单词 | meagre |
释义 | meagre [英 [?mi:g?(r)] 美 [?miɡ?] ] meagre的意思、解释 meagre 基本解释 meagre的近义词 形容词瘦的; 贫弱的; 思想贫乏的; 土地不毛的 meagre 网络解释 1. 瘦的:meagerly 瘦地 | meagre 瘦的 | meagrely 瘦地 2. 贫乏的:lustre 光泽 luster | meagre 贫乏的 meager | millimetre 毫米 millimeter 3. meagre的近义词 3. 瘦的,贫弱的:mate 配偶,同伴 v.交配 | meagre 瘦的,贫弱的 | mostdistinctive最最杰出的,典型的 4. 不足的:knot 结 | meagre 不足的 | perimeter 周边 meagre 双语例句 1. meagre什么意思 1. In fact, our in reality is only a average youth student, but I also want to fulfil suitable of landlord, the success being Olympiad holds to offer a portion as a tribute meagre t 其实,现实中的我只是一个普通的青年学生,但我也要尽到地主之宜,为奥运会的成功举办奉献一份微薄之力。 2. The ranch was a meagre little place, leafy spurge taking over. 你看艾尼斯一直都很痛苦,这不是他能选择的。 3. Queen who retires, my retirement pension is adjusted several time only when going by more than 300 yuan, is is 600 yuan now, I have a badly-diseased heart, get along relying on that meagre income, every one mark need to accurate count, We are difficult to see a doctor, the housing is difficult because of various price makes on the marketplace all in ceaseless going up, ins and outs in family all requires that I come to be shouldering, ask the difficult task think such about to be whom assuming being what big responsibility, the back paying on a old people there be to be able to know? 退休后,我的退休金只有三百余元,经过几次调整,现在是600元,我又有严重的心脏病,只靠着微薄的收入,每一分都要精打细算过日子,因为市场上各种价格都在不断的上涨,使我们看病难,住房难,家中的里里外外都需要我来扛着,要想想这样的重担只系在一个老人的身上是多么大的责任的担当,背后的付出又有谁能知道呢? 4. From 1987'honored guest manage money matters'concept bring into Asia begin, after the money of Taiwan accuses of the third reading of the law to adopt Citibank, it was whole and eliminate that the financial institution launched a succession of, add the environmental shaping of the depression and aging of population of development in economy after the foam of the network, the era of the meagre profit is opened gradually, and a large amount of of cash card expands the bad debt that business produce, create wealth of commission income manage business lay down right to become Taiwan financial golden pheasant mother of industry! 中文摘要从1987年花旗银行将「贵宾理财」概念带进亚洲开始,再经过台湾金控法三读通过后,金融机构展开一连串的整并淘汰,加上网路泡沫后经济成长低迷及人口老化的环境成型,微利时代逐渐开启,以及现金卡大量扩充业务产生的呆帐,创造手续费收入的财富管理业务偃然成为台湾金融产业的金鸡母! 5. meagre的解释 5. The specialized brand operation, the system sale and the service management has decided the solid foundation for the company marketing work standard; At present the company with each place 2, 000 dealers, project business reaches the agreement, widely carries on the exchange, the cooperation; Strength of for the various urban construction meagre strength, the company has successively obtained the supervision, Ai Lifu and so on the international famous brand Chinese general agent power and the South China general agent power. 公司总部位于中国电子产品交易集散地——深圳市华强北商业街,地理环境优越,商业氛围浓厚,促使公司始终朝气蓬勃,健全的营销网络和完善的售前、售后服务体系为公司的长期发展扎下了坚实的基础。专业的品牌运营,系统的销售与服务管理为公司营销的工作典定了坚实的基础;目前公司与全国各地千余家经销商、工程商达成协议,广泛进行交流、合作;为平安城市建设尽了绵薄之力。 6. The third charge, directed against Judaical hypocrisy which neglects the fostering of the interior life, is refuted by every work on casuistry, however meagre, for every one of them states most emphatically that, without the state of grace and a good intention, all external works, no matter how difficult and heroic, are valueless in the sight of God. 第三项控罪针对这Judaical虚伪忽略了培养内部的生活,是每个驳斥了工作的诡辩术,但微薄的,因为他们每个人最强烈的国家,如果没有国家的宽限期和良好的意图,所有外部作品,不管多麼困难和英勇的,是毫无价值的忽视上帝。 7. I can't say working for a meagre$ 50 a month is very pleasant. 我不能说为每月50元的菲薄工资而工作是非常愉快的事。 8. Any one who, like ourselves, has wandered about in these solitudes contiguous to our faubourgs, which may be designated as the limbos of Paris, has seen here and there, in the most desert spot, at the most unexpected moment, behind a meagre hedge, or in the corner of a lugubrious wall, children grouped tumultuously, fetid, muddy, dusty, ragged, dishevelled, playing hide-and-seek, and crowned with corn-flowers. 我们四郊附近的那些荒野,可以称为巴黎的晕珥,凡是和我们一样曾在那里游荡过的人,都瞥见过这儿那儿,在最偏僻的处所,最料想不到的时刻,或在一个阴惨的墙角里,一些吵吵闹闹、三五成群、面黄肌瘦、满身尘土、衣服破烂、蓬头散发的孩子,他们戴着矢车菊的花圈在作掷钱游戏①。 9. All I could discern distinctly by the moonlight was a colourless, youthful face, meagre and sharp to look at about the cheeks and chin; large, grave, wistfully attentive eyes; nervous, uncertain lips; and light hair of a pale, brownish-yellow hue. 月光下我所能看清的,是一张苍白而年轻的脸,面颊和下巴消瘦而轮廓分明;一对沉郁的大眼睛渴望地凝神注视着,一双捉摸不定的嘴唇,一头浅发,金黄中带点淡棕 10. He has a very meagre knowledge of history. 他的历史知识很浅薄。不适合 11. He can only get meagre income because he is new. 因为他刚来所以他的收入不多。 12. The output of research is, and remains meagre... 印度对中国研究的产量仍然是微薄的。。。 13. His knowledge of Chinese history is meagre. 他的中国历史知识很贫乏。不适合 14. The hypochondriac afflatus is subsiding; the acres, which in imagination I had spread over -- for the sick man swells in the sole contemplation of his single sufferings, till he becomes a Tityus to himself -- are wasting to a span; and for the giant of self-importance, which I was so lately, you have me once again in my natural pretensions -- the lean and meagre figure of your insignificant Essayist. 该hypochondriac afflatus是下沉;英亩,这在我的想象摊-为病夫膨胀,在唯一的沉思,他单身的痛苦,直到他成为一个提提俄斯自己-是在浪费一个跨度;为巨人自我的重要性,这点我是如此,最近,你有我再次在我的自然伪装-精益和微薄的数字,您的微不足道的散文家。 15. If Lester had married Jennie and accepted the comparatively meagre income of ten thousand a year he would have maintained the same attitude to the end. 他这态度中有一种毛病,就在他不肯去整理事情,不肯去求事情的进步,只让一切事情向着一个不确定的目标任意迁流下去。 16. Abundant or meagre support is an important but a subsidiary factor, and the degree of its effect depends upon the fundamental factors on both sides. 多助寡助是重要因素,但是附随因素,依敌我本身的基本因素如何而定其作用的大校 17. Twist. The ranch was a meagre little place, leafy spurge taking over. 崔斯特。他家农场寒酸窄小,枝叶繁茂的大戟有占领成功之势。 18. The science fairness discussing dialect area putonghua horizontal checkout pronunciation defect detailed rules and regulations judging principle and grading, putonghua horizontal checkout job being a dialect combining with the dialect area dialect characteristic presents the main body of a book meagre that force. 本文结合方言区方言特点探讨方言区的普通话水平测试的语音缺陷的判断原则及评分细则,为方言的普通话水平测试工作的科学公平献微薄之力。 19. Before they left Hong Kong, bleary-eyed officials tried to put a brave face on these meagre results. 在代表们离开香港之前,这些目光短浅的官员为他们所取得的微不足道的成绩露出自豪的神色。 20. Their children must slog on towards an infinitely receding retirement age, squirrelling away money for their meagre defined-contribution pensions as a growing proportion of state spending is devoted to the needs of a massive generation of the elderly. 他们的子女必须在无限地飞驰向退休年龄的途中苦苦挣扎,当国家给大量年老的一代人的日常需求的支出比例越来越大时,他们就要为了那点微薄的所谓的贡献养老金钱而存钱。 meagre 词典解释in AM, use 美国英语用 meager 1. 数量很少的;微薄的;不足的;贫乏的 If you describe an amount or quantity of something as meagre, you are critical of it because it is very small or not enough. e.g. The bank's staff were already angered by a meagre 3.1% pay rise... 银行职员对只加薪3.1%已心生怒火。 e.g. Their food supply is meager. 他们的食品供给少得可怜。 meagre 单语例句 1. The Nagano report made Salt Lake's favours appear meagre by comparison. 2. I met farmers who use perforated bicycle inner tubes as a cheap method of irrigating their crops from meagre water supplies. 3. The message should be sent loud and clear - you will not get away with simply writing a meagre cheque for the victims'families. 4. Only a meagre 4 to 5 per cent of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China's foreign exchange business currently comes from border trade. 5. Because of her meagre income, she can only afford to feed the children congee. 6. The next Bond flick will not be filmed in the Czech Republic, because bosses aren't happy with the meagre financial incentives the country is offering. 7. China has an estimated 120 million migrant workers who largely eke out meagre existences in many cities. 8. Simply because of its laggard industry and agriculture, or its meagre financial revenue? 9. His relatively meagre total of 12 goals last term was down to a series of injury problems. 10. Quite a few netizens who claimed they were motorists held the punishments levied on violating pedestrians as being too meagre to teach them a lesson. meagre的解释meagre 英英释义 adj 1. deficient in amount or quality or extent e.g. meager resources meager fare Synonym: meagermeagerlystingyscrimpy |
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