单词 | spontaneity |
释义 | spontaneity [英 [?sp?nt??ne??ti] 美 [?spɑ:nt??ne??ti] ] spontaneity的意思、解释 复数形式:spontaneities; spontaneity 基本解释 spontaneity 名词自发性,自然发生; 自发行为[行动] spontaneity 网络解释 1. 自发:对于他早期的创作,鲜有讨论提及他的作品把张大千的泼彩泼墨与西方的抽象表现主义联在一起的主要因素,是前者画面上泼的效果,令人联想到西方现代主义中的抽象(abstraction)、自发(spontaneity)和表现性(expressive至他最后的作品, 2. spontaneity的近义词 2. 自然:以及儒家关于由微观世界、宏观世界及自然(spontaneity)所构成的多重位置样式的主题. 对价值的分析则可以发展儒家下面这个想法:... 3. spontaneity的翻译 3. 自然,自发(动作):triumph over 战胜 | spontaneity 自然,自发(动作) | subtitle 副标题,小标题 spontaneity 双语例句 1. However the spontaneity of credit money system is not mature, and this un-maturity lead to the collapse of itself in 1930s, and this collapse of money system made the system of division of labor which take money as its exchange medium can not continue to work. 但是,信用货币体系的这种自发性所导致的不成熟性,致使其在20世纪30年代发生了全面的崩溃,从而使庞大的完全以货币为交换媒介的分工体系在短期内面临停止运转的危机。 2. spontaneity的近义词 2. The Abstract Expressionists worked in different styles, yet they shared a more or less similar aesthetic. Linking their works not only to each other but to East Asian art and philosophy is the concept of the union of humanity and nature; a palette consisting mainly of black and white; and a painting method characterized by gestural painting methods such as pouring paints or wielding the brush at arm`s length-techniques that deliberately cultivate spontaneity and eliminate human control. 抽象表现主义画家有不同的风何,然而他们在美学见解与作画风格上多少颇为接近:人与大自然的谐调的观念、主要以黑、白两色来作画、并采用大姿态的作画方式,包用泼洒颜料或采用大开大阖的肆纵用笔,这些作画方法都志在泯除人为的控制,以拓展自然流露的生动活泼。 3. spontaneity是什么意思 3. When we have complete continuous sati it will become satipatthana (the four foundations of awareness: kayanupassana, vedananupassana, cittanupassana, dhammanupassana) and we will discover the state that is called absolute spontaneity, autonomy. 当我们有了恒常圆满的觉知,它就会变成「念住」(觉知的四个基柱:身念住、受念住、心念住、法念住),而我们会亲证所谓绝对的自然状态与自主。 4. And I do not allow the sun any spontaneity of its own. 我不同意太阳知道所发生的事情。 5. But I do not allow the soil any spontaneity of its own. 我也不允许太阳有它自己的任何自发性。 6. spontaneity的反义词 6. You need more spontaneity in your life. 你的人生需要多一时冲动。 7. She will see the spontaneity and decisiveness in your approach and it can only work in your favor. 她将看到的自发性和果断在你的做法,它只能工作在你的青睐。 8. As part of nature, human beings manifest spontaneity and freedom. 作为大自然的一部分,体现了人类的自发性和自由。 9. There's a time and a place for spontaneity, too. 也有些随其自然的东西。 10. spontaneity什么意思 10. In both oral and written English, talking is triumphing over speaking, spontaneity over craft. 同样的,对于诗歌来说,非常个性化和富有表现力的创作风格成为了能够表达真实生动含义的唯一形式。 11. spontaneity 11. One of the most important elements of natural spontaneity in landscape design were garden rocks. 假山是景观设计中最重要的天然元素之一。 12. Through to 1 example 82 year old of old age masculine spontaneity aeropleura nursing, sincerely feels the importance which the psychology nurses. 通过对1例82岁老年男性自发性气胸的护理,深切感受到心理护理的重要性。 13. It is also--again, prescriptively as well as descriptively--song, spontaneity, celebration, bliss. 它还是——再次,既是约定俗成的说法,又是描述性的说法——歌唱、自发、颂扬、祝福。 14. In its secondary developments of mental tranquillity, fearlessness, and spontaneity--all faculties of the enlightened mind--the school of Zen has had lasting influence on the cultural life of Japan. 在精神的安静,无畏和自发性的次要发展上——所有文明精神的教导——禅宗学派已经持续地影响了日本的文化生活。 15. 15. In addition, Hume also denied the notions of personality identity and of free will which ensure action its spontaneity and freedom. 流风所及,当代的「行动理论」始终陷於行动是「因果的」,还是「无因果」的爭辩。 16. Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain 能与母语人士进行日常互动,互动时能达到一定的流畅与自然程度,让双方都不会感到吃力。 17. Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party. 能在与以英语为母语的对象做互动时保持一定流畅度,而不会造成双方的紧张。 18. Will be able to interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party. 能够流利和自发地与母语为英语的人士做互动,并且让双方都不会感到吃力。 19. spontaneity是什么意思 19. Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either part. 能就不同主题写出文意清晰、内容详细的篇章;能就特定议题,提出意见并说明不同论点的优劣。 20. Author creates different styles of work because of their specific dimension of the power of spontaneity and convention. 艺术作品不论采取什麼风格,它总来自经验世界,即使你用纯粹的虚构来取代现实,在这一点上,艺术与社会发生联系。 spontaneity 词典解释 1. 自然行为;自发动作 Spontaneity is spontaneous, natural behaviour. e.g. He had the spontaneity of a child. 他有着孩童般的率性。 spontaneity 单语例句 1. She has the right ratio of spontaneity to dazzle audiences in this culture. 2. Now add an element of spontaneity to the experience, et voila! 3. I learned to keep the energy and spontaneity of graffiti but without the limits of the techniques and subject. 4. The festival consists of two days of workshops and performances all centered on hilarity and spontaneity. 5. His combination of wit, irreverence and spontaneity makes him the ideal host. 6. I believe that a live show loses its sense of spontaneity and dramatic tension somewhat if too perfectly orchestrated. 7. The idea comes from Pop Art, which values originality and spontaneity. 8. The aim of ink painting was also influenced by Taoist beliefs, which emphasize spontaneity and harmony with nature. 9. Both spring from individual initiatives, not just individual spontaneity but as serious commitments. 10. He expressed hope that exchanges like this one will display the openness and spontaneity of American culture. spontaneity的意思spontaneity 英英释义 spontaneity在线翻译 noun 1. the quality of being spontaneous and coming from natural feelings without constraint e.g. the spontaneity of his laughter Synonym: spontaneousness |
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