单词 | bravura |
释义 | bravura [英 [br??vj??r?] 美 [br??vj?r?] ] bravura的意思、解释 bravura 基本解释 大胜的尝试,勇气的举动;华美乐段;壮勇华丽; bravura 相关例句 名词 1. bravura的翻译 1. This picture has a bravura of execution. 这幅画作风大胆。 bravura 网络解释 1. 大胜的尝试:bravo 亡命徒 | bravura 大胜的尝试 | braw 华饰的 2. 英勇:Bravura 英勇 | Reverence 尊严 | Oath 誓言 3. 华美乐段:orchestra 管弦乐队 | bravura 华美乐段 | sonata 奏鸣曲 4. bravura什么意思 4. 威势:威士忌酒whisky | 威势bravura | 威势十足的fullmouthed bravura 双语例句 1. Lady Audley flitted from room to room in the bright September sunshine--now sitting down to the piano to trill out a ballad, or the first page of an Italian bravura, or running with rapid fingers through a brilliant waltz--now hovering about a stand of hot-house flowers, doing amateur gardening with a pair of fairylike silver-mounted embroidery scissors--now strolling into her dressing-room to talk to Phoebe Marks, and have her curls rearranged for the third or fourth time; for the ringlets were always getting into disorder, and gave no little trouble to Lady Audley's maid. 奥德利夫人在九月明朗的阳光里从这个房间飞到那个房间——一会儿在钢琴前坐下弹奏一曲民歌或意大利悲壮曲的第一页,再不然就以轻快的指法弹奏一首才华横溢的华尔兹舞曲——一会儿逗留在一架暖房培养的花卉面前,用一把灵巧的镶银绣花剪刀,干她那业余爱好的园艺活儿——一会儿又溜达到化妆室里去和菲比·马克斯闲谈,让她第三回或第四口重新给她做头发;因为她的鬈发老是有点儿乱,这给爵士夫人的侍女添了不少麻烦。 2. Do you got Bravura on the line for us? 你帮我连线布鲁温了么? 3. bravura的近义词 3. The danger now is that even the bravura economic performance of the past few years may fizzle. 现在的危险是,过去几年来取得的、值得炫耀的经济表现甚至也可能失败。 4. He's a stunning dancer, and can do bravura even beyond Nureyev. 他是一个卓越的舞蹈家,并能做出超过纽瑞耶夫的一些动作。 5. You could quibble that the film is a formal exercise – but it is a bravura one. You可能推托影片是一正式锻炼–,但是它是一壮丽一个。 6. Jim Bravura, Internal Affairs.|I need you to come with me. 我是内部监察的吉姆·布鲁温|我需要你跟我走一趟 7. bravura的近义词 7. It is also as bravura a display of novelistic mastery, and as devastating a reading experience, as you are likely ever to encounter. 这是一个在地狱一般的地方发生的案件,是对作家想象力和勇气的呈现,也是对读者承受力的考验,让读者有种身临其境的感觉。 8. bravura是什么意思 8. He is a silly fellow whose bravura outshines his commons sense and who glories in quests and challenges. 他是个愚蠢的家伙,莽撞胜过了他的理智,并以寻找和挑战为乐趣。 9. bravura的意思 9. Personally speaking, Cziffra's rendering of the Chopin Etudes album is one of top picks, seldom see other sets with the same level of bravura and individulity, Julien von Karolyi's set has some similarities, but anextremelyhard to find album. 我觉得,Cziffra的这套肖邦练习曲是值得收藏的肖练全集之一,像他那样火爆又有个性的演绎者并不多,倒是Julien von Karolyi的版本有点类似,但却不是那么容易觅得。 10. Spera's most recent sculptural series, " Guns & Roses " is a bravura demonstration of his abilities. 卡门最新的雕塑作品系列,“枪支与玫瑰”是他过人能力的充分体现。 11. The film is directed with a technical bravura and visual splendour. 这部电影的导演过分卖弄摄影技巧,追求华丽炫目的视觉效果。 12. In her heyday she strode the international headlines with such bravura that she seemed inevitable, a natural force. 在她(政治生涯)的鼎盛时期,她以光彩照人的风格而成为国际上的新闻人物,她好像必然如此,她是一股自然的力量。 13. I felt that Steenie, trying to stage-manage his farewell performance, would have wanted me to emphasize its bravura aspects. 我觉得Steenie是在尽力去做好他的告别演出,并想我重点突出他勇敢的一面。 14. 14. Jay Goldner, a jolly Austrian with a ponytail, whose bravura presentation wins a standing ovation with wolf whistles, thinks he does. 一位有马尾辫的奥地利人杰伊戈尔德纳,他的大胆陈述赢得有吹口哨声的全场起立鼓掌,认为他知道。 15. There is no bravura, no show: everything is very precisely done. 没有卖弄,没有炫耀,一切都做得非常严谨。 16. The show was mostly bravura with no real substance. 这场演出是没有实质内容的表面热闹而已。 17. Nor is this hiring spree mere bravura. 这种招聘热潮并非仅仅是炫耀勇气。 18. 18. Chapter 3 narrates the characteristics of bravura, title and nationality in playing performance and playing method. 第三章讲述《图画展览会》演奏表现中的炫技性、标题性、民族性特征及演奏方法。 bravura 单语例句bravura的翻译 1. Lang's powerful and very personal reading of the Tchaikovsky concerto demonstrates that he does not let bravura technique get the better of his musical judgment. 2. The routine is either a cheap stunt or a bravura extemporaneous performance. bravura 英英释义 bravura的解释 noun 1. brilliant and showy technical skill e.g. in a final bravura the ballerina appeared to be floating in water the music ends with a display of bravura |
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