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单词 mesa
    mesa [英 [?me?s?] 美 [?mes?] ]
    mesa 基本解释
    mesa 网络解释
    1. 平顶山:美国纽约州和宾夕法尼亚州的苏斯克罕纳(Susquehanna)河和美国北部的其吉(Murrumbidgee)河这类河流的古网状河道,显示它们的老河道是在和今与平顶山(mesa)非常相似,但顶部比较狭小.
    2. mesa
    2. 方山:称为砾漠(gravel desert)与岩漠(rock desert). 蒙古的戈壁即是以砾漠和岩漠为主要形态. 风蚀也可造成许多奇岩怪石,如将岩块磨成多稜面的风稜石(ventifacts). 或在水平沉积岩区,残余许多平顶的方山(mesa)及孤立的岩峰(pinnacle).
    3. 台地:收于眼底的尽是路两旁一座座气势不凡的巴特(Butte)和台地(Mesa)耸立在广阔的平原上. 那是一种很奇怪的景色,尽管在电影和图片中已经见过此景了,当它扑面而来时,仍然还是意外了. (忽然想起前一阵去参加某校建筑学本科生的答辩,
    4. mesa:maximum entropy spectral method; 最大熵谱
    5. mesa:mes association; 国际联合会
    6. mesa:manufacturing execution system association; 制造执行系统协会
    mesa 双语例句
    1. Mesa enjoyed a 20 percent increase in profits last year, and its best-selling product, Diabolique Salsa, has had increased sales over each of the past three years.
    2. Growth potential. Mesa enjoyed a 20 percent increase in profits last year, and its best-selling product, Diabolique Salsa, has had increased sales over each of the past three years.
    Mesa Foods ,一家当前仅在本国相对较小区域销售其产品的快餐食品生产商,具有很强的增长潜力。
    3. mesa
    3. In the process of the micro-pattern fabrication, we utilized technology of shallow etching process effectively, that succeeded in reducing the leaked electric currents between mesa and gates.
    4. Under the base of many scenesurvey and summary data, there is a systematic analysis to the geological environmentof the multivariate layered steep soil slope in the Jiaohe ancient city mesa in Turpan. On the one hand, on the base of the whole study to the engineering geologicalenvironment, it detailed the characters, which are influenced by the different winderosion of the multi-element layered soil slope. On the other hand, on the premise ofanalysis the character of Turpan's climate, it emphases on the analysis the maininducing factors, the character of wind, in the different wind erosion of themulti-element layered soil slope.
    5. Base on the recognition of above point of view, the typical case is the multivariatelayered steep soil slope in the Jiaohe ancient city mesa in Turpan, which is dry andwindy. Base on the phenomenon of wind erosion of the deformation and destroy ofhigh steep soil slope, the concept of the multivariate layered steep soil slope by winderosion is mentioned. And it is the systematic study to the different wind erosion of themulti-element layered soil slope by the methods of the field survey, sampling, the grainsize analysis experiment, micro-structural analysis and wind tunnel test, data imitation.
    6. mesa
    6. First, there is only one overlapped area between the gate finger and the mesa edge in closed gate devices.
    7. It is called Mesa Verde. It was cold that day in eighteen eighty-eight in southwestern Colorado.
    8. mesa的反义词
    8. The aqueous solution of upright wild rice`s stem could significantly inhibit the root growth of barnyardgrass in 6 h, 12 h, 24 h, after being treated with MeSA.
    挺立野生稻在受MeSA处理后,茎水提物在处理6 h、12 h和48 h后都具有显著抑制稗草根的作用,说明了MeSA能诱导挺立野生稻增强化感作用,而且具有明显的时效性。
    9. After spending the third night at Moab, Utah, we headed for Mesa Verde National Park, noted for the Indian Cliff Dwellings.
    10. Today, visitors to Mesa Verde can see some of the remains of all four kinds of settlements.
    11. Playing for Mesa, I`ve played with Eric Patterson as my double-play combination a lot. He`s very good, but it hasn`t always been easy. I`ve played with Tony Abreu in the Dodgers system the last four years, so with Eric, he`s a new guy. It`s hard to get to know each other on the field sometimes. So the timing was a little weird, but we`re getting better.
    在 Mesa 的比赛中,我常和 Eric Patterson 搭档成为双杀大神,他很棒,但是,新搭档总不是件容易的事,过去四年,我和 Tony Abreu 在躲人系统中合作,Eric 是刚合作,所以,有时候在场上很难能了解对方,在补位的配合是有点怪,但是我们越来越有默契。
    12. Cliff Palace is the largest cliff dwelling in Mesa Verde and also in North America.
    13. Ira Block is a master at photographing difficult subjects like this cliff dwelling at Mesa Verde in Colorado.
    Ira Block是精通摄影的大师解决困难的科目像这样的悬崖居住在梅萨维德在科罗拉多州。
    14. Moreover, when GaN-based LEDs with textured sidewall mesa, GaN -pillars around mesa region, patterned sapphire substrate, and highly reflective Ag/Cr/Au metal electrode pads could enhance LED output power by more than 90%, as compared to the conventional GaN-based LEDs.
    再者,结合反射式属 p/n 电极-银/铬/、侧边粗化、3 微米导光柱及图型化宝石基板之氮化镓发光二极体其光输出功可较传统之氮化镓发光二极体提升约 90%。
    15. mesa的反义词
    15. During the development peroid of Doushantuo Formation source rocks, the areas studied belong to arenaceous pelitic facies, open platform facies. Until Dengying Stage, the area mainly belongs to restricted platform facies. During early Lower Cambrian, the areas belong to mesa-basin sedimentary facies and gradually developed to open platform-restricted platform facies. During Lower Cambiran, the areas belong to open sea shelf facies-open marine platform facies.
    16. mesa的解释
    16. Although the governor's compromise for the Roan Plateau seems reasonable to most involved, persuading the BLM to alter its plans will be difficult. In 2004 it rebuffed similar efforts to limit oil and gas development on New Mexico's Otero Mesa.
    17. Even more recently a research team has gone up to Archuleta Mesa to take soundings under the ground.
    18. Hopi:They are A Pueblo people occupying a number of mesa-top pueblos on reservation land in northeast Arizona.
    19. Behind a series of spiked barriers in the center of this mesa stands Terramok, an ancient Titan vault.
    20. The public relations battle on mesa, the forum saliva that mesa issues battles, finally till the court, lucky star can die all the way only with strange tiger knock, although be opposite for strange tiger, 360 put character to reduce toxin freely, it is the floret action of level of a tactics nevertheless, but to lucky star character, it is the thing of take a drastic measure to deal with a situation however.
    mesa 词典解释
    1. 方山(主要见于美国西南部)
    A mesa is a large hill with a flat top and steep sides; used mainly of hills in the south-western United States.
    mesa 单语例句mesa什么意思
    1. In December Shenzhen Airlines signed an agreement to set up a feeder airline with US regional carrier Mesa Air Group.
    2. Shenzhen Airlines controls 51 percent of the carrier with US regional carrier Mesa Air Group and Wilmington Trust Corp holding the rest of the shares.
    3. Shenzhen Airlines last December signed an agreement to set up a feeder airline with US regional carrier Mesa Air Group.
    4. Mesa appeared on television with the mayor to urge protesters to allow gas, fuel and supplies to flow to the capital.
    5. Had either accepted the position, he would have been allowed by law to serve out Mesa's term.
    6. The " Love Like Crazy " singer had a concert in Mesa.
    7. Lunch for 2 came to almost 300 rmb which is about the same price league as nearby Mesa or Magnolia.
    8. But Mesa proposed he have a shortened mandate and that there be an early vote, something which Indian protest leaders had proposed in recent days.
    9. La Mesa prisoners argued that officials weren't giving them food and water, but prison officials blamed troublemakers for the violence.
    10. Rodriguez now must arrange new elections within five months and the winner will serve out Mesa's term until August 2007.
     mesa 英英释义
    1. flat tableland with steep edges
    e.g. the tribe was relatively safe on the mesa but they had to descend into the valley for water
    Synonym: table




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