单词 | mettle |
释义 | mettle [英 [?metl] 美 [?m?tl:] ] mettle的意思、解释 mettle 基本解释 名词气概; 内在的气质; 精神,勇气 mettle 相关例句 名词 1. The runner fell, but he showed his mettle by continuing in the race. 短跑运动员摔倒了,但仍坚持不懈,体现出了他的毅力。 mettle 网络解释 1. 勇气:导读:这是一个有关勇气(mettle)的故事. 15岁她考上大学,29岁她双目失明,37岁她考取哈佛大学,一年后她成为哈佛历史上首位获得MPA学位的外国盲人学生. 年少时,英语教授杨佳曾梦奥斯卡已落幕, 2. mettle是什么意思 2. 勇气;毅力:Strengthen:加强 | Mettle: 勇气;毅力 | Gossamer:蛛丝;薄纱 3. mettle的意思 3. 勇气,斗志:mesh 用网捕捉,齿合 | mettle 勇气,斗志 | nettle 寻麻,使苦恼 4. mettle的近义词 4. 勇气的,精神抖擞的:Prowess:勇气,威力 | Mettle:勇气的,精神抖擞的 | Lion:勇敢者 mettle 双语例句 1. No respectable RPG hero can prove his mettle without his assortment of special weapons and items like potions. 没有尊敬的角色扮演的英雄可以证明他的气概,没有他的组合特殊武器和物品一样 2. But there are many people struggling with life, not to change maverick mettle and frankness. 但也有不少人一生挣扎,仍不改特立独行的秉性与率真。 3. mettle在线翻译 3. This really loves jumping sky would ask the mettle. 此问真有浩气冲云天之气概。 4. mettle的意思 4. The very androgenic hormones that underly the women's professional mettle are also responsible for transferring fat from hips to waist. 大约20%的女性不孕是因为排卵和生活方式上有问题,这些生活方式因素包括焦虑、压力,以及经常受到责备。 5. mettle 5. Workers in Kangson should show off the mettle of the vanguard in the Songun era with the revolutionary soldier spirit and Kanggye spirit. 千里马运动诞生地康申地区的工人同志应该展现先军时代革命先驱的勇气,并且应该学习并带有革命战士的精神以及江界精神。 6. Having failed to make herself heard, her mettle was roused, she would not be defeated. 因为没有人听见她,所以她气忿起来,她不愿就此干休。 7. Tender-handed stroke a nettle, And it stings you for your pains; Grasp it like a man of mettle, And it soft as silk remains. 对荨麻,你若是轻柔地抚摸它,它会立即螫痛你的手;你若是拿出勇气抓住它,它就会柔软得像丝绸。 8. Finally the androids gave up and the toughness of his superb muscles and iron mettle carried TJ through the cruel brutal tortures. 最后,半机械人只好停止殴打,TJ肌肉的坚硬和刚强的意识帮他渡过这场非人性的虐刑。 9. The ancient jade carvings, as a substance culture, are applied to sacrifices, etiquette, funeral, ornamentation, medicine and so on. They explain the morals as mettle culture which was highly praised by the benevolent gentlemen in ancient dynasties. 尤其是人们把玉的自然特性道德化,使它在政治、宗教、思想、文化等各个领域扮演了特殊的角色,发挥了其他艺术品不能取代的作用,体现了鲜明的民族特色和深厚的文化内涵。 10. mettle是什么意思 10. Everyone has their own personality, its own length, cooked as saying 江山易改, mettle difficulty. 每个人都有自己的性格,都有自己的长短,熟话说江山易改,秉性难易。 11. 11. You'll be on your mettle during the training period. 你要在训练期间尽最大努力。 12. mettle 12. At present the UN and Lebanese forces are on their mettle to cool things down and it will be some time before lethargy and apathy allow a renewed confrontation that will surely come one day. 目前,联合国和黎巴嫩部队是他们的气概,冷静下来的东西,这将前一段时间嗜睡和冷漠,让新的对抗,一定会来一天。 13. LU SAI in the end must we do not know Nguyen get it is really a search Iran Po mettle not only Nguyen... 到底要怎办阮呒知不一定伊是真有查埔气慨不一定只是对阮。。。 14. To Hui Lin - Love is you get it; Centre for optimism in a row Sunday with family has owned the mirror is getting more and more bad; to get the job waiting for a deep sigh in the end to get it to know what to do Ruan; not Iraq Charles Po mettle is really not only... 向蕙玲-爱你呒是;心郁卒已经连续归礼拜连傢己照镜也是愈看愈歹;为一场空等待叹一声到底要怎办阮呒知;不一定伊是真有查埔气慨不一定只是对。。。 15. Unfortunately, a series of tragic events tests the mettle of this strong man, and it is his fear of weakness that ultimately undoes him. 不幸的是,测试的一系列悲惨事件这个坚强的人的勇气,这恐怕是他的弱点,最终撤消了他。 16. Test your mettle in Survival mode and defeat as many enemies as you can. 测试你的勇气和战胜生存模式中尽可能多的敌人。 17. Letterpress, basing epoch characteristic society mentality civilization qualification, integrating their collective thumbprint spiritual mettle sire affirmation, discusses four aspects for their poems. 本文从晚宋的时代特点、社会心理、文化条件出发,结合永嘉四灵共同的个性特征、精神气质、创作主张等,对其诗歌创作进行四个方面的论述。 18. Drivers, teams, and manufacturers test their mettle, and their metal, to the breaking point and beyond. 驾驶员,队和制造业者测试他们的气质,和他们的金属,对打破点和超过。 19. I imagine it's deep vast, imagined it a thousand dances and amazing gesture; I imagine it chasing the waves, imagine it is the turbulent mettle. 啊,大海!我想象着它的深邃辽阔,想象着它千舞百变的姿态;我想象着它波涛的追逐,想象着它汹涌的气慨。 20. Would I have been like the alluring consort who requested a meeting with the sage only to test his human mettle? 会不会像片中卫灵公的姬妾南子那样为了考验圣人的耐力而要求与之见面? mettle 词典解释 1. (应对困境的)勇气,才能,气魄 Someone's mettle is their ability to do something well in difficult circumstances. mettle在线翻译 e.g. His first important chance to show his mettle came when he opened the new session of the Legislature... 当他召开新一届立法会议的时候,让他展示才能的第一次重要机会来了。 e.g. For both sides, it's the first real test of their mettle this season... 对于双方而言,这是本赛季对他们的能力的首次真正考验。 2. 鼓起勇气;全力以赴;振作精神 If you are on your mettle, you are ready to do something as well as you can, because you know that you are being tested or challenged. e.g. The added competition keeps them on their mettle. 加赛让他们全力以赴。 mettle 单语例句mettle 1. In the midst of all the commotion, a leader will show his true mettle and insight. 2. Public perceptions of a leader's mettle on the world stage are an important driver of presidential elections. 3. In other words, they felt a high degree of professionalism was not enough to prove his mettle. 4. Gerard Pique said Barcelona welcomed the chance to prove their mettle, again. 5. Whether you were buying or selling, a banquet was a friendly but important way for your counterparts to test your mettle. 6. This ancient Chinese saying may be used to describe how local officials showed their true mettle during the earthquake in Sichuan province. 7. They were not protesting, just testing their mettle by deliberately breaking a taboo more psychological than social. 8. And in the south, fighting escalated in Basra where the mettle of Iraqi security forces is being sorely tested. 9. Bush likes to size up a fellow world leader in person and measure the person's mettle under fire. 10. It was new and testing my mettle against the shopkeeper was an adventure. mettle是什么意思mettle 英英释义 noun 1. the courage to carry on e.g. he kept fighting on pure spunk you haven't got the heart for baseball Synonym: heartnervespunk |
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