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单词 steroid
    steroid [英 [?ster??d] 美 [?st?r???d, ?st?r-] ]
    steroid 基本解释
    steroid 网络解释
    1. 类固醇:(二)类固醇 类固醇(steroid)是环戊稠全氢化菲的衍生物. 天然的类固醇分子中的双键数目和位置,取代基团的类型、数目和位置,取代基团与环状核之间的构型,环与环之间的构型各不相同. 其化学结构是由三个六碳环已烷(a、b、c)和一个五碳环(d)组成的稠和回环化合物.
    2. 糖皮质激素:再如,药物的影响,在青春期前开始长期大量地应用糖皮质激素(steroid),反而抑制了下丘脑-脑下垂体--肾上腺轴的功能,造成肾皮质功能减退甚至萎缩,分泌的雄性激素减少或不分泌,就会阴毛稀疏或无阴毛.
    3. steroid的翻译
    3. 固醇类:脂质与蛋白质共同组成细胞膜,细胞膜在细胞之间与细胞内的讯息传递十分重要,许多固醇类(steroid)贺尔蒙也属於脂质. 5)染色体外之DNA 质体(plasmids) 在叶绿体及粒线体 ,或质体
    steroid 双语例句
    1. Diosgenin, a steroidal sapogenin is extracted from the root of wild yam. It has been reported to have various biological activites, including reducing blood sugar, synthesizing steroid hormone, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.
    2. steroid的翻译
    2. Many of the symptoms of hypoadrenalism are due to a deficiency of the steroid hormone cortisol, which is a potentially fatal deficiency if left uncorrected.
    3. Methods MRI of 34 patients with ANFH were reviewed, of whom 17 cases resulted from long-term steroid administration, 7 cases from ethanol abuse, 6 cases from dislocated fracture of the hip, 4 cases from inflammation.
    4. Some athletes choose to lower their blood pressure in such cases with a prescription medication like Catapres, but most find this an appropriate time to discontinue steroid use.
    一些运动员选择降低他们的血压在这种情况下,与处方药一样Catapres ,但大多数认为这适当的时候停止使用类固醇。
    5. The identification of steroid derivatives is performed under atmospheric pressure chemical ionization source in positive ion mode.
    6. Peroxisome proliferator-activated eceptor gammais a member of the steroid hormone nuclear receptor family which plays an important role in glucose metabolism, however, it also has beneficial effects on inflammation, fibration, immunization, atherosclerosis and so on.
    7. We also observed more frequent positive anti-RNP, fever, C-reactive protein, and increase in steroid dosage or hospitalization within 1 month before visiting ED in group A, but hemoglobin level and platelet count were lower.
    8. Steroid sprays like Flonase, Nasonex and Rhinocort, which work by reducing inflammation to promote drainage in the sinuses, are often prescribed to treat chronic sinusitis and allergies symptoms.
    9. nodular dermal vasculitis in lower extremities are often seen clinically in middle-age women, and are evoked by many causes. Some laboratory examinations have abnormal outcomes and we think these are related with autoimmune reactions of nodular dermal vasculitis. We can make diagnosis with clinical character of erythema and nodose lesions in lower extremities, laboratory examinations and histopathology inspection. Antibiotics, non- Steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, anti-tubercle drugs and corticosteroids are effective drugs.
    10. The specific diosegen they chose to extract from the wild yam is virtually identical with a synthetic steroid known as methandriol dipropionate.
    他们选择从狂放的薯类提取的具体diosegen 是实际上完全相同和综合性类固醇以methandriol dipropionate 著名。
    11. Wild Yam also contains diosgenin, a steroid-like substance that when used in small doses in its natural form as Wild Yam increases fertility.
    12. A range of shampoos, emollient products and some topical steroid preparations can be bought from pharmacies.
    13. steroid的反义词
    13. Methods Serum ACTH and steroid hormones of the family members were measured by radioimmunassay, enzym-immunoassay. A short ACTH test was performed in the patients'parents and a sibling without apparent symptoms.
    收集临床资料,用放免、酶免等方法测定患者及家系成员的ACTH及类固醇激素水平,并对患者家系中的杂合子进行了1h ACTH兴奋试验。
    14. We present this unusual case and suggest the necessity of intensive follow-up in croup patients with steroid therapy.
    15. steroid是什么意思
    15. Interleukin-6 (IL-6) is a multifunctional cytokine produced by many different cell types. It involves in the regulation of immune response, hematopoiesis, acute-phase reaction and bone metabolism. There are many data demonstrated influence of IL-6 on periodontitis. High levels of IL-6 were found at sites in diseased patients and significantly associated with severity and activity of disease. Vitamin D receptor is a member of the steroid receptor family and mediates the effects of the 1, 25〓, by regulating transcription of a number of different cel1uar genes. It play a role in bone metabolism, immune response, internal secretion and cell differentiation.
    中文题名白细胞介素6、维生素D受体基因多态性与四川地区汉族慢性牙周炎的关系研究副题名外文题名 Association of IL-6 and vitamin D recpetor gene polymorphism with chronic periodontitis of Han nationality 论文作者马文波导师章锦才教授学科专业口腔临床医学研究领域研究方向学位级别博士学位授予单位四川大学学位授予日期2002 论文页码总数75页关键词基因多态性维生素D受体白细胞介素6 牙周炎馆藏号BSLW /2003 /R781 /28 牙周炎是口腔中常见的的慢性炎症性疾病,它的发生是遗传和环境多种因素共同影响的结果。
    16. The limitation of our study is that we have no determination of steroid content inside herb drugs, and hope that further research should be directed to resolve this problem.
    17. When it occurs, it is usually found in association with metabolic disease (particularly glycogen storage disease), anabolic steroid therapy for Fanconi anemia, or oral contraceptive therapy.
    18. The original theory behind using steroid medications to treat septic shock was that doctors hoped it would reduce the inflammation that accompanies septic shock, according to Sprung. However, along with anti-inflammatory action, steroids can also suppress the immune system, which may be detrimental for someone fighting an infection.
    19. This article discussed the curative effects of immune globulin for MG And a contrast study of 62 MG patients with IVIg and adreno cortico steroid treatment was conducted.
    目的 为研究免疫球蛋白对重症肌无力的治疗效果,对62例MG患者进行了免疫球蛋白及肾上腺皮质激素治疗的对比研究。
    20. steroid
    20. Objective This article discussed the curative effects of immune globulin for MG And a contrast study of 62 MG patients with IVIg and adreno cortico steroid treatment was conducted.
    目的 为研究免疫球蛋白对重症肌无力的治疗效果,对62例MG患者进行了免疫球蛋白及肾上腺皮质激素治疗的对比研究。
    steroid 词典解释
    1. 类固醇(运动员服用后可增强体力)
    A steroid is a type of chemical substance found in your body. Steroids can be artificially introduced into the bodies of athletes to improve their strength.
    steroid 单语例句
    1. Afflicted by the lingering side effects of using steroid she even feels worn out when doing nothing.
    2. The world and Olympic 100m champion Gatlin tested positive for the steroid testosterone in April, but the test result was not announced until late July.
    3. Anderson has served time in prison for dealing steroids, charges brought in connection to the BALCO steroid distribution scandal.
    4. Conte has pleaded not guilty to steroid conspiracy charges and Graham denied to investigators that he supplied Jones with steroids.
    5. Roger Clemens and Alex Rodriguez faced dual allegations of steroid use and adultery.
    6. Thank goodness that steroid crisis in the game is over with now!
    7. Greece is ditching its affair with the euro and Europe cannot decide between austerity or growth on the back of a stimulus steroid injection.
    8. Jones told the court last week that she believed the steroid her coach was giving to her was flaxseed oil.
    9. Health officials reported Monday that fifteen people had died from fungal meningitis linked to steroid shots.
    10. Defense lawyer Allen Ruby countered that Bonds'statements to the grand jury were truthful and did not disrupt the government's steroid investigation.
    steroid 英英释义
    1. any hormone affecting the development and growth of sex organs
    Synonym: steroid hormonesex hormone
    2. any of several fat-soluble organic compounds having as a basis 17 carbon atoms in four rings
    many have important physiological effects




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