单词 | stigma |
释义 | stigma [英 [?st?gm?] 美 [?st?ɡm?] ] stigma的意思、解释 复数形式:stigmas; stigma 基本解释 stigma 名词烙印; 耻辱,污名; (病的)特征; [植] 柱头 stigma 相关例句 名词 1. stigma的近义词 1. Her behavior will leave a stigma on her family. 她的行为将给她的家庭留下污名。 stigma 网络解释 1. stigma 1. 柱头:花类中药的药用部位 花类中药的药用部位主要包括干燥的单花(flos)、花序和花的一部分.完整的花多数药用花蕾,少部分为开放的花和花序;花的一部分包括柱头(stigma)、花粉(pollen)、雄蕊(stamen)、花冠、花萼(calyx)、总苞(involucrum 2. 汚点:不相信祖先之神祗的人,就会被看作是坏人,看作什么坏事都干得的人,这一污点(stigma)尤其与哲学家分不开. 在这种环境中,苏格拉底看来就不得不在外表上与别人保持一致,就算不是为了他自己,怎么说也是为了哲学. 然而, stigma 双语例句 1. stigma的反义词 1. But perhaps even more significant, they will encounter a social stigma that many of the 83 million other disabled Chinese face. 但或许更重要的是,他们还要面对其他八千三百万残疾人士在中国面对的问题--受损的社会声誉。 2. Think about myself, I can not help but shame, there is a ray of my heart can not erase the stigma. 想想自己,我不禁无地自容,心头有一丝无法抹去的耻辱。 3. We didn't want him to grow up with the stigma of... 我们不想他背负着。。。 4. It's a stigma to ask for money. 要钱是一种耻辱。 5. If that human can beat him, it could be a stigma to us. 如果那个人类可以打败他,对于我们来说,这会是一个耻辱。 6. stigma是什么意思 6. It should be noted that, in many countries, the stigma of AIDS is still that we face a great challenge. 需要注意的是,在许多国家,对艾滋病人的污点仍是我们所面对的一个巨大挑战。 7. stigma 7. My blog actually be read with this group of people, I think that stigma. 我的blog居然被这样一群人阅读着,我觉得耻辱。 8. Style 1, filiform, included or exserted; stigma capitate, or 2- or 3-globulose. 花柱1,丝状,包括或;柱头头状,或2或3 globulose。 9. This result shows that the number of pollen reaching on the stigma in Liriodendron chinese is not equivalent. 研究结果表明:中国鹅掌楸不同花期开放的各个花朵,所接收到的花粉量是不—致的,在中期开放的花朵接收花粉量较多。 10. Malpighian tubule, fat body, and stigma of the fifth instar larvae and were analyzed by Western blotting. The results showed that BmRRM only existed in seminal gland, epidermis and fat body. 以家蚕Bm5细胞进行免疫细胞化学实验,BmRRM蛋白在整个细胞周期主要分布于细胞核,仅少量分布于细胞质。 11. stigma 11. Octagonal, a carved dragon cricket moire, the stigma goes, boards, overhead for the school open set, marble pillar of practical value and the gradual loss of a very strong artistic decorations. 八角形,雕有蟋龙云纹,柱头有云板,校顶置承露盘,华表的实用价值逐渐丧失而成为一项艺术性很强的装饰品。 12. stigma在线翻译 12. At Gokul, a residential school provides shelter and education for AIDS orphans who have often been denied both due to stigma and discrimination. 在印度,一所住宅区学校为因受歧视而不能接受学校教育的艾滋孤儿提供教育和庇佑。 13. stigma是什么意思 13. Ovary glabrous or pubescent near base; stigma dilated, discoidal. 子房无毛的或短柔毛近基部;柱头扩大,discoidal。 14. Full realization of human rights for all is essential element in global response, reducing vulnerability to HIV/AIDS and prevents stigma and discrimination 对人权的充分认识从全球的回应来看是必要因素,降低艾滋病/病毒的感染力,防止羞辱和歧视 15. Leaf blade subrounded or broadly cuneate at base; stigma 6-lobed at margin, lobes with a white hollow on adaxial surface 叶片近圆形或宽楔形在基部;浅裂的柱头6在边缘,裂片具一白色空在正面上 25 ASPIDISTRA zongbayi 粽粑叶 16. In our paper, we describe a new species, Priochirusmagnificus sp. nov., from Yunnan Province, China. A species, P. abori Bernhauer is recorded for the first time from China. 本文记述产于我国云南的齿隐翅虫属斑齿隐翅虫亚属1新种,硕斑齿隐翅虫Priochirus(Stigma-tochirus)magnificus sp.nov,及1新纪录种,阿斑齿隐翅虫Priochirusabori Bernhauer。 17. 1St Week: A general introduction to the nature and contents of the course; an investigation of students'acquired knowledge of literature in general; a brief introduction to African-American literature 2nd and 3rd Weeks: Rediscovering an Invisible Culture (Why Black culture had been unknown and unobserved for several decades; how it came to be rediscovered) 4th to 6th Weeks: Double Consciousness (the marginal perspective in Language, Oral Culture, Folklore and Religion Reading representative works by three Black writers of racial consciousness: Douglass, Washington and Bu Bois 7th to 9th Weeks: Minstrelsy (Imitation, Parody and Travesty in Black-White interaction rituals 1830--1920 Reading the novel about the Black life: Uncle Tom's Cabin 10th to 12th Weeks: Social Mobility and Cultural Stigma: The case of Chicago Jazz 1920--1930; Reading poems by Hughes and novels by Wright 13th to 15th Weeks: Oral Tradition and the Quest for Literacy: The crisis of Black writers from Philips Wheatley to Ralph Ellison; Reading the masterpiece of Ellison 16th to 18th Weeks: Contemporary Afro-American Culture: the sixties and seventies (efforts on reconstructing the Black identiy and Black history Reading novels by Morrison 第1周:介绍课程性质、内容,了解学生相关文学背景,简要概括黑人文学历史第2-3周:再现黑人文化(黑人文化长期被掩盖的事实和原因,重新被发现的原因和过程)第4-6周:双重意识(语言、吟唱文学、民俗民谣、宗教的边缘化),阅读黑人种族意识三代伟大启蒙家道格拉斯、华盛顿、杜波伊斯的代表作第7-9周:吟游文学(黑人与白人的文化互动过程中的模仿、戏仿、曲仿),阅读第一部反映黑人生活的小说《汤姆叔叔的小屋》第10-12周:社会动荡与文化耻辱(芝加哥爵士乐的兴起、流行和影响),阅读休斯和赖特的代表作第13-15周:口头文学传统与争取教育权利的斗争(从惠特利到埃里森的黑人作家危机),阅读拉尔夫·埃里森的代表作第16-18周:六、七十年代以来的美国黑人文化(重建身份和重建历史的努力),阅读莫里森的代表作每位参加该课程学习的学生均须严格出勤,按时完成学读任务,每学期主持两次小型(10分钟)学术报告,第一次针对老师推荐的作家作品做一个专题报告,第二次针对自己的学期研究计划做一个选题前瞻性和可行性报告。 18. It was considered that a few of pollen grains on the stigma was one of the main reasons making seed setting rate decrease. 研究表明,花粉量偏少影响受精是导致结实率偏低的最主要原因之一。 19. stigma的近义词 19. The study revealed that those living in large cities that underwent mandatory HIV testing and experienced discrimination were most likely to have higher levels of perceived stigma. 中国存在着与艾滋病相关的耻辱和歧视问题,深入研究耻辱和歧视问题有助于采取切实可行的措施控制艾滋病的进一步蔓延。 20. Then last December, it expanded the program to auction off loans to cash-strapped banks, seeking to overcome a perceived stigma from banks getting direct assistance from the Fed. 然后在去年12月,它扩大了计划拍卖的贷款,现金拮据的银行,寻求克服了知觉的耻辱从银行获得的直接援助,从美联储。 stigma 词典解释 1. 耻辱;污名 If something has a stigma attached to it, people think it is something to be ashamed of. stigma在线翻译 e.g. There is a strong argument for remaining an unmarried mother. There's no stigma attached any more... 有强有力的理由来支持未婚妈妈。这再也不是什么丢脸的事了。 e.g. There is very little stigma attached to crime and criminals. 人们几乎都不把犯罪和罪犯视为一种耻辱。 2. (花朵的)柱头 The stigma of a flower is the top of the centre part which takes in pollen. stigma stigma 单语例句 1. You'll have a long way to go before you are able to cleanse yourself of the stigma. 2. Although the family code has been changed to allow women to divorce their husbands, there is still a stigma for women whose husbands have left them. 3. Stigma has been shown to restrict the utilization of preventive programs, and hinder the adoption of preventive behavior like condom use and HIV status disclosure. 4. Judd noted that she still feels enough stigma regarding pole dancing that she introduces herself to new people as an " aerial artist ". 5. More and more Chinese women are braving shame and social stigma by speaking out about physical and emotional abuse they suffer from husbands or boyfriends. 6. Only a fraction of women report sexual assaults due to intense cultural stigma and a tradition of blaming the victim. 7. The World Health Organization is using the occasion to call for an end to stigma against those who suffer from depression and other mental disorders. 8. HIV positive people come top in the hierarchy of stigma, with the price of public service all the more costly. 9. But activists say the true figure may be far higher as social stigma forces many of those infected to keep their status a secret. 10. The fear of social stigma is so deeply ingrained among some parents that they find it impossible to accept their mentally challenged offspring. |
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