单词 | squire |
释义 | squire [英 [?skwa??(r)] 美 [skwa?r] ] squire的意思、解释 复数形式:squires; squire 基本解释 名词地主,乡绅 squire 相关例句 及物动词 1. The servant squired the lady to the door. 仆人将女士护送到门口。 名词 1. The assistance of a squire was much needed in this case. 这个案子很需要律师的协助。 2. There was no real squire in the village. 这个村子没有真正的大地主。 3. Her entourage consisted of several squires and maids. 她的随行人由几个护卫和侍女构成。 4. squire的反义词 4. When a boy first began his training to become a knight, his title was squire. 开始接受骑士训练的男孩的头衔是扈从。 squire 网络解释 1. 1. 侍从:并非所有年轻人都能完成这样艰苦的练习,最终摘取骑士的头衔006-侍从 侍从(squire)来源于法语的ecuyer,意思是shield-bearer(搬运盾牌的人). 在11、12世纪的欧洲各国,侍从被看做是低人一等的. 但这是一个贵族的孩子成为骑士之前的必经之路. 2. 2. 扈从:14岁时他成为骑士地扈从(Squire),在主人地教诲下学习诸多战争,骑马地技术,并且以准骑士地身份壹直学习和服务到21岁,通过骑士授予礼(Dubbing ceremony)后成为真正地骑士. 3. 乡绅:squint-eyed 斜视的 | squire 乡绅 | squirearchy 地主阶级 squire 双语例句 1. The Squire'll be angry because you married her in secret, and he'll disinherit you. 父亲会因为你偷偷娶了她而生气的,并且会取消你的继承权。 2. If you like beer, head to the fondue-serving gastropub Elbow Room. Chug down a Koenig Ludwig Weissbier from Bavaria, a James Squire Golden Ale from Australia or a Pink Killer from Belgium -- a country big on beer with a touch of fruit, in this case pink grapefruit. 如果你爱喝啤酒,那就去美食酒吧Elbow Room,那里卖的奶酪火锅很适合下酒,你能喝到德国巴伐利亚的Koenig Ludwig Weissbier啤酒,澳大利亚的James Squire Golden Ale麦芽啤酒,还有比利时的粉红犬啤酒。 3. He cowered a little before his nominal son-in-law, a squire's son and a returned student. Today's talk was a distasteful but unavoidable duty. 周经理见了这挂名姑爷,乡绅的儿子,留洋学生,有点畏闪,今天的谈话,是义不容辞,而心非所乐。 4. Now look you, my merry men, that you do no harm to yeomen, or to them that till with the plough, or to the knight or squire who is kind to the poor. 我快乐的人,现在瞧瞧你们,你们并没有小地主,或者一同耕种的人,以及那些对贫穷人仁慈的武士和地主所伤害的人。 5. 5. Menelaus took Ulysses by the hand, and led him out of the press while his squire brought up his chariot, but Ajax rushed furiously on the Trojans and killed Doryclus, a bastard son of Priam; then he wounded Pandocus, Lysandrus, Pyrasus, and Pylartes; as some swollen torrent comes rushing in full flood from the mountains on to the plain, big with the rain of heaven- many a dry oak and many a pine does it engulf, and much mud does it bring down and cast into the sea- even so did brave Ajax chase the foe furiously over the plain, slaying both men and horses. 嗜战的墨奈劳斯抓住俄底修斯的手,带着他冲出人群,而他的驭手则赶着车马,跑至他们身边。随后,埃阿斯开大步,扑向特洛伊人,击倒多鲁克洛斯,普里阿摩斯的私生子,接着又放倒了潘多科斯,鲁桑得罗斯、普拉索斯和普拉耳忒斯。像一条泛滥的大河,从山上浩浩荡荡地泻入平野,推涌着宙斯倾注的雨水,冲走众多枯干的橡树和成片的松林,直到激流卷着大堆的树村,闯入大海――光荣的埃阿斯冲荡在平原上,追逐奔跑,杀马屠人。 6. During an important ceremony, the squire was dressed in red and black. 在重要典礼上,扈从的装扮为红黑服饰。 7. When a boy first begin his training to become a knight, his title is squire. 开始接受骑士训练的男孩的头衔是扈从。 8. A squire carrying the armor of a knight. 携带骑士的盔甲的年轻扈从。 9. squire什么意思 9. Adedaide, I am the squire. I am sorry, but I must attend to this. Adedaide,我是地方官,我很抱歉但是我必须处理这件事情。 10. squire 10. Comparing these algorithms, a new algorithm of circle mark detection and its procedure are given, which is based on moment-based edge operator for sub-pixel edge extraction and least squire fitting for the position of circle marks. The experimental results clearly show that the algorithm can meet the requirement of the area array packaging technology. 然后通过对几种圆标志定位算法进行比较研究,最终给出了基于空间矩亚像素边缘提取和最小二乘拟合计算圆的位置的算法流程,并给出了实验结果,结果表明该算法可以满足面阵列封装芯片所要求的精度。 11. Attend upon as a squire; serve as a squire squirearch n。地主,乡绅 B2B99收辑整理 12. There had come many from the north - seven, by the squire's computation; eight or nine, according to Gray. 从北面射来了许多枪--据乡绅计算是七枪,而据葛雷估计则是八枪到九枪。 13. 13. He is a rich squire in this area. 他是这个地区的富绅。 14. squire的翻译 14. Will your squire be generous if I do, do you think? 我的意思不是让他给我一个工作。 15. Dickert ousted Squire but was dispatched with by Farleigh just as quickly as she headed to finals for a rematch against Lac. 迪克特推翻squire ,但被派到由farleigh正如很快,因为她为首,以决赛为rematch对拉丁美洲和加勒比。 16. We passed ISO9001:2000 in 2000, owing more than 10, 000 squire meters, advanced production equipment, testing equipment, which makes us become a professional factory and the supplier of many known enterprise. 具备各类先进的生产设备和检测仪器,使鸿宝成为最具规模、最具专业、最具实力的生产厂家,目前已成为多家知名品牌企业的合格供商。 17. The fat squire and his wife abandoned the grey, tapestried chamber, and left the black-browed warriors looming from the wall to scowl upon and threaten new guests, or to glare vengefully upon vacancy. 胖乡绅和他的妻子放弃了灰色的挂毯室,留下黑眉毛武士隐隐约约地出现于墙上,对新来的客人瞋目而视,吓唬威胁他们,要不就是对着室内一片空虚,仇恨地虎视眈眈。 18. Treasure Island》CHAPTER8by Robert Louis StevensonWHEN I had done breakfasting the squire... 宝岛》第八章作者:罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森在我吃过早饭后,乡绅给我一张写给约翰。 19. A squire approaches you and hands you a spotless suit of Plate Mail. 一个侍从递给你一件插得干干净净的钢甲。 20. International Trade Grand Hall: With area of 1108 Squire Meters for meetings of 800 persons or events for 500 persons: RMB16000 per day. 国贸宴会厅:面积1180平米,可容纳800人的会议及500人的宴会,RMB16000/天 squire 词典解释 1. (旧时英国的)乡绅,大地主 In former times, the squire of an English village was the man who owned most of the land in it. 2. 先生(有些男性对不相识的同性友好的尊称) Some men use squire to address a man they do not know in a friendly but respectful way. e.g. Hard luck, squire. 运气真差,先生。 squire 英英释义 noun 1. an English country landowner 2. young nobleman attendant on a knight 3. a man who attends or escorts a woman Synonym: gallant squire什么意思 verb 1. attend upon as a squire serve as a squire |
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