单词 | stonewall |
释义 | stonewall [英 [?st??n?w?:l] 美 [?sto?n?w?:l] ] stonewall的意思、解释 过去式:stonewalled; 过去分词:stonewalled; 现在分词:stonewalling; stonewall 基本解释 不及物动词(用冗长发言或拒绝回答问题等)拖延[阻碍]议事,设置障碍; 拒绝执行命令,拒绝服从命令; (板球中)打守势球,小心地打慢球 stonewall 网络解释 1. 斯通沃尔:例如1989 年的作品,这是一幅画在谢里丹广场(Sheridan Square)广告牌上(20 多年前在附近发生了斯通沃尔(Stonewall)暴动),画中开列出了一系列影响同性恋群体的重要事件,这些事件以年代顺序列出, 2. 慎重的打球:stonemason 石工 | stonewall 慎重的打球 | stonewalling 石墙 3. 搪塞:84.stick-in-the-mud 顽固守旧分子 | 85.stonewall 搪塞 | 86.straight from the horses mouth 可靠地 stonewall 双语例句 1. The uniforms for Stonewall High are a drab gray, which Aunt Petunia attempted to create for Harry by dyeing some of Dudley's old clothes. 石墙中学的校服是灰黑色的,佩妮姨妈原打算把达力的旧衣服染成这个颜色给哈利用。 2. With the help of Stonewall Jackson's army, Lee's plan worked. 杰克逊部队的帮助下,李将军的计划开始行动了。 3. Stonewall Jackson: General Hood, do you expect to survive to the end of this war? 杰克逊将军:胡德将军,你希望在战争结束时仍然幸存吗? 4. 4. Stonewall Jackson: I do not expect to survive to the end of this war; and, failing victory, I do not know that I would choose to. 杰克逊将军:我不希望战争结束或者失败时还能幸存下来,我不知道将会选择什么。 5. stonewall 5. If the Union force attacked before Stonewall Jackson got into position, Lee could not possibly hold it back. 杰克逊将军进入阵地前向他发起进攻的话,那么李所率领的这14000人则难以抵挡。 6. stonewall的反义词 6. Gen.'Stonewall'Jackson: I do not expect to survive to the end of this war; and, failing victory, I do not know that I would choose to. 杰克逊将军:我不希望战争结束或者失败时还能幸存下来,我不知道将会选择什么。 7. Gen.'Stonewall'Jackson: General Hood, do you expect to survive to the end of this war 杰克逊将军:胡德将军,你希望在战争结束时仍然幸存吗? 8. stonewall 8. Harry learns about Stonewall High, Smeltings, and Hogwarts. 哈利知道了石墙中学、斯梅尔汀斯和霍格沃兹。 9. I want you to stonewall it, let them plead the Fifth Amendment. 我要你抵制它,让他们请求第五次修改。 10. I want you to stonewall it, let them plead the Fifth amendment Richard M. 我要你抵制它,让他们请求第五次修改理查德M。 11. I want you to stonewall it, let them plead the Fifth Amendment Richard M Nixon 我要你抵制它,让他们请求第五次修改理查德M。尼克松 12. They say it will be much harder for the industry to stonewall further medical research in this area. 他们说,这将是更难的行业石墙进一步医学研究这方面的工作。 13. I can't give stonewall guarantee that we'll be able to hold onto him. 我不能保证阻止这个,但我能劝他尽力留下来。 14. 14. This is a very sensitive question; perhaps we should stonewall it from the Press. 这是一个非常敏感的问题,恐怕不应该告诉新闻界。 15. 15. This is why having 6/7 Strength and picking Stonewall and/or Bonehead is recommended in my opinion 这就解释了为何ST在6以下的角色我是不建议使用的。 16. Where can I watch Before Stonewall movie online free full stream? 我在哪里可以看电影之前,石墙网上免费全速? 17. I want you to stonewall it, let them plead the Fifth Amendment (Richard M. Nixon) 我要你抵制它,让他们请求第五次修改(理查德M.尼克松) 18. It has not escaped the attention of critics that not only do these films display upper middle class lifestyles but also that they represent a post-Stonewall Euro-American model of gay identity. 批评家注意到,一方面,这些电影反映了中上层阶级的生活方式;另一方面,这些电影再现了在石墙运动之后的欧美男同性恋者的身份模式。 19. stonewall在线翻译 19. Stonewall research found that lesbian, gay and bisexual staff who worked in such environments found it difficult to develop working relationships with colleagues, with their confidence and creativity suffering. “石墙”研究表明,在这样的环境里工作的女同性恋、男同性恋和双性恋员工发现,他们很难和同事发展工作关系,信心和创造力也受到影响。 20. stonewall的反义词 20. But I have to be realistic in that if a top player is in form and doing well then he will be coveted by the other clubs. I can't give stonewall guarantee that we'll be able to hold onto him. 但是我必须很清醒很现实的意识到如果一个顶级球员状态良好表现优秀,那他必定会招来其他球队的觊觎,我不能百分之百的保证我们能够留住他。 stonewall 词典解释 1. (为隐瞒或逃避某事而)暂不作决定,迟迟不作答复,态度骑墙 If you say that someone stonewalls, you disapprove of them because they delay giving a clear answer or making a clear decision, often because there is something that they want to hide or avoid doing. stonewall e.g. The administration is just stonewalling in an attempt to hide their political embarrassment... 政府只是在模棱两可地拖延时间,企图掩盖自己的政治窘态。 e.g. He did his best this week to stonewall questions and to block even the most modest proposals. 他这周竭力避免作出明确答复,甚至连一些最温和的建议都企图阻拦。 stonewalling After 18 days of stonewalling, he at last came out and faced the issue. 拖了 18 天后,他终于肯出来面对该问题了。stonewall 单语例句 1. The parades commemorate the Stonewall uprising of 1969, when patrons of a New York gay bar resisted a police raid. 2. NEW YORK - The Stonewall Inn in Manhattan became the birthplace of gay and lesbian rights movement in the United States in 1969. 3. Many economists are anticipating another interest rate hike in May or June to stonewall the soar. 4. Think the kind of fiddling that may have accompanied Romeo had he chosen to serenade Juliet rather than climb the stonewall leading to her boudoir. stonewallstonewall 英英释义 verb 1. engage in delaying tactics or refuse to cooperate e.g. The President stonewalled when he realized the plot was being uncovered by a journalist 2. obstruct or hinder any discussion e.g. Nixon stonewalled the Watergate investigation When she doesn't like to face a problem, she simply stonewalls |
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