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单词 spine
    spine [英 [spa?n] 美 [spa?n] ]
    spine 基本解释
    名词脊柱; 脊椎; 书脊; (动植物的)刺
    spine 相关例句
    1. His spine developed a slight curve.
    2. Threats merely stiffened his spine.
    3. spine的反义词
    3. He has spine and starch.
    4. The land is flat and marshy before rising to a spine of low hills.
    5. The cactus has spines.
    spine 网络解释
    1. 脊骨:上海中医药大学脊柱病研究所及上海中医药大学附属龙华医院教授王拥军率领的课题组完成了益气化瘀方防治软骨终板内软骨细胞凋亡的相关系列研究. 其成果获得中华医学科技奖一等奖,这是全国中医药界目...抗FAS抗体诱导椎间盘软骨细胞凋亡模型建立方法发表在国际脊柱病研究杂志(Spine)上...
    2. 脊柱:南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院邱勇教授等科研人员的一项最新研究发现,特发性脊柱侧凸的女性患者有体型偏瘦、骨量偏低和体内瘦素浓度偏低等特点,其降低的瘦素浓度可能是联系体型偏瘦和骨量偏低之间关系的重要因素. 这一研究成果近日刊登在世界脊柱外科学术刊物 (Spine)上.
    3. 柱:这项由美国西弗吉尼亚大学完成的研究发表在9月刊的(Spine)杂志上. 研究人员将90名年龄在23岁至66岁之间的轻度或中度慢性腰痛患者分成两组进行测试. 在6个月时间内,一组人每周做两次各持续90分钟的瑜伽练习,
    spine 双语例句
    1. If you step on a stingray and get the spine inside your leg, it hurts very badly.
    2. Methods:Twenty four pig's thoracolumber spine were taken to imitate most severe injury of anterior two column instability. Biomechanical testings of stability were performed in axial compression, laterial-bending and rotation by recording strain and displacement or angle on the loading side and axial extraction forces of each pedicle screw internal fixation systems:DICK, AF, RF, CYL.
    3. For standing photos, belly in, buttocks tight, shoulders back, spine straight.
    4. spine的近义词
    4. 60 Wistar rats were divided randomly into two groups after a week feeding, 30 rats in study group fed by high dose of NaF water(NaF 200mg/L), others in control group fed by pure water. The serum and urine fluoride were detected at the fourth, eighth and twelfth week. At both the beginning and the twelfth week of the study, all thoracic spine were examed by CT scan. The rats of both groups were sacrisficed at the twelfth week. 5mm long thoracic spinal cord were harvested from the sacrisficed rats. Cytologic changes of neurocytes in thoracic spinal cord after chronic fluorosis were analysed by HE staining apoptosis was marked by a terminal deoxyribo-nucleotide transferase-mediated UTP-biotin nick end labeling and expression of Caspase-3 was determined by immunohistochemistry through 5μm thick slices.
    5. Then singing among the savage branches, it impales itself upon the longest, sharpest spine. And, dying. It rises above its own agony to out-carol the lark and the nightingale.
    6. Fruit glabrous, wing entire; branches with 1 recurved spine per node.
    7. Based on present designs for dynamic fixator of lumbar spine (dynamic stabilization fixator, DSF), this study presents a new DSF design. The goals for the new DSF design are: to reduce intradiscal pressure without increasing the loads on adjacent discs, to improve the movement and the load transfer of spinal segment, to restore stability of motion segment.
    依据目前各国腰椎活动式固定器(Dynamic stabilization fixator;简称DSF)的设计,比较其优缺点再设计出目前型式,此DSF目标为降低退化性椎间盘压力且不增加邻近椎间盘压力、可承担腰椎部分力量、恢复脊椎稳定性、保持椎体间适当活动度、及避免椎间盘持续老化。
    8. As a founder of TCM andriatry research, he has been engaged in TCM practice, study, and teaching for more than 40 years, accumulating profound experience in both theory and practice. Specializing in andriatry and internal medicine, he is very good at treating male infertility, male sexual disorder, and prostate diseases. He is also good at treating such diseases as asthma, diabetes, heart diseases, stroke, liver diseases, kidney diseases, gonorrhea, rheumatism, rheumatoid disease, stomachache, headache, gout, hyperosteogeny on the spine of neck and lower back, and tumor.
    9. The use of screws in the thoracic spine has a steep learning cure.6 The all-screw constructs studied here were performed early in our experience.
    10. The use of screws in the thoracic spine has a steep learning curve.6 The all-screw constructs studied here were performed early in our experience.
    11. Result:(1) The max supporting weight of saddle-backed waist splint is 90 kg in the bed exercise, applicable to people who have spine length 73cm~67cm(about body height 178cm~165cm)(2) the height of the gas filled pillow is 5cm~15cm (3) The height of the gas filled pillow should be adjusted according to different patient (4) the press on the abdomen deliver by front part of saddle-backed waist splint is 3336 kpa; Standard piece of waist line is 94cm~70cm, elastic force is 180N.
    结果:﹙1﹚鞍式腰托在卧床锻炼时的最大承重量为90㎏,适用脊柱长度为 73 ㎝67 ㎝(约身高178 ㎝165 ㎝)。﹙2﹚充气垫枕的高度为5㎝15㎝。﹙3﹚针对不同病人的身高﹐应适当的调整充气垫枕的高度以及指导锻炼时的拉伸高度。﹙4﹚下地后鞍式腰托前板能给腹部压力为3336kpa;标准件的弹性腰围为64㎝ 90㎝﹑弹性力为180N。结论:鞍式腰托在通过力学测试以及临床应用﹐已基本符合脊柱胸腰段(T11L2)椎体屈曲型稳定性压缩骨折的复位要求,具有简便安全而有效的整复与固定作用。具有较强的实用性,值得进一步研究开发。
    12. Multiple myeloma also frequently involves the spine and often causes pain by weakening of bony structures, causing pathologic fractures. Intradural spinal tumors are less common than metastases in adults and include neurofibromas, meningiomas, and ependymomas.
    13. While pregnancy forces the spine and shoulders to round forward and the pelvis to tilt out of alignment, the breaststroke gently strengthens the muscles and counteracts that tendency.
    14. spine的意思
    14. A bone of the carpus. at or near the hind end in quadrupeds or toward the spine in primates.
    15. The croup slopes away from the spine at an angle, but never so steeply as to restrict the rearward thrust of the hind legs.
    16. Objective To explore the management of pyogenic osteomyelitis of the spine.
    目的 探讨脊柱化脓性骨髓炎的手术治疗方法。
    17. spine是什么意思
    17. Objective To explore the diagnostic value of CT in degenerative lumbar spine.
    18. spine什么意思
    18. A jolt of current was through my spine.
    19. spine在线翻译
    19. Frankel grade was improved in most cases. Conclusion: Using AF instrumentation for unstable thoracollumbar vertebrae fracture can reduce vertebra body and correct dislocated fracture, stabilize the spine.
    20. Results: 76 cases were followed-up, ranging from 18 months to 3 years after postoperative, with the average of 26 months, and were photographed by X-ray at postoperative 3 days, 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 18 and 24 months. Solid fusion were obtained in 74 cases. The fusion rate was 97.3%, the intervetebral height were maintained, and there were no displacement of AIFC. Two cases suffered from angulation fusion, and the cervical spine became back evagination.
    结果76例获得良好随访,随访时间18个月~3年,平均26个月,术后3天、1、3、6、9、12、18、24个月常规照 X 线片检查,74例获得牢固骨性融合,融合率为97.3%,椎间高度维持良好,AIFC 无移位,2例成角畸形愈合,颈椎呈后凸畸形。
    spine 词典解释
    1. 脊椎;脊柱
    Your spine is the row of bones down your back.
    2. 书脊
    The spine of a book is the narrow stiff part which the pages and covers are attached to.
    3. (动物身体上的)棘状突起;(植物上的)棘,刺,针
    Spines are also long, sharp points on an animal's body or on a plant.
    spine 单语例句
    1. Scientists have said that tiny nerves crisscrossing the spine can bypass crippling injuries recently written off as irreversible.
    2. The ligaments surrounding the disc had an eight millimeter tear and during surgery we discovered fragments of the disc had travelled into the spine canal.
    3. The amount of exhaust fumes from 200 million automobiles should be grave enough to send a chill up our spine.
    4. Prepare for spine tingling scares and a feast of frights a classic ghost story hits the screens this week.
    5. They found bones of feet, spine and rib from chicken or lamb in the cloudy soup.
    6. The pungency of mutton leaves me cold, and congealed fat on the plate send even more chills down the spine.
    7. The doctor who wrongly injected intravenous drugs into the spine of a leukemia patient apologized to the patient's parents at a Coroner's Court Wednesday.
    8. When Liu Liu was diagnosed with curvature of the spine at the age of eight, her impoverished mother borrowed money from loan sharks for Liu Liu's surgery.
    9. Scientists have already established that the skeleton showed at least two injuries on the skull, a wound on the back and curvature of the spine.
    10. A cycle of exercising and relaxing the spine creates a pumping activity whereby spinal discs soak up water and nutrients like a sponge.
    spinespine 英英释义
    1. a sharp rigid animal process or appendage
    as a porcupine quill or a ridge on a bone or a ray of a fish fin
    2. the part of a book's cover that encloses the inner side of the book's pages and that faces outward when the book is shelved
    e.g. the title and author were printed on the spine of the book
    Synonym: backbone
    3. the series of vertebrae forming the axis of the skeleton and protecting the spinal cord
    e.g. the fall broke his back
    Synonym: spinal columnvertebral columnbackbonebackrachis
    4. a small sharp-pointed tip resembling a spike on a stem or leaf
    Synonym: thornprickleprickerstickerspikelet
    5. any sharply pointed projection
    Synonym: spuracantha




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