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单词 microorganism
    microorganism [英 [?ma?kr??'?:g?n?z?m] 美 [?ma?kro??rɡ??n?z?m] ]
    microorganism 基本解释
    microorganism 网络解释
    1. microorganism
    1. 微生物,细菌:macromorphology 大体形态 | microorganism 微生物,细菌 | microbe 微生物,细菌
    2. 微生物 微小动植物:329.colloid 胶体 胶体的 | 330.microorganism 微生物 微小动植物 | 331.algae 藻类 海藻
    3. microorganism
    3. 微小动植物:microoperation 微操作 | microorganism 微小动植物 | microoscillator 微型振荡器
    microorganism 双语例句
    1. Objective To improve the quality control work in microorganism laboratories and the level of detecting enteric infectious diseases.
    2. The results showed that the compound microorganism preparation improved water quality and decreased significantly the ammonia nitrogen in water.
    3. Acetochlor is an important chloroacetanilide herbicide widely used and largely produced in China, the research on biodegradation by microorganism is few. Therefore, the research on degradation and mineralization of acetochlor by microorganism needs to be enhanced.
    4. microorganism
    4. Judging by soil respiration, we can conclude that Chloroacetanilide herbicides are low toxicity or no actual harm-ness pesticide, in other words that they are almost harmless to soil microorganism.
    5. It showed wave change of microorganism growth along with temperature change.
    6. The DAP-decarboxylase ofB licheniformis 6104, B. licheniformis 610401 and their transformants inminimal medium had been detected, with 0.34, 0.78, 0.56, 1.12μmol/mgprotein, respectively. The lysine production changed from 0.16g/L and2.91g/L to 0.78g/L and 4.37g/L. Key words:Genetically engineered microorganism, BeneficailBacilli, Lys, DAP-decarboxyiase, PCR, Sequencing, Expression
    然后,重组质粒转化B.licheniformis 6104及其AEC抗性突变株610401,在完全培养基、基本培养基及基本培养基+赖氨酸中培养转化子,测定二氨基庚二酸脱羧酶活性和赖氨酸产量,结果在基本培养基中赖氨酸产量比出发菌株提高4-26倍,最高可产赖氨酸
    7. microorganism在线翻译
    7. However, the antigens found in and on the microorganism s can still stimulate the formation of antibodies.
    8. The microorganism could be quickly destroyed under the synergistic effect of peroxide and low-temperature ambiplasma.
    9. microorganism
    9. Result The average removal rates of TN, TP and COD by ecological ditch with extrinsic microorganism were 70.3%, 66.6%, 73.7%, respectively, corresponding values were 48.3%, 60.6%, 5810% respectively for ecological ditches without extrinsic microorganism, and 30.1%, 23.8% and 18.4% for the existed ditch.
    10. A cidithiobacillus ferrooxidans is a chemolithotrophic microorganism capable of using ferrous ions and sulphides as energy sources.
    11. Organic Fertilizer, with its high content of organi c matter, overall nutrient and mild, lasting stable effect, can improve physical a nd chemical characters of soil and is the main source of energy and nutrient for soil microorganism and the important measure of reducing agricultural cost an d the important link of maintaining and improving equal soil nutrient and develo ping soil fertility.
    12. A polypeptide antibiotic, produced by the soil microorganism Bacillus brevis, that is a major constituent of tyrothricin.
    13. microorganism的意思
    13. By microorganism analysis, X diffraction analysis, electron microscope identification and scanning electron microscope, combining with the study of hydrogeochemicalcharacter, theauthors think that macro corrosion cell causes graphited water strainer and the corrosion of the cast case...
    利用微生物分析、X衍射分析、显微镜鉴定和扫描电镜分析等手段,结合水文地球化学特征研究,认为滤水管的石墨化及防腐泵铸铁外壳的腐蚀为宏观腐蚀电池电化学腐蚀;滤水管、扬水管内壁发生了厌氧硫酸盐还原菌电化学腐蚀和厌氧 H2 O-CO2 电化学腐蚀。
    14. Self-sown grass and organic mulching could modify soil environment, increase the organic matter content and soil microorganism.
    15. The effect of self-sown grass and organic mulching under the crown of Fuji apple trees on the soil microorganism and organic matter content were studied.
    16. microorganism的解释
    16. The way of utilizing several microorganism to produce fulvic acids with discarded apple pomace as main raw materials has been studied in our laboratory before.
    17. With high S〓 1oading, microorganism converts S〓 to S〓, which results in the S particle accumulation in the trickling filter bed filled with embedded immobilized beads, and limits the value of maximum H〓S loading.
    18. Primary results on effects of Bacillus licheniformis formulation to soil microorganism community under the different soil conditions showed that Bacillus licheniformis formulation had higher colonization effect in sierozem than in irrigation-silted soil. The formulation could inhabit Fusarium oxysporum Schl.
    研究了地衣芽孢杆菌(Bacillus,licheni formis)制剂在不同土壤类型中对土壤微生物群落的影响,结果表明,该制剂在灰钙土中定殖效果明显高于灌淤土;在灰钙土中能有效抑制病原尖抱镰刀菌Fusarium,ox-ysporum schl。
    19. The plant Quarantine Lab had intercepted more than 200 quarantine pests such as: Tilletia indica, Tilletia controversa, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, sorghum halepense, Acanthoscelides obtectus, Sternochetes mangiferae, Bactrocera dorsalis, Coptoermes curvignathus for nearly 5000 batches; The Animal Quanantine Lab had intercepted about 20 cow which had some pathogens evidence of infectious disease such as: bovine infectiouse rhinotracheitis, leukaemia bovum, paratuberculosis and so on; The food microorganism lab had detected over 300 unqualified products such as Salm-Sury, Listeria monocytogenes, Mycobacterium paratuberculosis etc.
    多年来,分中心各实验室切实履行严格把关的职责,植物检疫共截获大豆疫霉病菌、小麦印度腥黑穗病菌、小麦矮腥黑穗病菌、松材线虫、假高梁、菜豆象、芒果果核象甲、桔小实蝇、大家白蚁等国家禁止进境的危险性有害生物220 多种近10000 批次;动物检疫发现感染牛传染性鼻气管炎、牛白血病、副结核等传染病的疫牛20 多头;食品微生物检测共检测沙门、单增、副结核的不合格商品300 多批;分子生物学实验室为国内企业出具非转基因证书和不含有牛羊源成分证书50 余份,使相关的产品能够顺利出口到欧盟、韩国和日本等国。
    20. In manufacturing tobacco slice by papermaking process, treat with extracted concentrated solution of tobacco stuff with fermented tobacco quality-improving agent compose one kind of flavor enhancing microorganism, one kind of active dry yeast and one kind of protease, and measure the contents of nicotine, sugar, total nitrogen, protein, Potassium and chlorine in finished product of tobacco slice.
    microorganism 单语例句
    1. Once a disease is caused by that very microorganism, treatment would be difficult.
    microorganism的反义词microorganism 英英释义
    1. any organism of microscopic size
    Synonym: micro-organism




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