单词 | misery |
释义 | misery [英 [?m?z?ri] 美 [?m?z?ri] ] misery的意思、解释 复数形式:miseries; misery 基本解释 misery是什么意思 名词痛苦; 不幸; 穷困; 悲惨的境遇 misery 反义词 misery的意思 名词contentmenthappinessblessednessfelicitycomfortpleasurejoy misery 相关例句 名词 1. 1. She felt most severely the miseries of mankind. 她极为强烈地感受到了人类的种种苦难。 2. I have told you all my misery. 我已经告诉了你我的一切痛苦。 misery 网络解释 1. 危情十日:看看他令人心惊胆破的作品(The Shining)、(Misery)和(The Shawshank Redemption)中对寻常人性进行深刻挖掘与探索所渲染的恐怖氛围,就了解本片的惊憟意境了. 2. 戰慄遊戲:像在(Die Hard 1)里头听到,在(Howard Ends)里头听到,在(Misery)中听见抒情浪漫的. misery 双语例句 1. misery的反义词 1. Golden autumn wind delivered curls darkly fragrant comes in frost chrysanthemum to offer is fragrant one season to kiss setting sun afterglow to like overflowing gentle eye pupil to look at four wild serene the fervor to fly verse to listen to Yellow River to carry innumerable misery history view river sand heavy to accumulate how many recollection sores all over the eye is piece by piece your old times'appearance childhood difficult leaves behind brand mark which did not extinguish wind frost and snow rain the half century to assault deep pool far class long fiveMillennium civilization's trail historical perpetual flow tumbles former days heroic great waves time string to play an instrument and sing today magnificent melody the motherland, I for your proud worked as the palatial engraved pillar, let the tall and straight stature put on the dawn, worked as grand Tiananmen, lets the wind and cloud welcome Dongsheng sun. 金秋的风送袅袅暗香而来霜中的菊献片片芳菲一季吻夕阳余辉爱溢出温柔的眼眸望四野安详激情飞上诗句听黄河汩汩载无数苦难历史观河沙沉沉积淀多少回忆满目疮痍是你旧时的容颜儿时的艰辛留下了不灭的烙印风霜雪雨半个世纪的搏击渊远流长五千年文明的足迹历史的长河翻滚着昔日英勇的浪涛时光的琴弦弹唱着今日辉煌的旋律祖国啊,我为你自豪当巍峨的华表,让挺拔的身躯披上曙光,当雄伟的天安门,让风云迎来东升的太阳。 2. misery什么意思 2. Of course, the misery can drive one to struggle, this is a strong power. 苦难当然会逼迫人去奋斗,这是一种强大的动力。 3. We are live in a world which is full of misery and ignorance, and the plain duty of each and all of us is to try make the little corner he can influence somewhat less miserable and somewhat less ignorant than it before he enter it. 我们是住在一个充满悲惨和无知的世界。我们人人所有的明显的义务,就是要为个人的棉力所能有的影响,尽量使这个小角落,没有我们到来以前那样的悲惨,那样的无知。 4. I will, as always, continue to write, I will write into autumn misery resisted touching song, and then gently released it, as one can only see the flying colorful butterflies, then spring into the lightweight Swallow 我将一如既往地写下去,我将秋天的悲苦谱写成一首首动听的歌,然后把它轻轻地放出去,象放飞一只只好看的五彩缤纷蝴蝶,那春天轻盈的燕子化成的 5. 5. I was taught to desire nothing, to swallow other people`s misery, and to eat my own bitterness. 即使我以完全相反的方式教育女儿,她仍不脱自怜自哀。 6. Cause nobody could i need to be around you watching you no one else can love you like i do feel it when i'm creepin'up on you i know that it wouldn't be right if i stayed all night just to peep in on you creepin'up on you i know this must be wrong it can't go on this kind of thing is taking all my sanity and making me a mockery this must be wrong it can't go on so won't somebody free me from this misery? 起因没人能我需要是在您附近观看您没人可能爱您如我感觉它当我是creepin '在您我知道,这不会是不错如果我整夜停留了对窥视在您 creepin '在您我知道这必须是错误的它无法继续这事采取所有我的头脑清楚并且做我嘲笑这必须是错误的它无法继续不会如此某人将释放我从这苦难吗? 7. I struggle with misery and self-reproach every day. 我每天都在痛苦和自责中挣扎。 8. misery什么意思 8. Scheme frame-up the other people's person, oneself will encounter misery first. 28-22、阴谋陷害别人的人,自己会首先遭到不幸。 9. I was born in the countryside family I have had diligently, endured hardship, practical, the upward spirit and the attitude, the village life accomplished me really to make up, the honest disposition, trained me not to fear the misery setback did not concede hard working spirit. 我出生于农村家庭我具备了勤奋,吃苦,务实,向上的精神和作风,农村生活造就了我补实、诚实的性格,培养了我不怕苦难挫折不服输的奋斗精神。 10. misery的意思 10. In spite of their self-imposed and gratifying morality, the respectable also are in confusion, misery and conflict. 顾全体面的人,虽然有自设的道德使他们心满意足,然而他们也是生活在混乱、不幸与冲突之中。 11. Such misery is common during the Buddhist festival of Obon, but it is worse this year. 在佛教盂兰盆节期间这样痛苦的遭遇是正常的,但今年却百般折磨。 12. misery 12. It was his Melanesian self he preferred, but his attempts to intergrate that self in to his way of life in England had produced nothing but frustration and misery. 他更愿意做那个 Melanesia 岛上的自己,但回到英格兰后,他想把那个自己融入到现实生活中的努力,带来的只是挫折、沮丧和痛苦,无他。 13. But most banks are hunkering down for more misery, as defaults among consumers and companies spiral. 不过多数银行因为消费者和企业拖欠借款的恶性循环,仍然在苦难的深渊中继续往下跌落。 14. Let's put the students out of their misery and tell them who have passed the exam. 让我们来解除这些学生的焦虑吧,告诉他们谁通过了这次考试。 15. He was in no way affected by their misery. 他们的惨状一点也没打动他的心。 16. When a certain degree of misery is reached, one is overpowered with a sort of spectral indifference, and one regards human beings as though they were spectres. 贫苦到了某种程度,人会变成孤魂野鬼,彼此漠不关心,把生人也当成游魂。 17. 17. In the diachronic attention and induction of Feng Zhi`s poetry, It could be found that traditional Chinese and western culture was not showing great or direct force all at once, but had its very process of infiltration from the outside to the inside. Nor was Feng Zhi wholeheartedly embraced and simply patched them up, he was standing on the 20th century in China and on the need of his own life. He studied, absorbed, used and created them selectively, unified all with his own word, finally brought out glory of the poet himself. Yet his gain of glory was not in plain sailing at all, in his 70-year-period of poetry writing career, he suffered every difficulties, failure and misery, even stopped his writing for three times` long-term. Stagnation was not to give up but to think and wait. Every leaving and returning had its reason, which decided by the inner regularity of his creation and the request of his taste. 在对冯至诗歌进行历时性的关注与梳理时我们发现,中西文化并非一蹴而就地在其创作里显现强大直接的作用力,而自有逐渐渗透、由表及里的过程;冯至也不是全盘接受,把二者加以简单拼接,他立足于20世纪的中国、立足于自身生命的需要,有选择地学习、吸收、使用,创造,使它们统一于他的诗笔,焕发出属于诗人本身的光彩;光彩的获得亦非一帆风顺:在漫长的诗歌生涯里,冯至经受了跌宕、挫折,困顿……甚至三度长时间停止写诗,停滞不是放弃,是思索与等待,每一次辍笔与每一次重新提笔都不是没有缘故的,而是由他诗歌创作的内在规律性决定的,是由他对诗歌的审美要求决定的,它们与冯至之融合、处理我国与西方的文学遗产息息相关。 18. Nor was Feng Zhi wholeheartedly embraced and simply patched them up, he was standing on the 20th century in China and on the need of his own life. He studied, absorbed, used and created them selectively, unified all with his own word, finally brought out glory of the poet himself. Yet his gain of glory was not in plain sailing at all, in his 70-year-period of poetry writing career, he suffered every difficulties, failure and misery, even stopped his writing for three times'long-term. Stagnation was not to give up but to think and wait. Every leaving and returning had its reason, which decided by the inner regularity of his creation and the request of his taste. How they mixed with Feng Zhi's work was closely related to both Chinese and western inheritance. 在对冯至诗歌进行历时性的关注与梳理时我们发现,中西文化并非一蹴而就地在其创作里显现强大直接的作用力,而自有逐渐渗透、由表及里的过程;冯至也不是全盘接受,把二者加以简单拼接,他立足于20世纪的中国、立足于自身生命的需要,有选择地学习、吸收、使用,创造,使它们统一于他的诗笔,焕发出属于诗人本身的光彩;光彩的获得亦非一帆风顺:在漫长的诗歌生涯里,冯至经受了跌宕、挫折,困顿……甚至三度长时间停止写诗,停滞不是放弃,是思索与等待,每一次辍笔与每一次重新提笔都不是没有缘故的,而是由他诗歌创作的内在规律性决定的,是由他对诗歌的审美要求决定的,它们与冯至之融合、处理我国与西方的文学遗产息息相关。 19. The LORD said, I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. 耶和华说,我的百姓在埃及所受的困苦,我实在看见了,他们因受督工的辖制所发的哀声,我也听见了。 20. 20. As the excellent literator suffering great misery, Wang Bo expressed the strong self-consciousness in his articles, we can see the inflection and modulation of his emotion from Xu in different period, and Wang Bo's ShuQi showed out his excellent political ability and distinctive literature theory. 作为一个饱经坎坷的杰出文人,王勃在他的文章中贯注了强烈的自我意识,从不同时期序文中可以看出他感情的起伏变化,王勃的书启则展现了他卓越的政治才能和鲜明的文学理论。 misery 词典解释 1. 苦难;痛苦;不幸 Misery is great unhappiness. e.g. All that money brought nothing but sadness and misery and tragedy. 那笔钱带来的只有伤心、痛苦和悲剧。 e.g. ...the miseries of his youth. 他年轻时遭受的不幸 2. 穷困;悲惨的境遇 Misery is the way of life and unpleasant living conditions of people who are very poor. e.g. A tiny, educated elite profited from the misery of their two million fellow countrymen. 一小撮受过良好教育的精英分子从他们200万同胞的贫苦生活中获取利益。 3. 牢骚满腹者;爱抱怨的人 If you say that someone is a misery, you are critical of them because they are always com-plaining. e.g. I'm not such a misery now! I gave up drink a few years back and that has changed things a lot. 我现在已经不喜欢抱怨了。几年之前我戒了酒,整个人就大不一样了。 4. 使生活痛苦;使日子不好过 If someone makes your life a misery, they behave in an unpleasant way towards you over a period of time and make you very unhappy. e.g. ...the gangs of kids who make our lives a misery. 弄得我们日子不得安宁的那几帮孩子 5. (告诉某人其急于想知道的事)消除…的忧虑 If you put someone out of their misery, you tell them something that they are very anxious to know. e.g. Please put me out of my misery. How do you do it? 别让我着急了。你是怎样做的? 6. 将(动物)人工致死以结束其痛苦 If you put an animal out of its misery, you kill it because it is sick or injured and cannot be cured or healed. misery 单语例句 1. Janet Jackson has revealed her brother Michael made her life a misery when they were growing up by bullying her about her weight. 2. She hopes her case will propel reform of the current system of accepting and treating mental patients and preventing others from suffering from similar misery. 3. Bush planned to show sympathy for the misery brought on by the killer storm while charting a hopeful vision for the future. 4. But the unexpected death of the son half a year later brought her back to a chasm of misery. 5. Libor Kozak got his marching order in stoppage time for a second bookable offence to add to Lazio's misery. 6. New foreclosures began to infect areas that had long been immune, compounding misery for residents and headaches for city planners. 7. Josie described having to dig deep into herself to discover the misery and psychosis for her role. 8. Much of the misery they found had nothing to do with affluence. 9. Old Li never dreamed that a fling he had with a younger woman would end up causing him such misery. 10. After the elation fades, the new government will face a stern challenge in addressing Georgians'anger over their misery. misery 英英释义 misery的解释 noun 1. a feeling of intense unhappiness e.g. she was exhausted by her misery and grief 2. a state of ill-being due to affliction or misfortune e.g. the misery and wretchedness of those slums is intolerable Synonym: wretchednessmiserableness |
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