单词 | means |
释义 | means [英 [mi:nz] 美 [mi:nz] ] means的意思、解释 过去式:meant; 过去分词:meant; 现在分词:meaning; means 基本解释 名词手段; 方法( mean的名词复数); 收入; 财富 动词意味着( mean的第三人称单数); 引起; 打算或注定要某人成为或做某事 means的意思 means 同义词 动词meanintend means的翻译 means 反义词 means 名词end means 相关词组 1. by all means : 尽一切办法, 务必; 2. leave no means untried : 用尽一切办法; 3. by means of : 用; 4. by any means : 无论如何; 5. live beyond ones means : 入不敷出; 6. live within ones means : 量入为出; 7. by no means : 决不; 8. by fair means or foul : 不择手段地; means什么意思 means 相关例句 名词 1. It is all a means to an end. 这只是达到目的的一种手段。 2. Have you the means to support a wife? 你有钱养活妻子吗? 3. means的反义词 3. He wants to go to college, but his family haven't the means to help him. 他想上大学,可是他家没钱帮助他。 4. There is no doubt that radio and television are important means of communication. 毫无疑问,收音机和电视是信息交流的重要工具。 5. He is living beyond his means. 他入不敷出。 means 情景对话 生活费用 A:That means (we don’t have any/ there aren’t any/ we need) any receipts for $225. 这就是说(我们没有/这儿没有/我们需要)225美元的收据。 B:Right. 对。 Bikes-(自行车) means B:Hey, Jim. I didn’t know you biked to work. 嘿,吉姆。我可不知道你骑自行车上班。 A:Yeah, it helps keep me fit and helps the environment, too. 是这样。他可以帮助我保持体形,同时也有利于环境。 B:One less car on the road means less pollution. 马路上车少也意味着污染更少。 means A:Right. Since my work is near a park, it’s a really nice ride, too. 是呀。我上班的地方挨着公园,骑车是件很惬意的事情。 B:How far is it? 有多远。 means的近义词 A:Oh, about 10 miles. It takes me about an hour. 哦,大概10英里。花大概1个小时。 B:That doesn’t sound too bad. I wish I could do it, but I work in the city. So I take the train. 那还不至于太糟糕。我希望我也可以这样,可是我在市区上班,所以坐火车去。 A:You’re doing your part for the environment by using public transportation, too. 使用公交车也算是为环境尽了一点你自己的力量。 means在线翻译 B:True. Well, see you tomorrow. 这倒是。好了,明天见。 A:See you. 再见。 在银行 means什么意思 A:I would like to open an account. 我要开立一个账户。 B:A deposit account or a current account? 没有支票的存款帐户还是有支票的活期存款帐户? A:Er, I am not sure. You see, I have monthly remittances sent to me from China and I would like to have the money paid into an account. 哦,我也拿不定主意。你知道,中国每个月有汇款寄给我,我要把它存入帐户。 B:Then you’d better open a current account. The bank will give you a cheque book and you can take money out when you like. 那么你还是开立一个有支票的活期存款账户为好。银行将给你一本支票薄,你随时可以取出存款。 A:Fine. What do I have to do? 好的,我该办些什么手续呢? B:Just fill in this form. Do you have any means of identification on you? 只要填一下这张表格。你是否带有身份证明文件? A:Will my passport do? 我的护照可以吗? means在线翻译 B:Sure. 当然可以。 means 网络解释 1. 工具:这个尊严不允许其它人奴役我们或迫使我们做出非自由意愿的行为**康德用一项道德原则来阐述这个观念:人必须永远被视为一种目的(end),而不只是一个工具(means)**将一个人仅只视为工具, means 双语例句 1. Here means the amount of money needed to pay for something. 可你指的是为什么东西付的钱。 2. It means Hello, welcome you to China, and welcome to Beijing, I also welcome you! 大家好,中国欢迎你,北京欢迎你,我也欢迎你! 3. I won`t abandon the struggle, but I will continue by other means. 我不会放弃抗争,」他说:「但我会用其他方式持续抗争下去。 4. I immediately contacted by other means of understanding in the game, he saw my game role in sanctan took all clothing stood beside the mailbox, I think the worst had happened. 我立即通过其他方式联系了在游戏里认识的好友,他看见我的游戏角色在sanctan脱光了所有衣物站在邮箱旁边,我想最糟糕的情况已经发生。 5. I always look for the good things a student does rather than the negative things. It is a basic human need. If a student doesn't do good in speaking English in my class, I will try by other means to get him to open up....either by having a chat with the student or by giving stronger encouragement. 我总是在寻找一个学生的优点,而不是他们的缺点,这是人最基本的需求,在我的课堂上,如果有哪个学生的英语不好的话,我会想别的办法让他张嘴去表达,要么下来和他聊一聊,要么给予他更大的鼓励。 6. means的解释 6. But damage here means the amount of money needed to pay for something. 很普通,大家都知道是指什么东西坏了。可你指的是为什么东西付的钱。 7. Nor is it the only place where a few officials have endeared themselves to the electorate by means of the utter disorder of their private lives. 而政府官员靠着混乱的私生活来娱乐选民的事情,也并不是该州才有的特色。 8. The word damage does mean that, but damage here means the amount of money needed to pay for something. Damage 这个字很普通,大家都知道是指什么东西坏了。可你指的是为什么东西付的钱。 9. The resistance level of hybrids was closely related with the resistant level of the parents. In the field the resistance in seedling was highest and lowest in tasselling stage, that means the plant resistance level was dropped when the plant grow up. 杂交种的抗病性与双亲的抗病性有密切关系;玉米杂交种苗期较抗病,抽丝期极为感病,这表明杂交种抗性随植株生长而递减。 10. 10. Draught animals were the chief means of transport in Xinjiang prior to the founding of New China. 新中国成立前的新疆,人们远行、运物主要借助畜力,现代交通基本空白。 11. 11. The paper takes the social economy change of the district village as a research subject, drawing lessons from and making use of sociological methods, historical methods, economical methods and various ways and means, also gives attention on both sides of scientific views of development and modernization theories. It makes an investigation on all the general situation, types, characteristics, reasons of the peasant household's sideline occupation economy of Longyan country in republic of China, probes into it's influence to the country's society and economy development at that time and the apocalypse to today's country's economy development in west of Fujian. 本文以区域农村社会经济变迁为研究对象,借鉴和运用了社会学方法、历史学方法、经济学方法及各种跨学科方法,兼顾科学发展观及现代化理论,对民国农户兼业经济在龙岩县的发展概况、类型、特点、原因等都作了考察,并探究其对当时县内农村社会经济发展的影响及其对今天闽西地区农村经济发展的启示。 12. Article 30 As for the account of a foreign currency entity card, funds shall be deposited by means of transferring from the foreign exchange account of the entity, and no foreign currency banknote may be deposited or withdrawn within the borders of China. 第三十条单位外币卡帐户的资金应从其单位的外汇帐户转帐存入,不得在境内存取外币现钞。 13. It will get a large economic and social benefit by means of simulated moving bed chromatography for separating xylitol mother liquid.. 模拟移动床色谱是一种高效高分辨率的分离方法,采用此方法分离木糖醇母液将产生极大的经济效益和社会效益。 14. Nano MoS 2 thin films were successfully fabricated on glass substrate by dip coating thermolysis technique. The microstructure, morphology and tribological properties of MoS 2 thin films were investigated by means of scanning electron microscopy, X ray photoelectron spectrometry, atomic force microscopy, and dynamic static friction and wear testing. 用浸涂 -热解法在玻璃基底表面制备了纳米 Mo S2 薄膜,利用 X射线光电子能谱仪、X射线粉末衍射仪、原子力显微镜、静-动摩擦系数测量仪和扫描电子显微镜等仪器研究了薄膜的微观结构、表面形貌和摩擦学性能,初步探讨了薄膜的摩擦磨损机制。 15. If we seek to understand American foreign policy in terms of a rational engagement with international problems, or even as an effective means of projecting power, we are looking in the wrong place. 如果我们设法了解美国外交政策而言,一个合理的接触与国际问题,甚至是作为一种有效的手段预测的权力,我们正研究在错误的地方。 16. A new power saving pumping unit with fan-shaped crown sheave and flexible connecting rod is developed based on the conventional beam pumping unit. By means of large swing of the crown sheave, the pumping unit can operate with long stroke, resulting in a remarkable reduction of the power consumption. 在常规游梁式抽油机的基础上,设计了一种新型柔性连杆变矩节能扇形抽油机,其特点是结构简单紧凑,天车轮可以实现大摆角,易实现长冲程,节能效果显著。 17. This expanded view means that Wake Forest MBAs find unexpected opportunities in a wide variety of business settings. 这一扩大的认为,这意味着威克森林MBA们发现在一个商业环境的各种意想不到的机会。 18. This means that insulin levels in the brain would be only one of many factors when it comes to improving longevity. 这也意味着大脑中胰岛素的水平,可能仅仅是影响寿命的众多因素中的一个。 19. means的反义词 19. However, to be a model student is by no means an easy thing. 然而,成为一个模范生却不是一件容易的事。 20. Patankar model has been used on Cu-Zn alloy surface to fabricate bionic coupling structure by means of laser photograph technology. 应用激光掩膜精细加工技术,在Cu-Zn合金表面构建了Patankar模型,使合金表面与水的实际接触角由光滑表面的82.5°降低到31.5°,亲水能力提高了62%。 means 词典解释 1. 方法;手段;工具(means 用于此意时单复数同形) A means of doing something is a method, instrument, or process which can be used to do it. Means is both the singular and the plural form for this use. e.g. The move is a means to fight crime... 采取这项举措是为了打击犯罪。 e.g. The army had perfected the use of terror as a means of controlling the population... 军队已经深谙利用恐怖手段控制民众之道。 2. 收入;财富;金钱 You can refer to the money that someone has as their means . means的翻译 e.g. ...a person of means... 富人 e.g. He did not have the means to compensate her. 他没有钱来补偿她。 3. 超出财力;入不敷出/在财力之内;量入为出 If someone is living beyond their means, they are spending more money than they can afford. If someone is living within their means, they are not spending more money than they can afford. e.g. The more gifts she received, the more she craved, until he was living beyond his means... 得到的礼物越多,她的胃口就越大,直到他捉襟见肘为止。 e.g. It is far better to pay off old debts steadily by living within your means. 量入为出地一步步偿还旧债,这个方法要好得多。 4. 用;以;通过 If you do something by means of a particular method, instrument, or process, you do it using that method, instrument, or process. e.g. This is a two year course taught by means of lectures and seminars... 本课程为期两年,授课形式为讲座与研讨。 e.g. The trailer was connected to the car by means of a complicated system of hoses, pipes and rods. 活动房屋通过一系列复杂的软管、管道和连杆与汽车相连。 5. 当然可以;完全可以 You can say 'by all means' to tell someone that you are very willing to allow them to do something. e.g. 'Can I come and have a look at your house?' — 'Yes by all means'. “我可以过来看看你的房子吗?”“当然可以。” 6. 决不;丝毫不;一点儿也不 You use expressions such as 'by no means', 'not by any means', and 'by no manner of means' to emphasize that something is not true. e.g. This is by no means out of the ordinary... 这丝毫不足为奇。 e.g. They were not finished, however, not by any means. 不过,他们并没有结束,绝对没有。 7. 达到目的的手段 If you say that something is a means to an end, you mean that it helps you to achieve what you want, although it may not be enjoyable or important itself. e.g. We seem to have lost sight of the fact that marketing is only a means to an end. 我们似乎忽略了这样一个事实:营销只是达到目的的手段。 means 单语例句 1. But the truth is that business thrives on integrity, and the end justifies the means only when both are justified. 2. Guiding their actions is the philosophy that integrity in business plays second fiddle to results, and the end justifies the means. 3. It means it is risky business for both and should ensure an attacking game in which two teams come to win. 4. Its ongoing development means the paper industry will act as an economic stimulant for local economies. 5. " It means SMEs held a slightly negative outlook on their business operations, " said the report. 6. Because the reform means VAT will replace the business tax, the initiative has been warmly greeted by related enterprises. 7. He urged the government to provide more support for SMEs through financing and tax means, such as waiving the business tax on the service sector. 8. Wealthier people in Beijing tried all means to get foreign exchange certificates to buy butter, cheese and home appliances such as toasters available only at the Friendship Store. 9. This is because " first strike means an act of aggression banned by international law, " according to the ministry. 10. Xinjiang is the largest region by landmass in China, and travel by air is the most common means of getting around. means 英英释义 noun 1. how a result is obtained or an end is achieved e.g. a means of control an example is the best agency of instruction the true way to success Synonym: agencyway 2. an instrumentality for accomplishing some end 3. considerable capital (wealth or income) e.g. he is a man of means Synonym: substance |
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