单词 | smiling |
释义 | smiling [英 ['sma?l??] 美 ['sma?l??] ] smiling的意思、解释 过去式:smiled; 过去分词:smiled; 复数形式:smiles; smiling 基本解释 smiling 形容词微笑的,风景明媚的,喜气洋洋的 动词以微笑表示( smile的现在分词 ) smiling的反义词 smiling 网络解释 1. (微笑):大拿网为您提供最全面的桑兰&黄伟麟2008粤运专辑 微笑 (Smiling)参数资料桑兰&黄伟麟2008粤运专辑 微笑 (Smiling) 内容提要:桑兰&黄伟麟2008粤运专辑 微笑 (Smiling) 目录: 2. 微笑的:smile 微笑 | smiling 微笑的 | smilingly 微笑地 3. smiling的解释 3. 微關波爾卡:15.CSARDAS 查爾達什 | 01.SMILING 微關波爾卡 | 02.SABRE DANCE 馬舞曲 smiling 双语例句 1. This is the outcome of your sly smiling and your sneering. 这就是你们带来的后果。你们现在高兴了? 2. Instead of smiling, each of them made a face. 同学们脸上没有笑容,相反都做了怪脸。 3. smiling的解释 3. Smiling all day, and his theory is pleased to have workers work ethic, so he does not mind doing things you are standing or sitting, our job is to packaging, sealing wax, and then into the vacuum extraction machine air, packaged, and sometimes to do into the chocolate, candy, such as live, more relaxed, do not have the brain of live on the wages of course you can not grade. 整天笑眯眯的,他的理论是工人高兴就有工作热忱,所以他不介意你是站着做事还是坐着,我们的工作是包装,封蜡,然后入真空机抽取空气,打包,有时要做些入巧克力,糖果之类的活,比较轻松,不用大脑的活固然工钱上不了档次啦。 4. Each limb stanza seen you follow moving melody to swing body on the ice stadium, dance to is that so daintiness, let that genial breezes in my heart start to float in a twinkling, the on the face also peeped out similar to you smiling face with self-confident sunlight. 看到你在冰场上跟着动听的旋律摆动着身体的各个肢节,舞姿是那样的优美,让我心中的那股暖风瞬间飘起,脸上也露出了与你一样阳光自信的笑容。 5. Never stop smiling, not even when you are sad, someong may fall in love with yo ur smile. 永远都不要停止微笑,即使在你难过的时候,有人也许会因为你的微笑而爱上你。 6. I find it interesting that one person can make such a 33 to so many people`s lives by doing one simple thing like waving and smiling warmly. 有趣的是仅仅凭借温暖的微笑和招手这样简单的一件事情就可以影响每一个人的生活。 7. I find it interesting that one person can make such a 33 to so many people's lives by doing one simple thing like waving and smiling warmly. 那些能够学好英语的人和掌握英语应试方法的人在这次考试中应该大部分都能考个理想的成绩。 8. He kept smiling and joking all the time, and his facsination was irresistable. 虽然这完全是自然的,可以想见,但是他的魅力还是让我眩晕。 9. Spring really strong spring with the summer dog day of autumn drilling more strong impulse displayed its heroic posture of the fruits of victory in the breeze, decked out with heavy hearts taste of things in landfill stabilization of the athletes were sent to the lips smiling Smith picked confident athletes such as acute arrow Qiangnu moment out process Wong smoke of gunfire not casual athletes have reached the end of Oh, the master sprinter Liu Xiang presence at the scene but ran faster than the arrow is faster than the arrow... 娇阳抛下无数柔媚的眼神摇荡运动员的心旌心湖荡漾着一波波酷似霜风染过的枫叶火红的血焰猛烈升腾谁在台上雄声铿锵谁在台下心内呯呯攒动的每颗激动的人头牵动着兴奋的心兴奋里漫长等待等待台上动听的一语运动会开始进行! 10. At the foot of the snowy mountains, our Russian-style villas are surrounded by a jujube orchard behind, bamboos beside and redleaf cherry plums in front of their windows. Once you enter the villas made of deals that are 20cm in diameter, you smell faint scent from the deals. You sit in the soft couches with your intimates or loved ones; sip coffee or black tea; chat while smiling; talk about your life; or sit on a step made of deals and read a book. At such a moment, you want nothing but the very moment. 充满俄罗斯风情的别墅悠然的卧在雪山脚下,幸福的被屋后的枣园,旁边的竹林,窗前的紫叶李簇拥着,走进直径20厘米的圆松木围起的温暖中,闻着淡淡的松木清香,或好友,或挚爱,拥坐在柔软的沙发中,或咖啡红茶,或轻言浅笑,或畅聊人生,或捧一本童话书坐在楼梯上阅读,那时,你什么都不要,就想活在当下。 11. I was asked, why should write a diary in English, Smiling, in fact, it is entirely due to a friend-not masked I was helpless in the time given to me to help. 有人问我,为什么写日记要用英文,笑了笑,其实,完全是因为一个朋友,素未蒙面,却在我无助的时候给予我帮助。 12. I am smiling, feeling considerably pleased from the bottom of my heart. 我笑了,是由心底涌出的喜悦。 13. Chin Mah, the hairdresser maid, stood behind the concubine, smiling to herself and toying with a comb. 梳头娘姨金妈站在姨太太背后,微笑地弄着手里的木梳。 14. smiling什么意思 14. Americans also indicate their attentiveness in a conversation by raising their eyebrows, nodding, smiling politely and maintaining good eye contact. 美国人还会用挑眉、点头、礼貌的微笑以及维持良好的眼神交流来表现他们在对话中的专注。 15. I would watch her in all her goodness and charity abroad, and the smiling untiring discharge of domestic duties at home 我很想观察她在外如何乐善好施,在家如何吟吟含笑、不辞辛荣地尽她的天职。 16. Suddenly, I saw a winter jasmine, which bloom on my smiling face. Yes ah! 刹那间,我看到了一株迎春花,它在对我绽放笑脸。 17. Early spring, winter jasmine opened their beautiful smiling faces, the spring release of information. 初春,迎春花张开了美丽的笑脸,发布着春天的信息。 18. I cannot keep from smiling to hear her talk. 听她讲话我就要笑了。 19. Smiling doormen, busy bell captains, and friendly receptionists offered the most irresistible amenities and I couldn`t help but want to stay for a while. 面带微笑的迎宾门侍,忙碌的前台领班以及友好的接待员,交织成宾至如归的和谐曲,使我禁不住想多呆几天。 20. smiling是什么意思 20. Stayawayfrom depression, stress and worry by smiling. 微笑让消极、压力和恐惧都离我们远去。 smiling 单语例句smiling 1. Their hair are shaved into smiling faces, a practice thought up by the shop's owner in a bid to draw more customers. 2. US companies have printed cigar bands with Obama's smiling face to celebrate his victory, but Ramirez says his specially made cigars are one of a kind. 3. I cherish the smiling faces and the friendliness of the orderlies of my institute and apartment complex. 4. It broadcast a video showing the captives smiling and laughing while playing chess, watching soccer on TV and eating at a long table. 5. The ceremony finished with a rousing gospel performance that had Jean clapping and smiling with the crowd. 6. Hundreds of his supporters were outside the prison, and many clashed with police before the smiling cleric was taken away. 7. The corners of the mouth should be raised and held in position for six seconds as if smiling like a clown. 8. A smiling Lindsay Lohan was released on Thursday from almost five years of formal probation, and told by a Los Angeles judge to grow up and stop clubbing. 9. At times sharp and combative but often relaxed or even smiling, the former Iraqi leader declined to confirm his signature on documents. 10. One of the most compelling sights at temple fairs during the Spring Festival is smiling children holding spinning pinwheels in their hands. smiling 英英释义 noun 1. a facial expression characterized by turning up the corners of the mouth usually shows pleasure or amusement Synonym: smilegringrinning |
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