单词 | mental |
释义 | mental [英 [?mentl] 美 [?m?ntl] ] mental的意思、解释 mental 基本解释 形容词内心的,精神的,思想的,心理的; 智慧的,智[脑]力的; 〈口〉精神病的,意志薄弱的,愚笨的 名词精神病患者 mental 同义词 mental 形容词disturbed mental 反义词 形容词physicalmaterialbodilycarnal mental的解释 mental 相关例句 形容词 1. mental在线翻译 1. Her mental anguish was beyond words. 她内心的痛苦难以用言语形容。 2. mental的意思 2. Her problem is mental, not physical. 她的毛病是精神方面的,而不是身体方面的。 3. All humans do have some kind of innate mental ability. 凡是人确有某种天生的智力。 4. He got the answer by mental arithmetic. 他用心算得出了答案。 5. He is good at mental arithmetic. 他擅长心算。 mental 网络解释 1. mental的解释 1. 精神:人们总是相信,他们作出的判断是和已知的东西相符合的,这些东西可能是物质(MATERIAL)、精神(MENTAL),或是意识(CONSCIOUS)、潜意识(SUBCONSCIOUS)、集体无意识(COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS)、形而上(METAPHYSICAL)的或神(DIVINE)的. mental 双语例句 1. 1. Smith Frank Mascia Project Director: Beth Radovanovich Design Lead: Carl Hampson Project Manager: James Pricco Lead Medical Planner: Jill Bergman Senior Project Architect: JT Tsu Technical Coordinator: Phil Griffen Project Architect Thai Ta Project Architect: Dean Takasato Project Architect: Anselmo Alleva Interior Designer: Jack Poulin Mental Health Expert Adviser: Tim Rommel Project Design Team: Alex Victa, Eunike, Angena Chang, Jenna Wittenberg, Norena Florendo, Arlene Sanchez, Aileen Du, Joe Lafo, Dimitri Contoyannis, , Shannon Bartch, Jhiah Chang, Grant Getz, Glenn Jonas, John Waller, Ryan Repucci, Jean Luc Cuisinier 版权:翻译 www. Smith Frank Mascia 项目总监:Beth Radovanovich 主设计人:Carl Hampson 项目经理:James Pricco 医疗主策划人:Jill Bergman 高级项目建筑师:JT Tsu 技术顾问:Phil Griffen 项目建筑师:Thai Ta 项目建筑师:Dean Takasato 项目建筑师:Anselmo Alleva 室内设计师:ack Poulin 项目设计组:Alex Victa,Eunike,Angena Chang,Jenna Wittenberg,Norena Florendo,Arlene Sanchez,Aileen Du,Joe Lafo,Dimitri Contoyannis,,Shannon Bartch,Jhiah Chang,Grant Getz,Glenn Jonas,John Waller,Ryan Repucci,Jean Luc Cuisinier 2. mental 2. We have, as yet, only glimpses into the fundamental causes of the common mental illnesses, and there are no biological tests to diagnose them. 迄今为止,对常见精神疾病的基本原因的理解也仅是一麟半爪,没有生物学的测试手段为诊断提供佐证。 3. The influence in personal network and information:(1)To make friends with people from the same country not only promoting personal networks but also help them in mental; (2)The cross-national interflow help new female immigrants understand Taiwan customs and adapt to Taiwan; (3)Adult literacy education help new female immigrants to establish confidence and sense of security. 三、人际网络与资讯:就读识字班就读识字班结交越南籍朋友,增进人际网络的同时也是心灵上的慰藉;识字班成为跨国文化交流的场所,结交忘年之交的同时,也增加对於台湾人与台湾习俗的了解,都有助於在台生活适应;外籍配偶因为识字,而重新建立自信心与安全感。 4. Demographic data, physiccal functions, activities of daily living, mental status and behavior problems of the residents were investigated. 台北地区37家愿意接受访视的安养中心,随机取样抽143位住民以面对面方式加以评估。 5. Objective: To explore the mental health of unemployed Chinese worker. 目的:探讨下岗职工心理卫生状况及其影响因素。 6. Chemical; Worker; Mental health; Influencing factor 化工;工人;心理健康;影响因素 7. If you feel your problem is serious, you might seek professional help from apsychologist, psychiatrist, social worker or mental health counselor. 如果你觉得你的问题很严重,你可以寻求心理学家、精神科医生、社会服务人员或精神健康顾问的专业帮助。 8. The shelter mental health worker will have to ascertain how the condition of the survivors will impact on their ability in problem solving and coping with the challenges of the crowded environment found in countries with limited resources. 避难所中的心理健康救援人员需要确认幸存者的情况对他们处理问题和应对挑战的影响,尤其是对于一些资源有限并且人员密集的环境中的情况。 9. mental在线翻译 9. Work stress; family stress; mental health; female worker; cross-sectional study 工作压力;生活压力;心理健康;女工;横断面调查 10. Vernell Rainey has been a mental health case worker for more than 18 years. Vernell Rainey作为心理健康个体咨询者已经18年了。 11. mental的反义词 11. Such roles as the graduate mental health worker and the gateway worker, early intervention and crisis resolution teams are part of that investment and are the topic of several questions throughout the book. 诸如本科精神卫生工作者、gateway worker、早期干预和危机解决小组等角色是精神卫生服务的重要组成部分,他们也是贯穿本书的核心话题。 12. Results Most patients emerge different anxious reactions, but after the mental intervention, the patients could relief mental stress, furthermore, we discoverthat the anxious reaction is concerned w... 结果大部份病人均出现不同焦虑心理反应,经过心理干预后,病人能解除心理压力,轻装上阵,并且发现焦虑心理反应与其年龄、文化程度有关。 13. The main symptom of hypophrenia and mental retardation consisting in every age phase and many diseases is attenuation of learning and memory function. 智能减退或障碍症主要表现为学习记忆能力的减退,存在于各个年龄阶段与多种疾病,带来了严重的社会问题和经济负担,其防治已引起广泛重视。 14. So, this text regards Essay, this periodical, as the breakthrough point, attempt through understanding its deep layer, integrated survey one periodical how under editor, joint efforts of author since the new period, break out and adhere to the self- style all the time from China's numerous periodicals; And it, as one of the important positions of the domestic prose periodical, how to promote the development of prose, this recreation and sports, it is his abundant and prosperity contribution one's own enthusiasm and strength, thus left a thick and heavy in colours one in the field of contemporary prose; In addition it contemporary writer show self- platform, in order to concentrate on works to issue serious meaning for own duty and famous for ideological content it, so has reflected the Chinese writer's thought current situation and mental outlook in one period effectively, how much mind experience are the ones that refracted the Chinese intellectual out. 因此,本文以《随笔》这一期刊为切入点,试图通过对它的深层解读,综合考察新时期以来一份期刊是如何在编辑、作者的共同努力下,从中国为数众多的期刊中脱颖而出并且始终坚持自我的风格;而它作为国内散文期刊的重要阵地之一,又是如何推动散文这一文体的发展,为其丰富和兴盛贡献着自己的热情和力量,从而在当代散文领域也留下了浓墨重彩的一笔;此外,它还是当代作家展示自我的平台,它以集中发表严肃意义上的作品为己任并以思想性著称,因此也有效地反映了一段时期内中国作家的思想现状和精神风貌,折射出中国知识分了的几许心路历程。 15. Because deaf living the sense of hearing stumbling and special, make the self-confident heart larger to deaf and rare development influence function, maying be deaf to living can return to return the social important mental state in main current quality. 由于聋生听觉障碍的特殊性,使得自信心对聋生的发展影响作用更大,可以说是聋生能否回归主流社会的重要心理品质。 16. Different professions, different grades, different regions and different marital status on mental health showed significant differences, in which significant differences in factor is mainly somatization, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, anxiety and psychosis. 不同专业、不同年级、不同地区和不同婚姻状况上心理健康表现出显著差异,其中显著性差异的因子主要是躯体化、人际关系、抑郁、焦虑和精神病性。 17. mental的反义词 17. Graduate student's self-concept and mental health have shown a negative correlation, that is the more self-concept the more positive psychological health. Factors affecting mental health are mainly somatization, compulsion, interpersonal relationships, anxiety, psychosis and paranoia. 研究生的自我概念与心理健康呈现出正相关性,即自我概念越积极心理就越健康,影响心理健康的因子主要是躯体化、强迫、人际关系、焦虑、精神病性和偏执。 18. It is essential for the full mental and psychological development of the puppy that he remains with his mother and his littermates for the first 7 weeks. 它对于充分发育和心理发育的小狗,他仍与他的母亲和他的窝的头7个星期。 19. mental是什么意思 19. Therefore, in this unique period, he created Grand Qigong, Grand Sent Down, and Grand Stage. All have lively representations of people`s mental states as they live in different spaces and carry out their everyday lives. 因此,在那样一个特殊时期中,他创作的作品《大气功》、《大会串》、《大舞台》等都生动地再现了生活在不同空间和日常生活中的人的精神状态。 20. Friends say that I have become a poor wretch, all the money I was cheated by light, and I did not mean that the living, so, I was admitted to a mental hospital. 朋友说,我已经成了穷光蛋了,我所有的钱都被人骗光了,我活的一点意思都没了,所以,我住进了精神病院。 mental 词典解释 1. 智力的;脑力的;思考的 Mental means relating to the process of thinking. e.g. ...the mental development of children. 儿童的智力发展 e.g. ...intensive mental effort. 高强度的脑力劳动 mentally I think you are mentally tired... 我想你的脑子累了。 I had never felt more mentally alive... 我从未感到思维如此活跃。 Physically I might not have been overseas but mentally and spiritually I was with them. 虽然我人不在国外,可是从精神和心灵上,我和他们是在一起的。 2. 心理上的;精神上的 Mental means relating to the state or the health of a person's mind. e.g. The mental state that had created her psychosis was no longer present. 导致她精神失常的那种心理状态已经消失了。 e.g. ...mental health problems. 心理健康问题 mentally ...an inmate who is mentally disturbed. 精神失常的囚犯 ...the needs of the mentally ill and the mentally handicapped. 精神病患者与智障人士的需要 3. 内心的;在头脑中进行的 A mental act is one that involves only thinking and not physical action. e.g. Practise mental arithmetic when you go out shopping... 外出购物的时候练习一下心算。 e.g. Graham made a quick mental calculation. 格雷厄姆很快就心算出来了。 mentally This technique will help people mentally organize information. 这项技术将帮助人们在脑子里组织信息。 4. 疯狂的;发疯的 If you say that someone is mental, you mean that you think they are mad. mental e.g. I just said to him 'you must be mental'. 我刚才对他说:“你一定是疯了。” 5. 记在脑子里;把…牢记在心 If you make a mental note of something, you make an effort to store it in your memory so that you will not forget it. e.g. She made a mental note to have his prescription refilled. 她记着要拿他的处方再配一回药。 e.g. She made a mental note not to sit anywhere near him. 她心里牢牢记着不坐在他的附近。 mental 单语例句 1. The 1968 Gun Control Act prohibits anyone found by a court to be " a mental defective " from possessing a gun. 2. They say those prisoners by definition had psychological problems, even if they were not receiving mental health treatment. 3. And they deprived these residents of their freedom by sending them to the mental hospital by force. 4. Police said the woman reported suffering from " mental problems " in the past, and that they do not believe anyone put her up to the act. 5. He was caught by security guards right after he used a stone to break the glass door to the Hall of Mental Cultivation. 6. Jacoby said that Wang suffered from minor deficiencies of potassium and calcium and that they were unlikely to have any effect on her mental state. 7. Lead poisoning can damage the nervous system and cause various mental problems. 8. Beijing delegation chief Li Baodong rejected as " groundless and untrue " accusations raised by some activist groups about reported " brutal physical and mental treatment of detainees ". 9. Two hours later the two groups were subjected to standard physical and mental stress tests while having their cardiovascular responses measured. 10. She hopes her case will propel reform of the current system of accepting and treating mental patients and preventing others from suffering from similar misery. mental 英英释义 adj 1. affected by a disorder of the mind e.g. a mental patient mental illness 2. involving the mind or an intellectual process e.g. mental images of happy times mental calculations in a terrible mental state mental suffering free from mental defects 3. of or relating to the chin or median part of the lower jaw Synonym: genial 4. of or relating to the chin- or liplike structure in insects and certain mollusks 5. of or relating to the mind e.g. mental powers mental development mental hygiene |
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