单词 | mammal |
释义 | mammal [英 [?m?ml] 美 [?m?m?l] ] mammal的意思、解释 复数形式:mammals; mammal 基本解释 mammal什么意思 名词哺乳动物 mammal 相关例句 名词 1. 1. Whales are mammals; fish are not. 鲸是哺乳动物;鱼则不是。 mammal 网络解释 1. mammal 1. 哺乳类动物:哺乳类动物(Mammal)哺乳类是一种恒温、脊椎动物,身体有毛发,大部分都是胎生,并藉由乳腺哺育后代. 哺乳动物是动物发展史上最高级的阶段,也是与人类关系最密切的一个类群. 2. 2. 哺乳类:大意为:鸟类和哺乳类(MAMMAL) 会通过后天学习改善行 为. 然后举例说,当一些观众鸟看见别的鸟在吃红色容 器里的食 物后出现不良症状(如拼命甩头) 就不再吃该容 器内食 物. 但有些鸟类(AVIAN) 及禽类 不一样, mammal 双语例句 1. mammal的翻译 1. Watching a buffalo stolling to a water hole with strength and size that makes it more likely to kill a human than any other mammal. 观察庞大又充满力量的水牛向水坑走去,它更像去袭击人类而不是其它的哺乳动物。 2. Results: 37 species of small mammal hosts with 5114 individuals were captured in the field investigation. 结果:在流行区12个县的抽样调查中,从37种5114只小兽体表检获蚤类27种4288只,其中有8种蚤的采集数量较大,占总采集蚤数的95.48%。8种主要蚤种中,除偏远古蚤的雄性个体比例(52.32%)略高于雌性个体比例(47.68%)外,其余7种蚤的雌性个体比例(54.41%~66.36%)均高于相应的雄性个体比例(33.64%~45.59%),雌:雄比为1:0.51~1:0.84。 3. 3. David Schofield, a marine mammal response coordinator for NOAA, recalls another seal -- named RO42 -- that stumbled upon people and began playfully grabbing them with her flippers. NOAA海洋哺乳类动物协调人大卫。斯科菲尔德回想起另一头名为RO42的海豹。 4. A reddish - brown South American ruminant mammal related to and resembling the domesticated llama. 原驼产于南美洲的一种反刍性哺乳动物,与家养驼羊相关且近似 5. mammal什么意思 5. A high percentage of New Guinea's species are endemic, and thousands are still unknown to science: probably well over 200, 000 species of insect, between 11, 000 to 20, 000 plant species; over 650 resident bird species, including most species of birds of paradise and bowerbirds, parrots, and cassowaries; over 400 amphibians; 455 butterfly species; marsupials and monotremes including Bondegezou, Goodfellow's Tree-kangaroo, Huon Tree-kangaroo, Long-beaked Echidna, Tenkile, Agile Wallaby, Alpine Wallaby, cuscuses and possums; and various other mammal species. 高比例的新几内亚物种是只有当地特有,那里可能有远远超过 200,000种昆虫,是科学仍然未辨认的:亦有 11,000至20,000之间的植物物种;超过 650的留鸟种,包括大部分园丁鸟,鹦鹉,cassowaries;超过 400个两栖动物,455种蝴蝶,有袋动物和单孔类,包括 Bondegezou ,古德费洛的树袋鼠,翁树袋鼠,长吻针鼹,Tenkile ,敏捷袋鼠,高山袋鼠,负鼠和 cuscuses;和其他各种哺乳类动物。 6. 6. These peculiar features may have developed as functional convergence to locomotory features of monotremes, or the presence of lumbar ribs in this newly discovered mammal and their absence in its close relatives might be due to evolutionary developmental homoplasy. 该动物的部分骨架很不像兽亚纲哺乳动物:从胸椎往下到脚踝,该哺乳动物都非常像鸭嘴兽,这也许是功能交汇的结果。 7. mammal 7. In recent years, people concerned trehalose on its protective mechanism, experimental means of transit trehalose to mammal cells and the mechanism of loading in red blood cells. The above aspects were briefly summarized in this article. 海藻糖对细胞的保护机制、海藻糖导入哺乳细胞的实验方法以及红细胞对海藻糖负载的可能作用机制都是近几年细胞保存研究的热点,本文就以上几方面的进展详细进行论述。 8. mammal的反义词 8. Dolly (5 July 1996 – 14 February 2003) was a female domestic sheep remarkable in being the first mammal to be cloned from an adult somatic cell, using the process of nuclear transfer. 绵羊多利(1996年7月5日-2003年2月14日)是人类通过成年体细胞克隆成功的第一只哺乳动物。 9. The duckbill was oviparous, so it could not be a mammal animal. 兽'。''是卵生的,因此肯定不是哺乳动物。 10. mammal的反义词 10. The duckbill was oviparous, so it could not be a mammal an-imal''. 兽'。''是卵生的,因此肯定不是哺乳动物。 11. The present invention is directed to methods for delivering cells to a target tissue in a mammal using glycoconjugate to traffic the cell to a desired organ in the mammal. 本发明针对的是将细胞投递至哺乳动物体内靶组织的方法,其中使用糖缀合物将细胞运输至哺乳动物体内的期望器官。 12. 12. The methods are also useful for targeting a gene of interest to a tissue in a mammal by introducing a cell containing the gene of interest and administering a glycoconjugate to the mammal. 该方法还可用于将目的基因靶向哺乳动物体内组织,其中包括向哺乳动物体内导入包含目的基因的细胞并施用糖缀合物。 13. 13. However, sharks evolved from fish, while dolphins evolved from a land-based quadrupedal mammal of some sort. 然而,鲨鱼是从鱼类进化而来的,而海豚则是由某种路生哺乳动物进化而来的。 14. Objective To verify the interaction between CLN8 and ND1in mammal cells. 来源:中国论文下载中心 [07-06-21 11:51:00] 作者:李洁,黄春林,何淑雅编辑:studa20 15. mammal什么意思 15. From July in 2006 to September in 2008, mammal resources were investigated by line-transect method, snap-traps and net-trapping in the Jinfo Mountain Natural Reserve. 2006年7月至2008年9月,采用样线调查法、铗日法和网捕法对金佛山自然保护区兽类资源进行了调查。 16. A method for the treatment of ZAP in mammals, including humans, which method comprises administering to the mammal in need of such treatment, an effective amount of a compound of formula or a bioprecursor, or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt, phosphate ester and/or acyl derivative of either of the foregoing and the use of a compound of formula: or a bioprecursor, or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt, phosphate ester and/or acyl derivative of either of the foregoing in the manufacture of a medicament for use in the treatment of ZAP. 治疗哺乳动物ZAP的方法,该方法包括给需要这种治疗的哺乳动物施用有效量的式化合物或其生物活性前体,或者该两者任意之一的药物学上可接受的盐、磷酸酯和/或酰基衍生物。以及式化合物或其生物活性前体,或者该两者任意之一的药物学上可接受的盐、磷酸酯和/或酰衍生物在制备治疗ZAP的药物中的应用。 17. Based on the present available fossil mammal data, this paper tries to synthesize the most updated publications on the Chinese late Neogene, and analyze the evolutionary process of fossil mammal communities and their response to climatic and environmental changes. 根据已有的中国晚新近纪哺乳动物化石记录,综合新近研究成果,初步探讨中国晚新近纪哺乳动物群落演变进程及其对于气候与环境变化的响应。 18. Preliminary results show that fossil mammal communities in North China are rather stable and uniform from the end of Middle Miocene till the latest Miocene (ca. 13 Ma to 7 ~ 8 Ma). The differentiation of a humid and closed fauna in the east, a dry and open fauna in the west during the latest Miocene might be closely related with intensification of the East Asian summer monsoon. Fossil mammal dispersal evidences from Tibet and adjacent areas suggest the formation of a geologic barrier due to uplift of the Tibet Plateau that might also be the cause of intensification of the East Asian summer monsoon. The Pliocene faunas from North China show strong adaptation to open and dry environments. The diversification and dominance of some lineages, such as siphneids and ochotonids, may well be explained by the climatic vibration during the late Pliocene. 结果表明,自中中新世晚期至晚中新世(约13 Ma至7~8 Ma),中国北方哺乳动物群落组成上没有明显的分异;而在其后的晚中新世晚期发生了较为明显的区域性分化,分化为东部地区以适应潮湿的较为封闭的动物群落与西部地区适应干旱的开阔环境的群落,这种分异可能与东亚夏季风的加强密切相关;青藏高原及其周边地区化石类群的扩散与交流资料也表明由青藏高原隆升而形成的地理阻隔也可能发生在该时期;上新世哺乳动物群落演化表现出对于持续的干旱化气候背景的适应,而晚上新世某些类群的分异与主导地位的确立与该时期气候环境背景的剧烈震荡相一致。 19. mammal 19. The parenchyma of thymus is divided into outer zone, middle zone and inner zone, with middle zone and inner zone being equal to cortex and medulla of mammal thymus respectively. 外区主要由扁平上皮细胞和粘液细胞组成,中区可观察到大量网状纤维和淋巴细胞,内区主要由排列较疏松的淋巴细胞组成。 20. The whale was discovered in shallow waters behind a home in Islamorada. It was transported to the Marine Mammal Conservancy in Key Largo. 这头鲸鱼是在Islamorada一民宅后面的浅水区被发现的,然后被运往Key Largo的海洋哺乳动物保护中心。 mammal 词典解释 1. 哺乳动物 Mammals are animals such as humans, dogs, lions, and whales. In general, female mammals give birth to babies rather than laying eggs, and feed their young with milk. mammal 单语例句mammal的反义词 1. CANBERRA - The Australian government returned 750 kilograms of illegally imported dinosaur, mammal and reptile fossils to the Chinese government here on Tuesday. 2. The civet is a small carnivorous mammal found in Asia and Africa. 3. Smith said mammal teeth not only tend to preserve better than bones, but they correlate very well to body mass. 4. He was particularly dismayed that the legislation exempts the Defense Department from provisions of the Endangered Species Act and the Marine Mammal Protection Act. 5. The technique is essentially the same one used in 1996 to copy the sheep Dolly, the world's first cloned mammal. 6. Dolly is the first mammal to have been successfully cloned from an adult cell. 7. An unofficial mascot of Hong Kong, the mammal is more commonly known as the pink dolphin in Hong Kong. 8. But though researchers all around the world tried hard, no one had yet reported a full functional mammal from iPS cells. 9. The pup eventually was rounded up and taken to The Marine Mammal Center in Sausalito, a nonprofit facility that helps sick and injured marine animals. 10. Despite being the largest mammal ever to inhabit Earth, the endangered blue whale still holds mysteries for scientists. mammal 英英释义 noun 1. any warm-blooded vertebrate having the skin more or less covered with hair young are born alive except for the small subclass of monotremes and nourished with milk Synonym: mammalian |
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