单词 | splendour |
释义 | splendour [英 [?splend?(r)] 美 [?spl?nd?] ] splendour的意思、解释 复数形式:splendours; splendour 基本解释 splendour的解释 名词显赫; 华丽,壮观; 辉煌,光辉 splendour 网络解释 1. 华丽:由新西兰杂交育成,亲本为嘎拉与华丽 (Splendour) 在新西兰作为嘎拉系换代品种推广栽培. 树势强健,生长快,树冠大,干径粗,分枝角度大. 叶片窄长,色浓绿. 萌芽率高,成枝力强. 中、短枝比例高,易结果. 果实近圆锥形,较嘎拉略大. 果面全红, 2. 光辉:splendor 光辉 | splendour 光辉 | splenetic 易发怒的 3. splendour 3. 辉煌:09 Miles Away 英里之外 | 10 Thunder 雷鸣 | 11 Splendour 辉煌 4. splendour的翻译 4. 显赫:splendidgloriousrefulgenceresplendenceresplendency 辉煌 | splendour 显赫 | splenectomy 脾切除 splendour 双语例句 1. splendour的解释 1. Bragge, but in felicity and splendour it fell short only of them: it was with a cousin of mrs. bragge, an acquaintance of mrs. 指的不是瑟克林太太家和布雷格太太家,可是从地位和荣誉来说,也不比他们两家差多少。 2. The morning crowned it with splendour. 曙光给它配上彩色的霞帔。 3. splendour的意思 3. The company and the splendour which he met there were not to the Baronet's taste. 遇到的客人和见到的气派,都不合乎男爵的口味。 4. The cold seemed quite to seize upon one; but when the sun rose, what splendour! 寒霜紧紧地盖着一切;但是太阳一升起,那是一幅多么美丽的景象啊! 5. In a period of great prosperity; at the height of power and splendour 司母戊大方鼎是我国西周时的青铜器。爷爷买了个方鼎。 6. The weather today was really humid. In fact I was worried that the humidity would have turned into a big storm. Really didn`t want the bad weather to affect the entire filming progress. After all, today`s filming really a display of splendour Look at this convoy of black eagles 这天的天气闷热得透不过气,我还有点担心会给闷出一场大雨来,实在不想被天气影响了整个摄影队的进度,尤其这天的戏可是有一定排场的哦:看,这队黑鹰几帅一下,两下,三百下 7. Robert had eaten nothing that morning, but he glanced at the long expanse of dreary table-cloth, the silver tea and coffee equipage, the stiff splendour and the very little appearance of any substantial entertainment, and he declined Mr. Talboys'invitation. 罗伯特那天早晨什么也没吃过,但他瞧了一眼那长之又长的令人兴致索然的台布、那银子做的茶具和咖啡壶,看到富丽堂皇得死板板的,可又没有什么实实惠惠的东西招待客人的模样,他拒绝了托尔博伊斯的邀请。 8. She had been born to a modest family but grew up in the ephemeral splendour of the banana company, from which she at least had retained her rich girl`s good education at the Colegio de la Presentacion de la Santisima Virgen in Santa Marta. 她出生于一个简朴的家庭,但是成长于香蕉公司兴旺发达的那一短时期,因而得以接受到良好的教育。 9. But for the New york city colleage, a public colleage, compared with others, it does not have a splendour athlete team, does not have an eclogue campus, does not Raucous parties, and even not have a dormitory, and even worse is that it does not have any academic cridiblity untill recent, but the office of this colleage is fully filled with apply letters from students, which is unbelievable. 纽约城市大学,一所公立学院,与其他学校相比,它没有一支声名显赫的运动队,没有田园诗一般的校园,也没有喧嚣嘈杂的派对——甚至连宿舍都没有,而且,直到最近也没取得学术上的可信度,可就是这所大学的办公室塞满了学生们寄来的申请函,这简直有些令人难以置信。 10. Inexplicable splendour of Ionian white and gold. 265爱奥尼亚的皎洁与金色的辉煌。 11. splendour是什么意思 11. But, JESUS CHRIST Lives and shall come in all splendour and glory very soon. 但是,耶稣基督的生命,并应在所有的辉煌与荣耀很快。 12. 12. It was a most lovely evening, full of light and splendour. 这是一个非常可爱的夜晚,光彩绚烂。 13. The splendour of existence and its awful... 现实的光明和黑暗 14. 14. It`s almost too much visual splendour and information to digest in one sitting. 闭口不谈背景者数量在这部电影我从来没有见过这样的东西。 15. Can see from this bit, chinese Internet has entered period of an at the height of power and splendour. 从这点可以看出,中国的互联网已经进入一个鼎盛时期了。 16. You may come into a safe station, and appear with honour and splendour at once. 现在你可以得到一个安全的地位,立刻能够体面地光荣地站在人前。 17. And sing aloud in the splendour of starlight. 沉默是今晚的康桥!悄悄的我走了 18. splendour的反义词 18. Through our activities, we attract the world's attention to the splendour and beauty that is uniquely Malaysian. 透过一连串的活动,让世界各地的游客认识到马来西亚独特的景色与迷人魅力。 19. They stood in the noon of that strange and solemn splendour, as if it were the light that is to 他们三人站在亮如白昼的奇妙而肃穆的光辉里,似乎正是那光辉要揭示一切隐秘,而那白昼则要将所有相属的人结合在一起。 20. 20. The problem here is that Chretien described the splendour of Camelot but never gave its location and this has led many people to claim that it was simply his invention. 问题是,Chretien描述了卡米罗宫廷的华丽,却从未提及它的地点,导致许多人自称卡米罗宫廷是他本人发现的的。 splendour 词典解释in AM, use 美国英语用 splendor 1. 壮丽辉煌;光彩夺目 The splendour of something is its beautiful and impressive appearance. e.g. The foreign ministers are meeting in the splendour of Oktyabrskaya Hotel in central Moscow. 外长们正在莫斯科市中心富丽堂皇的十月酒店里开会。 2. 华丽;豪华;奢华 The splendours of a place or way of life are its beautiful and impressive features. e.g. Montagu was extremely impressed by the splendours of the French court. 法国宫廷的豪华给蒙塔古留下了很深的印象。 splendour 单语例句 1. Asian countries have a radiant splendour of historical and cultural traditions, diverse social and political systems and different levels of economic development. 2. It is among the best preserved relics in the garden and a reminder of the estate's former splendour. splendour什么意思splendour 英英释义 noun 1. the quality of being magnificent or splendid or grand e.g. for magnificence and personal service there is the Queen's hotel his `Hamlet' lacks the brilliance that one expects it is the university that gives the scene its stately splendor an imaginative mix of old-fashioned grandeur and colorful art advertisers capitalize on the grandness and elegance it brings to their products Synonym: magnificencebrilliancesplendorgrandeurgrandness 2. a quality that outshines the usual Synonym: lusterlustrebrilliancysplendor |
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