单词 | measles |
释义 | measles [英 [?mi:zlz] 美 [?miz?lz] ] measles的意思、解释 measles 基本解释 名词麻疹; [兽](牛,猪的)囊虫病; [摄]斑点; 梅毒,麻疹的红斑点 measles 网络解释 1. 1. 麻疹:麻 疹(Measles)是由麻疹病毒引起的急性呼吸道传染病. 主要症状有发热、全身疲倦、咳嗽、畏光、流泪、眼结膜充血、皮肤出现红色斑丘疹,严重可并发肺炎、脑炎、中耳炎等. 流行性腮腺炎(Mumps) 是腮腺炎病毒引起的一种儿童、青少年为主要感染对象的急性呼吸道传染病, 2. 2. 痲疹:另外幾種常常會引起聽力問題的病毒感染是腮腺炎(mumps)、痲疹(measles)、水痘(chickenpox)及少部份的流行感冒病毒. ... 3. measles什么意思 3. 麻疹;風疹:Maturation成熟; | Measles 麻疹,风疹 | Mechanical removed methods 机械去除方法 4. 4. 西班牙麻疹病:太平洋叶螨 Tetranychus pacificus | 二班叶螨 Tetranychus urticae | 西班牙麻疹病 Measles measles 双语例句 1. MILAN - Paolo Maldini, Deborah Compagnoni and Roberto Bolle are working with Unicef at the Olympic games in Turin to prevent polio, measles and meningitis and give out vitamin A in Sudan. 米兰 马尔蒂尼,Deborah Compagnoni和Roberto Bolle在都灵冬奥会期间与联合国儿童基金会的工作人员一起工作,以预防小儿麻痹症,麻疹和脑膜炎在苏丹的传播,并在苏丹派发维他命A。 2. The empirical evidence of proposed framework is based on the seasonal epidemiological data of influenza and robust age-stratified seroepidemiological data of measles for pre/post-vaccination and setting of nationwide/mountain/rural/urban. 本架构之基础资料包括季节性流感之流行病学资料与麻疹疫苗前后之全国/山区/乡村/都市之血清流行病学资料。 3. measles的反义词 3. Tom:But I haven't got measles. I've got mumps! 汤姆:我不是出疹子,我得的是腮腺炎。 4. measles的翻译 4. When you have the measles, you break out in spots. 当你得麻疹时会出疹子。 5. measles的反义词 5. This is because the development of measles antibodies following vaccination is faster than as a result of natural infection. 这是因为发展的麻疹抗体以下接种疫苗是速度比由于自然感染。 6. Measles, malaria, pneumonia, hepatitis B, pink fever. One disease I get not even Listend of, rotavirus, am killing half a million kids each season – nfirst of you in the United States. 麻疹、疟疾、肺炎、乙型肝炎、黄热病、还有一种以前我从未听说过的轮状病毒,这些疾病每年导致50万儿童死亡,但是在美利坚合众国一例死亡病例也没有。 7. measles的近义词 7. TORCH is a group of microorganisms, TO for Toxoplasma gondii, R for the measles virus, C for cytomegalovirus, H for herpes simplex virus I, II type. 2, this group of pathogens causing infections, perinatal medicine known as TORCH syndrome. TORCH是一组微生物,TO为弓形虫,R为麻疹病毒,C为巨细胞病毒,H为单纯疱疹病毒I、II型。2、这组病原体引起的感染,围生医学中称为TORCH综合症。 8. 8. Viruses cause many diseases (e. g., mosaic diseases of many cultivated plants, myxomatosis, foot and mouth disease, the common cold, influenza, measles, poliomyelitis). 病毒引发许多病(如许多栽培植物的斑状症、多发粘液瘤病、口足病、一般伤风、感冒、麻疹、小儿麻痹症等)。 9. 9. Measles is a disease to take seriously. 麻疹是应严肃对待的一种疾病。 10. As a child she suffered measles, mumps, scarlet fever, chicken pox, double pneumonia and eventually polio, leaving her left leg and foot weak and deformed. 作为一个孩子她的麻疹,腮腺炎,猩红热,水痘,肺炎双,并最终小儿麻痹症,留下她的左小腿和足部软弱和变形。 11. In measles patients, the serum CRP level and the CRP abnormal rate increased with the age of patient. The correlation coefficient was 0.6804 (P.01) and 0.6314 (P.01), respectively. Apart from the patients with the abnormal elevation of white blood cell count, the correlation coefficient was 0.7010 (P.01) and 0.6496 (P.01), respectively. 麻疹患者CRP水平及其异常率随年龄的增加而升高,相关系数分别为0.6804(P.01)和0.6314(P.01);在剔除了白细胞异常升高的病例后,r分别为0.7010(P.01)和0.6496(P.01)。 12. Contraindication 禁忌: Not to be used by patients with ulcers, or epilepsy, or by those over exercise, or with high pressure in the cranium, cold or flu no yet clear, early stage of cough with internal heat, and those with early stage of measles. 溃疡或癫痫发作﹐运动过度﹐颅内高压之病人禁用。表邪未解﹐内有实热咳嗽初起﹐麻疹初发者忌服。 13. They were asked about their immunization history and whether they had been infected with measles, mumps, or rubella. IgG antibodies to these three viruses were measured in each subject. Only 25 subjects (25%) had a copy of their childhood immunization records, and none of these records were complete. 结果发现:所有受检者中,预防接种记录有保存者只有25人(24.8%),且每位的预防接种记录都不完整,没有人完全知道自己三种疾病的预防接种史,部份知道者为87人(86.1%),完全不知道者为14人(13.9%)。 14. Among inoculated 210 children of 18-24 months, observed the vice-reactions of each children in 30 m, 6 h, 24 h, 48 h, 72 h, 7 d and 9 d after inoculating vaccine, and collected serum specimen of 6th week to detect Measles, Mumps, and Rubella IgG antibody with H_1 TestHemagglutination Inhibition Test. 方法选取18~24月龄儿童210名,每名儿童接种1剂MMR,在接种后30min、6h、24h、48h、72h、7d、9d分别观察接种后临床反应,并于接种前、后6周各采集血清标本1份,用血凝抑制试验定量检测麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹IgG抗体。 15. 15. Thus clean water supplies and the correct disposal of faeces could prevent the spread of cholera, control of anopheline mosquitos could reduce malaria transmission, and immunization could protect young children against measles. 由此可见,供应清洁水和正确处理粪便可防止霍乱的传播,控制按蚊可减少疟疾的传播,免疫接种可保护儿童免遭麻疹感染。 16. The biological activities and immunogenicity of F protein of measles virus is based on the effective cleavage of the percursor protein F0 into F1 and F2 subunits and the normal conformation of F protein. F蛋白的免疫原性和生物活性是以有效切割后形成的正常构象为基础的。 17. It is the measles of the human race. 它是人类的麻疹。 18. Do you think it is measles, doctor? 医生,你认为是麻疹吗? 19. measles在线翻译 19. Between 2000 and 2008, measles deaths dropped worldwide by 78%. 在2000至2008年期间,全球麻疹死亡下降了78%。 20. Actually, I'm not sure it is measles. 事实上 我不确定我的了麻疹 measles 词典解释 1. 麻疹 Measles is an infectious illness that gives you a high temperature and red spots on your skin. measles 单语例句measles是什么意思 1. Acute diarrhea, tetanus and measles have already killed dozens of people since the quake. 2. Measles is a kind of acute respiratory disease with symptoms characterized by rashes, fever and coughing. 3. Measles is an acute infectious respiratory tract disease that is caused by the measles virus. 4. " China is strongly committed to eliminating measles, " Cairns said. 5. Health experts said measles and encephalitis are two of the most contagious of all human viruses. 6. Many of them some 27 million also miss out on vaccines against common diseases, such as measles and whooping cough. 7. Very high coverage during upcoming immunization campaigns will be critical to interrupt measles virus transmission throughout the Region. 8. Chen noted that the current measles control areas in various regions were diverse, and it was quite difficult to provide vaccines for special groups such as migrant workers. 9. This year's National Immunization Day focus is measles elimination and hepatitis B control. 10. The largest immunization program against measles in the country has been encountering opposition from many netizens. measles 英英释义 noun 1. an acute and highly contagious viral disease marked by distinct red spots followed by a rash occurs primarily in children Synonym: rubeolamorbilli |
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