a few psychology and visual vacuum transition, jump from, false or true is applied, the space can magnify, just also escape likely the life form of those be dead as mutton. 假如破除一些似是而非的传统,将一些心理空间及视觉空间做转换、跳离、虚实运用,空间就会放大,也才有可能逃脱那些僵死的生活形态。 7. 7. On such platform, the user can magnify indefinitely to the demand of content, platform of Internet of no less than is arisen, the user is overflowed to moving, game also can repeat in the demand on the mobile phone in those days the legend on Internet. 在这样的平台上,用户对于内容的需求便会无限放大,正如互联网平台兴起,用户对于动漫、游戏在手机上的需求也会重复当年互联网上的传奇。 8. You, oh Lord, are the one and only God over all the universe, and we magnify Your name today. 您是统治宇宙的唯一真神,所以我们今天要荣耀您的名。 9. magnify是什么意思 9. And His purpose is always to magnify His glory and the testimony of His church through both victorious and trying moments. 这是上帝一直以来重生,成圣,使用祂的教会的方法。2008年是`点燃灵火`之年。 10. Exaggeration is a way, based on objective reality, to magnify or minify an object deliberately. 夸张,在客观现实的基础上有目的地放大或缩小事物的形象特征。 11. Then we can conclude that Qaidam Basin is Located in the center of Tibetan Plateau and it is very sensitive to the global climatic change in Tibetan Plateau. It not only responses very quickly to climate change, but also can magnify climatic trends and tectonic signals by some processes of the positive feedback. 笔者推测柴达木盆地深居青藏高原内陆,青藏高原对全球气候变化有很高的敏感性,不仅迅速地响应全球变化的信号,而且对某些信号和趋势起著放大作用,还可能通过各种正反馈过程,对全球气候变化产生重大影响。 12. I can't say i'm good and all patient with nosy and unfamiliar reporters who seem all out to sensationalise and magnify whatever negative news they can get their hands on. 我不能说我现在很好,而且还对那些爱追问又陌生的记者能有耐心。他们似乎都试图要用耸动的手法处理、去放大他们所经手的负面新闻。 13. Cui Fei earnestly pinned some dried vines and potato roots vertically on the wall to form a soft of Phags-pa scripts (The Phags-pa script is a Brahmic script based on Tibetan that was used for writing Mongolian, Chinese and other languages during the Mongolian Yuan dynasty between 1271and 1368), while Zeng Fanzhi seemed to magnify these small organic forms through his paintings, then embarked on an endless entanglement on a variety of natural or non-natural backgrounds. 两个人好像都是热诚的植物学爱好者,崔菲认认真真地将一些干了的葡萄藤子,马铃薯根须组成八思巴文字的样式用大头针竖列钉在墙上,而曾梵志的画则似乎是把这些有机的小形式都放大了,然后又无穷无尽地在各种自然或非自然的背景上纠葛一气。 14. ABC ImageBrowser has a slideshow-like interface that allows you to organize, magnify, e-mail, edit and printimages from your computer or a Web site. 形象浏览器有一滑动允许你组织起来的似展览会的界面,有放大能力,电子邮件,编辑和打印你的图象。 15. I want to magnify this picture. 我想将这张照片放大。 16. This software can be used by visually-impaired and others who need to magnify a part of the screen. 这个软件可由视力有障碍的人或其它需要放大屏幕的一部分的人使用。 17. However, these methods are inclined to magnify the noise or introduce new noise. 但是,这些传统的增强方法有时会放大噪声或引入新的噪声。 18. We did everything in our power to aid him and magnify his movement. 我们竭全力支持他,并扩大他的活动范围。 19. Disclose in magnify, as a result of big this year in electric equipment is bought by national beautiful electric equipment, what its hold equity to undertake cession, just to bureau of city land tax one-time pay individual income tax amounts to 560 million yuan, the duty paid proof of individual income tax that got bureau of city land tax is opened to him. 张大中透露,正是由于今年大中电器被国美电器收购,其所持股权进行转让,才向市地税局一次性缴纳个人所得税达5.6亿元,并得到了市地税局向他开具的个人所得税完税凭证。 20. Do you know how can I set the duplicating macline in model of magnify. 你知道怎么将复印机设定在缩印模式上吗? magnify 词典解释 1. 放大;扩大 To magnify an object means to make it appear larger than it really is, by means of a special lens or mirror. e.g. This version of the Digges telescope magnifies images 11 times... 这种型号的迪格斯望远镜可将图像放大11倍。 e.g. A lens would magnify the picture so it would be like looking at a large TV screen. 透镜会把图片放大,就像在看巨大的电视屏幕一样。 2. 加强;加大;加剧 To magnify something means to increase its effect, size, loudness, or intensity. magnify e.g. Poverty and human folly magnify natural disasters... 贫困和人类的愚昧加剧了自然灾难。 e.g. Their noises were magnified in the still, wet air. 他们的喧闹声在凝滞而潮湿的空气中显得更吵了。 3. 夸大;夸张 If you magnify something, you make it seem more important or serious than it really is. e.g. They do not grasp the broad situation and spend their time magnifying ridiculous details... 他们不去把握大局,而是在细枝末节上花费时间大做文章。 e.g. Any signs of discontent tend to be magnified and overanalyzed. 稍有不满便会被上纲上线。 magnify 单语例句 1. Those who magnify such minor issues and deliberately raise a wave of nostalgia for the colonial era bring only chaos and disorder to our society. 2. Experts say environmental degradation such as deforestation and pollution will likely magnify the impacts of climate change. 3. But analysts warn of speculative activities, which could magnify market risks in the initial stage of the financial futures market. 4. Generally speaking, movies magnify the actor's face for the viewers to see. 5. Scientists magnify the DNA in the samples several million times, making them large enough to reveal hereditary information. 6. The Chinese Government and media were wise to magnify the importance of the occasions. 7. Manila has insisted on claiming the island in recent decades, and has tried to magnify the dispute by playing it up on several multilateral occasions. 8. He said high export growth cannot continue in months ahead as the impact of the European crisis on the Chinese economy is set to magnify. 9. These ads not only lead to unhealthy consumption trends, but also magnify the sense of unfairness felt by disadvantaged groups. 10. " We hope the public treats the incident as an individual case and doesn't magnify it, " said Peng at the university. magnify 英英释义 verb 1. make large e.g. blow up an image Synonym: blow upenlarge 2. increase in size, volume or significance e.g. Her terror was magnified in her mind Synonym: amplify 3. to enlarge beyond bounds or the truth e.g. tended to romanticize and exaggerate this `gracious Old South' imagery Synonym: overstateexaggerateoverdrawhyperbolizehyperboliseamplify |
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