单词 | monstrous |
释义 | monstrous [英 [?m?nstr?s] 美 [?mɑ:nstr?s] ] monstrous的意思、解释 monstrous 基本解释 形容词巨大的; 畸形的; 丑陋的; 与传说中怪物相象的 monstrous 相关例句 形容词 1. They complain that the monstrous edifices interfere with television reception. 他们抱怨说,那些怪物般的庞大建筑,干扰了电视接收。 2. Your behaviour in class is monstrous! 你在课堂上的行为真是丢人! 3. monstrous 3. It is monstrous to preach hatred. 向人们鼓吹仇恨,这种行径太可恶了。 monstrous 网络解释 1. 1. 巨大的:monstrosity 畸形 | monstrous 巨大的 | monsveneris 阴阜 2. 怪物似的:monster 怪物 | monstrous 怪物似的 | month 月 3. 3. 妖魔鬼怪般的:witch 巫婆 | monstrous 妖魔鬼怪般的 | haunted 闹鬼的 4. 4. 可怕的;极大的:prosperous 繁荣的,昌盛的 | monstrous 可怕的;极大的 | octopus 章鱼 monstrous 双语例句 1. Finally, everyone I`ve ever met has a monstrous, overly developed inner critic, which I call the Gremlin. 最后,我见过的每个怪物,过于发达的评论家内,我称之为小鬼。 2. monstrous 2. V: What was done to me was monstrous. 他们施加在我身上的是禽兽不如的行径 3. Qi harmonic persons, who are also Monstrous. 齐谐者,谁也怪异。 4. 4. It was the history of a courtesan, and Nana was very indignant, declaring the whole thing to be untrue and expressing angry dislike to that kind of monstrous literature which pretends to paint from nature. 她读完后很气愤,她说故事很不真实,而且对这种标榜描写现实生活的淫秽文学表示反感和愤慨。 5. The cost of controlling so monstrous a force-if it could be done at all-was beyond reckoning. 成本控制等弥天的力量,如果它可以做到在所有被清算以后。 6. 6. Now the leg would be cut off at the knee, now at the hip; now he was a monstrous kind of a creature who had never had but the one leg, and that in the middle of his body. 一会儿是腿被齐膝砍断,一会儿是齐臀部;一会儿他又是个什么都没有,只有一条长在身体中央的腿的奇形怪状的家伙。 7. monstrous 7. What was done to me was monstrous. 他们对我做的事是非常可怖的 8. The Japanese aggression of China with glaring arms together with the invisibly killing weapon of opium resulted in a monstrous offence to Chinese people. 日本帝国主义将这个杀人不见血的软武器与赤裸裸的武力侵略结合在一起,对中国人民犯下了滔天罪行。 9. One day Dallisto suddenly found herself changed into abear, with monstrous jaws and bloodshot eyes. 一天凯里斯特忽然间发现自己变了一只大熊,长着恶般的嘴巴和的眼睛。 10. 10. It was followed on March 23 by an equally monstrous order by Martin Bormann, the Fuehrer's secretary, a molelike man who had now gained a position at court second to none among the Nazi satraps 元首的秘书马丁·鲍曼接着在3月23日发表了一道同样荒唐的命令,这个地鼠一样的人现在在希特勒宫廷中的地位超过任何其它纳粹暴吏。 11. A segregation of the Turkish fleet: For do but stand upon the foaming shore, The chidden billow seems to pelt the clouds; The wind-shaked surge, with high and monstrous mane, seems to cast water on the burning bear, And quench the guards of the ever-fixed pole 你只要站在白沫飞溅的海岸上,就可以看见咆哮的汹涛直冲云霄,被狂风卷起的怒浪奔腾山立,好像要把海水浇向光明的大熊星上,熄灭那照耀北极的永古不移的斗宿一样。 12. The writer thinks the revolution sensus of the electronic commerce mainly has three:Imprimis, it is a monstrous new industry. 笔者认为,电子商务的革命性意义主要有三:第一,它是一个巨大的新产业。 13. He summons the Red Ribbon Army's secret weapon, the monstrous Android Number 8! 这一次他找来了黑绸军的秘密武器——大怪物人造人8号! 14. It is a monstrous absurdity to call a man like him a hero. 称他这样一个人叫英雄,真是咄咄怪事。 15. The lake is good for nothing except sea-fowl, herons, and oysters, and forms such a place as they call in the Indies a lagoon; being shut off from the open Channel by a monstrous great beach or dike of pebbles, of which I shall speak more hereafter. 这个湖水除了有海鸥、苍鹭和牡蛎之外真是一无是处,这样的一个地方人们称之为泻湖。从一个明渠被一片广大的海滩而砾石堤所切断,我将以后再作细说。 16. War with all our might and with all the strength God has given us, and to wage war against a monstrous tyranny never s urpassed in the dark and lamentable cata logue of human crime. 尽我们的全力,尽上帝赋予我们的全部力量去作战,对人类黑暗,可悲的罪恶史上空前凶残的暴政作战。这就是我们的政策。 17. monstrous 17. Thus Satan talking to his neerest Mate With Head up-lift above the wave, and Eyes That sparkling blaz'd, his other Parts besides Prone on the Flood, extended long and large [195] Lay floating many a rood, in bulk as huge As whom the Fables name of monstrous size, Titanian, or Earth-born, that warr'd on Jove, Briareos or Typhon, whom the Den By ancient Tarsus held, or that Sea-beast [200] Leviathan, which God of all his works Created hugest that swim th'Ocean stream: Him haply slumbring on the Norway foam The Pilot of some small night-founder'd Skiff, Deeming some Island, oft, as Sea-men tell, [205] With fixed Anchor in his skaly rind Moors by his side under the Lee, while Night Invests the Sea, and wished Morn delayes: So stretcht out huge in length the Arch-fiend lay Chain'd on the burning Lake, nor ever thence [210] Had ris'n or heav'd his head, but that the will And high permission of all-ruling Heaven Left him at large to his own dark designs, That with reiterated crimes he might Heap on himself damnation, while he sought [215] Evil to others, and enrag'd might see How all his malice serv'd but to bring forth Infinite goodness, grace and mercy shewn On Man by him seduc't, but on himself Treble confusion, wrath and vengeance pour'd. V2:撒但这样对他最亲近的伙伴说着,把他的头抬出火焰的波浪上面,两只眼睛,发射着炯炯的光芒,身体的其他部分平伏在火的洪流上,又长又大的肢体,平浮几十丈,体积之大,正象神话中的怪物,象那跟育芙作战的巨人泰坦,地母之子,或象百手巨人布赖利奥斯,或是古代那把守塔苏斯岩洞的百头神台芬,或者象那海兽列未坦,就是上帝所创造的一切能在大海洪波里游泳的生物中最巨大的怪物:据舟子们说,他有时在汹涌的挪威海面上打瞌睡,常有小舟夜航而遇险的时候,以为他是个岛屿,抛锚扎在他的鳞皮上,碇泊在他身旁的背风处,在黑夜的笼罩中等待姗姗来迟的黎明。大魔王就是这样横陈巨体,被锁在炎炎的火湖上面,既不能起立,也不能昂起头来,但由于那统治万汇的天神的意志和他的洪量,让他自由地得逞阴谋,他心想危害别人,却终于加重自己的罪行,刑上加刑,让他懊恼地看见自己一切的恶意怎样在他所引诱的人身上带来无穷的善意、恩惠和怜悯,而在他自己身上却招来了三倍的慌乱、惩罚和报复。 18. Slaves… it was beyond the limit of what I could take and I couldn't do my work at all, not only because she was making things difficult for me and I was much distracted by her monstrous behaviour towards the working staff, more importantly it was because I simply couldn't help wondering in my mind how unconvincing and hypocritical her words to the interviewer were and I simply couldn't concentrate. 她对任何人都没有起码的尊重,对人如对奴隶……我对其真是忍无可忍,觉得根本没有办法进行我的工作。不仅仅是因为她的刁难和不体谅,因为她对待工作人员的粗暴行为让我无法集中精神翻译;更重要的是我心里忍不住想,她对记者所说实在是虚伪的可以呀,我思想不能集中。 19. It was beyond the limit of what I could take and I couldn't do my work at all, not only because she was making things difficult for me and I was much distracted by her monstrous behaviour towards the working staff, more importantly it was because I simply couldn't help wondering in my mind how unconvincing and hypocritical her words to the interviewer were and I simply couldn't concentrate. 我对其真是忍无可忍,觉得根本没有办法进行我的工作。不仅仅是因为她的刁难和不体谅,因为她对待工作人员的粗暴行为让我无法集中精神翻译;更重要的是我心里忍不住想,她对记者所说实在是虚伪的可以呀,我思想不能集中。 20. The gains are monstrous, but the losses are far, far worse for those outside the loop.... 该成果是巨大的,但损失远差的人以外的环。。。。 monstrous 词典解释 1. 骇人听闻的;极不公正的 If you describe a situation or event as monstrous, you mean that it is extremely shocking or unfair. e.g. She endured the monstrous behaviour for years... 多年来,她一直忍受着这种骇人听闻的暴行。 e.g. I just hope the people who committed this monstrous evil will be able to live with themselves. 我只是希望犯下这种骇人罪行的人能承受良心的谴责。 monstrously Your husband's family has behaved monstrously. 你婆家人的行为实在可恶。 2. (令人不悦之物)巨大的;特大规模的 If you describe an unpleasant thing as monstrous, you mean that it is extremely large in size or extent. e.g. ...a monstrous copper edifice... 又大又难看的铜制建筑物 e.g. It was blowing a monstrous gale. 狂风肆虐。 monstrously It would be monstrously unfair... 这样会极不公正。 Monstrously inflated prices are designed to keep people like us at bay. 疯狂飞涨的价格会使像我们这样的人走投无路。 3. 可怕的;丑陋怪异的 If you describe something as monstrous, you mean that it is extremely frightening because it appears unnatural or ugly. e.g. ...the film's monstrous fantasy figure. 电影里虚构出来的恐怖形象 monstrous 单语例句 1. Together they encounter a pair of female con artists and combat a monstrous villain. 2. Guarding the monstrous Ramos proved too tall an order for Zhai and Zhu, whose scoring momentum was hampered by fierce body contact in the paint. 3. I reminisce of my childhood that it was a monstrous statue, as I now stand dwarfed under the China Pavilion. 4. The controversy has grown into such monstrous proportions that it appears to have touched a raw nerve with the authorities. 5. It was a monstrous performance by Nowitzki, who seemed to swish nearly everything he put up. 6. Cosplay characters are easy for them, whether monstrous insects or sexy goddesses. 7. " The campaign against this monstrous disease started late in our province, " said Wu. 8. But the incident reminded me of my childhood when I had to dodge monstrous barking dogs in my apartment building. 9. This may sound like a monstrous task but it is achievable and needed. monstrous 英英释义 adj 1. distorted and unnatural in shape or size abnormal and hideous e.g. tales of grotesque serpents eight fathoms long that churned the seas twisted into monstrous shapes Synonym: grotesque 2. shockingly brutal or cruel e.g. murder is an atrocious crime a grievous offense against morality a grievous crime no excess was too monstrous for them to commit Synonym: atrociousflagitiousgrievous 3. abnormally large |
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