单词 | miserable |
释义 | miserable [英 [?m?zr?bl] 美 [?m?z?r?b?l, ?m?zr?-] ] miserable的意思、解释 miserable 基本解释 悲惨的;令人痛苦的;太少的;卑鄙的; miserable 网络解释 1. 可怜:天亮后,索博气势汹汹集合队伍,训斥他们是多么的可怜(miserable). 正在索博叫嚷的时候,F连的连长带着手下的45个人出现了. 原来索博和Evans晚上迷了路,跑到了F连露营的地方,把F连的步枪给偷来了. 2.在一次野战演习中, 2. 悲惨的:miserly 小气的、吝啬的 | miserable 悲惨的 | wretch 不幸的人 3. 痛苦的, 悲惨的, 可怜:lucipetal 趋光的, 明处生的 | miserable 痛苦的, 悲惨的, 可怜 | indirect subsidy 间接补助 4. 可悲的,悲惨的:81. reasonable 有道理的 | 82. miserable 可悲的,悲惨的 | 83. spontaneous 自发的,自然的 miserable 双语例句 1. A windfall of a million pounds the research showed would be enough to transform even the most miserable person into a picture of joy. 研究显示100万英镑的横材足以使最痛苦的人转忧为喜。 2. Although elaborate political, social and cultural plans are being made, the material world has been described in the Bhagavad-gita as temporay and miserable. 但即使有了各种政治,社会以及文化等等精密策划的计划,这物质世界就像博伽梵歌所说的那样短暂而悲惨。 3. Instead I felt miserable about the loneliness of being in a new community. 相反的觉的在新的社会里充满了孤独感。 4. The story tells of Nicholas hearing one day of three beautiful sisters who lived in a miserable hut on the edge of Myra. 故事是这样的,Nicholas有一天听说,有三个非常漂亮的姐妹,她们都住在Myra城边上的一座小破屋里面。 5. miserable的解释 5. To seek to please their superiors and to redouble their work, after the saddle before the horse and curry favor curry favor with, workbook, filled with hard work to pull its weight above the hypocrisy, computer desk keyboard knock on the crews are moving into workaholics, the lonely shadow filled with hard work of being superior appreciate the desire of the face on the miserable anxiety carved catapulted **** dream. 为求得上司欢心而加倍工作,鞍前马后,巴结逢迎,工作簿上列满了勤奋上劲的虚伪计划,电脑桌前用键盘把工作狂敲的震天动地,孤单勤奋的身影里充满了被上级欣赏的渴望,凄惨愁苦的脸面上雕刻着连升****的梦想。 6. Miserable interjection, have already had the Mao cow stands, anxious and fretfuluneasily move hoof of son, send out trampling of jar voice jar spirit the voice of laxsnow ground ring. 压抑不住的凄惨的叫声,已经有牦牛站立起来,焦躁不安地挪动着蹄子,发出瓮声瓮气的踩踏着松 7. To change one's miserable destiny and establish a happy state of life takes continual courageous faith. 要转换不幸的宿业,和确立去幸福的人生需要持续及勇猛的信心。 8. Some students leave all the hard ones to the end and then have a miserable time trying to pull together passing grades and graduation.. 一些学生把很多难的课程统统放到学期末再修,结果令他们痛苦的是一方面需要通过这么多门课程的考试,又要准备毕业,造成了很多困扰。 9. For the old people who are neglected by their children, life is not only lonely but also miserable. 对于那些被孩子所忽略的老人来说,生活不仅是孤单的,而且是痛苦的。 10. We are live in a world which is full of misery and ignorance, and the plain duty of each and all of us is to try make the little corner he can influence somewhat less miserable and somewhat less ignorant than it before he enter it. 我们是住在一个充满悲惨和无知的世界。我们人人所有的明显的义务,就是要为个人的棉力所能有的影响,尽量使这个小角落,没有我们到来以前那样的悲惨,那样的无知。 11. But she is just like a shiver with cold in the snow in the thin Li-mei, even lonely miserable not lose her side. 但她就如一支凛立在风雪中的瘦梅,即使孤独凄惨也不失傲骨。 12. miserable在线翻译 12. And there is a miserable while beautiful history. 它还有一段凄美的爱情故事呢。 13. If you don't like your biss or your co-workers, they can make your life miserable. 不骗你。如果你不喜欢你的老板或同事,那你会过的很痛苦。 14. There he stood now, guilty of this miserable breach of confidence and talking about what he had done for her! 他明明可耻地辜负了她对他的一片信赖,现在却还站在那里,高谈他给她帮的忙! 15. miserable什么意思 15. Alone in your miserable, it was quiet with, you should worry about the release of the mood of solitary, instead of happiness? 在你孤独凄凉时,有人默默陪伴、听你释放愁孤的情绪,不是幸福吗? 16. He said I would die aloneand miserable. 他说我会孤苦伶仃的死去 17. 17. The dog was miserable, so I tried to find a shovel and caved to bury it, but I discover a coppery box. 这只狗很可怜,所以我想办法找到了一把铁锹然后挖坑掩埋它,但是我挖到了一个铜匣子。 18. Yun-Zhong Zhu Wen 14 years old, his father Prince Zhu marked with serious illness, the body has a major sarcoma miserable. 朱允文14岁时,他的父亲太子朱标患有重病,身上有个大肉瘤,苦不堪言。 19. But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection, and miserable that it rras able to accomplish only half of what it had been made to do. 而那只可怜的有裂缝的水罐因自己的不完美而感到十分的惭愧,对于自己只能够完成一半的任务,心里一直难过。 20. THE easiest way for a president to make his life miserable is to antagonise his fellow politicians on Capitol Hill. 当总统的若是想把自己的日子搅得一团糟,最简单的办法莫过于去招惹国会山上的诸公。 miserable 词典解释 1. 苦恼的;痛苦的 If you are miserable, you are very unhappy. e.g. I took a series of badly paid secretarial jobs which made me really miserable... 我做了几份薪酬微薄的秘书工作,这让我非常郁闷。 e.g. She went to bed, miserable and depressed. 她伤心而沮丧地上床睡觉。 miserably He looked miserably down at his plate. 他忧郁地低下头看着盘子。 2. (地方、形势)令人难受的,令人抑郁的 If you describe a place or situation as miserable, you mean that it makes you feel unhappy or depressed. e.g. There was nothing at all in this miserable place to distract him. 这个鬼地方根本没有什么东西可以让他分心。 3. (天气)阴郁的,令人苦恼的 If you describe the weather as miserable, you mean that it makes you feel depressed, because it is raining or dull. e.g. It was a grey, wet, miserable day... 那是阴郁灰暗、潮湿多雨的一天。 e.g. It was very cold, damp and miserable. 天气非常寒冷潮湿,令人难受。 4. 脾气坏的;不友善的;乖戾的 If you describe someone as miserable, you mean that you do not like them because they are bad-tempered or unfriendly. miserable e.g. He always was a miserable man. He never spoke to me nor anybody else. 他的脾气总是很糟。他从不跟我或其他任何人讲话。 5. 远远不足的;非常差劲的;少得可怜的 You can describe a quantity or quality as miserable when you think that it is much smaller or worse than it ought to be. e.g. Our speed over the ground was a miserable 2.2 knots... 我们在接近地面时的航速仅为2.2节。 e.g. It has so far accepted a miserable 1,100 refugees from the former Yugoslavia. 迄今为止,从前南斯拉夫接收的难民只有区区1,100人。 miserably ...the miserably inadequate supply of books now provided for schools. 目前提供给学校的数量远远不够的图书 6. (失败)悲惨的,彻底的 A miserable failure is a very great one. e.g. The film was a miserable commercial failure both in Italy and in the United States. 这部电影在意大利和美国均遭遇票房惨败。 miserably Some manage it. Some fail miserably. 有些人成功了,而有些人则遭遇惨败。miserable 单语例句 1. The fourth quarter figures cap a miserable economic year overall that sent Japan to its steepest recession since World War II. 2. Roma welcomed back club captain and talisman Francesco Totti and Brazil defender Juan, but their combined presence did nothing to improve Roma's miserable season. 3. Shocked by the miserable living conditions he saw no tap water, no central heating system and no paved roads Li promised to make some changes. 4. As the miserable Shanghai cold has recently crept up on us, we decided to share some tips on how to stay warm in this city. 5. Former Browns coach Sam Rutigliano contends fretting about a curse is foolish and does nothing but make fans miserable. 6. Dave Jones'side are enduring a miserable run that threatens to curtail their promotion hopes after a promising start to the season. 7. It is even more miserable for them that they cannot express their situation and sufferings because of their mental deficiency. 8. She had been deserted for three times, said one of the staff workers attending to the ten miserable children here. 9. For another, what's more miserable is that veterans have to sustain disrespect and despise of the society. 10. And if you have ever jostled in a job market, you may feel downright miserable. |
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