单词 | stony |
释义 | stony [英 [?st??ni] 美 [?sto?ni] ] stony的意思、解释 stony 基本解释 形容词多石头的; 冷酷的,无情的; 〈俚〉破产的,不名一文的 stony 相关例句 形容词 1. Her voice was stony. 她说话的声音冷冰冰的。 stony 网络解释 1. 多石的:stone pit 采石场 | stony 多石的 | stony iron 陨铁石 2. 史东尼:15、NOGETTINGOVERME不要离开我 | 16、.STONY史东尼 | 17、ALLIHAVETODOISCREAM梦里相思 3. 石质的:stony ground 多石地 | stony 石质的 | stoodite 一种镶焊钻头用的硬合金 4. stony的反义词 4. 树静石动:super = 长生未散 | stony = 树静石动 | thunderbolt = 树静石动 stony 双语例句 1. B.例如:She is a woman with a stony heart. 她是一个铁石心肠的女人。 2. He has a stony heart. 他是个铁石心肠。 3. It stresses with the book picturesquely, emphasizes the spirit written, maintain the center uses pens, accumulate in store making use of with the thread, the twists that circle round, it is condensed to take in, a kindly face masks a stony heart, beautiful and moist and dark green and muddy, one golden mean, honest, substantiate, great the Confucians aesthetic normal result that stipulate of philosophy. 它讲究以书入画,强调写的精神,主张中锋用笔,用线含蓄蕴藉,回旋曲折,收纳凝练,绵里藏针、秀润苍浑,是一种中庸、正大、充实、浩然的儒家哲学的审美规范规定的结果。 4. The ground around here is stony and not very good for farming. 在这里附近的地多石做为耕作不很好的。 5. I stressed in my talks with her the role Stony Brook played, yet she focusses on the talk Grisha gave at Princeton, listing a collection of eminent mathematicians, none of whom is a geometer/topologist. 我向Nasar强调石溪分校在其中所起的作用,可是她只把注意力放在Grisha在普林斯顿所给的唯一一个报告上面,她给出了一个著名数学家的名单,没有一个几何或拓扑学家。 6. His hair was still the black cap of karakul, the features fixed in stony sharpness with high cheekbones. 他的头发依然是黑色带卷短发,这些特征和高颧骨一起固定成了冷酷而尖锐的感觉。 7. No tree or thorn or blade of grass grew in the stony earth under the unsetting stars. 在一片迷濛中,看不到地平线,但在天与地之间,却有长长的一带,没有一颗星星。 8. 8. However, its body is not so hard as the stony silkworm. A genetic study showed that new stony represents an autosomal recessive mutation gene, whose expression is realised in the presence of ps gene of the 2nd linkage group and not in +p or p. 遗传研究结果:新石蚕为不同于石蚕的常染色体隐性突变基因,其性状表达以第2连锁群的斑纹基因黑缟为条件,在普通斑及姬蚕中不能发现,但新石蚕基因不属于第2连锁群。 9. Duke: I am sorry for you: you have to answer a stony adversary, an inhuman wretch, uncapable of pity, void, empity from any dram of mercy. 我很为你不快,你是跟一个心如铁石的对手但当庭对质,一个不懂怜悯,没有一丝慈悲心的不近人情的恶汉。 10. stony的解释 10. Of thorn and stony ways 是的!苦难,困辱和坎坷 11. At first O'Malley sees the retreat to the stony bluffs as a tonic, but as the years in seclusion wear on, he finds the craggy ocean walls act as a prison, entombing hes desires 一开始O'Malley以冷漠的假象保护着自己,不过,随着离群索居的时间逐渐增加,他发觉这崎岖海边峭壁上的围墙不啻监狱,埋葬了他的渴望。 12. 3 He had them ride triumphant over the summits of the land and live off the products of its fields, Giving them honey to suck from its rocks and olive oil from its hard, stony ground 上主使他驰骋于高原之上,以田间的出产养育他,使他享受岩穴间的蜜,坚石中的油 13. stony的翻译 13. Haron, Jessica and Vanessa have graduated from Stony Brook University, Long Island. Haron,Jessica和Vanessa都毕业于长岛Stony Brook大学。 14. The small town in my imagination was always under the somber light of the street lamp, the stony paths were showered by the restless rain. I deliberately chose the only stone path to walk. It was slippery, the sounds of my shoes stepping on it were fun. 我想象中的小镇总是昏暗的灯光下、石铺的小路被雨淋湿,今天特意选了唯一的石铺路子走,滑滑的,听着鞋子踏在上面的声音,觉得很好玩。 15. 15. Any plant of the genus Helianthemum; vigorous plants of stony alpine meadows and dry scrub regions. 半日花属的任何一种植物;生命力强,生长在多石的高山草地或干燥的丛林地区。 16. stony在线翻译 16. Stony Brook University, State University of New York, one of four university centers, with more than 22, 000 students. 石溪大学是纽约州立大学的四个大学中心之一,拥有超过22,000名学生。 17. 17. One of my greatest high school experiences was working with Professor Carlos Simmerling at Stony Brook University. 我在高中期间意义非凡的一件事是在纽约州立大学石溪分校的斯默林教授的指导下所进行课题研究。 18. Most of our members are undergraduates in Stony Brook. 团契大多数成员是石溪大学的大学生。 19. stony的解释 19. He is the stony-hearted expug, committed deep within him, despite all blandishments, to anarchy and loot 他就是那个铁石心肠的前拳击家,表面上虽然阿谀逢迎,心底里却尽转着天下大乱,杀人越货的念头。 20. He is the stony-hearted expug, committed deep within him, despite all blandishments, to anarchy 他就是那个铁石心肠的前拳击家,表面上虽然阿谀逢迎,心底里却尽转着天下大乱,杀人越货的念头。 stony 词典解释 1. (地)多石的,不平的 Stony ground is rough and contains a lot of stones. e.g. The steep, stony ground is well drained. 陡峭的石头地面排水性能很好。 e.g. ...a stony track. 碎石小路 2. (表情或态度)冷酷的,无情的,冰冷的 A stony expression or attitude does not show any sympathy or friendliness. stony的反义词 e.g. She gave me the stoniest look I ever got... 她看我的眼神冷酷无比。 e.g. He drove us home in stony silence. 他开车送我们回家,一路冷冰冰地一言不发。 stony 单语例句 1. While some doctorate students have shown sympathy, the response of many students has been stony silence. 2. Risa arato never liked her hooded eyes - even her friends said she had a perpetually stony gaze. 3. The only way into the village is a twisting, stony stairway. 4. With its authority battered, it maintained a stony silence when the US invaded Iraq. stony的反义词stony 英英释义 adj 1. hard as granite e.g. a granitic fist Synonym: graniticgranitelikerocklike 2. showing unfeeling resistance to tender feelings e.g. his flinty gaze the child's misery would move even the most obdurate heart Synonym: flintyflintgraniticobdurate 3. abounding in rocks or stones e.g. rocky fields stony ground bouldery beaches Synonym: rockyboulderybouldered |
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