单词 | meditative |
释义 | meditative [英 [?med?t?t?v] 美 [?med?te?t?v] ] meditative的意思、解释 meditative 基本解释 形容词沉思的,冥想的 meditative的近义词 meditative 网络解释 1. meditative什么意思 1. 沉思:* 这个阶段学生必须带着反思(reflective)和沉思(meditative)进行练习. 最后一个阶段就是圆融(perfection)的阶段(nishpattyavastha). 站立体式拉伸腿部肌肉和关节,增加脊柱的柔软度(suppleness)和力量性. 通过站立姿势中对产生的脊柱的旋转和弯曲的运动, 2. 沉思的:meditation 沉思 | meditative 沉思的 | meditatively 冥想地 3. 冥想音乐 冥想音乐:Lo-Fi 低传真 低保真 | Meditative 冥想音乐 冥想音乐 | Merengue 美伦格舞曲 美伦格舞曲 meditative 双语例句 1. The thesis deals with the poetry creation of Ling Yi, a poetic monk in the middle of Tang Dynasty, and the relationship between him and his friends, including meditative mates. 文摘:诗僧灵一是一名天才的诗僧,其方外诗友广泛,他十分重视诗歌创作,在中晚唐诗禅文学史上具有振派澄源的历史地位和孤韵幽逸的诗歌风格。 2. 2. In India, Tang rose at 4 or 5 a. m. each day and began seva, the yogic practice of selfless, meditative service, picking up rubbish and sweeping the area around the practice hall. 在印度,她每天清晨4、5点起床,即开始瑜伽静心的服务课程──在静心院捡垃圾、扫地。 3. One can also observes that the Four Foundations of Mindfulness is in this sutta and they are fulfilled through the practice of jhana or tranquil and wise meditative states of mind. 亦可以由此看到「四念住」含摄在本经之内,而且它们是要有禅那或定慧禅修的心力为基础才能圆满的。 4. His teacher made him start at daybreak, with sun salutations towards the east until he was sweaty and hot. Then followed postures, shoulderstands, headstands, deep breathing in the Lotus position and meditative rest. 这位老师教他黎明即起练习,随著东迎旭日的敬礼,他浑身发热流汗,然后继续练习体位法,包含肩立式、倒立式、莲座深呼吸、冥想大休息。 5. meditative在线翻译 5. Spend a meditative moment with the Word of God during an Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, or praying the Scriptures in the Liturgy of the Hours. 在朝拜圣体时默想一下天主圣言,或在时辰颂祷中以圣经的话作祈祷。 6. After giving them time to sink into a deep meditative trance, he injected them with a radioactive dye. 在赋予他们时间去投入深度冥想出神态,他给他们注射一种放射性染剂。 7. For this purpose, one should form in one's mind the view that every world is pure land in nature, then dispel all instincts of confusion and visualize everything as the pure Buddha land in the meditative state. 为了达到这一目的,依照生起次第,首先抉择情器一切世间皆是清净本尊刹土,消除与之相悖的庸俗迷乱执着心,并通过禅定之力,观想一切皆是清净的佛世界。 8. Better it is to live one day wise and meditative than to live a hundred years foolish and uncontrolled. 禅修智者的一天,好过不能自制诸根之愚人的百年生命。 9. meditative 9. A lyric poem of some length, usually of a serious or meditative nature and having an elevated style and formal stanzaic structure. 颂,歌一首有一定长度的抒情诗,通常具有庄重或思考的性质,风格严肃和有正式的诗节结构 10. This is the pure, simple, ultimate height of the meditative condition. 这个过程是纯净的、朴素的,也是参悟的最终境界。 11. meditative是什么意思 11. The dialogues between cello and different Chinese instruments start the rubato section of the piece, and the ending of the piece as if reminiscing this meditative beginning. 一段大提琴与不同中国乐器的对答开展了乐曲的散板部分,而乐曲的尾声犹如回忆起这个沉思的开端。 12. Hero was a meditative, superbly color-coded parable of love and death. Daggers is also perfumed by the haunting musk of death, but it`s a jauntier piece, shot in luscious autumnal colors and with fabulous stunts supervised by Hong Kong-based action guru Ching Siu-tung. 英雄是引人深思的,用壮丽色彩包装下的生与死的寓言,《十面埋伏》同样散发着令人难以忘怀的死的震撼,但它更加光彩夺目,影片里有甘美怡人的晚秋美景,佐以动作大师程小东指导下的令人难以置信的表演。 13. Jon O? Bergh's third CD weaves a gentle sound that captures a sense of sacred cultures, providing a meditative atmosphere that will appeal to anyone interested in world spirituality. 译:乔恩·伯格的3张CD以舒缓的旋律给人一种神秘文化的洞感,期望唤起人们对精神世界的深邃返观和沉思。 14. Jon O`Bergh`s third CD weaves a gentle sound that captures a sense of sacred cultures, providing a meditative atmosphere that will appeal to anyone interested in world spirituality. 译:乔恩·伯格第以舒缓的旋律给人一种神秘文化的洞感,期望唤起人们对精神世界的深邃返观和沉思。 15. Bergh's third CD weaves a gentle sound that captures a sense of sacred cultures, providing a meditative atmosphere that will appeal to anyone interested in world spirituality. 译:乔恩·伯格第以舒缓的旋律给人一种神秘文化的洞感,期望唤起人们对精神世界的深邃返观和沉思。(译者注:禅一般的曲调氛围,第5曲竟引用了中国的古诗。 16. Jon O'Bergh's third CD weaves a gentle sound that captures a sense of sacred cultures, providing a meditative atmosphere that will appeal to anyone interested in world spirituality. 译:乔恩·伯格第以舒缓的旋律给人一种神秘文化的洞感,期望唤起人们对精神世界的深邃返观和沉思。(译者注:禅一般的曲调氛围,第5曲竟引用了中国的古诗。 17. 17. However, I don't think it is the right CD for meditative yoga. 不过,我不认为它是正确的CD冥想瑜伽。 18. 18. If you`re in a meditative mood, it`s no surprise. 要是你有在冥想,这就没什么好惊喜的。 19. This paper describes the theory and practice of analytic meditative therapy. 本文介绍了分析禅学疗法的理论和实践。 20. Love what you do. Be meditative while you are doing it - whatsoever it is! 爱你所做的事,不论你在做的是什么事,就让你在做它的时候,要成为静心的! meditative 词典解释 1. 沉思的;深思的 Meditative describes things that are related to the act of meditating or the act of thinking very deeply about something. e.g. Music can induce a meditative state in the listener... 音乐能够引导倾听者沉思。 e.g. Yogis trained in Eastern meditative techniques can change their heart rate. 接受过东方冥想训练的瑜伽信徒能够改变他们的心率。 meditatively Martin rubbed his chin meditatively. 马丁若有所思地摸了一下下巴。meditative 单语例句 1. A specific location in a thangka may form the setting for a meditative visualisation with each colour communicating a specific significance. 2. The quiet narrow lanes nestled inconspicuously between busy outer avenues offer peace and comfort for the meditative recluse. 3. The energy and atmosphere is both friendly and meditative as participants take turns healing and being healed. 4. His works demonstrates an incisive exploration of the tension between the Asian meditative principles and Western artistic expressions. 5. " I meant it as a meditative exercise, " pastor Thorsten Nolting told Reuters. 6. These quiet narrow lanes nestled inconspicuously between busy outer avenues offer peace and quiet for the meditative recluse. 7. She often uses old linens as the base support for her work to give her art an overall meditative feeling. 8. It's hoped the study would be a major breakthrough for the traditional Chinese meditative exercise to take its place in the western medical world. 9. Like the music of many artists on his pioneering local label, his work was meditative and filled with solitude. 10. A whole population that consists of meditative monks would turn a country into stagnant water. meditativemeditative 英英释义 adj 1. deeply or seriously thoughtful e.g. Byron lives on not only in his poetry, but also in his creation of the 'Byronic hero' - the persona of a brooding melancholy young man Synonym: broodingbroodycontemplativemusingpensiveponderingreflectiveruminative |
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