单词 | stagnation |
释义 | stagnation [英 [st?ɡ'ne??n] 美 [st?ɡ?ne??n] ] stagnation的意思、解释 stagnation 基本解释 名词滞止; 淤塞,停滞; 不景气 stagnation 网络解释 1. 停滞,萧条,不景气:scarcity 短缺 | stagnation 停滞,萧条,不景气 | underdevelopment 不发达 stagnation 双语例句 1. In the face of these difficulties, the human brain will be ready to enter a phase of stagnation. 在困难面前,人的大脑会进入一个蓄势待发的停滞阶段。 2. stagnation 2. Heat loss coefficient; irradiation; stagnation parameter 热损系数;闷晒太阳曝辐量;空晒性能参数 3. Then it is thought that the stagnation of spleen is the key of hyperlipidemia and insulin resistance. 湿热致病的过程中,气机失调是人体正气方面的最主要病理改变。 4. In describing the state of a fluid at any point along its flow, it is convenient to consider the stagnation state as a reference state. 在描述国家的流体在任何一点,沿其流,这是方便的考虑停滞状态作为参考状态。 5. People eat after a meal, food into the stomach to go through 1-2 hours of the digestion process can be slow discharged from the stomach, if immediately after a meal to eat into a lot of fruit, food will be overcast stagnation in the stomach, if staying in the stomach Long time, it will cause abdominal distention, diarrhea or constipation and other symptoms, Tianchangrijiu, will lead to digestive disorders. 人吃饱饭后,食物进入胃内需要经过1-2小时的消化过程,才能缓慢从胃中排出,饭后如果马上吃进很多水果,就会被食物阴滞在胃内,在胃内如果停留时间过长,就会引起腹胀、腹泻或便秘等症状,天长日久,将导致消化功能紊乱。 6. I do not know if I eat a certain stagnation of these are clean and sanitary. 我不知道我吃的这些是滞一定干净卫生。 7. 7. Before the political unification of Sichuan Province, the social education in Sichuan was placed in stagnation because of being influenced by warlord conflict. 川政统一前,四川社会教育因受军阀混战影响而处于停滞状态。 8. stagnation的反义词 8. Many Chinese officials tell us that they believe the origin of Japan's stagnation for the 20 years after its housing bubble burst lies in its failure to stand up to US pressure for the yen to appreciate. 许多中国官员告诉我们,他们认为,日本之所以在住宅泡沫破裂后经济停滞20年之久,其根源就在于日本未能抵制住美国要求日元升值的压力。 9. 9. In the diachronic attention and induction of Feng Zhi`s poetry, It could be found that traditional Chinese and western culture was not showing great or direct force all at once, but had its very process of infiltration from the outside to the inside. Nor was Feng Zhi wholeheartedly embraced and simply patched them up, he was standing on the 20th century in China and on the need of his own life. He studied, absorbed, used and created them selectively, unified all with his own word, finally brought out glory of the poet himself. Yet his gain of glory was not in plain sailing at all, in his 70-year-period of poetry writing career, he suffered every difficulties, failure and misery, even stopped his writing for three times` long-term. Stagnation was not to give up but to think and wait. Every leaving and returning had its reason, which decided by the inner regularity of his creation and the request of his taste. 在对冯至诗歌进行历时性的关注与梳理时我们发现,中西文化并非一蹴而就地在其创作里显现强大直接的作用力,而自有逐渐渗透、由表及里的过程;冯至也不是全盘接受,把二者加以简单拼接,他立足于20世纪的中国、立足于自身生命的需要,有选择地学习、吸收、使用,创造,使它们统一于他的诗笔,焕发出属于诗人本身的光彩;光彩的获得亦非一帆风顺:在漫长的诗歌生涯里,冯至经受了跌宕、挫折,困顿……甚至三度长时间停止写诗,停滞不是放弃,是思索与等待,每一次辍笔与每一次重新提笔都不是没有缘故的,而是由他诗歌创作的内在规律性决定的,是由他对诗歌的审美要求决定的,它们与冯至之融合、处理我国与西方的文学遗产息息相关。 10. Nor was Feng Zhi wholeheartedly embraced and simply patched them up, he was standing on the 20th century in China and on the need of his own life. He studied, absorbed, used and created them selectively, unified all with his own word, finally brought out glory of the poet himself. Yet his gain of glory was not in plain sailing at all, in his 70-year-period of poetry writing career, he suffered every difficulties, failure and misery, even stopped his writing for three times'long-term. Stagnation was not to give up but to think and wait. Every leaving and returning had its reason, which decided by the inner regularity of his creation and the request of his taste. How they mixed with Feng Zhi's work was closely related to both Chinese and western inheritance. 在对冯至诗歌进行历时性的关注与梳理时我们发现,中西文化并非一蹴而就地在其创作里显现强大直接的作用力,而自有逐渐渗透、由表及里的过程;冯至也不是全盘接受,把二者加以简单拼接,他立足于20世纪的中国、立足于自身生命的需要,有选择地学习、吸收、使用,创造,使它们统一于他的诗笔,焕发出属于诗人本身的光彩;光彩的获得亦非一帆风顺:在漫长的诗歌生涯里,冯至经受了跌宕、挫折,困顿……甚至三度长时间停止写诗,停滞不是放弃,是思索与等待,每一次辍笔与每一次重新提笔都不是没有缘故的,而是由他诗歌创作的内在规律性决定的,是由他对诗歌的审美要求决定的,它们与冯至之融合、处理我国与西方的文学遗产息息相关。 11. Theoretical studies of solvent effects on the reaction of complexing ethylene and nickel dithiolene have been carried out by calculating the molecular geometry, electron distribution, and frequency of all the stagnation points existing in the reaction potential profiles by means of density functional theory methods at the B3LYP/6-31G level. 用密度泛函理论在B3LYP/6-31G水平上计算得到了镍连二硫烯与乙烯反应的势能面上各驻点(反应物、中间体、产物和两个过渡态)的分子几何构型、电荷分布和一些热力学参数等,研究了溶剂对镍连二硫烯与乙烯反应的影响。 12. It was found that most of the primary dysmenorrhea was caused by blood stasis due to cold stagnation in this study on the basis of theories on western medicine and TCM, related researches and developments, and practices. Method: 30 patients with primary dysmenorrhea due to cold stasis were treated by Shaofuzhuyu Tang. The lower abdominal pain and other clinical symptoms were compared with before and after the treatments. 本研究在复习了有关中西医理论和近代研究进展的基础上,结合临床实践经验,认为原发性痛经患者因寒凝血瘀而致者较多见,选用王清任的少腹逐瘀汤为主方,运用治疗前后痛经程度和临床症状的自身对照,观察少腹逐瘀汤治疗寒凝血瘀证原发性痛经30例的效果。 13. Banking capacity and yield is not high enough, will be to commodity production and circulation of such a huge cash flow stagnation. 银行业务的容量不够和屈从不高,将会给商品生产和流通、资金周转等带来巨大的停滞。 14. For example: the professional adjustment of the Daytime, for a number of reasons that make it difficult to keep up with changes in the market and After stagnation in the level of employment of graduates channels reflected. 比如:专业的调整,在公办大学,由于多方面原因,使之变化难以跟上市场的步伐,后滞的问题在毕业生就业层次渠道等方面反映出来。 15. stagnation在线翻译 15. With increasing nozzle separation, the stagnation point offset of the impinging plane increased. 随着喷嘴间距的增大,相同气速比导致的撞击面驻点的偏移量增大。 16. 16. In fact, it is their reverence of the old ways that has brought the empire to a point of stagnation, in a world that has gradually kept moving on. 事实上,正是他们自身的顽固守旧,导致在整个世界迅猛发展之时,老大帝国依然停滞不前。 17. That dooms the world to decades of stagnation, decline and poverty... 由此而来数十年的经济滞胀,下降和贫穷。。。 18. A new kind of filter for Pareto solutions is presented. And a kind of critertion judging the stagnation of the particles in particle swarm optimization based on the filter is proposed. Based on which, a kind of multi-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm is proposed. 通过设计一种Pareto解集过滤器,并在此基础上给出多目标优化条件下的微粒群算法群体停滞判断准则,基于该准则提出了一种多目标微粒群优化算法。 19. 19. They came of age in Japan`s lost decade of economic stagnation. 他们成年于日本经济停滞的失落的十年。 20. 20. A number of emerging economies have also emerged the phenomenon of economic stagnation. 阿一些新兴经济体也出现了经济停滞的现象。 stagnation 单语例句stagnation的意思 1. Stagnation in property sales and capital chain rupture would leave banks subject to high risk, which would in turn put the country's economy in danger. 2. More importantly, the other constituent element of stagflation is economic stagnation. 3. Yang said the peace process in the Middle East has long been struck in stagnation, which puts the peace and stability of the region at a disadvantage. 4. Several companies considering locating in Topeka decided against it, a serious blow for a city which has been fighting economic stagnation for years. 5. People vented their disenchantment caused by economic stagnation and their discontent with the government, hoping that the administration could improve its governance. 6. Some people have suggested that a further interest rate rise could worsen the situation and send China onto the track of economic stagnation. 7. Besides, the past few years have seen many Arab countries fall into economic stagnation. 8. But Japan continues to experience economic stagnation, because the global financial crisis has curbed demands in the US and the EU. 9. People talk about Mao not because they want to go back to the economic stagnation and the political frenzy of those times. 10. Aggressive government investment has indeed rid the national economy of the feared dangers of economic stagnation. stagnation的解释stagnation 英英释义 noun 1. a state of inactivity (in business or art etc) e.g. economic growth of less than 1% per year is considered to be economic stagnation Synonym: stagnancydoldrums 2. inactivity of liquids being stagnant standing still without current or circulation Synonym: stagnancy |
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